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10-24-2010, 12:49 AM
Wbto i want u to shut up

10-24-2010, 12:59 AM
Someone plz answer

10-24-2010, 01:07 AM
What about u do private out of school? Or maybe proof the headmaster that he's harassing u and he might get suspended/banned from ur school ;)

10-24-2010, 01:09 AM
Physical violence never solves anything, now psychological terror.....

10-24-2010, 01:11 AM
And u could just learn hacking and hack his computer(s) with an advice mail xd or make him a carved pumpkin. Then u reveal a hole on downer part, and put it on him and put some pepper inside muahahahahah

10-24-2010, 01:17 AM
Or u could clone him and make his clone fight him xd

10-24-2010, 01:29 AM
hey im serious I want to fight him because thats the only way he'll stop.

If i just go to my principal and tell on him, not only will I continuously be called a snitch, but my friends will think less of me for snitching

10-24-2010, 01:42 AM
if you don't even have a chance of winning, don't even try. if you are doing this to get attention, don't even try.
also, who says you have to do fights at school? you can meet up on the weekends and just beat the crap out of each other.

10-24-2010, 01:47 AM
Iagree with raxie. DO NOT DO AT SCHOOL. Just calculate how much of a chance u got of winning and go pawn him as in pvp. Btw, the calculations r just to no if u should bring a stick or something

10-24-2010, 03:18 AM
Dude, don't fight him, TRUST ME. I've been in school fights, few, but I've mainly seen them happen. People always get very hurt, and you can get charged for assault, trust me, you'll regret it. Some may completely go against what I'm saying but it's true, fighting solves nothing except that people can't handle matters without trying to kick the **** out of each other, that's where, IMO, society goes wrong. IMO, war doesn't solve much. That's a very controversial matter, so I don't want to go into it, but trust me, don't get in a fight with him. The cowardly way out of everything is fighting. Also, think who out of hand this could get.

Why not solve matters a different way? Ignore him, tell a teacher, talk to your parents. There are many ways you can handle this, and I think the worst way would be fighting.

10-24-2010, 04:33 AM
experienced guys give good answers.. *whispers*

10-24-2010, 05:03 AM
LL, bullies get their power when people give it to them, once you get that, they have no power over you.

10-24-2010, 07:01 AM
my friends will think less of me for snitching
i'm sorry, but what friends?

10-24-2010, 08:26 AM
The only way to answer your initial question is to check the school's guidelines. You can usually find them posted on the school district website. Also check on their policy on bullying--it might give you other outlets to try before resorting to violence. Ask yourself a couple other questions: if you break little Fnortner's nose, how happy are your parents going to be with having to pay the expense of a civil suit when his parent's sue you? (Hint: you're a minor so your parents are going to have to pick up the legal bills and any settlement.) How do you feel about criminal charges for assault? That really looks bad on a college application.

Back in the day, I broke two noses to get harassment to stop. But then back then, the schools did nothing about bullying and injuries to kids by other kids were shrugged off as, "kids will be kids". The world's changed. There are other options.

10-24-2010, 08:53 AM
Bad idea. In school isn't smart and out of school could even be worse. Police could get involved. Been through this before.

10-24-2010, 09:02 AM
A fight is the last thing you want to do. Charges can be easily pressed, remember how I showed you Justin Beiber might get sued cuz he "pushed a kids hand away" in laser tag (lol) well fighting is much much worse than that, and you can easily get in major trouble. Notify the school district, they should take action to this since bullying is a BIG problem in schools now a days.

10-24-2010, 10:23 AM
i'm sorry, but what friends?

ive never said this in a forum before, but fk u.

and ok guys i wont fight him...after what mystic said.

10-24-2010, 10:30 AM
Kick his ***, Simple, Ive done it plenty of times, broken jaw = 3 day suspension. Otherwise, if you like and say they started it. your dope.

10-24-2010, 10:37 AM
Times they are a changing. As people have already said, fighting can lead to serious lawsuits and extreme discipline by the schools looking to show they are 'dealing' with a violence problem. And worse yet, how far are you prepared to take this? What happens when he comes back with a knife or a gun?

The solution, hmm. Guess that depends on what the real problem is. You say he is bullying you, but what is the whole story? Is this person a friend of your friends? Are you forced to deal with this person, or can you just avoid them? Does this person bully others or just you? Is this bully in the same grade or is he older? Are you bigger then this bully? Is this bully popular or socially inept?

10-24-2010, 11:00 AM
i'm sorry, but what friends?

Raxie, don't kick a man when he's down.

Like Fluff said, the kid can always come back. Not necessarily with a knife or a gun (although he could) he can come back with multiple friends and ambush you. Also, in the future he could go to extremes and pull out a knife. At my old school, some kid was being an *** to another, and the kid that was being harassed brought a knife, he got cought before anything happened. Guess what. The kid got spoken to by the police, got suspended from the DISTRICT for 1 year, at least (they'll concider bringing him back in 1.5 years) and he now has stuff on his permanent record he'll regret forever and will be tough for him to get into a university. Well, a good one. He could've easily had chargers pressed against him and been in real big trouble, but he got lucky. A fight would last for what? 5 minutes? Maybe a little longer, but it could easily effect your whole life. It's stupid to fight, in high school, AKA, the most drama filled years of someones life, will often give you times that you can be a coward and fight, but if you do, well, it can very easily spiral into madness.

Some people are saying you should fight, but it's a lot easier to influence someone to do something when they aren't in your shoes. So why don't you think about what might happen if you fought. It sounds like this guy is being a jerk and giving you a lot of anger on the inside, so the best advice I can give you is think before you act, especially in a matter like this.

Also, don't be worried he'll flip a knife on you randomly at school. Don't fight him and you should be safe (fight as in physically, or verbally, both can get you screwed and in trouble) so seriously, bring this to an adults attention:)

10-24-2010, 11:22 AM
Times they are a changing. As people have already said, fighting can lead to serious lawsuits and extreme discipline by the schools looking to show they are 'dealing' with a violence problem. And worse yet, how far are you prepared to take this? What happens when he comes back with a knife or a gun?

The solution, hmm. Guess that depends on what the real problem is. You say he is bullying you, but what is the whole story? Is this person a friend of your friends? Are you forced to deal with this person, or can you just avoid them? Does this person bully others or just you? Is this bully in the same grade or is he older? Are you bigger then this bully? Is this bully popular or socially inept?

yes he is a friend of my friends. i am forced to deal with it, because if I avoid them, they're just going to continue harassing me. Only me. same grade and same age in the same school. he's a little bigger than me, but i think it's just that he's fat. He's somewhat popular.

wow really mystic? Thanks for the tip man...now I know what happened to that guy who fought some other guy in middle school O.o.


10-24-2010, 11:23 AM
ive never said this in a forum before, but fk u.

and ok guys i wont fight him...after what mystic said.

I took what Raxie said as, "if they're your friends, they should understand and back you up if you decide to report it. They're not acting very friend-like if they're response is to call you a snitch.". My take--YMMV.

10-24-2010, 11:24 AM
I took what Raxie said as, "if they're your friends, they should understand and back you up if you decide to report it. They're not acting very friend-like if they're response is to call you a snitch.". My take--YMMV.

...that's not what Raxie said at all and you know it. I know he hates me and he wants to get me everytime he can, and this is one of them. I know Raxie (not in real life, but still), and he just likes to hurt me whenever he can.

10-24-2010, 11:29 AM
...that's not what Raxie said at all and you know it. I know he hates me and he wants to get me everytime he can, and this is one of them. I know Raxie (not in real life, but still), and he just likes to hurt me whenever he can.

No, I don't know it. TBH, I don't read the off-topic that often, so if you guys have a history, I wasn't aware of it. I was giving you how I read it and, as I said, YMMV.

10-24-2010, 11:42 AM
No, I don't know it. TBH, I don't read the off-topic that often, so if you guys have a history, I wasn't aware of it. I was giving you how I read it and, as I said, YMMV.

what does YMMV mean?

Sorry, but i'm not aware of THIS type of history.

10-24-2010, 11:45 AM
yes he is a friend of my friends. i am forced to deal with it, because if I avoid them, they're just going to continue harassing me. Only me. same grade and same age in the same school. he's a little bigger than me, but i think it's just that he's fat. He's somewhat popular.

wow really mystic? Thanks for the tip man...now I know what happened to that guy who fought some other guy in middle school O.o.


So he picks on you among your friends? Are you sure it is mean spirited, or bros trashing bros (which we do all the time, it is fun and a form of bonding). The question to ask then is 'is it one sided'? Like he messes with you and you don't mess with him? What if you harass him back?

10-24-2010, 12:14 PM
Also your to little to look good fighting, your just flail around and get in trouble. Wont help, even though it seems like it may...
Just give him the finger and say "**** off".

lol, willl do

10-24-2010, 03:44 PM
No, I don't know it. TBH, I don't read the off-topic that often, so if you guys have a history, I wasn't aware of it. I was giving you how I read it and, as I said, YMMV.

I just googled what YMMV means...

how do I make you vomit? Seriously that doesn't make sense because you didn't vomit.

10-24-2010, 03:47 PM
14 fights at school only got in trouble for 3 no big deal

10-24-2010, 03:47 PM
they dont care mostly just make sure no ones watching and knock fatty down :D

lol im mean

10-24-2010, 03:47 PM
14 fights at school only got in trouble for 3 no big deal



10-24-2010, 05:57 PM
Kick him square in the nuts

10-24-2010, 06:04 PM
Kick him square in the nuts

haha il be sure to aim there ;)

10-24-2010, 07:54 PM
ive never said this in a forum before, but fk u.

and ok guys i wont fight him...after what mystic said.
i love you man, i truly do.

...that's not what Raxie said at all and you know it. I know he hates me and he wants to get me everytime he can, and this is one of them. I know Raxie (not in real life, but still), and he just likes to hurt me whenever he can.
lol, i don't want to hurt you whenever i can. it's just that sometimes you are so stupid. for example, why would you make a thread about you breaking your own headphones? dude, i've broken like 5 skull candy headphones and do i make a thread about it? no, i don't. there are people who have lost millions of money and cry less than you. i'm just saying to not make a huge deal out of everything. when you grow up... you won't be able to survive if you keep going like this. i also don't hate you. i only hate people for about a day and then i forget about it. i was smiling when i was wrote that post. it was a joke and you need to take a chill pill.

10-24-2010, 08:17 PM
i love you man, i truly do.

why dont u try saying that to other men and see what they think?

10-24-2010, 08:22 PM
na, man. i can only have one true love.

10-24-2010, 08:24 PM
na, man. i can only have one true love.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU BRING MY SELF CONFIDENCE DOWN!!!!!!!!! Please, if you can, shut up just for once

10-24-2010, 08:25 PM
lol, what did i do?

10-24-2010, 08:30 PM
lol, what did i do?

1.) You laugh whenever something bad happens to me
2.) You say that I cry, and I havent cried for...i think a couple of years...
3.) That post is not a joke at all

10-24-2010, 08:32 PM
dude man im pretty sure this convo should be over.. my initial response would have been to fight the guy.. if no one was there you could lie about him starting it if your the more believable guy.. but if you can't win screw it also now fking screw it man the whole fight idea

Police monitor this stuff. when kids do drugs and get caught police check everything they were on there Facebook, phone all that stuff and see who you talked to what you were doing etc. to see who else might have done it.. so its the same for fights one of u breaks something dont worry about it going to the police it automatically will and they will see this forum post and u will get in more **** then the other guy

10-24-2010, 08:33 PM
dude man im pretty sure this convo should be over.. my initial response would have been to fight the guy.. if no one was there you could lie about him starting it if your the more believable guy.. but if you can't win screw it also now fking screw it man the whole fight idea

Police monitor this stuff. when kids do drugs and get caught police check everything they were on there Facebook, phone all that stuff and see who you talked to what you were doing etc. to see who else might have done it.. so its the same for fights one of u breaks something dont worry about it going to the police it automatically will and they will see this forum post and u will get in more **** then the other guy


10-24-2010, 08:35 PM
PEOPLE LIKE YOU BRING MY SELF CONFIDENCE DOWN!!!!!!!!! Please, if you can, shut up just for once

man calm ur hormones your a guy he said he was joking forget about it man..girls fking hate for a long time not guys once and its over just get over it you gunna spaz everytime one of ur rl friends makes a sarcastic joke.. i know u wont...so dont spaz when someone on the interent does.

10-24-2010, 08:36 PM
man calm ur hormones your a guy he said he was joking forget about it man..girls fking hate for a long time not guys once and its over just get over it you gunna spaz everytime one of ur rl friends makes a sarcastic joke.. i know u wont...so dont spaz when someone on the interent does.

ok that also dropped my self confidence seriously what is your problem.

EDIT: I never spazz around because that's just plain ridiculous

10-24-2010, 08:38 PM
ok that also dropped my self confidence seriously what is your problem.

EDIT: I never spazz around because that's just plain ridiculous

man im trying to help out im explaining to you that forget about your problems for once don't shout them around the world every chance you get.. seriously the world does not revolve around you, so stop acting like it does if you do im serious. your wil get your *** kicked

10-24-2010, 08:39 PM
lolol i like the clone idea :D

10-24-2010, 08:40 PM
man im trying to help out im explaining to you that forget about your problems for once don't shout them around the world every chance you get.. seriously the world does not revolve around you, so stop acting like it does if you do im serious. your wil get your *** kicked

first of all nice cyberbullying.
Second, you are not helping out by calling me a spaz

10-24-2010, 08:44 PM
hey im serious I want to fight him because thats the only way he'll stop.

If i just go to my principal and tell on him, not only will I continuously be called a snitch, but my friends will think less of me for snitching

LL, I'll give you some tips, Ignore the guy, He'll stop after a while and try something else, the more reaction you give him, the more he likes it and will continue doing it.

10-24-2010, 08:46 PM
first of all nice cyberbullying.
Second, you are not helping out by calling me a spaz

dude your spazzing at me calm down

10-24-2010, 09:16 PM
Speaking as a parent of two I can tell you now that you should never solve problems with your fists but use your brain instead.. My initial suggestion is tell your parents as that is what I would want my children to do. If you sit your parents down, there are a few things they can do.. 1) speak to the other parent and it becomes a parent on parent matter… the bully will not think ur a wimp just your parents are which takes the heat off you 2) use your parents as an excuse at school, say your parents wont let u beat his @ss in or else he’s dead 3) tell principle / teacher or what ever and you will not be looked down upon, just mature to do and girls might dig it.

But my honest opinion is to tell your parents… if you care about getting into university and schooling matters to you because you actually want a decent future then TELL YOUR PARENTS or IGNOR him… Trust me… carma works in mysterious ways… the bully will end up asking you for a job in the future….

Don’t be shallow minded and think long term…. If you cant handle a bully growing up, you will never handle bullies in your career.

10-24-2010, 09:18 PM
guys, he's having a period; leave him alone.

10-24-2010, 09:19 PM
Speaking as a parent of two I can tell you now that you should never solve problems with your fists but use your brain instead.. My initial suggestion is tell your parents as that is what I would want my children to do. If you sit your parents down, there are a few things they can do.. 1) speak to the other parent and it becomes a parent on parent matter… the bully will not think ur a wimp just your parents are which takes the heat off you 2) use your parents as an excuse at school, say your parents wont let u beat his @ss in or else he’s dead 3) tell principle / teacher or what ever and you will not be looked down upon, just mature to do and girls might dig it.

But my honest opinion is to tell your parents… if you care about getting into university and schooling matters to you because you actually want a decent future then TELL YOUR PARENTS or IGNOR him… Trust me… carma works in mysterious ways… the bully will end up asking you for a job in the future….

Don’t be shallow minded and think long term…. If you cant handle a bully growing up, you will never handle bullies in your career.

OMg that was amazing (listen to her) if you were a girl i probs would date u

10-24-2010, 09:20 PM
guys, he's having a period; leave him alone.

soryy this makes me totaly imature but thta pretty good

10-24-2010, 09:42 PM
Raxie - fk u and I really hope u burn in hell

Wbto - fk u and I really hope u burn in hell

Inching - THATS AMAZING! I'd say the best choice is to tell them at school that my parents won't let ke beat his @$$ lol..that's probably the best excuse

10-24-2010, 09:56 PM
Raxie - fk u and I really hope u burn in hell

Wbto - fk u and I really hope u burn in hell

Inching - THATS AMAZING! I'd say the best choice is to tell them at school that my parents won't let ke beat his @$$ lol..that's probably the best excuse

Its not an excuse.. its a mature way to deal with this particular life experience.. good luck brotha

10-24-2010, 10:51 PM
Raxie - fk u and I really hope u burn in hell

Wbto - fk u and I really hope u burn in hell

Inching - THATS AMAZING! I'd say the best choice is to tell them at school that my parents won't let ke beat his @$$ lol..that's probably the best excuse

Dude, that is taking it sooooo far, and do you realize what you're saying? I couldn't imagine saying that to someone personally. When people say that I think they are inconsiderate, horrible, and careless. Just my opinion, but to be honest, I wouldn't be upset to see you get bNned because of that.

10-24-2010, 10:53 PM
My thoughts on Lightning- He is a wannabetoughperson that tries to impress people by cussing people out.

10-24-2010, 11:12 PM
Why don't you stick out of the fights and play PL instead...just a suggestion

10-24-2010, 11:34 PM
My thoughts on Lightning- He is a wannabetoughperson that tries to impress people by cussing people out.

You're not helping

Mystic, you have to realize what raxie just said and that wbto agreed

I know your sticking up for them, so I wouldn't be surprised if you helped me at all

EDIT: Mystic you are so mean I can't even be a proper friend of yours.

10-24-2010, 11:48 PM
mystics not mean hes the coolest pl dude i know

inching tht was good unfortunatly r schools priciple cudnt care less about what the students are feeling
and besides all my fights i was attacked from behind with like 3 kids vs me so in my eyes it was beat the $hit outa these kids or have the $hit beat outa me

i liked option 1

10-24-2010, 11:50 PM
Raxie - fk u and I really hope u burn in hell

Wbto - fk u and I really hope u burn in hell

Inching - THATS AMAZING! I'd say the best choice is to tell them at school that my parents won't let ke beat his @$$ lol..that's probably the best excuse
LOL! you take the internet much too serious my friend.

My thoughts on Lightning- He is a wannabetoughperson that tries to impress people by cussing people out.
i know... he probably isn't even going to fight. he just wants to be tough on the internet.

Dude, that is taking it sooooo far, and do you realize what you're saying? I couldn't imagine saying that to someone personally. When people say that I think they are inconsiderate, horrible, and careless. Just my opinion, but to be honest, I wouldn't be upset to see you get bNned because of that.
hehe, he's too stupid so he can't take jokes very well; hope he gets banned.

EDIT: Mystic you are so mean I can't even be a proper friend of yours.
that just brings a tear to my eye. you want mystic to be your friend because it's the closet you will ever get of having a friend; an internet friend.

10-25-2010, 12:22 AM
LOL! you take the internet much too serious my friend.

i know... he probably isn't even going to fight. he just wants to be tough on the internet.

hehe, he's too stupid so he can't take jokes very well; hope he gets banned.

that just brings a tear to my eye. you want mystic to be your friend because it's the closet you will ever get of having a friend; an internet friend.

Oh wow umm...I hope you realize that everything u said isn't true...just saying...


1.) I can assure you I am going to fight tomorrow, unless he chickens out...
2.) Are you retarded? I don't take jokes very well because of persecution complex (search it up if u wish)
3.) I have 20+ friends at school u can just look at my facebook page, but you don't want to because you are crying, apparently as u have stated.

10-25-2010, 01:13 AM
All you need to do.. Is put some weed in his backpack, and make it OBVIOUS, A pocketknife works better, ive done both.......

10-25-2010, 01:14 AM
If you resort to fighting, you might as well just go start bullying people yourself, seriously LL you want to be a bully?

Also think about this, one punch can kill!

If you go down this road, it will go to ways either you will have the snot whacked out of you and go crazy trying to seek revenge or you'll beat the hell out of him and follow a life when you use violence to solve everything.

I'm going to say something LL and I want you to take it as a constructive positive statement.

Grow up.

10-25-2010, 01:24 AM
Quick question.. Have you seriously ever fought anyone before?

10-25-2010, 01:24 AM
You're not helping

Mystic, you have to realize what raxie just said and that wbto agreed

I know your sticking up for them, so I wouldn't be surprised if you helped me at all

EDIT: Mystic you are so mean I can't even be a proper friend of yours.

I wasn't trying to be mean. If you're talking about being mean, read what you said. I'm not trying to flame you dude, I'm trying to tell you that that's a horrible thing to say. It disgusts me when people say it. Sorry if I offended you.

Thanks Devyn, sorry I didn't answer you today, kinda a LONG story, but I spent some time in forest haven talking to a friend about something personal and it was a very difficult and confusing conversation. My apologies. I'll help you level tomorrow or tonight:)

Lightning, seriously, don't fight, you'll be considered a coward, and a bully. I know what you are thinking, how can you be a coward when you fight? Well, IMO, fighting is cowardly, not physically, but mentally. People fight because they rare too scared to handle matters with words, avoidance, and/or understanding. You really need to think about what trouble you'll be in, how it will effect your future, and what the outcome might become. You really don't think that fight can get out of hand? What if his friends gang up on you? Or he has a weapon? Or, what if you hurt him badly, and he get hurt badly, gets a concussion and goes into a comma, what if he dies? You probably think that's far fetched but it could be the outcome. You never know what might happen, so stay smart and don't fight. What will happen if you win? You'll get expelled? You'll get sued? Grounded for a year? Get it put on your report card? End up in the hospital? There are a long list of questions and outcomes here. I suggest you think and ask yourself them all. You'll regret fighting if you do, I know you will, whether you think this post is BS or not.

10-25-2010, 01:32 AM
Hey wait I just had a great idea, go old skool on him and challenge him to a breakdance showdown.

Ohh goodness *tears in eyes*, I kill me.

Sing along if you want.

Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
Show what you do, make a break, make a move
Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
B-boys, breakers, electric boogaloo

Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
Show what you do, make a break, make a move
Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
B-boys, breakers, electric boogaloo

There's a new headline, there's a new sensation
Ev'rybody's talking about the situation
Bodies in expression of music inspiration
Tell us when you feel it, 'cause we're gonna rock the nation

Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
Show what you do, make a break, make a move
Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
B-boys, breakers, electric boogaloo

Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
Show what you do, make a break, make a move
Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
B-boys, breakers, electric boogaloo

Electricity just runs through me
Digital with a capital "D"
I said: Synchronise your feet
Get down on the rhythm, high on the beat

Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
Show what you do, make a break, make a move
Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
B-boys, breakers, electric boogaloo

Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
Show what you do, make a break, make a move
Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
B-boys, breakers, electric boogaloo

There's a new headline, there's a new sensation
Ev'rybody's talking about the situation
We know you're gonna love it, we know you're gonna make it
Is ev'rybody ready 'cause here's rocksteady

Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
Show what you do, make a break, make a move
Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
B-boys, breakers, electric boogaloo

Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
Show what you do, make a break, make a move
Hey, you, the Rock Steady Crew
B-boys, breakers, electric boogaloo

Electricity just runs through me
Digital with a capital "D"

I said: Synchronise your feet
Get down on the rhythm, high on the beat

I said
Synchronise your feet
Get down on the rhythm, high on the beat

I said: Synchronise your feet
I said: Synchronise your feet
I said: Synchronise your feet

10-25-2010, 01:34 AM
Oh, better yet Jon. He should walk up and yell "LETS DUAL!" and pull out a dual disk (I think they called em that) and have an epic Yu-Gi-Oh battle O.o

10-25-2010, 01:36 AM
Oh helll yea, or get all primary and challenge him to marbles.

10-25-2010, 01:38 AM
Maybe he could be original and go with the ULTIMATE GO FISH CHALLENGE!

10-25-2010, 01:39 AM
but why not go up to the bully on question and throw a pokeball at his feet and say "get your a.ss back in there you .....(insert fun stuff)"

Edit:LL we are making light of the situation not you, just thought I'd mention that :)

10-25-2010, 01:41 AM
Dry for double post, but why not go up to the bully on question and throw a pokeball at his feet and say "get your *** back in there you .....(insert fun stuff)"


I still vote the gold fish challenge.

10-25-2010, 01:57 AM
i think poker would be ideal.

10-25-2010, 08:33 AM

I still vote the gold fish challenge.

Not sure if this was a typo, but a gold fish challenge would me a LOT more fun then a go fish challenge. Which would you rather do, play cards, or see who can eat the most goldfish. Hint, I found the easiest way to win is to bring some 2 pound carps and pass em off as gold fish.

10-25-2010, 08:35 AM
Not sure if this was a typo, but a gold fish challenge would me a LOT more fun then a go fish challenge. Which would you rather do, play cards, or see who can eat the most goldfish. Hint, I found the easiest way to win is to bring some 2 pound carps and pass em off as gold fish.

Yes it was a typo, but now that you mention it. Let's make a stop at PetCo and pick up some goldfish :D

10-25-2010, 08:39 AM
Yes it was a typo, but now that you mention it. Let's make a stop at PetCo and pick up some goldfish :D

Absolutely, and don't forget the Koi. When you show up to a goldfish eating contest with Koi, they know you mean business.

10-25-2010, 08:40 AM
Absolutely, and don't forget the Koi. When you show up to a goldfish eating contest with Koi, they know you mean business.

True, I'll stop by a mall and bring my swim fins and go noodling xD

10-25-2010, 08:45 AM
True, I'll stop by a mall and bring my swim fins and go noodling xD

Had to look up noodling though, but WIN!

10-25-2010, 08:46 AM
Had to look up noodling though, but WIN!

Hahaha, I picked up a little slang when I went to Texas;)

10-25-2010, 09:05 AM
Hahaha, I picked up a little slang when I went to Texas;)

Mystic I already know not to fight...sheesh man you don't have to put an entire paragraph (without pressing the enter key) on why I shouldn't fight! Lol, Inching told me what to do other than avoiding bullying..so Now I know

And jonboy, wtf. Things like "grow up" really just hurt my confidence....

10-25-2010, 09:09 AM
Mystic I already know not to fight...sheesh man you don't have to put an entire paragraph (without pressing the enter key) on why I shouldn't fight! Lol, Inching told me what to do other than avoiding bullying..so Now I know

And jonboy, wtf. Things like "grow up" really just hurt my confidence....

1) You said before that you were fighting tomorrow dude, after all those posts, when someone asked if you were posting this for attention and to be a tough guy.

2) Jonboy said grow up cuz you said you were fighting Tomorrow.

10-25-2010, 09:34 AM
LLord, fighting is not the best choice, but sometimes the only answer for some punk@ss giving you a hard time. If you go to a private school, keep it out of school if it comes down to settling a quarrel.

You can go the route of telling on him, which won't bring you any respect, and prob result in that person giving you a harder time in the long run.

10-25-2010, 12:43 PM
if he clearly wants a fight , kick hismarse, but only if u think u can.
if he doesnt entirely provoque u, let it be, give good responses ;)

or just whoop him up'

10-25-2010, 03:03 PM
Lighting this thread is turning on u, your starting to look like the bad guy

1: Your swearing at people when clearly we are being sarcastic..
2: If you cant get things in order on here how will you do so in your own life..
3: STop swearing or im serious you will get banned
4: stop swearing

10-25-2010, 04:19 PM
Hey LL by grow up I mean, be the bigger man, as in choosing not to have this fight would be the adult thing to do.

10-25-2010, 04:28 PM
yeah be a man do the right thing

10-25-2010, 05:15 PM
I say go for it

10-25-2010, 05:45 PM
Lighting this thread is turning on u, your starting to look like the bad guy

1: Your swearing at people when clearly we are being sarcastic..
2: If you cant get things in order on here how will you do so in your own life..
3: STop swearing or im serious you will get banned
4: stop swearing

Shut the hell up I'm sick of your continuous flaming - I really hope u fall on your head, along with Raxie and other trolls, but mostly YOU!

Guys, at school today, when I came up to him to talk about our facebook conversation, he started to have a scared expression. Haha, he chickened out...even in front of his friends! Fail.

10-26-2010, 06:14 PM
Posting your real life problems on the internet probably wasn't the smartest thing to do...

10-26-2010, 06:20 PM
Posting your real life problems on the internet probably wasn't the smartest thing to do...

Banned for bringing up this thread back when everyone wants it dead.

10-26-2010, 07:05 PM
Banned for bringing up this thread back when everyone wants it dead.

banned for failing at the internetmuch?

10-26-2010, 07:25 PM
banned for failing at the internetmuch?

banned for being laquint! OWNED!

10-26-2010, 07:31 PM
banned for being laquint! OWNED!
nice to see u making a joke:) ok i'll drop it now..

10-26-2010, 07:36 PM
nice to see this matter settled without the fight.... we can now all move one and flame someone else :)

10-26-2010, 07:41 PM
(flame flame flame)

oh god i so want to respond to this

oh well

10-26-2010, 07:44 PM
oh god i so want to respond to this

oh well
