View Full Version : Sir Bard Quests...

07-07-2013, 01:25 AM
Recently I've lost my motivation to continue doing the daily Bard quests that give 1 story token per quest every day, which I'm sure everyone is very well acquainted with since eventually after decades of doing the quests (50 days) you've accumulated 200 big ones. Then you can treat yourself to an awesome pet by the name of Colton. Very exciting to say the least. Given it's not much an effort to do these quest since they may only take 5-10 minutes to complete but the 50 consecutive days of doing it makes the reward very satisfying. But that's all there is, once you get that amazing pet that's pretty much it. Everyone is aware you could start collecting story tokens again to buy the other pets for your collection or even another Colton to sell on cs but after doing those quest for 50 days you loose the motivation. Personally when I found out about the update for Kraken Isles I thought to my self "Oh yeaah new pets to work towards! I wonder if this time the pet will be for rogues!?!" Was very excited to say the least but then come to find out once it was released there were no updates for the Bard quests. Figured maybe Sts had a lot on their plate and were going to update it for the Nordr expansion. Sadly it never happened. Yes there are other fantastic quests to complete but the Bard ones were so much more than a money hand out, they offered a great usable pet that took time to get. So in spite of all this I thought I could help Sts and maybe motivate them with some ideas for new Bard pets!!! So far I only have one completed that I drew up today but more will come :) I figure maybe they are swamped creating the new content/new game >: ( and forgot old Bard even existed but could splash some fountain of youth on him and bring in some new pets. Possibly one that even take 150 days to get!!! Wouldn't that be something challenging to do! All in all I hope everyone enjoys the idea and drawing. Also if anyone has ideas for new pets they'd like to see come to the game comment it, if I can draw it i'll post it up! Have a great day and thanks for reading!

p.s. Its a mammoth creature for a tank!!
