View Full Version : Turning off your XP, why?

10-22-2010, 06:09 PM
So, I know there is this option to turn off XP in the game.

I know people like to do this for their Twinks.

My question is, why would you want to do this?

Certainly a Level 19 Twink all decked out in the best pinks for that level that you purchased with your level 50 character would still be a twink if he suddenly became level 20.

Is it that you got your level 19 mule all decked out and want to keep him in that pristine state forever?

I guess I am missing the reason this suggestion was added to the game.


10-22-2010, 06:14 PM
Because you can then use your twink to kill level appropriate mobs, and earn kills without the risk of leveling up.

10-22-2010, 06:16 PM
Okay okay, so one reason is for the kill score? But then why wouldn't you just get to level 50 and then up your kill score in AO3?

Thanks for the reply. Just trying to understand this. I've always been curious about this option.

I know some think that a Twink has to have a specific task (i.e.) mule and I disagree with that definition. But if we did use that definition, then I understand that you want your mule to be a mule but you would also like him to have some kill stats.

10-22-2010, 06:17 PM
Well, I have a level 30 PvE Twink that plays Frozen Nightmare for instance. If I turned XP gain back on I'd be 33 in no time. I also help swamp groups with that character occasionally, and I definitely don't want my level 30 twink to wind up level 38 ;)
Anyway, yeah the major issue is that XP gain does not even stop at the last recommended level for a campaign. So your level 19 twink would not just go to 20 playing in Balefort, it could wind up at 23. Besides, most people have PvP twinks, and for tournaments and such, you can't be any higher than 19 or whatever the level is.

10-22-2010, 06:19 PM
Royce - ok, so another reason is to have a kick a$$ character stuck at 19 for PvP. That I understand.

But for your example of a twink going from 33 to 38, why would you not want this again?

10-22-2010, 06:21 PM
But for your example of a twink going from 33 to 38, why would you not want this again?

Ah, because I created the character specifically so I could play one of the few challenging PvE campaigns in the game with a level appropriate character. Once leveled to 38, it wouldn't be nearly as much fun ;) Plus I already have a ton of 45/50s, so don't need to level any more really...

10-22-2010, 06:25 PM
Ok, got it. Now I understand the need here.

Hmm, I was recently considering making a mule character only because I'm about to run out of stash space. I have the max slots already. And with 1.5 coming along, I might use that character to store items for sale later on. I currently and saving pinks and purples that I don't need.

So, some alt types could be:

PvE specialty (i.e. level XX for your favorite PvE campaign)
PvP specialty

any others?

Thanks again for the replies. Really good information.

10-22-2010, 06:52 PM
lvl 14 PvE twinks ftw...Dark Forest, and summing kills...

10-22-2010, 08:00 PM
I have decided to keep my lv30 Warbird as lv30 since i just bought up the last of my needed pinks for that level, and would like to enjoy these (expensive for me) items a little longer... though would like to find someone with a cheap iceberg ax... pls...