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View Full Version : gold for plat event? gear for plat event?

07-02-2013, 08:17 AM
I know it probably wont happen but I think it would be interesting if it did.

even if it was just a single day event I think it would help boost the economy in a couple ways.

1. lots of people with maxxed gold in their accounts so they can repeatedly list items for stupid amounts of money.
a. put on a gold for plat event and everyone will want to swap their gold for plat to open crates obviously or buy vanities, etc. this would reset a large portion of the economy as everyone would exchange their gold stash out of the economy completely. sure you get to open crates and buy stuff from the store such as elixers and what not but then you are left with whatever gold you decided not to spend and/or gold from auction sales. means more farming and such to rebuild which takes time...especially if even 50% of the population drains their gold reserves to get at the plat.

b. not even everyone would try to open crates either. obviously elixers, auction slots, respecs, etc will eat a chunk of the plat that would be purchased so out with the gold and the plat completely that way.

c. people who never wanted to spend a dime on the game would now have the chance at opening crates and purchasing elixers, etc now...which as everyone knows, once you have tried the forbidden fruit you want more. means they will be more likely to either buy plat outright in the future or do free offers to give it another shot.

2. make it known that its either a one time event or only done once/year so people don't get back into a hoarding mode or get their hopes up that it'll happen again hibernate or something. basically, you snooze you loose.

3. reseting the economy will help bring prices down for the masses due to listing fees (probably very short term). obviously there will be people who keep a fair amount of gold on-hand to ride it out so there will still be expensive gear out there as well.

4. If done as a gear for plat event, it could be proportional to the stats of an item. people would then spend gold on gear from auction house and then trade it in the store for plat. but if you have a lvl3 lingering death weapon, you would either need 100 of them to get a single plat or you'd have to combine with other more valuable items to get plat.

a. this would reduce some of the pinks market saturation that is driving down prices on gear...especially lvl cap crate drops like amulets and such. but you would have to trade in a good bit to get plat from it unless its something really valuable like a kraken skewer, etc.

b. it would go a long way to help mend the economy and make items available to people who otherwise wouldn't have access to them for the forseeable future unless they are just mad farming tanks or something. I mean you could have all the awesome gear in the world to sell...but if you only have one auction slot to sell in (cause you cant purchase more with plat since you cant purchase plat for whatever reason)...its going to take a LONG time to build the bankroll for your desired gear while avoiding scammers.

in the end, as I said in the beginning, I doubt something like this would happen and I myself buy plat every now and then and I have a nice little bankroll. Just made me think about it when reading in-game guild chat today and a couple of the members who missed out on this weekend's event because they aren't able to buy plat for whatever reason.

anywho, just tossing it out there.
time to put my flame suit on for the trolls haha.