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View Full Version : keep on playing??

07-13-2013, 04:31 PM
Last night while browsing the consignment store around 1 AM pacific time my account was randomly hit with a 500k gold purchase costing 500 plats. I say random because the thought never even had crossed my mind, nor did I at any point see the window that displays such purchase option. I farm with my plats hence can't justify making a purchase like that (were talking about the guy too cheap to buy slag, Clyde was a stretch).

While Ive already contacted customer service regarding a reverse transaction but won't hear back most likely till Monday or later... my main concern is whether or not I should play my account until the issue is resolved. At this point I haven't entered a dungeon or made a transaction via gold or platinum in order to help the possible reversal process and prevent clouding on platinum purchase sheet. Should I just keep up with business as usual or stick with my gut and shut it down for the weekend??

P.S. let it be noted I'm not trying to gain anything here...just wanna play on my weekend off.

07-13-2013, 08:46 PM
Well I continued on playing guess im just going to have to keep 500k on my account until issue is hopefully resolved.

Chaim Nail
07-13-2013, 10:09 PM
I should think you're ok, a couple of times the touchscreen on my tablet has gone crazy thinking it gets pressed all over like a 2 year old finding a new toy (it really doesn't like high cpu programs running when low on battery) and it accidentally spent my (small amount of) plat. I sent polite email requests and both times they sorted it, so good on STS.

Though if I forget to charge my tablet and it spends my plat a 3rd time I won't bother them, I'll just get cross at myself for being too engrossed in the game to get the charging lead :D

07-14-2013, 01:30 AM
I should think you're ok, a couple of times the touchscreen on my tablet has gone crazy thinking it gets pressed all over like a 2 year old finding a new toy (it really doesn't like high cpu programs running when low on battery) and it accidentally spent my (small amount of) plat. I sent polite email requests and both times they sorted it, so good on STS.

Though if I forget to charge my tablet and it spends my plat a 3rd time I won't bother them, I'll just get cross at myself for being too engrossed in the game to get the charging lead :D

My phone does that too (from water damage tho) and I get so paranoid having a egg in my inv its ridiculous (orion,August etc.) If it was a low price I wouldn't. But yea just wait and don't spent the feria (money) and it should be fine

07-15-2013, 12:02 AM
Yeah I've been assured by many STS is legit when it comes to dealing with issues like this. I think we've all pressed an elixer button once or twice by accident but this is a little bit different. This little ordeal has ultimately prevented me from buying my mythic armor this weekend as im refraining from doing any transactions over 500k.

07-15-2013, 12:33 AM
Yeah I've been assured by many STS is legit when it comes to dealing with issues like this. I think we've all pressed an elixer button once or twice by accident but this is a little bit different. This little ordeal has ultimately prevented me from buying my mythic armor this weekend as im refraining from doing any transactions over 500k.

Jus a lil bit longer hopefuly, think of the tooth fairy or Santa Claus when you where little and the night before being all excited to get something from those non existing (if they do they sure as h e double hockey sticks don't listen to what you want, especaly toof fairy. Asked for $10 go 1 -.- ripped me off) and waking up all happy. That could be you tomorow. Well you all excited to get what ya need (toof fairy, I'm still hunting you down for my other $9. *censored* better have mai monEay)

07-15-2013, 02:34 AM
Wow I love your analogy there. lol I'm not expecting to wake up with some new ninja turtles in the morning although it would be sweet. As I already mentioned not asking for anything free here, they already have my money lolz.

07-15-2013, 10:50 AM
Wow I love your analogy there. lol I'm not expecting to wake up with some new ninja turtles in the morning although it would be sweet. As I already mentioned not asking for anything free here, they already have my money lolz.

Yea that's what I meant Lol. Just getting your plat back will be as exciting as that.

07-15-2013, 10:55 AM
Yeah I've been assured by many STS is legit when it comes to dealing with issues like this. I think we've all pressed an elixer button once or twice by accident but this is a little bit different. This little ordeal has ultimately prevented me from buying my mythic armor this weekend as im refraining from doing any transactions over 500k.

You may get an initial email back from STS customer support saying they can't refund. However, escalate the issue to someone higher in their supervisory chain - it will get you better results. I had this issue with the Leprechaun Pendant, and the person who resolved my issue fairly was a Quality Assurance representative from customer support. Good luck to you!

07-16-2013, 01:46 PM