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View Full Version : so what good does reporting people who swear do if nothing happens

07-23-2013, 05:36 PM
it's become a problem in PvP with people constantly sweating by mispelling the words but that doesn't stop little kid from repeating what they see. I report them but nothing is done. when will sts actually ban these people or punish them in some way. something needs to be done cause kids play this game too and as adults it's our responsibility to protect them from this. isn't that the point of the /report feature but nothing is ever done. it's about time something is done about this.

07-23-2013, 05:39 PM
I agree, there should be 2 day ban for consistent offenders who are reported using innapropriate language.

07-23-2013, 05:45 PM
For sure.
Although the /report function isn't so precise as someone can tell randoms to report this one person for no such reason, constant offence must stop^

07-23-2013, 06:34 PM
no but sts has the ability to go back and see why the person was reputed they have a permanent record of all chat and when you report it puts a flag up on that chat sequence for them to review but my question is why is nothing ever done about this is anybody even actually reviewing them I know for a fact that they can go review them but they aren't doing anything about these foul mouth puerile and it is getting worse and worse and unless sts actually starts to punish these people this game is unsafe for kids to play or in my case, for my child to watch me play and we bond on video games since my kids mother died two years ago. these people need to get suspensions or even permanently banned to protect the actual integrity of the games moral standing. this is supposed to be for amusement not for verbal abuse. after one match where someone kept typing "bich" for b**** my seven year old daughter started dating it cause she sounded the word out and I was forced to punish her so she wouldn't repeat it again however after I retired this person everyone they did this she is still in PvP typing that word every other word why is this allowed

07-23-2013, 06:36 PM
I agree my daughter who is ten plays the game...I don't like the fact she csn read that.....also I know someone who has been muted over 125 timws (they've counted) with no ban....when is enough enough?

07-23-2013, 06:38 PM
no but sts has the ability to go back and see why the person was reputed they have a permanent record of all chat and when you report it puts a flag up on that chat sequence for them to review but my question is why is nothing ever done about this is anybody even actually reviewing them I know for a fact that they can go review them but they aren't doing anything about these foul mouth puerile and it is getting worse and worse and unless sts actually starts to punish these people this game is unsafe for kids to play or in my case, for my child to watch me play and we bond on video games since my kids mother died two years ago. these people need to get suspensions our even permanently banned to protect the actual integrity of the games moral standing. this is supposed to be for amusement not for verbal abuse.

I report inappropriate names and language multiple times a day - and I see the same people later on continuing to be immature. The reporting system in this game is horrific to say the least. Racism in general chat and inappropriate names are a constant reminder of why my kids will never lay eyes on this game. I suggest you take the same precautions with your daughter. Unfortunately, this game isn't swarming with mature people who have manners.

07-23-2013, 06:39 PM
I agree, there should be 2 day ban for consistent offenders who are reported using innapropriate language.

A bunch of end-gamers would be banned for trash talk then, lol.

On topic, STS should really take these reports more seriously. When compared to PL, AL seems like utter hell in terms of chat. The community is just absolutely horrid as a whole. Also, a lot of it seems to come from the guilds that bond by country - Philippines - mostly in my experience. Players have utterly blatant disregard for the ToS and I truly do not see how they are still allowed to play.

This wasn't how it used to be. I remember an era where ToS was strictly enforced.

07-23-2013, 06:45 PM
Trash talk is one thing, I'm better than u, haha I beat u, die. Etc......where I draw the line is cursing and name calling.....biutch fck, whoore and how they spell it...

07-23-2013, 06:45 PM

07-23-2013, 06:48 PM
Well .. I actually don't even know why they put "inappropriate language" on the report toggle cause it's useless. STS should know that we are not all "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" here, there are "KIDS" who's playing this games supported by plats from their "parents" credit cards. So PLEASE STS! DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!!!!!!

07-23-2013, 06:49 PM
Trash talk is one thing, I'm better than u, haha I beat u, die. Etc......where I draw the line is cursing and name calling.....biutch fck, whoore and how they spell it...

When I say trash talk, I mean the vulgar variety of it.

07-23-2013, 06:54 PM
I agree, there should be 2 day ban for consistent offenders who are reported using innapropriate language.

I think it should probably be more than a two day ban. I mean, it is a kids game and kids really shouldn't be reading that kind of stuff.

This is bramer - signing out

07-23-2013, 07:00 PM
A bunch of end-gamers would be banned for trash talk then, lol.

Good. There's no need for it anyway. It's a pathetic reaction to being upset over a video game.

07-23-2013, 07:21 PM
I'm glad to see such a supportive following to this there are too many kids playing this game and something needs to be done to protect their innocence there is enough vulgarity in this world we can't do anything about but this is something that can be changed with a little effort if rules are enforced it would end. nobody is 100% innocent 100% of the time but there is a time when the lines get crossed and there are the players who are known for constantly crossing it. a penalty system with harsh consequences seems like the only answer. PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS STS

07-23-2013, 07:47 PM
Well first things first. Ban shouldn't happen after like 5 times. I've been muted several times for saying s**t because it means end in my language. I've been muted for miss click, muted for typo, muted for being autocorrected.
Also i suggest remove chat box in PvP. The language in there is heated and vulgar. Make it so you see who kills and dies, no chat. I know may be a disadvantage for pug PvP, no communication, but it would solve the problem.

07-23-2013, 08:32 PM
well if its pvp
you are concerned with why not have chat only seen through party

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

07-23-2013, 09:38 PM
We suspend and ban people all the time for language.

People are just that way, ya know.

It is PvP so some smack talk is expected. I suggest you add people you don't like to your ignore list.

Also, no need to repost the vulgarities here, thanks!

Thread closed.