View Full Version : Nordr & Kraken Enemies got harder?

07-17-2013, 07:11 AM
I don't know y but the normal maps of Nordr & Kraken got even harder than ever, & it's totally true :(
As in Windmore harbor, after encountering with captain bluecrab, I noticed he was doing 2k-2.5k damage to players, even having 232 damage, 1252 armor+ 4.5k hp, it took me lots of pots & lot of time to kill him
Even the mini boss got even stronger, lvl31 players can stand the attacks but the lower lvl players can't. This is all because of ur update regarding elite bael 2 spawn in kraken & Nordr maps. It is making other enemies much more stronger, making lower lvl players to perish

So I request to fix this problem/bug immediately :(
Thx for listening my alibi