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View Full Version : best pvp and pve build (rogues)!!

07-03-2013, 09:23 AM
i've tested all these builds and my friends did , and all these builds r one of the best builds as far i know :) :


*base stats points : all in dexterity
*skills points :
1- shadow piercer + shadow absorption
2- aimed shot full 5\5
3- combat medic + effective packs + extra packs + good medicine
*passives points:
1- agility 5\5
2- knowledge 5\5
3- damage 5\5
4- critical shot 4\5 or 4\5 might

note (there is a special tactic for 1 vs 1)


*base stats points :all in dexterity
*skills points :
1- shadow piercer + shadow absorbtion + leading daggers
2- aimed shot full 5\5
3- noxious bolt + fragmentation + serrated arrowhead
4- shadow veil + masked presence + shadow absorption + lingering fumes
*passives points :
1- agility 5\5
2- knowledge 5\5
3- damage 5\5

note (u must invite mages to your party for the mana , and use shadow piercer for your hp , vs bosses use aimed shot and noxious bolt no need for shadow piercer )

Do not criticize the builds unless you have already tried

07-03-2013, 10:24 AM
as a rogue i dont care about pve but all what i do is actually PVP and yes the pvp build that you have posted happens to
be one of the best if not the best build of all

07-03-2013, 11:49 AM
As far as your pvp build goes it's pretty beast but I personally think adding Nox would help tons because of its fast regen and the fact that if you continuously use it the damage stacks. Also, I would suggest max packs instead of 4/5 packs.

That's my 2 cents tho.

07-03-2013, 04:01 PM
nah , my build is better , bro aimed is better and it has the same regen time and the shadow piercer too , u should use just the best extension 5\5 is not good u r just wasting points ..btw these builds are being used by the top rogues..pro rogues.
and again i say ( Do not criticize the builds unless you have already tried )

07-03-2013, 04:18 PM
Lvl of these?

Edit:Its lvl31

07-03-2013, 05:50 PM
I have long played with your PvE build but it has some disadvantages IMO.

You have 3 skils with 2 sec cooldown. Nox only hits 6 targets if charged while shadow piercer needs to be charged too if you want to hit multiple targets. Then there's the issue with shadow piercer placing all your skills on cooldown when activated.

Even if you'd only charge SP, you wouldn't be able to 'spam your skills' continously because of the low cooldowns of these 3 skills. This means that skills that aren't on cooldown can't be used and the damage they would deal is delayed as a consequence.

Then, although less of an issue, there's the huge mana consumption of this build. You can only fire those skills a couple of times before you need to pot mana. This becomes a problem coupled with the above mentioned cooldown 'issues' of skills. It's not that big of a problem because you can pot mana right after a charged SP, it's just that it's a bit harder to manage if you want to use a normal amount of mana pots.

Then, when elite farming Nordr, there are those ice patches. Sooner or later you will zip from one enemy right over an ice patch with charged SP. This means absolutely no damage will be dealt by you for the duration of you being frozen.

Next, there's the AoE damage or lack thereof. Although SP does some nice damage, it only damages a maximum of 3 targets. There are better skills for AoE damage like Nox or Trap that damage an unlimited amount of mobs, or have a chance to nicely bunch everything together (trap with net) so your team can finish those mobs of quicker and easier. In any elite run, except boss gauntlets, mob killing takes up most of the time of a run, so it would make sense to spec in a way that would allow you to kill off mobs the quickest way possible.

So in the end, although I love SP, for elite runs it's not the best skill to choose IMO.

I know everyone has their own preferences but I also know for a fact that at least some of 'the leaderboard for timed runs' rogues, don't use SP at all. I only know some of them, so it's a small sample rate but we have discussed builds in great detail and they rarely used SP for a pure PvE specced rogue.

Furthermore, during free respec weekend I did a ton of timed solo hauntlet runs with various builds to see what would allow me to clear hauntlet the quickest way possible and ditching SP for either trap or Nox sped up my runs by a fair margin.

Just to make sure, I'm not saying your build is a bad build by any means. Heck I ran with it a long time and liked it a lot. But, because of everything I mentioned above, I'd personally ditch SP for one of the AoE skills like trap or Nox. It also makes your build much more manageable in therms of mana and continous 'skill spamming' and clears mobs in the quickest way possible.

I do agree mostly with the rest of your build though, it's just SP that doesn't seem like the 'optimal' skill to go for.

At least that's my opinion about it :)

07-03-2013, 06:56 PM
thx jaytb for ur comment , i said u need mage in ur party for mana , use (shadow piercer , aimed shot , shadow veil) for mobs
and (aimed shot and noxious bolt and shadow veil) for elite bosses..with this way u will use just 3 skills which means u will save
some mana pots :).

and there is no need to use razor sheild bcs i think its useless bcs the low dmg it does.

u need to find a good tactic for the builds i gave , for an example : what i told u about sp/aim/shadow for mobs and aimed/nex/shadow for bosses.
and these are one of the best builds which had been tested , again thx for ur comment :)

07-04-2013, 12:16 AM
Thats the build that i use and i think its the best so far. :)

07-04-2013, 12:46 PM
not best build but keep using easier for meeee:-)

07-04-2013, 12:54 PM
not best build but keep using easier for meeee:-)

well zaolo some of rogues use (aimed/ nox /sp /heal) or (aimed / nox / heal) but i think (aimed /sp /heal) is good enough to be one of the best builds.
anyway most of the rouges who i played vs in pvp and killed me r using these skills

07-04-2013, 12:58 PM
thx all for sharing ur opinions!

07-04-2013, 01:38 PM
Pretty sure the dmg passives are a waste. the points would be better spent to a more direct damage skill nox bolt.

5% dmg increase must be (say 280dmg) +14 dmg

+14 damage must increase your skill hit by about 20-30? but when you get nox bolt, its an immediate 200+damage.

07-04-2013, 03:42 PM
I made a new 30 rogue and I can confirm that your build works nicely Xbadboy.

+14 dmg doesn`t result in only 20-30 more real skill damage. It definitely adds way more due to aimed shot`s multiplicator (2k non passive crits vs 2,4-5k with dmg passive crits for me)
And nox is pretty weak at 30/31. Deals around 400-600 damage whereas shadow piercer (800+) and aimed shot 1,8k+ do the lion share of damage.

07-04-2013, 08:27 PM
Pretty sure the dmg passives are a waste. the points would be better spent to a more direct damage skill nox bolt.

5% dmg increase must be (say 280dmg) +14 dmg

+14 damage must increase your skill hit by about 20-30? but when you get nox bolt, its an immediate 200+damage.
lol no no 5\5 dmg does make a huge!! difference , for my warrior its is usefull so how about rogues? it will be too useful .

agian i say (Do not criticize the builds unless you have already tried)

07-04-2013, 08:29 PM
I made a new 30 rogue and I can confirm that your build works nicely Xbadboy.

+14 dmg doesn`t result in only 20-30 more real skill damage. It definitely adds way more due to aimed shot`s multiplicator (2k non passive crits vs 2,4-5k with dmg passive crits for me)
And nox is pretty weak at 30/31. Deals around 400-600 damage whereas shadow piercer (800+) and aimed shot 1,8k+ do the lion share of damage.

noxiuos bolt is very useful vs bosses (aimed and noxious (damge increase every nox hit 15%)) , thx all for sharing opinions

07-04-2013, 08:32 PM
that build is for 1 on 1.

Dmg passive is kinda useless for me...Aim and SP combo is risky in 2on2 or more because when you use sp its makes you invulnerable to attacks and will make u the primary target.. and for clashes this 2 skills will not suffice to kill fast.

Nox is an awesome skill for PVP in all aspect.. you can just snipe from a far (aim + nox = if critical its one shot if your dmg is high but normally it takes 2 shots to kill, 3 shot is normally SP (aka..Killing blow) depends on situation!) and when they come closer using sp just spawn you packs (5/5) so if there's one more
coming after you its not a problem.. btw. packs with Trauma surgeon is awesome specially when dealing with 2 rouges or mage stun, ice+lightning builds.. casting heal is aroung 700-800+...

Nox (4/4) is the best skills in clashes due to its dot effect and its 10% increase overtime as long as the target is poisoned.

best example for this is when dealing with alpha wolf.. try hitting continuously with nox without miss until his life is 50%, he will cast reflect, and even if you don't hit him you will die in the stacking damage of your own poison. try it and see how powerful it is..

now apply this in PVP 5 vs 5 clashes (clashes is normally compressed fights so with nox you can hit 3 targets) warrior shields makes them invulnerable for 2 secs but as long as they are being poisoned their life will keep decreasing. and the good part is you just snipe, stand till and spam 2 skills.. once the opponent is reduced to 2 you can start using SP. (SP with Absorption).. just saying... Great day!

in PVE, i just removed Packs and put it to Smoke 3/3..and max dex,int,str passives..

07-04-2013, 09:30 PM
that build is for 1 on 1.

Dmg passive is kinda useless for me...Aim and SP combo is risky in 2on2 or more because when you use sp its makes you invulnerable to attacks and will make u the primary target.. and for clashes this 2 skills will not suffice to kill fast.

Nox is an awesome skill for PVP in all aspect.. you can just snipe from a far (aim + nox = if critical its one shot if your dmg is high but normally it takes 2 shots to kill, 3 shot is normally SP (aka..Killing blow) depends on situation!) and when they come closer using sp just spawn you packs (5/5) so if there's one more
coming after you its not a problem.. btw. packs with Trauma surgeon is awesome specially when dealing with 2 rouges or mage stun, ice+lightning builds.. casting heal is aroung 700-800+...

Nox (4/4) is the best skills in clashes due to its dot effect and its 10% increase overtime as long as the target is poisoned.

best example for this is when dealing with alpha wolf.. try hitting continuously with nox without miss until his life is 50%, he will cast reflect, and even if you don't hit him you will die in the stacking damage of your own poison. try it and see how powerful it is..

now apply this in PVP 5 vs 5 clashes (clashes is normally compressed fights so with nox you can hit 3 targets) warrior shields makes them invulnerable for 2 secs but as long as they are being poisoned their life will keep decreasing. and the good part is you just snipe, stand till and spam 2 skills.. once the opponent is reduced to 2 you can start using SP. (SP with Absorption).. just saying... Great day!

in PVE, i just removed Packs and put it to Smoke 3/3..and max dex,int,str passives..
this build isnt 1 on 1 ..u just need a tactic to use ur skills with..for an example:in pvp stay behind ur team and keep using aimed
shot and run away.

07-04-2013, 09:41 PM
what is your other skill SP, When you SP on clashes you'll die instantly, you supposed to stay back but when you SP u move forward and become the target (even you run back the arrows will hit you).. just for info.. also Aim shot is also cooling down you cant spam it like potions.. also nox cool down is faster than aim, so killing is faster with aim-nox combo.

you only run in clashes if your being chased and still kite.. but for some instances you wont be chased as once they do they get out of the aoe zone for heal

for Clashes...tactics? or you mean Good positioning and observation?

this build relies mainly with critical chance, (30-31% with critical passive on a full mythic set (rouge to rouge encounters) however if for some reasons you didn't get critical hit in your 2 skills combo... 3 skill combo is enough to kill you even without critical hit..

its one of the Good Builds but not one of the Best.

07-04-2013, 10:27 PM
btw rogues depends on steeling kills from others with and sp /aimed ,and they are the best for scoring in pvp the most of pro rogues use these skills as i see in all the matches.

u need sp bcs it gives u hp , which means u can become the target and u wont die bcs ur team will heal and u also will and thats what pvp rogues do ..if u dont like this way then stay behind and use aimed shot..in case u want to use nox instead of sp
then u will die faster at 1 on 1 and team vs team and u wont be able to run away from warriors windmill or mages time shift ..which means u will be an easy target , so my build still on of the best . rogues without sp as same as mages without sheild
its a main skill like skyward smash or fire ball u cant make build without it.
sometimes the problem isnt in the build , but its in the player bcs he/she dont know how to use skills with the best tactic.

maybe there is a good build for rogues with nox bolt , but we r talking here about sp and aimed
not nox , there is more than 1 build for pvp (from the best) for rogues but here im explaining the aimed /sp /heal build

Do not criticize the builds unless you have already tried it.

07-04-2013, 10:47 PM
(Do not criticize the builds unless you have already tried) Why do you not want criticism "unless you've tried," he was just simply stating something that he thought. If you don't want criticism, don't use the forums.

07-05-2013, 03:11 AM
btw rogues depends on steeling kills from others with and sp /aimed ,and they are the best for scoring in pvp the most of pro rogues use these skills as i see in all the matches.

u need sp bcs it gives u hp , which means u can become the target and u wont die bcs ur team will heal and u also will and thats what pvp rogues do ..if u dont like this way then stay behind and use aimed shot..in case u want to use nox instead of sp
then u will die faster at 1 on 1 and team vs team and u wont be able to run away from warriors windmill or mages time shift ..which means u will be an easy target , so my build still on of the best . rogues without sp as same as mages without sheild
its a main skill like skyward smash or fire ball u cant make build without it.
sometimes the problem isnt in the build , but its in the player bcs he/she dont know how to use skills with the best tactic.

maybe there is a good build for rogues with nox bolt , but we r talking here about sp and aimed
not nox , there is more than 1 build for pvp (from the best) for rogues but here im explaining the aimed /sp /heal build

Do not criticize the builds unless you have already tried it.

Fyi.. that build is what i use a few months back, but it doesn't work well on me due to lack of offensive skills, and your SP absorption only steals 10% with a 75% chance, which means it will only work its full potential when you upgraded SP (3 targets so your max heal is 30% "one extra pack" and on a 75% chance is not much). if you have one target its pretty useless.. but still works wonders..

windmill doesn't have a very long range, rouges with bow will surpass your windmill range fyi..we can get to a distance were in we cant be hit by windmill Aoe, mage stun is not strong, and if your team have heal the other team have heal also.

did you know that the mana cost of SP with absortion is more than the casting cost a full charge Packs.. so which is better? of course drop your packs.
SP absorb works better if your life is High.

(SP absorb is one of the best skills that's true but 2 skills is not enough to kill if your critical chance is taken away) so it wouldn't be the best when it only relies on critical chance.. if you want sure kill make it 3 offensive and one defensive.

considering your life is 40% and if you have SP absorption and packs (5/5) and you can only use one more skill before you mana is gone which would you choose?

also, if you come closer rouges will definitely die if there are rouges on the opposing team, healing is only one time, shielding is only for 2 seconds, shielding also is very hard to synchronize since warrior and mages skills have stun..

Trenton is right, forums is merely a word pad for opinions etc..etc.. if you post something be prepared to see what is its pros and cons.. some people will not agree but some will do..and some is "forget it"...

07-05-2013, 04:29 AM
AS and SP are rogue`s bread and butter skills at TDM and in 1vs1 CTF situations. I oneshot (charged AS) most rogues, mages and
twoshot (AS-SP) str mages/rogues (IF mage`s shield is not on, camera advantage is crucial here).

However, you`re right Crazyangle when it comes to CTF team clashes. Whenever I use SP I get instantly nuked by opposing team`s dps.
In this case I take nox and AS and spam those skills behind the tanks frontline.

So this build is certainly not the best one but viable in specific situations.

07-05-2013, 09:45 AM
Why do you not want criticism "unless you've tried," he was just simply stating something that he thought. If you don't want criticism, don't use the forums. bcs after u try the build u will find the advantages and the
Disadvantages, u cant just give ur opinion and criticize without testing the build otherwise ur comment will be a theory.

Me and my friends have tested the build and it was perfect , so i dont wont to hear theories about this build i wont hear
Comments without trying the build , bcs ur opinions and comments wont be supported with a real experiment , i want ppl to criticize after they have a real experiment with the build otherwise they
Wont be able to criticize and there comments will be just blah blah blah.

07-05-2013, 09:52 AM
Umm i think u r talking about the (aimed/nox/sp/heal) build

07-05-2013, 02:22 PM
Thanks for sharing these builds for people to try, i know u have put a lot of time in making these builds. i personally like the Pve build, with a good party elite runs are cake. Keep up the good work bro:applause:

07-05-2013, 04:00 PM
bcs after u try the build u will find the advantages and the
Disadvantages, u cant just give ur opinion and criticize without testing the build otherwise ur comment will be a theory.

Me and my friends have tested the build and it was perfect , so i dont wont to hear theories about this build i wont hear
Comments without trying the build , bcs ur opinions and comments wont be supported with a real experiment , i want ppl to criticize after they have a real experiment with the build otherwise they
Wont be able to criticize and there comments will be just blah blah blah. Lol?

07-05-2013, 05:37 PM
Why do you not want criticism "unless you've tried," he was just simply stating something that he thought. If you don't want criticism, don't use the forums. bcs after u try the build u will find the advantages and the
Disadvantages, u cant just give ur opinion and criticize without testing the build otherwise ur comment will be a theory.

Me and my friends have tested the build and it was perfect , so i dont wont to hear theories about this build i wont hear
Comments without trying the build , bcs ur opinions and comments wont be supported with a real experiment , i want ppl to criticize after they have a real experiment with the build otherwise they
Wont be able to criticize and there comments will be just blah blah blah. This isnt the best rogue build at all...IK one which can annihilate it so theres no need to act like its the best :p

07-05-2013, 08:03 PM
There is no best build, it's the way you play! anyways the build does not look bad.

07-05-2013, 08:48 PM
It's overall o.k., however, I think the pve build is better with pierce 1-5, nox, aim , veil or razor,

Or trap aim nox veil

07-05-2013, 09:03 PM
Why do you not want criticism "unless you've tried," he was just simply stating something that he thought. If you don't want criticism, don't use the forums.
bcs u cant critisize or give ur opinion without having an experiment , u must first test the build like me and my friends did
otherwise ur comments will be useless , if u dont like the build then dont test it and if u dont like the post or u r not interested
then leave.

07-05-2013, 09:13 PM
omg i cant read the long comments , its like a short story -.- which i hate , sry to for the title (the best build) it is a good build but not the best , and nasty thx for ur comment and u r right , but im trying to make a common build

07-08-2013, 10:53 AM
Why shadow piercer sucks in elite...

Go use shadow piercer, and immediately after try and tap anything, dps attack, aimed shot, skills, anything. You can't use it yet. Because there is this 1.5 cd after pierce has been used. And this makes it impractical because the 2 weapon attacks you should be using with daggers do MUCH more damage than pierce anyway.

Therefore, replace it with trap to increase effectiveness of daggers. Use pots for health and mana, if you don't wanna use pots go pvp because you're just wasting your teammates time.

EDIT: I have used EVERY skill, almost EVERY possible build for pve. Just go try doing mine and lemme hear what you think. 4 rogues in elite oltgar with your build and 4 with mine (4/5 trap instead, no explosion upgrade) and lemme know the difference in times. Remember to use the same path and plan for the map. These really are just not that effective of builds.

07-08-2013, 10:31 PM
imma endgame rogue soon probably. just wondering HOW DOES SHADOW PIERCER DO 800 DMG????

07-09-2013, 04:55 AM
imma endgame rogue soon probably. just wondering HOW DOES SHADOW PIERCER DO 800 DMG????
(good gear required) Use it right after AS (for crit buff) and you crit this dmg on mages (IF shield is not on) and rogues.

07-09-2013, 08:09 PM
and warriors?? so one stab of SP does 800 or is there DoT as well?

(good gear required) Use it right after AS (for crit buff) and you crit this dmg on mages (IF shield is not on) and rogues.

07-10-2013, 12:45 AM
What aboult lower lvls?