View Full Version : Merching?

07-02-2013, 06:44 PM
Hey guys! Skull here, and I was wondering....why is it so hard to merch in AL? I was a very good merch in PL, and I made tons of gold. Although in AL it's become a struggle to merch. I'm not too hardcore of a merch but in my spare time I like to buy some items a bit cheaper then usual and merch them ( obviously lol. )
I just recently spent some of my gold buying a level 5 Sorcerer's Theurgist Jacket of Will. I've been trying to sell it for a while but no luck. :( Can anybody give me some tips on merching? I have about 300k to spend now.
Some questions that I would love to be answered:

-What items should I merch?

-Should I merch holiday items?

-If an items costs approximately 325 - 350k, how much should I buy it for to merch?

I would really appreciate some tips from Love, or Apollo as I hear these 2 are master merchs. :)
Please add me In-Game and/or post here, Thanks! :)

07-02-2013, 06:51 PM
I'm in the same boat and have read merch guides. The problem I see is things just aren't selling. I've got a couple elite pinks thatve I've been trying sell to no avail. We need the merchant kings to recommend something that can sell besides rabbits and granites

07-02-2013, 06:54 PM
Agreed, I have so many pinks lol and none are selling. :(

07-02-2013, 06:56 PM
Love has told me see merches mythics and arcanes.
Seeing as the mythic weapons were really cheap this past weekend, those would be a good item to merch.
The prices are probably gonna shoot back up in a matter of weeks or months.

07-02-2013, 06:59 PM
Obviously lol, I would have bought tons but if you actually read my post I only have 300k to spend. If I could, I would've bought all of the mythics and arcane lol, easy profit. :)

07-02-2013, 07:01 PM
I turned 50k into 200k this weekend by buying the crates before the event abd selling them when the prices got higher in the event. So try some locked crates

07-02-2013, 07:01 PM
Here's why I think it's harder to merch. The listing fees in cs.

A lot of people do not list their items. Therefore it's a lot tougher to gauge what the "value" is. In pl it's relatively cheap to list items. In AL, listing an item for 300k is a pretty big risk for some people.

Don't take it from me though. I suck at merching.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2

07-02-2013, 08:24 PM
Unfortunately merching in AL recently has become very tough as the economy has pretty much been at a standstill. Because of the way elite dungeons scale to cap level, all of the elite gear from previous campaigns has become discontinued. This means no new players are getting those drops. So unlike in PL where I used to merch many twink items, there are none on the market to merch. Those who have them are keeping them (or have quit), and new players are not getting those drops.

So the only thing to really merch is end-game gear, and because we are more than half way through the current campaign, there is not really much demand for those items either right now. The only items anyone wants are mythics, and with 300k in your bankroll, you're not going to be able to merch mythic items.

The other big obstacle in AL (compared to PL) is the auction fee. In AL the auction fee is 5%, where as in PL it is only 1%. So in PL I could buy an item for 26k, and resell for 30k and make a nice profit. In AL I need to buy lower in order to make a profit, and it's hard to find sellers willing to sell items for so much lower than auction price.

But in general, I think the big obstacle is the lack of twink gear dropping. There was discussion in another thread about STS eliminating the elite dungeons. I hope if & when that happens, they also make the drop system as it is in PL, where you can still get elite weapon drops from previous campaigns, whether it be from chests or just regular drops. Because most merchants I knew in PL dealt in older gear. In fact, most of them intentionally stayed away from merching gear from the current campaign as prices were too unstable.

07-02-2013, 08:25 PM
Merching mythic items is all very well if you have the gold...
Buying ONE mythic mage gun would set you back around 2 mil during the weekend. Now hold that till after. Then sell expensive. Listing fee would set you back another 2 million. Unless you have that kind of money in the first place, merching mythics will be hard.

In the 26 lvl cap, when I finally learnt how to merch by reading forum guides (buy cheap, sell expensive), i scanned the cs for an item that would increase in the future like limited time gear or crates. Next I would buy up 2-3 or higher, depending on my limited budget. I made a few 100k by merching crates.

I think that's basically wat merchin is.

07-02-2013, 09:02 PM
Hai al

07-02-2013, 09:27 PM
lol same boat, trying to sell warrior vanity santa set. i have 350k but listing in auction would cost me 40k(20k each) i think for both pieces as i checked a few days ago

07-02-2013, 10:23 PM
Try traders Market - you can price your items for less than the cs b/c there is no listing fee. You also don't lose that gold if your item does not sell.

07-03-2013, 11:02 AM
Try traders Market - you can price your items for less than the cs b/c there is no listing fee. You also don't lose that gold if your item does not sell.
My problem isn't the listing fee, it's the fact that none of my items are selling.

07-03-2013, 01:56 PM
I got my first millions on selling malisons. Easiest way in my opinion. Good if helps :-) Not exatly meching but...

11-11-2014, 05:48 AM
where do u hunt for malison egg??

11-11-2014, 06:43 AM
Nice necro lol

11-11-2014, 06:44 AM
where do u hunt for malison egg??

Nice necro

11-11-2014, 09:11 AM
Mali drops from boss in Elite Rooks Nest, though it seems most people here will only take the time to make fun of you for reviving an old thread and not answer your question.

11-11-2014, 11:17 AM
This was the good times compared to now.

11-11-2014, 11:27 AM

11-11-2014, 10:31 PM
I read this thinking it was posted like today.... And first mill on malis?!?! You think you can take me with you? Lol you guys always seem incredibly efficient to me.
IGN: CheifR

11-13-2014, 07:22 AM
Supply too big demand is low. Plus the game is broken so no one really cares to buy anything since they can't use it to run.

11-13-2014, 08:44 AM
Hey guys! Skull here, and I was wondering....why is it so hard to merch in AL? I was a very good merch in PL, and I made tons of gold. Although in AL it's become a struggle to merch. I'm not too hardcore of a merch but in my spare time I like to buy some items a bit cheaper then usual and merch them ( obviously lol. )
I just recently spent some of my gold buying a level 5 Sorcerer's Theurgist Jacket of Will. I've been trying to sell it for a while but no luck. :( Can anybody give me some tips on merching? I have about 300k to spend now.
Some questions that I would love to be answered:

-What items should I merch?

-Should I merch holiday items?

-If an items costs approximately 325 - 350k, how much should I buy it for to merch?

I would really appreciate some tips from Love, or Apollo as I hear these 2 are master merchs. :)
Please add me In-Game and/or post here, Thanks! :)

The economy of AL is unstable at the moment but ill give you some tips in merching. :)

1. Know the supply and demand in the game: (Always check Auction for this)

Sometimes, people hoarding items. You should be able to know that by checking auction and staying in towns where people spamming to sell stuffs like Pier and Expedition Map. Also, it is advisable to always check forums too if you really wanna do buy and sell as profession. :)

2. Know the SAFE PRICE: (Always check Auction for this too)

If you will buy and sell something, the safest buying price is less than 30% price from auction. This way, it will allow you some days of holding the item (if ever you werent able to sell it same day) But, I will strongly advise to sell same day cause since the economy is unstable, we dunno what will come the next day. :)

3. Best items to merch: (Based on my own experience)

I started merching since Season III. And from what Ive learn and I can suggest it to merch CONSUMABLES rather than unstable item prices. I suggest to merch ARCANE PETS since this stuff cannot resell once used. It can easily sell too as all players wanted arcane pets. But if you have low budget and just starting in merching, I suggest to start with Mythic items like helms, armors, amulet and ring. Also, watch out in vanity merching, sometimes they are good to merch too however, you need to learn the SUPPLY AND DEMAND. :)

4. Be an aggressive mercher:

You know what this mean I am sure since you already merched in PL. You know exactly your target price. ITS FIRMED! NO IF's and NO BUT's!! STICK TO THE PRICE AND THATS IT!

5. Never sell your merching stuffs in another mercher:

This will ruin your business. Stay away with merchers and just do what your target! :)

6. Do not afraid to say "NO" and reject offers:

Being a merch requires good deal and negotiations. And we always have our target price. If the deal is not good and makes you uncomfortable, do not afraid to say NO. And be friendly enough as you can. :)


Always think that you are the market. They need you and they need your item. Be tough. No one will offer you if they dont need it. :)

8. Always have fun merching and welcome to wonderland! :D

Thank you guys! :D

11-13-2014, 09:17 AM
It's really your timing. Anytime new content is about to come out the market freezes and everyone hoards their gold for the new stuff. It's happened always since I started collecting on season 4.

Right now is a collectors favorite time since prices on old gear is low and no one else is buying. Figured this out the two weeks before shuyal came out. Picked up all the sets I was missing for half normal price.

The other problem is the lack of collectors in arlor anymore. When I first started collecting gear there were a lot of others doing the same thing. Now it's rare I find another gear collector.

11-13-2014, 12:41 PM
The only way to really be able to merch is to merch items that drop to farmers. Unfortunately in AL, there is little demand for anything that drops until long after it is discontinued. So that makes merching not something that can really be done regularly. All you can do is hope to find mispriced items in the auction, or hope to find someone stupid enough to sell you an item for way less than it is worth. The days of buying items from farmers to resell at a small profit are over, because nothing that actually drops to farmers is worth anything anymore. There is far too much legendary items dropping and most of them should probably be epic or rare as they don't even have good stats. Mythic and arcane are the only items that really have any demand, and because 99% of them come from locked crates and not as drops, there is really no market to merch them. Merching in AL today means opening locked crates, hoping for mythic or arcane items, and then selling them.