View Full Version : KING of tha HILL

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10-25-2010, 07:02 AM
every so often I will make a new hill...


the hill by page 10

and page...15... the most epic page so far...

Lol only noticed this hill august 2011... Thx Phar, we miss you... Pg18

a LONG time later in page 28 a whole new kind of hill is born! Welcome, Mr Hill!

Here seems to be the possible current hill...

and most recently, a hill is being born. and it is up to YOU to find one for me! Head over to page 44 for the details. while fighting for the hill, suggest images of ones for the troll to reside in next!
click HERE (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?10873-KING-of-tha-HILL&p=297229&viewfull=1#post297229) for a link, if lazy lol

I once made a VERY succesful game thread of these, and think that the time has come to make another.

The game is actually now TROLL OF THE HILL lolz...

I am on my hill, I place my flag on te hill. I challenge you to take it from me.

(almost anything goes, being creative wins every time)
Rule1: you can't just say "Opps Yu mi$$ed lul" or "no it didn't!". Assume everything is valid. EVERYTHING.
Rule2: you are going to be dethroned the next post, and it is your job to do the same back.
Rule3: you may not just keep giving the same reasons, and try not repeating or using obvious ones. longer posts with detail advance the game much MUCH more than "lolz, nuk3, mine"
Rule4: you may not team up. Teams are for losers... Unless it's part of your strategy to take the hill (in the same post. think of it as a double-crossing)
Rule5: you may spectate as long as it is made up of funny comments, puns and side wars...

NOTICES::: STAY CLEAR OF pg15 if you have bad connection, and pg17 due to small flame war. thank you!

10-25-2010, 02:49 PM
In case i ever need more room for stuff, idk

10-25-2010, 02:55 PM
I purchased the hill, get out or your trespassing

10-25-2010, 03:02 PM
i forge a property record and burn yours. then I kick you out of my house. (yep i got a nice house on my troll-hill...)

10-25-2010, 03:08 PM
I nuke the hill and it is no more.

10-25-2010, 03:10 PM
I build an ark putting my family in it, cause the icebergs to melt with global warming, sinking your hill and house underwater, claim a mountain witch is submerged mostly in water, claiming it a hill. I am king! Lulz

(also the troll drowns)

10-25-2010, 03:11 PM
I nuke the hill and it is no more.

and suddenly, like in all good cheesy cartoons, the hill drops down from where it had been blasted up. black and smoking, but otherwise somehow still there lol.

I build an ark putting my family in it, cause the icebergs to melt with global warming, sinking your hill and house underwater, claim a mountain witch is submerged mostly in water, claiming it a hill. I am king! Lulz

i wait out 40 days in my bubble and then just walk back in. your hill is a fake, original ftw!

edit: i also declare war on your fake. missiles, FIRE!

10-25-2010, 03:17 PM
I deport the Troll back to space time studios were they delete it's data and all evidence that it even existed. I then pop your bubble and you drown because the water level is still over the hill.

Then Poseidon gives me his powers and I can visit the hill and live there without harm.

10-25-2010, 03:21 PM
I SUMMON LAQUINT!!! the troll is back lol...

I just free the titans (notable Oceanus) and have them reclaim my island and restore the water levels.
I get Uranus to go and beat you up too.

10-25-2010, 03:21 PM
then we end the fairy tale and im king of the hill

10-25-2010, 03:23 PM
then we end the fairy tale and im king of the hill

silly goose, the rabbit hole goes much deeper... now you are tied in, you are PART of the faerie tale... PLAY YOUR PART and take the hill for real!
ps still mine

10-25-2010, 03:25 PM
Laquint gets Perma banned... And admit I loose this round but you did to...

"I Lost The Game!"

(I hope you got the reference)

10-25-2010, 03:29 PM
silly mongoose, there are no winners in troll-of-the-hill :D
also, you Laquint survives tha ban as you do not have a picture to support your statement (internet rule)

10-25-2010, 03:41 PM
silly mongoose, there are no winners in troll-of-the-hill :D
also, you Laquint survives tha ban as you do not have a picture to support your statement (internet rule)


10-25-2010, 04:13 PM
I build an IMMORTAL army that CAN'T die or CAN'T be distracted. My self commanding yes I to am Immortal...

Only one who can take me out is Royce who is currently chained to the hill dungeon that I seakely constructed
Using energy generated by the hill my army creates a electrical force field the has voltage of 999999.99999b and can incinerate on contact.. And yes it's a sphere.

Inside it if anyone manages to get through my army awaits....
Good F+++++g Fight!

10-25-2010, 04:46 PM
First I separate the army making them mortal again. (since you said the army is immortal not the indviduals) and then I pull the plug on you electric sphere. I also put you in a cage where it is impossible for you to escape or leave.

10-25-2010, 04:47 PM
I build an IMMORTAL army that CAN'T die or CAN'T be distracted. My self commanding yes I to am Immortal...

Only one who can take me out is Royce who is currently chained to the hill dungeon that I seakely constructed
Using energy generated by the hill my army creates a electrical force field the has voltage of 999999.99999b and can incinerate on contact.. And yes it's a sphere.

Inside it if anyone manages to get through my army awaits....
Good F+++++g Fight!
Then I cause I power outage 5 miles large! Then send super saiyans with the power lvl of over 9000!!!!!! And break Royce free. Royce destroys you and I nuke the hill and have my saiyans spirit bomb it one trillion times. So much that the universe is now gone and I drink tea in a white never-ending box forever and play some Pl.

10-25-2010, 04:52 PM
Pocket legends server crashes and you spill your tea on your " white never ending box" causing you to Nerd Rage and delete your account. Lol

10-25-2010, 05:18 PM
Pocket legends server crashes and you spill your tea on your " white never ending box" causing you to Nerd Rage and delete your account. Lol

Then the Devs restore my account and all is fine. While i refill my tea.

10-25-2010, 05:39 PM
silly wallaby, i sparta-kick the tea onto your face and simply send a polite letter to Chuck Norris saying that all of you have said his name in vain. I take the hill while you run in vain...

10-25-2010, 05:53 PM
I surrender attacking the hill, just asking to be allies with the troll.

I round the world up to do a sit-in.

10-25-2010, 06:01 PM
silly parakeet, the troll is part of the hill. you cannot befriend it, it is mine :)

10-25-2010, 06:23 PM
Then my saiyans blast the hill 5 trillion times! Then I have some tea with chuck Norris.

10-25-2010, 07:00 PM
silly chipmunk, for suggesting Chuck Norris drinks tea he goes back in time, kicks you saiyans a few times, and then goes back (foward?) and re-kicks the tea back into your face (or in this case thru it...)

10-25-2010, 07:09 PM
i just take the hill

10-25-2010, 07:25 PM
silly chickadee... o snap, he did

10-25-2010, 07:36 PM
Inching wakes up from Asia time, sees these mortals yapping online…. Snaps his fingers and everyone dies…. the thread stops because he is God and declares anyone who replies after him will automatically declare himself a loser of the Hill no matter the content of the post.

No replies… I thought so.

Inching Owns Hill

10-25-2010, 07:41 PM
Inching wakes up from Asia time, sees these mortals yapping online…. Snaps his fingers and everyone dies…. the thread stops because he is God and declares anyone who replies after him will automatically declare himself a loser of the Hill no matter the content of the post.

No replies… I thought so.

Inching Owns Hill
show a basilisk a mirror...

10-25-2010, 07:43 PM
show a basilisk a mirror...

HAHHAA replies with nothing... HAHA love it~!!

I admit I didnt think of this one... okok Arterra is currently the Hill Owner besed on his creativity I admit... I lost Hill to him...

10-25-2010, 07:47 PM
silly salamander, I always win.

10-25-2010, 07:51 PM
I summon an army of angry Gangsters who think Arterra's reply three posts up is pro-Caucasian and racist. They knife you and tag the hill. It's now mine.

10-25-2010, 08:00 PM
silly newt, I [insert witty reason I survived] and I [insert funny way to beat you down involving monkeys and revolving doors]
tbh I resorted to this one-time-usage thing because you got me BEAT with that lol your move ;)

10-25-2010, 08:21 PM
silly newt, I [insert witty reason I survived] and I [insert funny way to beat you down involving monkeys and revolving doors]
tbh I resorted to this one-time-usage thing because you got me BEAT with that lol your move ;)
my CHIMPANZEES are smarter than your monkeys and my AUTOMATIC OPENING DOORS are stronger than your revolving doors. they fight in an epic deathmatch and guess who wins???
(if you guessed you then u guessed wrong!!!!!!)

10-25-2010, 08:31 PM
Nuke the hill for a third time (for some reason this hill keeps coming back) and then grabs popcorn to watch the hill come back and see you silly gooses fight over it.

10-25-2010, 08:32 PM
shoot the gooses
steal the popcorn
kick tavore in the head
install anti nuke defense.


10-25-2010, 08:42 PM
I didn't even want the hill geez.. Thanks for stealing my popcorn.. My face hurts.

10-25-2010, 09:26 PM
silly rabbit hills are for bills which none of u can pay
and since i took the hill like said last i filled out all legal documents
and it is mine u cant take the hill from me
and if u think u can ur stupid!

anyone who comments know is gay
flaming ftw!
atleats u cant c this!
unless someone replys to meh quote :O

10-25-2010, 09:59 PM
i rip up all the legal documents (is it really that simple?)
kick both tavore and demonicdevyn in the head.
eat more of tavores popcorn
install anti doccument defence


10-25-2010, 10:26 PM
You all forgot to erase the magic Graffiti that keeps my army's souls connected to the hill. They come back as Undead and help me take the hill back! I'm the king yet again.

PS- Tavore cooome on. Enough with nukes. Be creative.


anyone who comments know is gay
flaming ftw!
atleats u cant c this!
unless someone replys to meh quote :O
Yes we can see it! Enough already! :P

10-25-2010, 10:58 PM
I take over undead with my evil wizards and they I use them for air conditioning and furniture.
I install anti undead defense
And I kick tavore in the head again
Mmmmmmm that popcorn was yummy

10-25-2010, 11:09 PM
Why is everyone kicking me in the head and stealing my popcorn? I guess I'll have to nuke you all even more muahahahahahaha!!! My head hurts...

10-26-2010, 12:11 AM
Why is everyone kicking me in the head and stealing my popcorn? I guess I'll have to nuke you all even more muahahahahahaha!!! My head hurts...

Round house kick to the head which has nothing to do with the Hill... hahahahaha

10-26-2010, 12:37 AM
Why is everyone kicking me in the head and stealing my popcorn? I guess I'll have to nuke you all even more muahahahahahaha!!! My head hurts...
Correction. It's only me who's kicking you in the head and stealing your popcorn.
And I shoot the nuke out of the sky with my hi tech nuke defense system (it also makes waffles!) Now I got the hill AND waffles.

10-26-2010, 03:00 AM
I mind-control your waffles and drown you in maple syrup. The maple syrup also conveniently short-circuits all your fancy shmancy technology. I kill my waffles, bring them back, and now I have an Undead Waffle Army that still can spray paint graffiti pretty well, considering their semi-edibleness. I claim my (sticky) hill again!

10-26-2010, 07:05 AM
Silly duck, I'm back.

I convert your undead waffles back into (green) waffle mix with my reversifyer, and also undo EVERYTHING that happened while I slept. My hill again.

10-26-2010, 09:09 AM
I unleash chuck Norris to catch all of u :D

10-26-2010, 09:44 AM
I unleash chuck Norris to catch all of u :D

been there, done that... he walks away, bored

10-26-2010, 09:46 AM
I start a supernova to destroy all of you. Then I walk to the top of the hill and put a target in my head so you can all round house kick me when you magically come back to life.

10-26-2010, 03:34 PM
silly jackrabbit, YOU brought us to life after saying the hill still exists after such a calamity... i would have just started a tangential multiverse with infinite hills, but ok.

+1 roundhouse kick to you, mine :D

10-26-2010, 06:38 PM
I was completely confused by the posts following my last epic storming of the hill, so I decided to copy and paste it into Google. Conveniently, that's the exact wording of a strange turn of events in some book that was written in 2004, and you all stole those idea and plagiarised.

I incite a riot among authors around the globe who paper-cut you all to death. They then write an award-winning novel of how I heroicly took the hill in a glorious display of leadership. (and you still forgot to erase the graffiti, so my undead Gangsters AND Waffles come back to life now, this time invulnerable to fire and/or boiling chocolate fondu)

10-26-2010, 07:26 PM
-rips off dried paint-


-throws it like a frisbee towards Arterra-

Oh by the way Arterra, I recently saw a street named after you. it was called "Artura" lol i swear i saw this

10-26-2010, 09:06 PM
I was completely confused by the posts following my last epic storming of the hill, so I decided to copy and paste it into Google. Conveniently, that's the exact wording of a strange turn of events in some book that was written in 2004, and you all stole those idea and plagiarised.

I incite a riot among authors around the globe who paper-cut you all to death. They then write an award-winning novel of how I heroicly took the hill in a glorious display of leadership. (and you still forgot to erase the graffiti, so my undead Gangsters AND Waffles come back to life now, this time invulnerable to fire and/or boiling chocolate fondu)

Coincidently, while everyone else is cut to death, one of my favorite hobbies is pain management techniques. I recite the mantras of awesomeness and just float on my chi (built up from redirected pain) and unleash a unholy undead supa-dissing beam of caucasian-made slang. Your gangsters run in terror as their ear bleed and your waffles just explode (double negative). As for your graffiti... I invoke a panel of property assessors to deem it unsightly and have it removed with their dissaproving glare.

I then just move the hill (thank you troll) to long lost road, somewhere near wheee I live. (sometime, somehow...)

10-26-2010, 10:11 PM
ARTERRA did u see what I just typed? sheesh!

10-26-2010, 10:16 PM
I don't see you taking my hill, it does not concern me muahaha. Btw Arterra is not Artura... Isn't that a guy? In a bad movie? That talks with his butt?

10-26-2010, 10:26 PM
I don't see you taking my hill, it does not concern me muahaha. Btw Arterra is not Artura... Isn't that a guy? In a bad movie? That talks with his butt?

And you didn't see me taking your hill, either ...

10-26-2010, 10:49 PM
Arterra i already took your hill. i already claimed it as mine

And Artura is a street LOL

10-26-2010, 10:58 PM
Coincidently, while everyone else is cut to death, one of my favorite hobbies is pain management techniques. I recite the mantras of awesomeness and just float on my chi (built up from redirected pain) and unleash a unholy undead supa-dissing beam of caucasian-made slang. Your gangsters run in terror as their ear bleed and your waffles just explode (double negative). As for your graffiti... I invoke a panel of property assessors to deem it unsightly and have it removed with their dissaproving glare.

I then just move the hill (thank you troll) to long lost road, somewhere near wheee I live. (sometime, somehow...)
You failed to take several things into account.

1. Zombie gangsters feel no pain.
2. You forgot about my still-angry mob of authors.
3. Exploding waffles would destroy everything close enough to harm them, because thay are undead and fireproof.

In conclusion, your attempts to take back the hill should have failed. But because I do not wish to take chances, I hire a few professional athiests including Richard Dawkins to come and rant about your supposed supernatural powers. While you are caught in violent debates, I use Google Earth to find the hill and claim it for me!

10-26-2010, 11:03 PM
You failed to take several things into account.

1. Zombie gangsters feel no pain.
2. You forgot about my still-angry mob of authors.
3. Exploding waffles would destroy everything close enough to harm them, because thay are undead and fireproof.

In conclusion, your attempts to take back the hill should have failed. But because I do not wish to take chances, I hire a few professional athiests including Richard Dawkins to come and rant about your supposed supernatural powers. While you are caught in violent debates, I use Google Earth to find the hill and claim it for me!

To all those posts not like this somewerw above, THIS is how to take a hill. Otherwise all claims are void.

Your athiests attempt to overthrwo the notion o god. I get angry and smite them. All your undead things join ME as I am lord of all that is here and now and whatever and something... Btw I remake the hill at it's original location, leaving you sitting on all of those unused nukes of tavore's... And they are active.

10-27-2010, 09:10 AM
To all those posts not like this somewerw above, THIS is how to take a hill. Otherwise all claims are void.

Your atheists attempt to overthrwo the notion o god. I get angry and smite them. All your undead things join ME as I am lord of all that is here and now and whatever and something... Btw I remake the hill at it's original location, leaving you sitting on all of those unused nukes of tavore's... And they are active.

I understand your frustration in not seeing how I took your hill the last time, but I can hardly be to blame that you were more concerned with checking out talking buts then watching your hill. Did you not even wonder why it was covered in Chinchilla droppings?

As for this time, I spread the word of your god-like powers and millions make the pilgrimage to the mountain to experience your healing gift. I use this as an opportunity to set up a ton of gift shops on the mountain selling t-shirts. While you are busy with your new flock, I get the mountain rezoned for business instead of residential, and am able to use eminent domain to have you evicted from the mountain to build a Walmart. As my t-shirt business has made me insanely rich, I buy out Walmart and hire all your undead as greeters for minimum wage. Walmart now controls the Mountain, and I control Walmart!

10-27-2010, 02:21 PM
I hack into the computer systems and expertly maneuver to put up VERY offensive images on you tv screens everywhere at the same time that a school field trip is scheduled (you know, being a holy hill and all)... the parent (also my legion of supporters and fanatics, thank you fluff!) are completely outraged and tear the place to the ground with gr8 gusto. I set up a 'church of Arterra' and have the hill be the religions holy sanctum... with a world-wide following.

your move

10-27-2010, 02:44 PM
After bribing Rupert Murdoch, Fox News does a 'fair and balanced' expose on your religious splinter group's unprovoked attack on a great symbol of American Capitalism, calling anyone who mentions the offensive images 'Unpatriotic'. This causes an uproar in the true Religious Right and Glen Beck holds a take back the mountain rally. As your followers are mindless sheep, they join the rallies to protest your church. With the midterm elections in the States approaching and congress's favorability ratings dropping, they decide to divert the nation's attention by declaring the smoldering Walmart a national landmark, and bar any religious buildings within 500 miles of the mountain. They even resolve to use federal funds to rebuild the new Walmart. As I have already collected the insurance from the attack, this allows me to make a huge profit, and all it cost me was a bribe. Walmart still controls the mountain, and I still control Walmart.

10-27-2010, 06:53 PM
Actually since the new walmart is built on government money, I start some hefty blackmailing and get get a renown documentary filmmaker to make a worldwide presentation on the subject of freedom and religious oppression, the highlight being the upthrowing of Arterranism. This forces the goverment to rethink the issue, send a sincere apology to the general public and spawn a multide of sympathetic followers. The government gives me the walmart in their televised apology and I turn it into the new symbol of Alterranism: the modernization of religion.

I set some of the best and brightest followers to conduct research and experiments on spacial fabric, and they in turn recruit their scientist buddies and so on until the world is collaborating... An that was how the imoxibilizer was born. With it any spacial fabric can be manipulated.

With this device, I create a dimension shield around the hill (even better than the overlords on too) and call it a sign that the universe bends to the whim of Arterranism, and to Arterra. I now have the entire world under my thumb as devout and believing followers.

I destroy all findings in spacial research, keeping the imoxibilizer on me at all times, and multiple copies to be found in case of distaster.

10-27-2010, 08:02 PM
I drop my magical physics book running down the stairs at school. The binding breaks and it somehow bursts into flames. I then rewrite the known universe (particularly the parts about hills, dimentional rifts, and force fields) to better suit my needs. I take the hill with ease.

(And just for clarification I wasn't attacking God or anything earlier. It's just a good way to distract you so I could take it!)

10-27-2010, 08:15 PM
This shield you built Arterra is amazing. Nobody can get on or off the mountain, and digging under is futile as the base of the shield protects the bottom from a sub terrainian assault. It would have been an amazing accomplishment had you actually been on the mountain when the scientists turned on the shield instead of on your mad journey to the far ends of the Earth to hide the other imoxibilizers.
I on the hand, was on the mountain the whole time, passing myself off as an Alterranism high priest. With you on the outside, I am the highest ranking church member on the mountain. I may be trapped in here, but at least I am trapped with MY mountain.

10-27-2010, 08:16 PM
look at me. look at the hill, now look at me. look back at the hill. It is floating away. look at me. I'm on the hill. look at yourself. you go not horse.

I may be trapped in here, but at least I am trapped with MY mountain.

AHA! with the new laws of the universe, since u said mountain not hill u are trapped in the wrong GEOLOGICAL FORMATION TROLOLOL!!!
MY HILLZ. IN THE AIR. and yes i do have a horse... with me on the hill. 6 of them, riding them at once.

10-27-2010, 08:57 PM
I order my enslaved goblins to digg their way under then up the hill. The minute Arterra and Troll realise my goblins are wielding giant blow-up hammers they both flee down the hole my goblins dug which was conveniently booby trapped on the way up. Both Arterra and the troll are blown to smithereens....the HILL IS MINE!

First things first, back in Aterras house i make a bubble bath and watch T.V on the plasma flatscreen.

10-27-2010, 09:06 PM
look at me. look at the hill, now look at me. look back at the hill. It is floating away. look at me. I'm on the hill. look at yourself. you go not horse.

AHA! with the new laws of the universe, since u said mountain not hill u are trapped in the wrong GEOLOGICAL FORMATION TROLOLOL!!!
MY HILLZ. IN THE AIR. and yes i do have a horse... with me on the hill. 6 of them, riding them at once.

your theory is flawed. go check what hill you are on... the one next to Fluff? yea, thats my house there, but more like my summer one...

10-27-2010, 11:50 PM
Unfortunatley, I have no life and for the last 17 years (count em!) I I've been studying hill dimensions, geographical formations, and weaknesses in my 12 labs strategically placed throughout the world. I have found that floating hills have no soul so I take my band of angels and they punish arterra for being so cruel to thy beloved hill. They lock him up in the middle of heaven where everyone can laugh and point at him. meanwhile, I have token over the hill, and hired 101 rabie infested peacocks to scare off any predators with their vibrant colors and crazy attitude.

10-28-2010, 01:44 AM
I buy special glasses that make the world look black-and-white, and then purchase a hunting rifle. I shoot your peacock security system and take back my hill!

10-28-2010, 02:50 AM
Skeller Krunch kills the troll. Finished

10-28-2010, 07:53 AM
The troll's older bro from the swamps comes and kills skeller.
He then restores frogmar's powers with one of my secret imoxibilizers (he has been UNNERFED) and he comes and pwns all those goody goody guys in heaven. With a maega frogmar and a troll I take my hill by force.

I proceed to make my OWN Arterranism heaven, and more importantly a hell. The hell will be made entirely of alien snipers, and a couple of keepers thrown in with gurgs chifu training. And NO ORBS OR POTS ALLOWED MUAHAHA MEGA LEET LEVEL.

10-28-2010, 07:54 PM
The troll's older bro from the swamps comes and kills skeller.
He then restores frogmar's powers with one of my secret imoxibilizers (he has been UNNERFED) and he comes and pwns all those goody goody guys in heaven. With a maega frogmar and a troll I take my hill by force.

I proceed to make my OWN Arterranism heaven, and more importantly a hell. The hell will be made entirely of alien snipers, and a couple of keepers thrown in with gurgs chifu training. And NO ORBS OR POTS ALLOWED MUAHAHA MEGA LEET LEVEL.

you have foolishly left your hill undefended by placing all of your minions in hell! my band of newly transformed angels (now with free internet!) takes over the hill yet again, and i aqquire 100 health orbs to place around my hill. (are they really health orbs? youll have to find out...)

10-28-2010, 08:20 PM
my hill? undefended? where do you think my Hell IS? with the imoxibilizer I make the inside of the hill its own trans-dimensional reality, meaning that the hill is the gateway to hell. I even had a nice big double-door made of skulls made for it... anyway i sensibly just dump your orbs overboard in case they are like invisible barrels... so yea a few come out, kick you around and invite me over with party emotes...

10-28-2010, 10:54 PM
I realize that nobody has invoked the most binding oath and powerful law in the known universe.

I call dibs on the hill. Like shotgun, if hills had a front seat. Now, you're forced to hand it over to me peacefully. It is mine yet again!

10-28-2010, 11:18 PM
I realize that nobody has invoked the most binding oath and powerful law in the known universe.

I call dibs on the hill. Like shotgun, if hills had a front seat. Now, you're forced to hand it over to me peacefully. It is mine yet again!
I'm sorry, my army of hell raisers don't understand the word dibs. All they here is you blabbing off so they stomp on wittle nightarcher. My hell raisers have also invaded arterras hell and have brought some life to that lame party. Unfortunatley, my angels don't approve of my new friends the hell raisers, but it don't matter, cuz I'm crashin on dis hill, and dere ain't nutin you can do about it.

10-29-2010, 06:26 AM
well i let my awesome alien sniper army get bogged down to exploit the weakness of your new position... your army is now fighting itself. In the chaos i get a berserker to pick you up and throw you into my hell, and dare you to call it a tea party. Frogmar is below (uber one)

10-29-2010, 08:48 PM
Thing is I have people who can supply me with more hell raisers, but instead I go back to my angel buddies, and they destroy all hell's in the universe. Your aliens are now very confused walking down time square, and some locals don't hesitate to shoot them down. The hill has also been placed inside a demon barrier, so nothing but angels and the great man above can get in.

10-29-2010, 09:10 PM
considering I am still worshiped as the head of Arterranism (and no, that cannot be changed, there have been too many plot twists involving that) I just walk in. I go ahead and sit atop my hill watching you struggle to realize that now my hill is out of your reach.

and no an angel cant just smuggle you in, you'd burn.

10-29-2010, 09:30 PM
HAHA! you have fallen into my trap! That's not the real hill! That's a fake! The real hill is somewhere in Asia, and I bet you can't find it!

10-29-2010, 09:40 PM
i found it on a hillside called Usaw Kat Peeyel.

10-29-2010, 09:42 PM
Nope that's not where it is you are mistaken

10-29-2010, 09:43 PM
Actually thats not it... just a very interesting alternative.
Tiger leaping gorge ftMOTHA*******w been there, will one day HAVE to go back...

if you haven't been there, good luck imagining it... and if you cant imagine it you lose 'cause you cannot find it lol

Nope that's not where it is you are mistaken

also i consider that a low blow in this game :/ anything goes really.

10-29-2010, 11:06 PM
-claims the hill-
there, I win.

10-30-2010, 09:24 AM
i take the beauty of Tiger leaping gorge and shove it down your mind... for not playing the game properly. i take it back and throw you off (its still floating...)

10-30-2010, 09:44 AM
You don't make any sense, so it appears that I still claimed the hill.

I win!

10-30-2010, 10:52 AM
I see you still not giving any details on how you claim to have done so, so I can just say you failed back.

10-30-2010, 11:10 AM
I see you still not giving any details on how you claim to have done so, so I can just say you failed back.

Here are the details:

1.) I knock you out with a single punch
2.) I take my flag
3.) I jam it on the hill and therefore, it is mine.


10-30-2010, 11:29 AM
I summon a million undead creatures to eat all of your brains and then i take all of your ammo and weapons and demolish the hill....
but then i resort to the new burger king across the street..:cool:
OWNED!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!

10-30-2010, 11:51 AM
I summon a million undead creatures to eat all of your brains and then i take all of your ammo and weapons and demolish the hill....
but then i resort to the new burger king across the street..:cool:
OWNED!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!

That's strange...I sanctioned you before you could have done all of that..WOOT I STILL CLAIMED THE HILL!!

10-30-2010, 12:26 PM
ok listen i repeatedly vent on how AWESOME Tiger Leaping Gorge is (the whole 10 hour trek) until you both die of old age, then i imoxibilize the burger king into my old hill (now the inner hell serves BAD QUALITY BURGERS muaghaha)

10-30-2010, 12:42 PM
ok listen i repeatedly vent on how AWESOME Tiger Leaping Gorge is (the whole 10 hour trek) until you both die of old age, then i imoxibilize the burger king into my old hill (now the inner hell serves BAD QUALITY BURGERS muaghaha)

i get poisened from your burgers and order a lawsuit.
i bribed all 10 jury members so they all vote you guilty, and a lifetime in jail.
now with you out of the way permanetley, i can deal with all these other pests, as i laugh at the world from the top of my hill.

10-30-2010, 12:45 PM
the awesomeness of corporate structure is that I have LIMITED LIABILITY. Burger King gets everything lost, but i am Scot free. I sparta kick you away...

10-30-2010, 03:18 PM
the awesomeness of corporate structure is that I have LIMITED LIABILITY. Burger King gets everything lost, but i am Scot free. I sparta kick you away...

I sanctioned you.
I sanctioned smoae.
I sanctioned everyone else who wants to be the king of the hill.
And now, I am the king of the hill.

10-30-2010, 03:26 PM
i get Bob Ross to paint over you. now instead of a annoying kid I have a awesome mountain lol
let me call the troll over...

10-30-2010, 03:28 PM
I sanctioned you.
I sanctioned smoae.
I sanctioned everyone else who wants to be the king of the hill.
And now, I am the king of the hill.
well you also wanted to be king of the hill or else you wouldnt santioned me and arterra, and because of this you also santioned yourself because you said you santined everyone else who wanted to be king of the hill.
i form a key out of arterra's ashes and use it to get out of the sanctuay. now everyone who wants the hill is in the sanctuary except me.

10-30-2010, 03:33 PM

this photo of my hill proves your argument invalid. FEAR MY SKILLZ!!1

10-30-2010, 03:38 PM
well you also wanted to be king of the hill or else you wouldnt santioned me and arterra, and because of this you also santioned yourself because you said you santined everyone else who wanted to be king of the hill.
i form a key out of arterra's ashes and use it to get out of the sanctuay. now everyone who wants the hill is in the sanctuary except me.

Touché. And lmfao arterra

10-30-2010, 03:52 PM
lol just noticed trolls mouth is a heart.

10-30-2010, 05:27 PM
LMAO! well i dug a hole underneath all of you and sent all of you to the core of the earth ...all of you melt in lava so i officailly win =D

10-30-2010, 05:59 PM
I swear that troll is cropped from the pic i always post..

Stealthily rides a harley up the hill, then Pulls out a glock, which jams, and pistol whips his way to the top of the hill..Then Makes a wall from royces undergarments.

10-30-2010, 06:37 PM
WTF?! Lmao

-uses skill of modern combat 2 to headshot all of you and take you all down wit mai grenadez!-

10-30-2010, 08:21 PM
I imoxibilize you all! NO COUNTER ARGUMENT!

also... if I am the head of Arterranism... then I am like their Jesus (without the messy death part)... which means...


edit: i also ignore all comments on a destroyed hill... you just cant, its there on page one lol

10-30-2010, 08:39 PM
I swear that troll is cropped from the pic i always post..

o yea. i dug for a while looking for it. I have saved a original version and a ready to copypaste version lol
Its from one of your answers to Laquint lol.

10-30-2010, 09:15 PM
I imoxibilize you all! NO COUNTER ARGUMENT!

also... if I am the head of Arterranism... then I am like their Jesus (without the messy death part)... which means...


edit: i also ignore all comments on a destroyed hill... you just cant, its there on page one lol

I brainwash all of the arterranism followers, and set them to KILL!!!!
Now that arterra has no followers, he surrenders the hill and admits to stealing meh peacocks and my dignity.

10-30-2010, 09:17 PM
I brainwash all of the arterranism followers, and set them to KILL!!!!
Now that arterra has no followers, he surrenders the hill and admits to stealing meh peacocks and my dignity.

You DO realize that he said no counter argument, right?

But oh well, i headshot all of you and reclaim the hill

10-30-2010, 09:23 PM
ooo LL's counter argument was against smoae so he DOES get it. ok. I threaten to bring up Jesus pwn3d you 2 and you ran away screaming.
ps i imoxibilize my followers brains so now they are brainwashed for ME heheh. i set them o you (i bet you survived being headshotted like me) and take a long bath... heated by Hells flames lol dont forget it.

10-30-2010, 09:29 PM
-comes balm fully loaded with....NEEDLE INJECTIONS!-

I inject a needle in Arterra and poison is emanating in his body now. In 2 seconds, his body will explode.

I have reclaimed the hill!

10-30-2010, 09:39 PM
i transfer my mind into a fully functional clone (imoxibilized into existence right then and there) and let the old body explode on you, so that you are also infected. i quarantine you and make your horrible death into a national televised event...

10-30-2010, 09:51 PM
Too bad that THAT was a decoy...

Oh and I also destroy that clone, along with your mind and all it's functions.

I have reclaimed the hill.

10-30-2010, 09:57 PM
-Reverses the hill so its a hole-

10-31-2010, 09:42 AM
aha! my imoxibilizer has a auto-clone and transfer program. hello again. no, you do not know where or what it is. goodbye (slaps him away)

also, if you spacially reversed the hill, then my Hell is loose on earth... which kills you all. i climb thru the entrance/exit hole of my hell and arrive upon another universe, where the ENTIRETY OF EXISTENCE PRAISES ME.

10-31-2010, 08:57 PM
OMG! mini-me takes over the hill by impersonating me to my lawyer and suing me over it to himself!!! you know what I call that? EPIC BUMPAGE.

10-31-2010, 09:08 PM
Tom cruise make another mission impossible and is able to sneak onto the hill.
Then dr. Evil catches mini me and sends him to austion Powers. Then the kid from the 6th sence sees dead people... Bruce Willis then discovers hes dead. They cancel die hard 5.
Harry Potter gets surgery to fix his scar. Turns out that scar from the lion king is friends with chewbaka. Chewbaka gets shaved to help fix B.P's oil spil. I hate to rain on your parade bit if you still reading this you forgot that tom cruise is on you hill and relaxing there just like knight in day with cameran Diaz....

Also Megan fox is on the hill trying to make it more attractive.

10-31-2010, 09:11 PM
good thing i got jeniffers body recorded for later, i dont need megan anymore lol. though... leave her there yeeeow....

i just put up quantum of solace and all other spy actor guys leave in misery...

10-31-2010, 09:21 PM
That movie was odd.... The band members were crazy lol.

Dr. Emmit brown makes a time machine and Marty goes to the past destroys the earth. Once the earth got destroyed there was no way to bring it back. "sad face" a black hole consumes everything....


Also... The hills have eyes... "use that is your next post please rofl. I heard th movies gross.

11-01-2010, 06:26 AM
I personally didn't see it so all I can say is that the hill saw it coming and so it got a few rockets strapped to it. Blasted away into space. It's freeeeeeee...

11-01-2010, 11:35 AM
i kill u all using my finger.

I win. I have reclaimed the hill.

11-01-2010, 02:21 PM
yay another clone... who throws you into space.

short remark deserves nothing better than a shot answer.

11-01-2010, 02:59 PM
yay another clone... who throws you into space.

short remark deserves nothing better than a shot answer.

Lol, that's true.

Also, I used a shotgun on your head. My hill. Mine. MINE. MINE!

11-01-2010, 08:53 PM
i just go and play my new Black Pegasus... and ignore your schizophrenic... you are taken away for good :D

11-01-2010, 09:04 PM
i just go and play my new Black Pegasus... and ignore your schizophrenic... you are taken away for good :D

So you reclaimed the hill by ignoring me? FAIL.

Hill is still mine.

11-01-2010, 09:07 PM
this thread should be renamed to the Lightninglord vs Arterra Hill battle of which the winner gets to live on MY hill.

11-01-2010, 09:08 PM
this thread should be renamed to the Lightninglord vs Arterra Hill battle of which the winner gets to live on MY hill.

So does that mean I have YOUR hill so far? :D

11-01-2010, 09:09 PM
So does that mean I have YOUR hill so far? :D

ya.. u winning and unless A replies in the next 10 mins... the Hill is yours

11-01-2010, 09:11 PM
ya.. u winning and unless A replies in the next 10 mins... the Hill is yours



11-01-2010, 09:15 PM


11-01-2010, 09:25 PM
The hill is officially mine.

Good game, chief.

11-02-2010, 09:42 AM
nope. for triple post I declare you disqualified lolzers. ps whose thread do you think this is ;D

ya.. u winning and unless A replies in the next 10 mins... the Hill is yours

i eat your hill :P yummy

11-02-2010, 02:17 PM
i eat your hill :P yummy

I start by bribing the clerk at City Hall for the plans to your septic grid. I then hire a crack team of mercenaries and break into the sewage treatment plant and steal the putrid remains of the hill. While down there, we also find the last remaining imoxibilizer that you tried to hide by eating, but became 'dislodged' after your last trip to Taco Bell. I use the imoxibilizer to purify the hill and restore it to its former glory, with me as its leader.

11-02-2010, 06:13 PM
Too bad losers I win!

11-02-2010, 07:32 PM
o noes! my imoxibilizer!! its now bountiless spacial fury agains itself!!

so we are forced to come to conciliatory talks. I mean, the universe is not worth a hill :P

you just decide you have better things to do than argue all day online to some random guy (kid? alien? you dont even know!) and just give me the hill, AND the imoxibilizer. i re-hide it, so well you cannot find it till page 15...

almost forgot


imma posting that EVERYWHERE

11-02-2010, 07:42 PM
o noes! my imoxibilizer!! its now bountiless spacial fury agains itself!!

so we are forced to come to conciliatory talks. I mean, the universe is not worth a hill :P

you just decide you have better things to do than argue all day online to some random guy (kid? alien? you dont even know!) and just give me the hill, AND the imoxibilizer. i re-hide it, so well you cannot find it till page 15...

almost forgot


imma posting that EVERYWHERE

u are so not the winner for reusing the "imoxibilizer" too many times

11-02-2010, 07:51 PM
Hill is mine :).

11-02-2010, 08:06 PM
i shake my head sadly as LL mutters something about it "being his" in his rubber cell... and just imoxibilize Inching. hey, YOU come up with a awesome thing, dont go trashing someone's idea lol

ps i didn't actually use the imoxibilizer that post :/

11-03-2010, 12:05 AM
i shake my head sadly as LL mutters something about it "being his" in his rubber cell... and just imoxibilize Inching. hey, YOU come up with a awesome thing, dont go trashing someone's idea lol

ps i didn't actually use the imoxibilizer that post :/

You know perfectly well that the hill is mine u dumass

11-03-2010, 01:06 AM
You know perfectly well that the hill is mine u dumass

thanks for my new Sig

11-03-2010, 01:18 AM
thanks for my new Sig

Lol no prob.

11-03-2010, 06:32 AM
Hard to fight a sig...

K you break out and ramble onto the hill. I take you down with a desert eagle as you are a threat to society.

11-03-2010, 08:46 AM
Hard to fight a sig...

K you break out and ramble onto the hill. I take you down with a desert eagle as you are a threat to society.

Dude you lost the battle the hill is already mine

Even the state agencies agree! They say that it's copyrighted to me, so, OWNED.

11-03-2010, 10:26 AM
Well if THA law is invoked I call out the evidence that I started this thread, and so you lose. Don't make me put something on the first post...

And really LL, either post to play or just stop... Let us make more impossible situations, apart from you owning a hill (lol a if...)

11-03-2010, 07:25 PM
Well if THA law is invoked I call out the evidence that I started this thread, and so you lose. Don't make me put something on the first post...

And really LL, either post to play or just stop... Let us make more impossible situations, apart from you owning a hill (lol a if...)


Stop being stubborn. I won. The last thing i need right now is being mad, so stop with the conversation.

11-03-2010, 07:42 PM

Stop being stubborn. I won. The last thing i need right now is being mad, so stop with the conversation.



you brought it out!! the imoxibilizer's MOST IMPRESSIVELY ANNOYING ATTACK... tha PHOTO-GATE


i hope i didnt crash STS... or ban my image posting privileges :P

11-03-2010, 07:52 PM


you brought it out!! the imoxibilizer's MOST IMPRESSIVELY ANNOYING ATTACK... tha PHOTO-GATE


i hope i didnt crash STS... or ban my image posting privileges :P


one time ur mean and another time ur nice

11-03-2010, 07:57 PM
ps it seems everyone forgot the hill is in space...


so since i kicked u all off ages ago... your dead :P

11-03-2010, 07:59 PM
ps it seems everyone forgot the hill is in space...


so since i kicked u all off ages ago... your dead :P

dude the hill is on EARTH

sheesh...you need to focus more

11-03-2010, 08:01 PM
dude the hill is on EARTH

sheesh...you need to focus more

no, i shot it out when a supernova destroyed everything.

YOU need to focus more... get a bird, its the first skill heheh

11-03-2010, 08:02 PM
no, i shot it out when a supernova destroyed everything.

YOU need to focus more... get a bird, its the first skill heheh

then that means im still on it! yay.

now that you are out of the picture, i can drop the lawsuits and live happily ever after

11-03-2010, 08:06 PM
Dr. Emmit brown makes a time machine and Marty goes to the past destroys the earth. Once the earth got destroyed there was no way to bring it back. "sad face" a black hole consumes everything....


there is the supernova.

ps i never saw u actually get rid of me... lol your still hallucinating from your VERY special brownies... so I feed them to you some more... and again, and again, and again... and you die from overexposure to some random drug. mine.

ps the next page i have a very annoying movie planned. get ready.

also you quoted this yourself lol

ps it seems everyone forgot the hill is in space...


so since i kicked u all off ages ago... your dead :P

see? dead.

11-03-2010, 08:17 PM
now that you've logged out...

the hill is mine :D

11-03-2010, 08:33 PM
hehehehe.... my first post here..

i get my team of elite awesomeness to take over the hill and hand it to me ;)
then i get my bubble to surround the hill from every attack :)

11-03-2010, 08:44 PM
sinse arterra hill has vanished i create new hill, one with such sass that it even rivals arterra's!
no one gets my hill, traded it with sonic for some power armor. now he can collect endless rings in style!

11-03-2010, 08:49 PM
Using my awesome l33t sk1llz I genetically engineer FART_MAN

input = gets

if input == FART_MAN
killz every intelligent being in the universe!! (excluding myself_MAN and FART_MAN - we have MAN powers- exclusive to just us, the genetic secret was lost when FART_MAN swallowed my notes...)
destroys all defensive methods taken to preserve the hill!!

(I am GOD- so can use this command line to the universe :) )

I then just walk up to the hill and plant my program atop it, then I build a chair atop there and sit there, at peace.

P.S. Note that there is not a single intelligent being left alive ;).

11-03-2010, 08:57 PM
Since I'm average intelligence with th iq of 100 I am alive.

I then get the copyright to the tv show king of the hill...

11-03-2010, 08:59 PM
oh great.. 2 new joiners.. this is never gonna end and will forever appear in my "What's New" tab.

11-03-2010, 09:03 PM
sinse arterra hill has vanished i create new hill, one with such sass that it even rivals arterra's!
no one gets my hill, traded it with sonic for some power armor. now he can collect endless rings in style!

still no one gets my epicz sonicz hillz :D :D

11-03-2010, 09:05 PM
oh great.. 2 new joiners.. this is never gonna end and will forever appear in my "What's New" tab.

Me? Lol I made the 3rd post on this thread.

Btw Bump for inching to get it back to what is new.

Lol jk

11-03-2010, 09:56 PM

And I hereby claim the hill because according to Book 562, SEason 3, Volume 277.66399, Section 874, it states: "LIGHTNINGLORD67 Has the ability to claim any hill created by anyone for any reason whatsoever."

My hill :D

11-03-2010, 10:36 PM
still no one gets my epicz sonicz hillz :D :D

No troll, not a official hill. Haha.

LL Shattup.

I said it.. I reallyd did


I managed

Actually stand for myself

Or is universe yours inverted?...¿

Mine ;)

11-03-2010, 11:10 PM
No troll, not a official hill. Haha.

LL Shattup.

I said it.. I reallyd did


I managed

Actually stand for myself

Or is universe yours inverted?...¿

Mine ;)

How about YOU stfu.

at least provide a reason why the hill is yours.

telling me to shut up isnt a god damned reason

11-04-2010, 12:28 AM
How about YOU stfu.

at least provide a reason why the hill is yours.

telling me to shut up isnt a god damned reason

Fail Spaz attack. You stuck your fingure in a light socket during your excitement, melted into a puddle of electric fence, and dribbled off the hill where you froze surrounding a pile of dog crap. When you wak up you will find yourself stuck in the shape of dog crap forever(see below for explanation).

While LL's posts == fail
Stuck shape of dog crap

I take my can of Lysol, spray LL, and walk up to my hill (again). This is just too easy ;) (btw arterra I installed a gravity generator to the bottom of the troll asteroid, just in case you were confused- don't ask how dog crap got out there, you don't wanna know)

11-04-2010, 06:15 AM
Wait... Arterra could be the "troll on the hill"

Defeat Arterra save the hill...

I summon the troll busters... Bill Maury will be the new hunter trapping trolls... Arterra is gone for good.

11-04-2010, 08:32 AM
Fail Spaz attack. You stuck your fingure in a light socket during your excitement, melted into a puddle of electric fence, and dribbled off the hill where you froze surrounding a pile of dog crap. When you wak up you will find yourself stuck in the shape of dog crap forever(see below for explanation).

While LL's posts == fail
Stuck shape of dog crap

I take my can of Lysol, spray LL, and walk up to my hill (again). This is just too easy ;) (btw arterra I installed a gravity generator to the bottom of the troll asteroid, just in case you were confused- don't ask how dog crap got out there, you don't wanna know)

You are the most disturbing, annoying, spoiled, jealous, disturbing, little child to talk to.

I have never seen anyone else who is more annoying and horrible than you. I hope you learn to fix your awful and childish behavior.

I really hope you burn in he'll because you don't deserve to live on earth. People like you should be dead.

EDIT: Sorry Gaanoob, but it's true. People like you should be hated. You deserve to be hated.

EDITEDIT: Hill is officially mine, so Gaabob, before I make you go into depression, gtfo

11-04-2010, 11:15 AM
---edited out on contract---
---was a attempt to staop the trollin'.---

If your next post is sensible I will edit this message out. Youve Ben warned


Anyway, back to hill...
O yea later today I will add another troll to the hill. No arguments pls. Muahaha. Since time is ignorable I just say that I already did it and your troll killing team is ded.
Ps THIS. IS. ALTERRA!! *kick/boot*

11-04-2010, 05:02 PM
Using my time warp abilities I walk back in time to the beginning of the troll asteroid hill thing. I then plant a devise in the center of the hill that breaks the time space continuum. Now the hill is stuck in time. I then call on chuck norris' grandfather (who, despite suffering from brain cancer is still the highest power ever- chuck Norris is busy beating up the Overlord). I call upon him, and transplant a mind control bomb and a disintegrator device. Using the remote control I send impulses to his brain, which cause him to destroy everything(except the hill) in approximately 1.0x10^1234567890 seconds(note that time is broken). I then send a short command to his brain which desintegrated chuck norris' grandfather. This puts him in a comma and transports him to the former overlords prison complex. When chuck Norris defeats the overlord he is sent back to that selfsame prison. The unconscious grandfather is then locked in an infinite battle with the overlord.

I sit on my hill watching the fight through all of un-time.

11-04-2010, 05:06 PM
You are the most disturbing, annoying, spoiled, jealous, disturbing, little child to talk to.

I have never seen anyone else who is more annoying and horrible than you. I hope you learn to fix your awful and childish behavior.

I really hope you burn in he'll because you don't deserve to live on earth. People like you should be dead.

EDIT: Sorry Gaanoob, but it's true. People like you should be hated. You deserve to be hated.

EDITEDIT: Hill is officially mine, so Gaabob, before I make you go into depression, gtfo
i think you meant to say this about yourself.
quit being a jacka$$, you are the noob here.

11-04-2010, 05:50 PM
Ok lL I wa about to answer that troll killing thing with a second troll on the asteroid and more hidden cows when I saw you... Take a dump on my thread...
Really just be quiet! He wasn't necessarily trolling you, he was reclaiming the hill! Play the damn hill game kiddo or gtfo... Actually serious. I don't want this to be on te what's new bar with your spazzy dog turds on it.

If your next post is sensible I will edit this message out. Youve Ben warned


Anyway, back to hill...
O yea later today I will add another troll to the hill. No arguments pls. Muahaha. Since time is ignorable I just say that I already did it and your troll killing team is ded.
Ps THIS. IS. ALTERRA!! *kick/boot*

First of all, he WAS trolling me, he just fooled you into thinking that he didn't troll me.

Second, listen. I have been beaten up, punched, socially tortured, been called many names, and slowly failing in my classes. So the last thing I need right now is more torture from someone who called me a racist name. You.

And smoae I don't have time for your childish behavior.

11-04-2010, 05:59 PM
First of all, he WAS trolling me, he just fooled you into thinking that he didn't troll me.

Second, listen. I have been beaten up, punched, socially tortured, been called many names, and slowly failing in my classes. So the last thing I need right now is more torture from someone who called me a racist name. You.

And smoae I don't have time for your childish behavior.

When will you learn that you bring all this upon yourself, and put yourself through a lot of stress. I did not troll you, despite what your prosecution complex is telling you. My advice is that if you feel like someone is trolling you in any way shape or form- find a rational person in your life, or PL to analyze if they are ACTUALLY trolling you. If not, you need to tell yourself to CALM DOWN, take a drink, then go make a journal where you can vent at all the (imagined) injustices and cruelties in your life. You serve no one by going on forums and basically having a spazz attack, least of all yourself (more like a self inflicted social masachism).

Also, guys please stay on the topic of the thread. If you all get too out of hand either Arterra is going to ask G for a lock/delete, or G himself is going to do it on his own initiative.

11-04-2010, 06:12 PM
When will you learn that you bring all this upon yourself, and put yourself through a lot of stress. I did not troll you, despite what your prosecution complex is telling you. My advice is that if you feel like someone is trolling you in any way shape or form- find a rational person in your life, or PL to analyze if they are ACTUALLY trolling you. If not, you need to tell yourself to CALM DOWN, take a drink, then go make a journal where you can vent at all the (imagined) injustices and cruelties in your life. You serve no one by going on forums and basically having a spazz attack, least of all yourself (more like a self inflicted social masachism).

Also, guys please stay on the topic of the thread. If you all get too out of hand either Arterra is going to ask G for a lock/delete, or G himself is going to do it on his own initiative.

What do u mean by vent?

11-04-2010, 06:17 PM
What do u mean by vent?

Venting meaning releasing all of the pent up tension in you. You see me make a derogatory remark on the quality of your posts and your steam meter skyrockets!!! For you the only way to release this sudden burst of anger/stress/etc is to release in a hate filled post.

Venting in a journal is describing what the person did, then explaining why you hate it so much, then writing all the most hate-filled things you really want to say the person. If there is someone in your life that you can confide in, then show the journal to that person, to relieve any pressure you feel to actually SAY the things to the aformentioned person.

11-04-2010, 06:20 PM
Venting meaning releasing all of the pent up tension in you. You see me make a derogatory remark on the quality of your posts and your steam meter skyrockets!!! For you the only way to release this sudden burst of anger/stress/etc is to release in a hate filled post.

Venting in a journal is describing what the person did, then explaining why you hate it so much, then writing all the most hate-filled things you really want to say the person. If there is someone in your life that you can confide in, then show the journal to that person, to relieve any pressure you feel to actually SAY the things to the aformentioned person.

Ahhh ok I see where ur getting at..

And thx for telling me what to do on the journals...I hope it works out the way it's planned!

11-04-2010, 07:23 PM
Ahhh ok I see where ur getting at..

And thx for telling me what to do on the journals...I hope it works out the way it's planned!

well I'll count this as the response I needed... so i declare pg 17 as the OFF-LIMITS section... what happens in pg17 STAYS in pg17, pls dont quote from here or continue ANY discussion from that page. done. apart from this post lol i gotta retake the hill

Chain... Chuck Norris??? u mad??!! hes gonn- OMG TOO LATE!!! he sneezed (on purpose) and broke EVERY wall and barrier in his path towards you. he then picks up the universe and hits you on the head with it. (he remade it all JUST for you lol)
he gives it back to me 'couse he knows I dont dis on him like u and represent... and all... dawg

edit last word on pg17, if you could be so kind as to edit out EVERYTHING not related to hill there? bury it...

11-04-2010, 07:30 PM
I dont dis on him like u

Don't get me started all over again man....

11-04-2010, 07:32 PM
Using my time warp abilities I walk back in time to the beginning of the troll asteroid hill thing. I then plant a devise in the center of the hill that breaks the time space continuum. Now the hill is stuck in time. I then call on chuck norris' grandfather (who, despite suffering from brain cancer is still the highest power ever- chuck Norris is busy beating up the Overlord). I call upon him, and transplant a mind control bomb and a disintegrator device. Using the remote control I send impulses to his brain, which cause him to destroy everything(except the hill) in approximately 1.0x10^1234567890 seconds(note that time is broken). I then send a short command to his brain which desintegrated chuck norris' grandfather. This puts him in a comma and transports him to the former overlords prison complex. When chuck Norris defeats the overlord he is sent back to that selfsame prison. The unconscious grandfather is then locked in an infinite battle with the overlord.

I sit on my hill watching the fight through all of un-time.

HIM. your getting paranoid, remember pg17 on lockdaown. everything now is purely hill related

11-04-2010, 07:33 PM
Don't get me started all over again man....

Arterra is talking about chuck...

11-04-2010, 07:56 PM
Arterra is talking about chuck...

oh ok

As for the new hill...*boom*

I have activated a nuclear bomb that has destroyed all mass on Earth EXCEPT me and the hill. I leap!...I grab!...and I have reclaimed the hill! WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO WOO!!

11-04-2010, 11:06 PM
OMG you have found the ancient hill of (name of player who made another hill cant remember who though so imagine name inserted here...)!!!!1!

we must have a epic hill war! since mine still exists in space! WHOSE HILL WILL SURVIVE??!? well my bets on me lol...

11-04-2010, 11:56 PM
OMG you have found the ancient hill of (name of player who made another hill cant remember who though so imagine name inserted here...)!!!!1!

we must have a epic hill war! since mine still exists in space! WHOSE HILL WILL SURVIVE??!? well my bets on me lol...


For one week, Lets update our hills to be able to battle in space! I need some shooters....OH and huge plate armor...

I gotta write these stuff down :D

And since my hill is ancient, it has ancient powers which can literally freeze every single atom of ANYTHING!

11-05-2010, 08:18 AM
I have quantum technology!!! One instant mine is there, the next your missiles and powers go right THROUGH it Muahaha!

11-05-2010, 08:49 AM
I have quantum technology!!! One instant mine is there, the next your missiles and powers go right THROUGH it Muahaha!

Ah I c what u did thar.

But you see, my arterra friend, my freezing technology is actually much more complex than that. It. An go through heat reactions as well as physical and mental reactions. It can affect anything through any type of reaction.


11-05-2010, 11:32 AM
You force my decision then... I reveal: the paraporter. It flips anything through a myriad of dimensions and void in order to not exist in ANY OF THEM at any given moment. The fact Is you now have nothing to freeze. It allows me to exist in a nothingness of a nothingness of a second, and since only I know the rate of quantum change I can fire any weapon in that nothingness of a nothingness so IT exists, but I don't :)

11-05-2010, 05:36 PM
You force my decision then... I reveal: the paraporter. It flips anything through a myriad of dimensions and void in order to not exist in ANY OF THEM at any given moment. The fact Is you now have nothing to freeze. It allows me to exist in a nothingness of a nothingness of a second, and since only I know the rate of quantum change I can fire any weapon in that nothingness of a nothingness so IT exists, but I don't :)

One flaw.

If you were to exist in the nothingness of a nothingness of a second, a bullet, when fired, will not even reach one millimeter in 10 minutes.

You have never said that it doesn't affect u hehe. So, I freeze you before you take both of us to the nothingness of the nothingness

P.S. What does Godspeed mean?

11-05-2010, 07:49 PM
AHA! a bomb i set up (set to the second saying of the word "Godspeed") DESTROYED all your ancient magic tablets! NO FREEZEE for U!!

I also acknowledge that since quantum mechanics is subject to perception, I agree that I had a small flaw there. But I then hire a group of specialist monks who concentrate on the existence and working of my paraporting device, thereby letting me transcend all logic you throw at it. I also use ALL my power as the head of Arterranism to instill in the minds of trillions of universe citizens the belief of all my quantum inventions past present and future (and everything in between)

11-05-2010, 08:36 PM
AHA! a bomb i set up (set to the second saying of the word "Godspeed") DESTROYED all your ancient magic tablets! NO FREEZEE for U!!

I also acknowledge that since quantum mechanics is subject to perception, I agree that I had a small flaw there. But I then hire a group of specialist monks who concentrate on the existence and working of my paraporting device, thereby letting me transcend all logic you throw at it. I also use ALL my power as the head of Arterranism to instill in the minds of trillions of universe citizens the belief of all my quantum inventions past present and future (and everything in between)


I greatly increase the defense of my ancient hill before you set that bomb up...so...bomb has done no damage.

i then transform the specialist monks into evil hell demons that has a seperate goal: destroy arterra's hill!

I freeze your engine (if u have an engine idk lol) and you are now immobile.

11-05-2010, 10:45 PM
the evil demons work out well for me as my pure power makes them WANT to follow me, and so i have double the un-freezy-and-nothingness-existence-that-works-somehow... ps not engines, the pure strength of my will lol (and a few trolls whipped by frogmar)

11-05-2010, 10:47 PM
the evil demons work out well for me as my pure power makes them WANT to follow me, and so i have double the un-freezy-and-nothingness-existence-that-works-somehow... ps not engines, the pure strength of my will lol (and a few trolls whipped by frogmar)

strength of your will!?

then i use my ancient hill's ancient abilities to freeze your strength (idk how that works entirely) and now you are immobilized to make a brave move lol.

11-06-2010, 09:50 AM
you can freeze my body, but not my spirit and mind!! with the sole strength of though I crash my (heavily armored) hill into yours, dislodging all your fragile tablets of power and causing some to fall and break!

(PS yes i did i approached you while paraporting)

11-06-2010, 10:37 AM
you can freeze my body, but not my spirit and mind!! with the sole strength of though I crash my (heavily armored) hill into yours, dislodging all your fragile tablets of power and causing some to fall and break!

(PS yes i did i approached you while paraporting)


-teleports away to make repairs-

EDIT: Wait a minute, since u crash your hill into mine, doesn't that mean that YOU have to make repairs? LOL

11-06-2010, 12:46 PM
well i strapped everything down before hand, thank you. so i unload all my zombie-slave-warriors and commence my invasion of your hill! go my plasma canon wielding minions!

11-06-2010, 03:37 PM
well i strapped everything down before hand, thank you. so i unload all my zombie-slave-warriors and commence my invasion of your hill! go my plasma canon wielding minions!

I unleash the power of Zeus, and the lightning zaps all the minions and now they are my minions.

They are slowly taking your hill apart! and they have repaired my tabs, so I freeze u! now! -Starts to hear the frozen sound on your hill-

11-06-2010, 03:51 PM
My hill popped up from under your hill and destroyed your hill.

11-06-2010, 04:42 PM
My hill popped up from under your hill and destroyed your hill.

I go back in time and change all of that.

small attack requires a small response. Lol.

11-06-2010, 04:43 PM
thank you Superzarop for destroying LL's hill while his freezing power was on me! Now we shall never be frozen again... I manage to kill all the turned-minions, but it looks like my paraporter is gone too... damn, no uber-winning devices for either of us!

anyway... what now LL??! oh and super, I am tracking you all with a rocket launcher in my hands...

11-06-2010, 04:47 PM
mwahahauahauahahah look at all my hillz. all mine !!!!

11-06-2010, 04:48 PM
u forced me to go and put trolls on all of them... wait, let me do it...

edit: 4 is good enough lol


11-06-2010, 05:42 PM
thank you Superzarop for destroying LL's hill while his freezing power was on me! Now we shall never be frozen again... I manage to kill all the turned-minions, but it looks like my paraporter is gone too... damn, no uber-winning devices for either of us!

anyway... what now LL??! oh and super, I am tracking you all with a rocket launcher in my hands...

I go back in time and change all of that.

small attack requires a small response. Lol.

Does this mean anything to you?

11-06-2010, 05:48 PM
While LL is confused, I teleport to the hill, use my super sayian powers. Get enough energy for a spirt bomb... And obliterate the troll. I then teleport to Robert pattenson, bring him to the hill and little girls will shield him and the hill.

Also Justin bieber came along too.

11-06-2010, 05:52 PM
While LL is confused, I teleport to the hill, use my super sayian powers. Get enough energy for a spirt bomb... And obliterate the troll. I then teleport to Robert pattenson, bring him to the hill and little girls will shield him and the hill.

Also Justin bieber came along too.


Since everyone ignored my response (even though it was totally valid), I make multiple repairs on my hill and it now has better ancient powers.

my freezing capability is upgraded now! It is able to freeze ANYTHING, ANYONE, and ANY PLACE mentally, physically, emotionally, everything!

That includes through chemical reactions and physical reactions. And yes that also means telepathically.

11-06-2010, 05:56 PM

Since everyone ignored my response (even though it was totally valid), I make multiple repairs on my hill and it now has better ancient powers.

my freezing capability is upgraded now! It is able to freeze ANYTHING, ANYONE, and ANY PLACE mentally, physically, emotionally, everything!

That includes through chemical reactions and physical reactions. And yes that also means telepathically.

LL did not reclaim the hill still so... Mike the situation breaks LL freezing power with his "hot" abs

(FYI I feel sick calling mike from jersey shore hot)

11-06-2010, 06:01 PM
LL did not reclaim the hill still so... Mike the situation breaks LL freezing power with his "hot" abs

(FYI I feel sick calling mike from jersey shore hot)

I did not say that I reclaimed the hill, you're right.

But that doesn't mean you have to attack me.

Lol, owned.

(NOW, I reclaim the hill)

11-06-2010, 06:07 PM
lol just playing around LL

But I lure you away with COD and sent it in a black hole, and you chase after it.

Now the hill is mine.

11-06-2010, 06:10 PM
lol just playing around LL

But I lure you away with COD and sent it in a black hole, and you chase after it.

Now the hill is mine.

Flaw: Arterra and I are playing HILL WAR

Hold on I gtg eat lunch sorry bye

11-06-2010, 09:42 PM
u forced me to go and put trolls on all of them... wait, let me do it...

edit: 4 is good enough lol


mwahaha now my hillz have trollz defense B)

11-07-2010, 11:11 AM
Flaw: Arterra and I are playing HILL WAR

Hold on I gtg eat lunch sorry bye

yes, yes we are. but if someone puts up that their hill suddenly has some flying mechanism they can join us in space lol...
btw i start trolling your thoughts with my thoughts, you go crazy and self destruct :P I prepare to do the same with others..

mwahaha now my hillz have trollz defense B)

nah, they are a crack team of special forces opps. while you stare at them smiling, they are busy mining out all important materials and transporting them to me :D why do you think you can barely see them? they are in a deep hole lol...

11-07-2010, 04:37 PM
My god LL, since my hill popped up on youre hill, you have been upgrading my hill instead of your hill, so now my hill has mine and LL's hill combined together into one hill and is stronger than all the other hills that by now have already been anniHILLated by my hill.

11-07-2010, 04:40 PM
well it s a good thing my crack special forces troll-team has been ignored, I have successfully started a mutiny on this LAST remaining hill, and now It is ALL MINE!!! I dump all you traitors to the republic of Arterranism into deep space... where there is no improbability driven ship you pick you up

11-07-2010, 04:54 PM
Theres was no light..... No hope....
I woke up and found myself in a strange house. In front of me was Chuck Norris. It was apparent that i had been picked up into the maker's throne...
One week later i was back in the great forest and chucj had granted me an hilltop fortress protected by reinforced force-exelirated mendelevium and an army of minature Chuck Norrises. Within a year i took rein over the world and i was praised for all eternities.

11-07-2010, 05:55 PM
o s**t... that does sound bad... but did you ever think about how Chuck Norris holds reign supreme... but in this universe? I open up a HUGE whole in space into a universe populated with infinite Bruce and Jet Lees ... Bruce Lee being the only man to have actually officially beaten him, and jet Lee simply... well, he could :/ I make a contract with them, and them and their honor will follow it... to destroy you all!

11-07-2010, 06:01 PM
I think LL is IRL busy, so he cant go on. he wants you all to know however that he is in fact making a epic Hill-stealing device, so we had better prepare lol... until then, just hill-kill

11-08-2010, 01:28 AM
This is becoming more like Star Wars.
Thw only way to ctreate a new universe is by travellijg back in time and in such way create a parallel universe. I traveled back in time before you and moved my hill to another planet. Then i destroyed the great forest with a missle and therefore destroying your time machine.

11-08-2010, 02:25 AM
TAC-NUKE inbound game ends in 10....

11-08-2010, 04:05 AM
You have been disconnect from Xbox live.

11-08-2010, 04:11 AM
you have been disconnect from xbox live.


11-08-2010, 07:26 PM
YOU got a red ring of death.

11-09-2010, 06:25 AM
Thats just good because i sent it to microsoft and got a brand new one for free :)

11-09-2010, 07:50 AM
And that too broke down... And a velociraptor breaks in and smashes it with a hammer. Face it sometimes it happens.

11-09-2010, 11:46 AM
When you were were out planning the desteuction of my xbox, i sent my army of chucks to your hill and consumed everything in there and miles around.

11-09-2010, 12:34 PM
Aha! A bit of Bruce lee universe attack you! And of course you lose. jet Lee just remakes it through awesomeness.

11-09-2010, 12:40 PM
TAC-NUKE inbound game ends in 10....

Lol you all fail... He was playing on PSN...


11-09-2010, 05:12 PM
I get disappointed and leave the game for a little while. see ya.

11-11-2010, 08:12 AM
... And back. Sadness over lol

Anyway, since LL is sadly not with us, I conclude the current hill warz with my hill being the only one to not spontaeneusly combust. All chucks and lees leave to their universes, and I gotz a hill.

11-11-2010, 04:47 PM
Then my hill popped up from under yours and now its mine.
Thread closed.

11-11-2010, 05:23 PM
And I go and reply through it being "closed" and so logic sides with me, and so i state you inexistent, so I kill your hill, so I win, so I am....... etc

11-11-2010, 05:37 PM
also this kills you all


11-11-2010, 06:49 PM
I am undead... I eat you and reclaim the hill...

Mmmm... Brains..

11-11-2010, 08:48 PM

Parental warning, after the thing happens, swearing. (but an apology afterwards so its ok lol)

spoiler alert/reason I win in white below
double spoon wins any fight, so whatchasaay?

11-12-2010, 02:28 AM
Perhaps the most misleading aspect of a dinosaur's prehistoric figure may simply prove to compromise a reality of inhumane creatures that demolish and create unique structures thus reuniting and additionally eliminating the openly incredibly rescinding factor which could possibly lead to an overall mental breakdown of an average human fetus and possibly pronounce the possibility of a technique used often by a large distribution of many possible energetic quantum theories that completely demolish any chance of penetration in the quartz industrial distribution infatuation. Therefore, I am utterly the supreme unchallenged winner of the hill.

11-12-2010, 07:09 AM

i just run over you.

11-12-2010, 05:56 PM
Tl,dr. No no one dares challenge my authority, and i therfore pronounce myself the Lord of The Hill.

11-12-2010, 07:57 PM
MuhahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAAAAAAA!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

I aM bAcK!!!! fEaR mE!@@!@!@!!@@!@!!@@!@!

-throws a black hole-orb to all your hills except mine-

Your hills are sucked into the darkness of the black hole and it is gone forever. Thread closed.

11-12-2010, 09:10 PM
Sorry I had to end the hill war. The ref calls foul and remakes my hill out of yours.

11-13-2010, 07:58 AM
K so i win cus chuck norris is on my side.

11-13-2010, 09:22 AM
K so i win cus chuck norris is on my side.

apart from us having overused Chuck Norris, I just re-summon both Lees (Jet and Bruce) until he goes away.
sorry, overused meme is overused

[Lt] Shiny
11-13-2010, 09:43 AM
yea.... well, i..... i.... imma own this hill now! :D

11-13-2010, 10:05 AM
I roll in, slice all of your brains out and I have reclaimed the hill. Yay.

11-13-2010, 05:22 PM
All the slices of my brain trasformed into copies of me, each with a hill of its own and all under my command.

11-14-2010, 11:40 AM
I imoxibilize the hill and the thread and make it so that there can be no punctuation ever hahaha now whatcha gonna do i killed grammar tha lolz are with me oh and my hill you head explODES

11-14-2010, 08:08 PM
Iiiii will make my own hill you will wait and see can u really use no punctuaition

11-14-2010, 08:10 PM
Muhaahahahaha my own TROLLS oN a hill

11-15-2010, 08:18 AM
Wow. Luckily after classes I got nothing to do so I can ammass an army of trolls...

11-16-2010, 06:13 AM
As i told u, i brought the land so its mine now.

Or a high magnetic sun ray attacked your troll..

11-16-2010, 10:09 AM
As i told u, i brought the land so its mine now.

Or a high magnetic sun ray attacked your troll..

I take an ordinary sword and kill all of you

Hill....is....MINE! :D

11-18-2010, 06:59 PM
i take a *non-updated* zuraz shock lance and do you in loool
MINE lol its been a while

11-18-2010, 10:07 PM
i take a *non-updated* zuraz shock lance and do you in loool
MINE lol its been a while

*decapitation* hill is mine :)

11-20-2010, 11:39 PM
I call the devs to demolish your troll.
I win :0

11-21-2010, 01:20 AM

I kill u with my reverse psychology knowledge. Your brain explodes and the hill is mine

11-21-2010, 08:25 AM
I pull off stacking armor break with my spear 6 times, lowering your armor by 90. U are mine.
And so is my hill.

11-21-2010, 11:55 AM
devs NERF armor break along with everything else! My level 30 sword is now better than your spear!

11-21-2010, 04:17 PM
Wait, since break armor is now nerfed, my armor is still at MAX.

I use my reverse psychology AGAIN on all of you and reclaim the hill

11-21-2010, 04:42 PM
i call Newton's 6't rule of "repeating reasons is reason for banning"


11-21-2010, 04:50 PM
i call Newton's 6't rule of "repeating reasons is reason for banning"



-jab- I win! (idk. I got bored and did something random)