View Full Version : Pet buff requests

07-01-2013, 02:50 PM
Now that the silly mythic weekend distraction is over (just kidding, I loved it) we can get back to what is really important: Lobbying for buffs for our favorite pets.

I think everyone will agree with me (not at all I hope maybe one other person will though) that frogs are a sorcerer's natural and historic ally. And yet Dauphin and Dart have stagnated as pets, leaving me to wonder if I will ever again get to see the wonderful look in Dauphin's big, hazy-blueish eyes when he and I have triumphed over the forces of evil.

The happiness bonus for Dauphin is a meager +2 health regen, while Dart's +3 Mana Regen is 50% better mathematically it is statistically insignificant when it comes to affecting the outcome of combat (according to my very simple and 100% accurate combat model that I don't have enough space to describe here and is left as an exercise for the reader).

This general weakness is especially concerning when comparing Dauphin and Dart with their more famous cousins Nexus and Ribbit. I mean, come on, we see Warriors walking around proudly with these guys all the time. Imagine the heartbreak that Dauphin and Dart go through every time someone opens up the stable menu and chooses Nexus or Ribbit to go on an exciting Elite Run or seek glory in PvP or the Arena. Enough is enough.

I urge all concerned mages, frog-lovers, and generally all people everywhere to signal their support for new and better buffs for these frogs by putting "I Support Frog Equality" in their forum signatures and publicly declaring their support (no spamming, please) in towns all over Arlor.

Please remember to get your wolves and panthers spayed and neutered.

07-01-2013, 03:45 PM
....Coltons arcane ability needs a range like ribbit o.O

07-01-2013, 04:01 PM
It's time to move on man. You're chasing the Dragon brother, you're never going to catch it...