View Full Version : Starting AO3 Farming Team

10-20-2010, 04:32 AM
Hi there.
Im starting up a farming group to rush AO3 bosses.
I will be using my Str Bird, Slushie.
If you want to join you must be level 50.


Slushie-Str Bird
Puretanker-Str Bear
Goxu-Str Bear
Jonboy-Str Echantress

Please leave your IGN and class type (i.e 'slushie, str bird')
We will mostly farm The Galactic Overlord, Gurgox the Great, and T'PAXX the executor.
You MUST be willing to use tank elixirs for some bosses, which I'll specify.

(p.s, once the team is made, we'll make an uber-cool team name too ;D)

10-20-2010, 04:33 AM
Puretanker. Pure ursan warrior:)

10-20-2010, 05:08 AM
i have a bear and an enchantress.
Goxu is a tank and Raxie is a dex/int mage. they are both level 50. however, the timezones need to be around the same. i know mystical goes on about the same time as me.

10-20-2010, 05:24 AM
Love to be in with my paly, TZ might be a prob.

10-20-2010, 05:30 AM
for me right now, it's 11.30pm. i can maybe stay until 2am.
on weekdays, i usually go on pl at around 4-5. on weekends, i'm usually on frequently but have violin, spanish and sport during weekends.

10-20-2010, 08:31 AM
I have a STR Bear and want to join. Today ill reach lvl 50, so i can put on better items.

Timezone: I am from Italy. Iam only online at evening from 18:00-02:00.
maybe we could use skype: ricci82

10-20-2010, 09:00 AM
I have an INT/dex mage level 50.

10-20-2010, 01:05 PM
I'm interested to join you. I've added slushie in-game. Level 50 pure mage, Warlogz.

10-20-2010, 02:01 PM
i would prefer cascade's team but if not, PALLY from me. ign Arterra duh

10-20-2010, 02:37 PM
Sorry if you arent on the team, it was first come first serve, and we still have a spot open for a good bird-str or dex. if no bird joins, ill put in another tank

10-20-2010, 02:57 PM
put another bear. we don't really need two birds.

10-20-2010, 03:19 PM
I have a str bird and a pally if you need. both lvl 50.

I'm also interested in what time you guys play, because i really doubt i would want to play in the early morning no? ;)

10-20-2010, 03:25 PM
another mage would be good actually. also, i don't actually come on this early. it's 9:19am right now.

10-20-2010, 04:02 PM
haha it's 4:45am here now. doing a killer assignment before its due tomorrow... or rather today.
uni is awesome.

Will probably play in 12-13 hours time. is that time fine with you?

10-20-2010, 09:21 PM
One spot open for a str bear.
edit: once the spot is taken, i will pm all team members about details, timezones

10-20-2010, 09:28 PM
Bodyguardz here, str bear and bow bear at the same time. Ill show you later and no i dont respec to achieve that. I would like to join and you can ask puretanker, im a good farmer to farm with

10-20-2010, 10:16 PM
ok body, your in

10-20-2010, 10:30 PM
ok now the team is made, all members please post their playing times for weekdays, and weekends, and be sure to include your timezone

10-20-2010, 10:34 PM
I vote our team to be called safupa!

10-20-2010, 10:54 PM
Hi Timezone is Australian Eastern Standard time (ie no daylight savings in Brisvagus)

I can get on most weekdays from 7:30 to 8pm till atleast 10pm or later. Weekends it is a bit more haphazard as depends on what is planned with wife and kids but I can commit upwards of 4-5 hours over the weekend in blocks of 1 to 2 hrs. ie its easier for me to fit a time then for a time to fit me on the weekends.