View Full Version : Finally Some Luck....

06-29-2013, 08:31 PM
I can't manage to get a decent drop or any good items from crates, but finally had some luck come my way today....

I had not yet gotten any of the hard Arena achievements. I kept dying every time I tried going into Arena and the result would be a nice increase in my death count, some plat spent on revives, and some junk drops. So today Jexetta was nice enough to give me some pointers on how to stay alive, and also help me to try to get these achievements.

So the first 20 minutes of our runs we continued to join and leave the Arena because why waste time when bosses spawn that won't give any achievement. So then finally we join and the first boss is Rutger with the pumpkins. So we manage to win that one, and I manage to stay alive and get the "Happy Halloween" achievement. So then we stay to see who the next boss will be, but we fully expect to have to leave and remake a few more dozen times. But instead the next boss is challenger. He is very easy to defeat, and so I get the "Child's Play" achievement. Now that we are half way through the 4 bosses, we figure why not just finish. So the next boss is Glob, we beat him. And then for the 4th boss we get Bloodhammer with the Vortex Crystal!! Unfortunately as our party was too small, we were unable to beat him in under 3 minutes. I think we just missed the 3 minutes cutoff. So I still need that achievement. But imagine that, all 3 of those achievements to take in one single run in Arena.

I guess this makes up for all my bad luck. :)

As I always say, this game is random. So if you had bad luck all the time, keep playing and some good luck will come your way eventually. It's just a matter of time.

06-29-2013, 08:53 PM
Congrats! I myself still have most of my arena achievements left...would you be so kind as to share those pointers on how to stay alive? :)

06-29-2013, 09:45 PM
i got the child's play achievement on the 2nd try on the day arena was released and i didn't know how i just received it after we finished the run..afterwards..we run a few more i got all achievements in that day.. i remember jumping to number 2 spot in LB. wahahahahahaha.


06-30-2013, 04:12 PM
Congrats! I myself still have most of my arena achievements left...would you be so kind as to share those pointers on how to stay alive? :)

Stay at the bottom corner of the arena and fewer bad things happen. That seems to be the best way.

06-30-2013, 11:17 PM
When I saw the title i actually thought u got an arcane lol.

06-30-2013, 11:19 PM
When I saw the title i actually thought u got an arcane lol.

Me too :chuncky: Congrats all the same!

07-01-2013, 05:09 AM

im probably not very lucky still didnt meat challenger. i think hes a myth lol.

and its good to stay to the end. i was jumping too trying to find right bosses with right environement, but for example neighborohood spider achievement i couldnt get even when i killed those bosses multiple times with spiders. i finally recieved it after i got them all one after the other but Glob was with pumpkins. my friend got the achievement also when we were fighting one boss after the other and 2 of them were with pumpkins.

I couldnt beat bloodhammer under 3 min, was around 3:20 or so but then i got Mardrom and Rutger with crystals and when i was fighting them 2 mins already the message appeared "Bloodhammer achievement beat the boss in 1 min" i was like huh? this msg apeared to me before when i was actually fighting the Bloodhammer. Sadly i didnt manage to beat Rutger and Mardrom under 3 min also so... but if i knew i would have tried harder lol

This game is really random, u never know...