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View Full Version : Finally figured out the Vortex Crystals puzzle..

07-01-2013, 02:55 PM
Need a party in game.. so that I can show...
Will post a screenie here with those who join me...since its a very hard earned achievement. ..
Pm me when I am online...

07-01-2013, 06:02 PM
I need this achievement as well, it's the only one I still need.

07-01-2013, 07:23 PM
Feel free to share some wisdom on this.

I have a terrible time dealing with Bloodhammer and those darn crystals!

Perhaps if I didn't solo the Arena, I'd do better, but I got so sick of bad PUGs that I have gone strictly solo. Occasionally, I will join with a friend if they ask for help, but I generally prefer solo these days.

07-01-2013, 07:33 PM
I've found that if you just run in a wide circle (while you have the crystal) it's easy to avoid.

07-01-2013, 10:18 PM
I need know this secret. While running in a circle keeps you from the crystal, it may still pull in others. I can't stand that vortex and therefore still haven't finished gladiator

07-02-2013, 04:52 AM
need. to. know. da. secret. for. achvmnt.

07-02-2013, 06:29 AM
Will play after 5 hrs of this post...
So be rdy..

07-02-2013, 06:59 AM
Feel free to share some wisdom on this.

I have a terrible time dealing with Bloodhammer and those darn crystals!

Perhaps if I didn't solo the Arena, I'd do better, but I got so sick of bad PUGs that I have gone strictly solo. Occasionally, I will join with a friend if they ask for help, but I generally prefer solo these days.

Same reason i prefer solo. Groups r just hopeless. I did kill Blood few times, he still wins in our encounters mostly though, but not in time, it was over 3 min. Experience with group, well, they cant even handle stahl or mardrom, easiest bosses, somehow in groups they r the hardest....

I need know this secret. While running in a circle keeps you from the crystal, it may still pull in others. I can't stand that vortex and therefore still haven't finished gladiator

Other reason to solo, just run around use kettle for speed and shoot from bow. Can imagine sorcerer do that, but dunno abt warrior.
Sometimes the crystals will shoot u across the room if u got trapped so u r free again, or boss special attack can pull u too

Im curious abt the results and what the secret is...

07-02-2013, 03:08 PM
Finishing in 3 minutes is the issue. I think I need a party with myself and 2 sorcerers in order to finish that quick. Maybe 1 sorcerer if they have the best gear.

07-02-2013, 03:16 PM
Same reason i prefer solo. Groups r just hopeless. I did kill Blood few times, he still wins in our encounters mostly though, but not in time, it was over 3 min. Experience with group, well, they cant even handle stahl or mardrom, easiest bosses, somehow in groups they r the hardest....

Other reason to solo, just run around use kettle for speed and shoot from bow. Can imagine sorcerer do that, but dunno abt warrior.
Sometimes the crystals will shoot u across the room if u got trapped so u r free again, or boss special attack can pull u too

Im curious abt the results and what the secret is...

Yea don't have a rouge yet:/. My scorch is beyond squishy even at 780 armor (ask energize nuked me on hit in PvP Lol) so only use warrio in the arena. I got the rest of the puzzles down but this one eludes me

07-02-2013, 03:21 PM
Yea don't have a rouge yet:/. My scorch is beyond squishy even at 780 armor (ask energize nuked me on hit in PvP Lol) so only use warrio in the arena. I got the rest of the puzzles down but this one eludes me

I saw one sorcerer fighting blood alone. in smog. i just joined and everyone except him was standing outside. he killed him, took him time though, and shield helps a lot, i sometimes wish i have that shield, can save ur life :). and sorcerers have stun skills.... it was even harder as if he was there alone...

as Energizeric said if u manage to escape, the time is the issue.... sigh

07-02-2013, 03:28 PM
I saw one sorcerer fighting blood alone. in smog. i just joined and everyone except him was standing outside. he killed him, took him time though, and shield helps a lot, i sometimes wish i have that shield, can save ur life :). and sorcerers have stun skills.... it was even harder as if he was there alone...

as Energizeric said if u manage to escape, the time is the issue.... sigh

Yea I've seen some sorcs that can own but it doesn't seem to work for me even with best non mythic gear right now. Truth be told tho once that shield goes down you better run like hades himself is after you

07-02-2013, 03:47 PM
Yea I've seen some sorcs that can own but it doesn't seem to work for me even with best non mythic gear right now. Truth be told tho once that shield goes down you better run like hades himself is after you

I dont have best gear. i sacrificed dmg fo more hp and armor, using jewellery armor for hp and armor, and im able to survive...

07-02-2013, 04:18 PM
I dont have best gear. i sacrificed dmg fo more hp and armor, using jewellery armor for hp and armor, and im able to survive...

That might be were I'm going wrong as I went all DMG I'll check some gear now

07-02-2013, 10:37 PM
Had some good runs...
Worked pretty well... close to 3 mins...
Also discovered a new way when cystals are unable to kill u with 1 hit.. :)

07-03-2013, 01:55 AM
As Valsacar told me, use health gear and damage amulets. That way you can balance stuff a little.

07-03-2013, 02:44 AM
As Valsacar told me, use health gear and damage amulets. That way you can balance stuff a little.

Yep getting your health up to about 3000 or so really does wonders for the little blue guys in terms of survivability in the arena. Using a pet such as orion also really helps if you have him. One other thing that really helps for us blue guys when you are dealing with then crystals is something that gives you a speed boost, whether this is an elixer with speed or a pet such as slag or Shiloh which not only increases your health but also gives you speed. As we don't really have a dash skill such as pierce or skyward (lmao, new gale, what an epic fail), the speed boost really helps you to get away from the crystals.

07-03-2013, 03:03 AM
Kettle's speed also works for those who can't afford Slag or Shiloh.

07-03-2013, 04:43 AM
Still need this too Link. The only pve one I need its driving me nuts. We should try to get a good party together for this :)

07-03-2013, 05:25 AM
Yep getting your health up to about 3000 or so really does wonders for the little blue guys in terms of survivability in the arena. Using a pet such as orion also really helps if you have him. One other thing that really helps for us blue guys when you are dealing with then crystals is something that gives you a speed boost, whether this is an elixer with speed or a pet such as slag or Shiloh which not only increases your health but also gives you speed. As we don't really have a dash skill such as pierce or skyward (lmao, new gale, what an epic fail), the speed boost really helps you to get away from the crystals.

3000 hp is not useful only for sorcerers. for rogue also. i tried to get so much hp and armor with sacrificing the less dmg i could.
kettle is good as i said before, too. but piercer is targeted on the boss so using it is not wise, u can get caught more between crystals and boss attack u r trying in the first place to avoid. i use it only on stahl sometimes, when im sure i can pot out the dmg caused

07-03-2013, 08:47 AM
Hp is still an issue ..
cos bloodhammer 1 hit without warning

07-03-2013, 10:23 PM
Upgraded to 3600 hp yesterday. .. :)

08-14-2013, 11:48 AM
I solo Bloodhammer on my rogue with dmg and speed elixirs and got achievement. It took me a few tries. I just ran in circles and used Pierce when necessary.

08-14-2013, 11:52 AM
I solo Bloodhammer on my rogue with dmg and speed elixirs and got achievement. It took me a few tries. I just ran in circles and used Pierce when necessary.

dmg reduction helps too.

best to do solo or in 2 persons. boss doesnt hit so hard.
timer starts right when bloodhammer spawns so u need to start right away. (didnt know it, could have it done with my friend but we were late seconds we thought abt what to do :/ )
did it with kettle for speed and got dmg reduction from klaas. small circles around him so ur attacks always hit but u still can outrun the crystal and not to run to the last one. and most important always spaming pots :D

08-14-2013, 02:19 PM
Try it 3 handed or two. Stay far apart and big cicles around the boss, I haven't beat it yet but I have gotten close. Rouges need to pierce

08-14-2013, 02:21 PM
Never stop moving if u stop he seems to get u one hit

08-15-2013, 10:42 AM
Idk why... but that was my easiest arena ap to gain......