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View Full Version : Buying mythic bow now helpfull or useless??

Prahasit Prahi
07-24-2013, 12:05 AM
Buying mythic bow now before expansion is it helpful or not??

07-24-2013, 01:08 AM
I sold mine a week ago. Lol. Sorta useless if you don't have the whole mythic set in the future. If you want to buy one, you should probably equip another mythic along to keep it on the top.

But don't let my advice stop you from buying one. If you wanna buy it, by all means Do. Just my observation.

07-24-2013, 01:11 AM
I think the question applies as well to mythic weapon holders of each class not geared with mythic helm and armor. But I still would love to have a mythic warrior weapon for my warrior-farmer.

Prahasit Prahi
07-24-2013, 01:54 AM
Thx for ur suggestions...

07-24-2013, 03:30 AM
Umm, what does having mythic helm or armor have to do with mythic weapons still being good weapons after the expansion? There is no link between them, besides the fact that they are all mythic rarity.

07-24-2013, 04:08 AM
There is since its promised to be best and if needed booted for next expension when it gets released.

07-24-2013, 07:34 PM
it doesn't really matter anymore cuz every one has it now. ur not gonna be the best unless u hav like fang of fenrir and lunar pendant or all mythic.

Prahasit Prahi
07-24-2013, 08:49 PM
Oh...then I must again farm for gold ..:(

07-24-2013, 10:04 PM
Just buy bonechill bow that's almost as ggood. Mythic bow users are too common have some variety :p

Prahasit Prahi
07-25-2013, 02:06 AM
Haha.. I use bonechill now... :)

07-25-2013, 04:57 PM
In all honesty, I would rather get the full mythic set and upgrade that than getting the bow. No guarantees of stats boost and bone chill is just as good from what I noticed! I still love rogues who run into battle with blades/hooks more than bow users when I tank. They take some of the aggro away from me and they have excellent dodge to keep themselves alive until I shield them. I use way more pots with bow user group and mobs die slower.