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10-20-2010, 12:05 AM
good chice for pve?
yes or no
disadvantages and advantages
plz list ty

10-20-2010, 12:18 AM
Not gud. Play pure dex, or just pure dex!...

10-20-2010, 12:24 AM
I'm inclined to say its pretty good. Sometimes in a good party of bears/birds, I just sometimes wish for a good dexchantress too.

So advantages are:

1. You get to use dex gear which is really good dps.
2. You still get to use mage skills which are really important tbh, so much combos, revs, debuffs+buffs.


1. Your caught in between. If you wanna be dex, go bird, if you want a mage go pure int. (Though with how nerfed pure ints are, they're less likely of a choice).
2. You'd be soft, unlike dex birds which can focus on dex only, boosting dodge + evade skill, dexchantresses only have Iron Blood (if I'm not mistaken), which boosts armor.

10-21-2010, 01:05 PM
The Dexchantress can only be explained by comparison of epicness, it's comparable to Chuck Norris.

The thing about this hybrid that it really has going for it is Adaptablity/Adjustability.

You can really play around with this class so much, in so many ways, to adjust it to your liking. For example, I'm finding out that with the right balance of stats you can hold Dex equipment while holding a Staff or Wand. It sounds a bit whacky on paper, but staffs naturally have higher damage output than bows and with your the boost in DPS from your Dex stats, the staff becomes so much more effecient. Even if you don't feel comfotable with mixing equpiment; Dex weaponry is just as effecient. The plus side of bows are the DPS & Range and for a class not built to tank, ranged weapons cator to the hybrid.

The hyrbid aces all areas of effectiveness (excluding tanking). You have the ability to deal good damage to help your team out with bosses or mobs, but you also have the ability to effectivly provide support for your team. You can heal yourself and the team, you can revive, you can buff, debuff, and help the tank & yourself out with the AOE skills.

The only downside is that it can't tank too many hits, but with the ability to use ranged weapons, it shouldn't be a problem. The class is an overall ace, it can be a team supporter, or solo 1 man army.

I recommend this hybrid in all aspect of gameplay, except PvP, I have little knowledge on it's capabilities in PvP so far. It keeps the game fresh as well because you can choose to have multiple roles in Dungeons, a healer, luring, and more.