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View Full Version : "I'd Pay Plat to Have That!" or Athenum's Ultimate Suggestion/Improvement thread!

07-12-2013, 07:06 AM
"I'd Pay Plat to Have That!" or Athenum's Ultimate Suggestion/Improvement thread!

Here's another great post from the same mind that brought you these un-funny hits like: “Why Merch when you can Mooch?” (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?91107-Why-Merch-when-you-can-Mooch-Athenum-s-In-Depth-Guide-to-proper-begging&highlight=mooch), “The Peacemaker Build” (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?99908-quot-The-Peacemaker-quot-Build-Yet-Another-one-of-Athenum-s-Guides&highlight=mooch) and "Athenum's Ultra-Secret Guide to PvP (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?102789-Athenum%92s-Ultra-Secret-Guide-to-PvP)".

Disclaimer: Any similarity to real life is purely coincidental. This has been written to provide entertainment, mirth and laughter. It is not intended to cause sadness, anger and pain nor to prove to be a violation of any of the TOS that STS has provided. This is a work of fiction for a real game that has fictional characters in it, items in the game are not real but if they aren't real that means the game isn't real but I'm playing it right now so I think it's real. I'm really getting confused. Sometimes, I stay awake all night pondering important questions like, what day is it tomorrow or if I should really buy that mythic set in the auction since it's really cheap, or why am I writing this and do people really read the disclaimer? But alas, some questions are better left unanswered, such are the mysteries of life.

Going through the forums, I saw a lot of complaints and suggestions for improving the game. I thought; "Hey, wouldn't it be great if we could streamline all of those and put it into one thread?" No one really agreed but I decided to do it anyway. So, Tadaa! Here it is!

We all know that Plat and Players are the lifeblood of this game. Arcane Legends wouldn't exist without one or the other. Therefore, here are some suggestions that can help keep players happy and platinum flowing.

1) An Anti-Lag plat elixir! This is a great idea! Personally, this is something I'd pay plat to have. A lot of players seem to have connection issues especially when it comes to PVP. "I dies bcoz of lagz." Of course there shouldn't be just one kind. It should cater to whatever need the player has. *Effects of this elixir doesn't stack with other Anti-Lag Elixirs*

25 platinum: Anti-Lag Elixir: 15% chance to reduce lag for 15 minutes! *Timer counts down in towns and while logged off* (I don't think anyone wants to lag while trading in town right?)

40 platinum: Anti-Lag Elixir: 25% chance to reduce lag for 60 minutes! *Timer counts down in towns and while logged off*

150 platinum: Anti-Lag Elixir: 30% chance to reduce lag for 7 days! *Timer counts down in towns and while logged off*

2) An Anti-Reroll for Green Loot Elixir! This one is a beauty! Many a time farmers with stacked combo elixirs and Mythic Leprechaun Amulets have rerolled only to get green items. All of you know that this can be quite frustrating, right? This baby reduces that chance and stacks nicely with the reroll elixirs and amulets. Sadly, we can't have it stack with the same Elixir since it would be OP, right?

4 platinum: Anti-Reroll for Green Loot Elixir: 5% chance to reduce chance of looting rare items for 30 minutes.

30 platinum: Anti-Reroll for Green Loot Elixir: 15% chance to reduce chance of looting rare items for 60 minutes.

3) Ragequit! Now this is one button that will come in really handy. We see this all of the time. So, I was thinking, why not make it more productive for both players and the game, yet easier for the player who wants to do so. Everything comes conveniently at a tap of a finger or button or mouseclick, whatever you play on! Now, this just isn't any ragequit. It comes in many different styles, from quiet to broadcast to the world "I IZ ANGREE!"

4 Platinum: Silently Ragequit from your guild: You're angry yet shy. You don't want people to know that you quit yet want to leave because you're angry. This service does it all. For a measly 4 Platinum, you leave your guild without anyone ever knowing. No need to wait for no one to be online when you leave. Besides, waiting too long might make you change your mind.

10 Platinum: Loud Ragequit from your guild: You're very angry! You want everyone in your guild to know that you are. You can't stand to be in that guild any longer! For 10 Platinum, this little cutie does the work for you. It sends to EVERYONE in guildchat the message: "I IS MAD! GOODBYE!" It also removes you from the guild showing that "<Playername> Ragequit because of all of you!"

50 Platinum: Loud Ragequit from the Game but return after <X> days: I can't take it anymore. This game is too much! The players are too much! I hate it! This gem allows you to ragequit from the game. It makes it look like you disappeared by hiding all of your data for <X> number of days. Everything returns back to normal once the countdown timer reaches 0. It would be like you never left.

100 Platinum: Loud Ragequit from the Game because platinum users are too OP: This game is all about the Platinum! People who use platinum have an unfair advantage! I hate this! Players who can't get platinum are treated unfairly. I've had it up to here, and I QUIT! Because of this useful tool, these worries are solved. When you use this, It sends a message to all Players who used and are using platinum: "<playername> Ragequit the game because you use too much platinum to your advantage! You oppress the non-platinum user!" After players with platinum read it, their hearts will be filled with shame. All of your data will be deleted after. Yes, for only 100 platinum, you sure showed them!

200 Platinum: VERY LOUD RAGEQUIT from the Game: You hate the system. You hate the game now. It's all been simmering in there and you've reached your boiling point. You're leaving the game and want everyone to know it! Using this service allows you to send the message in all channels: "I hate you all and it's all your fault! I'm leaving this game and never coming back. The game will never be the same without me!" It also sends the same message to the support e-mail to let the people there know how you feel! All of your data will be deleted after the messages have been sent. This'll be the best 200 Platinum you've ever spent. HAH!

There you have it. Definitely things I'd play platinum to have and/or do. I'm sure after the developers at STS read this, we'll see some of these, if not all of them in the platinum store.

And remember, if you have more suggestions about what other things you'd like to see, post them in this thread! :D


07-12-2013, 07:09 AM
Comments from players that read this thread:

Ninjaman: "I left the guild because I felt no one cared for me, I was invisible. Thanks to this suggestion, I can now leave quietly!"

ANGREEMAN: "I can't wait to see the see the ragequit button added. I really can't wait to leave!"

Farmerben: "I can now farm with a chance that I won't get any green loot! Thanks!"

07-12-2013, 07:20 AM
interesting :eagerness:

07-12-2013, 07:36 AM
This is a bad time for me to run out of thanks...
Doesn't this belong in the Suggestions and Feedback section? ;)
Another lovely...erm...thread by Athenum, cant wait for more!

Sent using scattered leaves on a windy day.

07-12-2013, 08:03 AM
An Anti-Lag plat elixir! hahaha really need this cant enjoy the game almost a week now having really bad ping...
An Anti-Reroll for Green Loot Elixir! NICE ONE ATH lol 1hr elix + 30 mins reroll + AMULET = GREEN hahaha does my amulet really FAKE lol

07-12-2013, 08:07 AM
This is a bad time for me to run out of thanks...
Doesn't this belong in the Suggestions and Feedback section? ;)
Another lovely...erm...thread by Athenum, cant wait for more!

Thanks Al, I thought it would be nice to get people to laugh a bit.
It's always great to hear from you! :D

07-12-2013, 08:14 AM
Me too ran out of thanks ...
Gr8 suggesstions :)

07-12-2013, 08:49 AM
Me too ran out of thanks ...
Gr8 suggesstions :)

I still have some. :)
Thanks Linkincena and Katzie! :D

07-12-2013, 09:12 AM
Hmmm can we also get a lag curse elixer where you can curse your poor non plat spending enemies with lag. 25 plat lag curse elixer: 15% chance to curse your enemy with lag for 15min. Etc. No reason not to make the game even harder for players who don't spend platinum :)

07-12-2013, 09:47 AM
I still have some. :)
Thanks Linkincena and Katzie! :D

Hey, I have an idea...why not just ask a mod to move them to the offtopic section? Then everyone can read em and enjoy!?

Sent using scattered leaves on a windy day.

07-12-2013, 10:44 AM
The thread is for the lulz. I have learnt a lot from this, possibly the best suggestions ever.

07-12-2013, 11:20 AM
You had me at Tadaa! :topsy_turvy:

07-12-2013, 11:26 AM
Lag is not the sts games, it's your own connection oftentimes.

07-12-2013, 12:23 PM
How about a true ping elixer for PvP? Say person a says
"I dies becoz of lagz" well person b would buy true ping elixer and see all peoples on opposing sides ping. Especially usefull when someone is actually lagging and not admitting defeat

07-12-2013, 03:39 PM
None of your guides ever work....

07-12-2013, 03:50 PM
ok this anti lag elixirs r LOL.
it depends upon ur place u residing and ur stability of ur internet connection.

07-12-2013, 10:20 PM
This is...very interesting.

Though I never lagged before on my iPad. Except when someone adds a new Google 1+ and the notification pops out on the top. Or when my pet levels.

....nothing more else to say xD

07-12-2013, 11:48 PM
lol... really nice guide.. athenum..

edit : we need 100 plat for ragequit of plat spent? hmmm,. :o

07-13-2013, 11:32 PM
Why not an anti-epic elixir, and perhaps an anti-common elixir? Both of them stack with each other and they also stack with an anti-rare elixir. Then there's also the chance you might get mythics or arcanes, and the drop rate is higher. But then again, that might be a little too OP.