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07-21-2013, 08:03 PM
Just a thread to clarify what ganging is.....

If the teams are evenly matched 4 vs 4 and during battle 3 players on one team are killed, finishing off the last player is not ganging even though technically it's 4 vs 1 at that point.

If your teammates were killed in the battle, or if you wandered away from your team, and you get killed by a group of multiple players, don't complain about ganging. That is just strategy and part of the game. If you have a problem with that, then find a better team or don't wander away from them. Either way, it's not ganging no matter what happens if both teams have similar numbers.

And if it's a 3 vs 2 battle, no that is not ganging either. There better be at least 2 more players on the other team for you to complain about ganging.

Ganging is when you join the game and there are 4 players on the other team, and you're the only one on your team, and they come as a group and kill you.

07-22-2013, 02:32 AM
Sticky this.

07-22-2013, 03:14 AM
Ganging is also:

When you entered the arena or respawned, 3 or more players of the other team are waiting at the entrance, waiting for your bubble to pop then attack mercilessly.

07-22-2013, 03:16 AM
Ganging is also:

When you entered the arena or respawned, 3 or more players of the other team are waiting at the entrance, waiting for your bubble to pop then attack mercilessly.

If you are unlucky, some warrior might have Axe Throw and simply pull you out with force...

07-22-2013, 03:27 AM
Just a thread to clarify what ganging is.....

If the teams are evenly matched 4 vs 4 and during battle 3 players on one team are killed, finishing off the last player is not ganging even though technically it's 4 vs 1 at that point.

IMHO It is if you keep killing him/her.. no one can survive 1v4. If he/she leaves then there is no flag for you then.. so flag, 1v1 or wait are the only fair options then.

07-22-2013, 04:37 AM
I'm agree, and I want to add:

If you retire from a fight and you go into your spawn, it would be considered that you are save because you are at "home". If your are pulling away with axe or killing into your spawn it would be considered "GANGING"

If you want to regroup for battle and one or more opponents kill you while you are joining your team it would be considered "GANGING"

Farming pvp kills without common sense it would be considered GANGING

07-22-2013, 04:50 AM
If you are unlucky, some warrior might have Axe Throw and simply pull you out with force...

This has happened to me before. Pretty funny when that warrior gets a fireball in his face and I proceed to take him down. <evil laugh> :)

07-22-2013, 06:06 AM
appreciate this i hope most will spare some time to read this definitions before you spoil the mood with your words and rage in the game.

07-22-2013, 06:54 AM
Ganging is also if ur team does not fight the opposite team and vice versa coz they are guildies and matchmaking only for easy kills.

07-22-2013, 06:58 AM
Ganging is also if ur team does not fight the opposite team and vice versa coz they are guildies and matchmaking only for easy kills.

Disagree..thts not ganging..that's plain lame and unethical..thts like fixing a match.

07-23-2013, 12:06 AM
Ganging is also:

When you entered the arena or respawned, 3 or more players of the other team are waiting at the entrance, waiting for your bubble to pop then attack mercilessly.

Actually, the more common gaming term for this is "Graveyard camping" or "Spawn camping". But yeah, no matter what you call it it's a pretty lame thing to do unless someone really deserves it..

07-23-2013, 02:35 AM
OMG why need to clarify ganging? its VERY VERY OBVIOUS the word it self ganging or gang-up meaning = to form into a group and attack someone

Only kids from age 12 below dont understand the meaning of this.. i dont know why people need to clarify simple English.

07-23-2013, 03:02 AM
Disagree..thts not ganging..that's plain lame and unethical..thts like fixing a match.

That is purposely provoking this situation:
Ganging is when you join the game and there are 4 players on the other team, and you're the only one on your team, and they come as a group and kill you.

07-23-2013, 03:07 AM
tread close LOL!