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07-08-2013, 05:20 AM
Crazy PvP Tournament

Warning: This tournament aims for something different than the old plain usual CTF/DM!

Hello crazy DL pvpers! Since the CTF Tournament ended, many people asked me for another event. I've had this idea for a while, so here it is!

Are you tired of playing the same CTF/DM matches over and over again?
Do you believe you can handle anything DL can throw at you?
Do you believe your teamwork with some of your friends is amazing?
Are you interested in something different and exciting?

Then this tournament is for you!

The tournament will consist of 4 rounds. For the first 3 rounds, all teams gather points. The four teams with the most points at the end of the 3rd round move on to the 4th, knock-out round.

Round 1
The first round is a Death Match. Except in this match, no weapons are allowed! All players are required to unequip their weapons before the match begins. The points each team gathers will be equal to the total kills the team gets. Two Death Match rounds will be fought between the two opposing teams.

Round 2
The second round is a 1 vs 1 Death Match. Specifically, the two teams (all five players from each team) will enter the same Death Match arena. Then every player from one team will fight every player from the other team. Fights will happen in the spawn cubicles. Someone will count down (3-2-1-Go!) for the two contestants to start fighting. Fights can happen simultaneously in different spawn cubicles. No powers ups and no kings are allowed! Weapons and powers can be used normally! The points each team gathers will be equal to the total kills the team gets.

Round 3
The third round is a 2 vs 2 Death Match. Specifically, the two teams (all five players from each team) will enter the same Death Match arena. Then each team will choose two of their players to fight. Except from the four players who will fight (2 from each team), the rest (6 players) will sit. The players who fight can only use two powers each. All players will have mapped their powers to just the two they will use, in order to avoid accidental use of other powers. The players who fight will announce which two powers they will be using before the match begins. Choose your fighters carefully, and don't forget their powers can be combined! No power ups are allowed! Kings ARE allowed! Four of the players who sit will stand on the powerups to avoid the players who fight getting them. The fight will happen inside the middle (king) area. There will be 2 rounds (2 matches) between the two teams. A team is allowed to change the 2 fighting players in the second round. The points each team gathers will be equal to the total kills the team gets.

Round 4
The four teams with most points from the previous rounds will move on to the fourth round, which is a CTF. However, each player can only use one power. Choose your powers carefully, you will need to combine them! All players will map their powers before the match to only the one they will use. Before the match begins, all players will announce which power they will use. This round will be a knock out round. There will be two semifinals and one final. Opponents for the semifinals will be chosen at random from the four teams.

Attention! Powers and cheating!
Since the 3rd and 4th round require only a certain amount of powers to be used, it would be possible for players to cheat. That's why before the matches, all players must map their powers (Lair - Powers - Map Powers) and remove all the powers they won't use. Excuses like "my finger slipped" will not be accepted. Any player who is caught cheating (using extra powers in rounds 3 and 4 or weapons in round 1) will be immediately disqualified.

This tournament is for players who want to have fun trying something different, and NOT for those who want to win by cheating. If you can't handle losing, then you shouldn't sign up.

Participating and scheduling
- The opponents and number of matches for rounds 1 2 and 3 will be arranged RANDOMLY. The amount of matches will depend on the number of participating teams, in order to avoid a very long tournament. Because of the number of rounds, every team will NOT fight every other team in EVERY round.

- A minimum of four teams must join the tournament in order for it to begin.

No shows
Same rules as CTF tournament apply. If a team does not show up after 30 minutes from the time of the match, they are considered a no show. The match can be re-arranged once, or the team that showed up will win by default.

Team Registration

This tournament is NOT for guilds, but for teams. Teams should be created for the purpose of participating in this tournament. Teams can have players from different guilds. Players are NOT required to leave their guilds. Players that sign up with one team CANNOT switch to another team. Pick a team and stick with it!

Interested? Register your team bellow. Your team must consist of at least 6 players. Players beyond the first five should be listed as backups. GMTs must be listed for all players.

Chosen powers must be listed for all players. Powers can be any level, as long as you don't use more than allowed. Choose your powers carefully! If you want to do the brim combo, you will need a player with fatal burst and a player with brimstone! If you want a flag runner, he could use shadow dance! Maybe someone in your team should have fire aura as well!

Your post must have the following format:

Team Name: Awesome PvPers
Team Leader: Awesomeness

Team Members:
1) Player1 (GMT +1) | Round 3: Brimstone & Fatal Burst | Round 4: Brimstone
2) Player2 (GMT -8) | Round 3: Brimstone & Fatal Burst | Round 4: Fire Aura
3) Player3 (GMT +4) | Round 3: Fire Aura & Unholy Blessing | Round 4: Shadow Dance
4) Player4 (GMT -7) | Round 3: Fire Aura & Fatal Burst | Round 4: Brimstone
5) Player5 (GMT +3) | Round 3: Vermin Swarm & Fatal Burst | Round 4: Brimstone
6) Player6 (GMT +2) -BACKUP- | Round 3: Brimstone & Fatal Burst | Round 4: Vermin Swarm

So, let's see how many DL pvpers wanna try something different :)

Registration is now open!

Before people start asking me again, there are no fees for this tournament and therefore no reward. Tournament is for fun and to get rid of boredom! Want a reward? Ask STS to reward winners with plat :tongue:

And for anyone who will ask why I'm arranging this so soon after the CTF tournament, it's simple. I won't be around very much after a month :) It's now or never!

07-08-2013, 05:21 AM

07-08-2013, 07:43 AM
This is why i love axy<3

07-08-2013, 07:54 AM

Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2

07-08-2013, 08:50 AM
No reserve? lol.

07-08-2013, 08:56 AM
Can I post here that I'm expressing interest for some team to hook me up?

07-08-2013, 09:39 AM
And axania, in the case that say only 4 members turn up for both teams, can a 4 vs 4 occur or less ppl?
Any time limit per match?
In Rounds 2 and 3 do the small amount of active fighters (not sitting out) keep fighting just as long as until one side gets 25 points? Like that fashion, where for round 2 is one match, Round 3 is 2 matches, Round 4 is 2 semi's and a Finale?
In Round 2 if team 1 is players a - e, and team 2 is players f-j,
can the 1v1 box fights occur fixed for example it must be
a vs j
b vs i
c vs h
etc etc...
or can it be any order once at least everyone has a go, or does it stop at 5 kills (5 fights between 10 different people not repeating)?
And finally, do you allow people to camp or tag behind team mates, then kill steal?

07-08-2013, 10:08 AM
And axania, in the case that say only 4 members turn up for both teams, can a 4 vs 4 occur or less ppl?
Any time limit per match?
In Rounds 2 and 3 do the small amount of active fighters (not sitting out) keep fighting just as long as until one side gets 25 points? Like that fashion, where for round 2 is one match, Round 3 is 2 matches, Round 4 is 2 semi's and a Finale?
In Round 2 if team 1 is players a - e, and team 2 is players f-j,
can the 1v1 box fights occur fixed for example it must be
a vs j
b vs i
c vs h
etc etc...
or can it be any order once at least everyone has a go, or does it stop at 5 kills (5 fights between 10 different people not repeating)?
And finally, do you allow people to camp or tag behind team mates, then kill steal?

Wow Qing you just gave me a headache :p

A 4 vs 4 would be possible in the 1st and 4th round I suppose. But you would need people to sit in extra spots so no one would disturb you. And this would happen if absolutely necessary (no backups available).

Death Matches don't need time limits, worst case its 25+24= 49 kills total so that won't take that long. As for the CTF, I might add a time limit.

In round 2 all players must fight all players. So every player will fight 5 times, one for each member of opposite team. Since each team has 5 players, and they all fight 5 times, that will be a total of 25 rounds of 1 vs 1, and a max of 25 points for each team.

In round 3 they fight until one team reaches 25. This happens twice, since there are two matches.

In round 2 the matches can happen in any order, as long as someone keeps track and nobody fights the same opponent twice.

Idk what you mean about the camping and the kill stealing. How players play in their teams in rounds 1,3 and 4 is up to them. What you are describing won't happen if the team has good teamwork!

07-08-2013, 02:38 PM
Right, thanks for elaborating, now we should look for team submissions as soon as possible here :P

07-08-2013, 03:07 PM
Sounds like fun if I can find a team I'm in:)