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View Full Version : Demonic gonna crash?

07-10-2013, 03:40 AM
Im new to the forums but I really wanna know if I was worh selling my demonic , are the glyph steels dropping faster, that's what everyone's telling me , also there's an increase in the number of demonic sets being sold in the cs

07-10-2013, 10:44 AM
Slowly but it would only drop so much. I've seen 22 glyphic blade steels in cs at one time going for around 350-400k and demonic prices have dropped slightly in the cs...seen a demo wand set in cs at 8.4m.

They're dropping because more and more ppl are farming the mini dungeon for them and the supply of demonic is rising.

07-10-2013, 10:50 AM
The're dropping because their price was slightly OP. Demand was temporarily higher than supply => prices went up. Now their price is normalizing.

07-10-2013, 01:19 PM
I believe there may be a sharp drop in value soon, once the ppl that want them, have them, the demand will drop :(

07-10-2013, 01:22 PM
Demonic fluctuates all the time. They drop and raise constantly. Demonic won't "crash", but it could potentially lower. I don't worry about it because I know it will go back up again shortly after.

07-10-2013, 08:47 PM
Longest gap between new content in history. So many people are max level and completely bored.

THat means people are farming to pass the time. More farmers, more supply, prices start to go down...

07-11-2013, 09:47 AM
I remember when the Demonic plate mail was 200k.... Good old times

07-11-2013, 10:47 AM
Longest gap between new content in history. So many people are max level and completely bored.

THat means people are farming to pass the time. More farmers, more supply, prices start to go down...

Agreed. I feel this way with mystery dragon sets as well.

07-11-2013, 11:03 AM
A prices does not simply go up because demand is higher than supply... There's much more to that... Both seen in real life AND in games, so please, don't try to sound like an economist.

07-11-2013, 11:35 AM
But once you craft dragon you can't re sell so basically you deleted that item out of the market. Demonic is different though, always a flow going around.

07-11-2013, 11:48 AM
IMO demonic is just to show that you're rich .-.

07-11-2013, 12:03 PM
IMO demonic is just to show that you're rich .-.

not really....black dragon on the other hand

07-11-2013, 02:17 PM
not really....black dragon on the other hand

If u have gutter talon u get more friend requests

07-11-2013, 02:36 PM
Am I rich with ESB?

07-11-2013, 02:38 PM
Am I rich with ESB?

no.....but u r rich in frendz....awwwwwww

07-11-2013, 02:41 PM
no.....but u r rich in frendz....awwwwwww

Aww, lovely said.

Wanna make kids?

07-11-2013, 02:49 PM
Aww, lovely said.

Wanna make kids?

ohhhhh doccypoo u sillyhead

07-11-2013, 05:33 PM
A prices does not simply go up because demand is higher than supply... There's much more to that... Both seen in real life AND in games, so please, don't try to sound like an economist.

Well, both IRL and IG, demand - supply are the main reasons for the floating of prices. Ofc there's more but IG most of the factors are variations to demand and supply. As an example the mentioned boredom. Some ppl farm for demonic more because they are bored and some ppl want to get demonic because it looks cool and buy it out of boredom.


07-11-2013, 06:02 PM
Well, both IRL and IG, demand - supply are the main reasons for the floating of prices. Ofc there's more but IG most of the factors are variations to demand and supply. As an example the mentioned boredom. Some ppl farm for demonic more because they are bored and some ppl want to get demonic because it looks cool and buy it out of boredom.


Yeah, demand and supply are very important factors, but demand and supply isn't just... Oh, 10 people want demonic, but there are only 5 sets out there, so the price is a bit high. Economists usually use this term... Ceteris Paribus, meaning other things equal. If you say all other things equal, supply and demand itself have many factors WITHIN them still. In Macroeconomics, aggregate supply and demand makes life much easier... But guess what's in aggregate demand! Consumer spending, investment spending, government spending, and net exports (there's also other ways of calculating, but wages, profits, income, and rents is one of the other ways). Oh, and aggregate demand is GDP. Now, what am I rambling about? Here's where you get your mind blown ;)...

Based on what I've learned, because we are going towards an inflationary gap, we're going to have chaos in PL soon, if it hasn't already happened. Oh, why do we have an inflationary gap? Seems like people are farming too much... Increasing the money supply too fast. When the money supply goes up, the money supply/demand laws would show that interest rates go down... What happens when interest rates go down? People invest more in terms of gear. When people invest more in gear, aggregate demand goes up... BUT WAIIITTTT!! THIS IS A GAME!! THAT MEANS THAT'S ALSO CONSUMER SPENDING!! So we have a crazy rise in the price level and soon, we will have 30m sets. StS isn't going to change anything in PL, so money's just going to become worth less and less. Noobs may never have the chance to become rich unless they get lucky. The rich become richer and the poor become poorer.

Eh, I don't even know half of what I typed there... I'm kinda brain dead and I just got a 5 on my AP test. Sorry, a bit confident.

07-11-2013, 06:32 PM
Yeah, demand and supply are very important factors, but demand and supply isn't just... Oh, 10 people want demonic, but there are only 5 sets out there, so the price is a bit high. Economists usually use this term... Ceteris Paribus, meaning other things equal. If you say all other things equal, supply and demand itself have many factors WITHIN them still. In Macroeconomics, aggregate supply and demand makes life much easier... But guess what's in aggregate demand! Consumer spending, investment spending, government spending, and net exports (there's also other ways of calculating, but wages, profits, income, and rents is one of the other ways). Oh, and aggregate demand is GDP. Now, what am I rambling about? Here's where you get your mind blown ;)...

Based on what I've learned, because we are going towards an inflationary gap, we're going to have chaos in PL soon, if it hasn't already happened. Oh, why do we have an inflationary gap? Seems like people are farming too much... Increasing the money supply too fast. When the money supply goes up, the money supply/demand laws would show that interest rates go down... What happens when interest rates go down? People invest more in terms of gear. When people invest more in gear, aggregate demand goes up... BUT WAIIITTTT!! THIS IS A GAME!! THAT MEANS THAT'S ALSO CONSUMER SPENDING!! So we have a crazy rise in the price level and soon, we will have 30m sets. StS isn't going to change anything in PL, so money's just going to become worth less and less. Noobs may never have the chance to become rich unless they get lucky. The rich become richer and the poor become poorer.

Eh, I don't even know half of what I typed there... I'm kinda brain dead and I just got a 5 on my AP test. Sorry, a bit confident.

that was sooooo hawt noodle!! rowr!

07-11-2013, 07:15 PM
Yeah, demand and supply are very important factors, but demand and supply isn't just... Oh, 10 people want demonic, but there are only 5 sets out there, so the price is a bit high. Economists usually use this term... Ceteris Paribus, meaning other things equal. If you say all other things equal, supply and demand itself have many factors WITHIN them still. In Macroeconomics, aggregate supply and demand makes life much easier... But guess what's in aggregate demand! Consumer spending, investment spending, government spending, and net exports (there's also other ways of calculating, but wages, profits, income, and rents is one of the other ways). Oh, and aggregate demand is GDP. Now, what am I rambling about? Here's where you get your mind blown ;)...

Based on what I've learned, because we are going towards an inflationary gap, we're going to have chaos in PL soon, if it hasn't already happened. Oh, why do we have an inflationary gap? Seems like people are farming too much... Increasing the money supply too fast. When the money supply goes up, the money supply/demand laws would show that interest rates go down... What happens when interest rates go down? People invest more in terms of gear. When people invest more in gear, aggregate demand goes up... BUT WAIIITTTT!! THIS IS A GAME!! THAT MEANS THAT'S ALSO CONSUMER SPENDING!! So we have a crazy rise in the price level and soon, we will have 30m sets. StS isn't going to change anything in PL, so money's just going to become worth less and less. Noobs may never have the chance to become rich unless they get lucky. The rich become richer and the poor become poorer.

Eh, I don't even know half of what I typed there... I'm kinda brain dead and I just got a 5 on my AP test. Sorry, a bit confident.

indeed. thats what it seems like to me. i cant catch up already cuz once i get bored i leave PL for months and the most i had saved was 3mil

07-11-2013, 07:20 PM
I just got a 5 on my AP test.

Congratulations. :p

07-12-2013, 03:39 AM
Oh, this is going to be a good debate!

I'm going to scrabble something up after I get from work. Then I'm going to put on my big boy pants and it's on :p.