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View Full Version : Level 21 Operative Guide

06-30-2013, 02:36 AM
Hey guys I'm gonna show you a guide of Level 21 Operative PVP. :playful: (This is my first post, so please forgive me if I didn't do quite well)
Well, first, why level 21 instead of 20? Mostly because the crafted weapons you can use for example iLied, ShreadTech, etc. They are way more powerful than the L20 plat guns.
You could also stay at level 20 but you will need to use the plat guns or some good guns.
But beware of L25s and L30s because they might farm you. ESPECIALLY custom commandos.
Armor: I would suggest using full set of Gallowtech. They ain't buyable in the auction so you gotta farm them. Or else, use the plat armor.
Before we start, you shall know this fact. A good PvPer needs: 1. A good build 2. Pro moves while fighting
There are a lot of kinds of operatives. Popular ones include: Kite, Damage, Dodge. The most important skills are Amplify Pain and Psychic Lash. Pain deducts armor value to target and Lash roots the enemy. Deducting armor value makes more damage and rooting the enemy makes you could attack them from another direction and dodge their attack.
TO BE A KITE OP: You'll need to be smart and move pro. It needs a lot of practice to become a kiter. Kiting basically is keep a distance from the enemy and killing them. They stun and shoot you from a distance and kill you. So you'll need those abilities. When you're in a fight, a good start is stunning them using the Psychic Lash then Lurch them away and they won't be able to move. Then come a bit closer to them and attack them.
TO BEAT A KITE OP: You'll need to practice Psychic Lash. You need to Lash the opponent before THEY Lash you. So after you've lashed them you may keep attacking them and spam your skills until they die. If you fail lashing them first and got lashed, keep practicing.:congratulatory:
TO BE A DAMAGE OP: It's kind of easy to become a damage operative. All you need to do is spam skills towards the opponent and kill them. But beware of getting lashed and killed. So attack them before they lash you. I prefer you to lash them so that they don't move then use Pain and continue causing damage to them.
TO BEAT A DAMAGE OP: First use blurr which adds dodge chance so that you can dodge some of their skills. Lash and Lurch them to annoy them. Keep doing it. Once you did it several times attack them while they couldn't move.
Dodge(Pistol and Shield):
TO BE A DODGE OP: First of all, YOU'LL NEED BLURR. Basically most operatives needs blurr. I mean ALL operatives. But for dodge ops you might need a higher rate of blurr maybe 4-6. Blurr would be your first skill then dodge the opponents skills. And lash and just attack them LOL. There's not really an order of attacking to opponent but dodging.
TO BEAT A DODGE OP: Try attacking them before they even use Blurr. Lash them and attack them. Even if they blurr first, just stun and kill them. Might take a while cause they dodge pretty much.
That's pretty much of what I want to say about types of OPS.
To beat Commandos just keep attacking them because they're tanks and they got lots of armor and HP. Remember to use Pain(probably maxed) to deduct their armor value.
To beat Engineers just attack them. They die really quick. But beware of their skill which stops you from moving for a time and kill them before they heal.
If you wanna join a twink guild I suggest: Made In China, Legendary Twinks, Endgame Twinks, I can't list anymore sorry :(
I'm an officer in Made In China :) IGN Xegend. So add me Xegend anytime you want for help! Find me to recruit you or teach you PvP or anything! Just find me if you think you need help! :)
Beware of rushers and good luck! :D

06-30-2013, 03:55 PM
Nice guide!

A little hard to read because it's not spaced out.
Pictures would be nice.

07-07-2013, 02:44 PM
"To kill engineers just attack them"

07-07-2013, 04:23 PM
"To kill engineers just attack them"

for twink most engs arnt that strong so just gotta stay on them >.>

09-11-2013, 11:17 AM
good guide X, to bad mic went under. :( I really liked that guild. same with endgame :/

10-22-2013, 08:36 AM
lol sorry ulti i just noticed ur comment right now :P well my pvp knowledge and experience has improved over months, so I am going to post a new guide, remember to check it :)

10-22-2013, 01:34 PM
nice guide although a bit of formatting will greatly help with the appeal of the guide plus make it easier to read (:

10-23-2013, 10:54 AM
Great guide! Like Kano posted above, just needs to be easier to read. (:

10-24-2013, 05:25 AM
Thanks :)

10-24-2013, 05:26 AM
Thanks lol :P