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07-28-2013, 06:50 PM
Ok, PvP isn't even that fun anymore....why? Because mages stun you the entire match, I cant get 1 shot in.
Mage fireball stuns me, the second I'm out of stun comes slag, then fireball again. In between these using lightning destroys me because I only have so much health and can't even hit my opponent. When I quit AL ( early 2013 ) Devs suggested a 7 second stun immunity yet still haven't implemented it. What's wrong?

07-28-2013, 06:55 PM
Wait till next season,
Staff+sam+ those long stuns.

07-28-2013, 07:05 PM
Wait till next season,
Staff+sam+ those long stuns.

Yay, can't wait! More OP stunning...

07-28-2013, 07:09 PM
Mages stuns/crowd control Is too op for pvp atm. Too many stuns smh, then they have over 330dmg which makes their lightning/fire combo hit over 3k dmg. Average rogues only have 2.6 -3k hp, packs are useless if ur stunned...

Sts finds new ways to stun...Panic, terrify, whats next - ohko rogue proc?

I kid. But stuns need some nerf, maybe a bug with stun immunity - maybe make it longer

07-28-2013, 07:16 PM
Next crowd control ? Knocks up ! Pets will be able to Knock you up. Dreams always come true.

07-28-2013, 07:28 PM
Mages stuns/crowd control Is too op for pvp atm. Too many stuns smh, then they have over 330dmg which makes their lightning/fire combo hit over 3k dmg. Average rogues only have 2.6 -3k hp, packs are useless if ur stunned...

Sts finds new ways to stun...Panic, terrify, whats next - ohko rogue proc?

I kid. But stuns need some nerf, maybe a bug with stun immunity - maybe make it longer

I saw some mages with even 365 damage. Heck, forget the stuns.....their lightning 1 hits me.

07-28-2013, 07:37 PM
hehe, i believe there's nothing wrong with the stun immunity.
FBall Stun and Panic is just a deadly combo that gives you no chance but click "respawn".
Lets just admit that there are many Strong Sorc now, either from gears or PK skills.

kinda missed being a smurf but not gonna go back.
Im having lots of fun tanking in PvP. Trying to stay alive 5v1<3

07-28-2013, 07:40 PM
Stop the exaggeration and hyperbole. Just because you cannot instantly kill everything on the spot and have an excellent k/d, it does not mean that sorcerers are op. Yes it is much easier this season than the last TWO for sorcerers, but is this a bad thing? Btw, sorcerers are not the only ones who can stun, and I have been stunned to death by good rogues. It is just a skill that most rogues have ignored or chosen not to use because they are way to op with their stacking crit and as.

Please, you have to admit at least this much, if a sorcerer's psuedo-srtun lock fails, you will often win the match as a rogue, and the panic of slag and clyde is never guaranteed. Furthermore, the range of almost all the rogues skills is greater than that of fireball, so you should always he hitting first if your timing is good.

07-28-2013, 07:52 PM
Stop the exaggeration and hyperbole. Just because you cannot instantly kill everything on the spot and have an excellent k/d, it does not mean that sorcerers are op. Yes it is much easier this season than the last TWO for sorcerers, but is this a bad thing? Btw, sorcerers are not the only ones who can stun, and I have been stunned to death by good rogues. It is just a skill that most rogues have ignored or chosen not to use because they are way to op with their stacking crit and as.

There's no exaggeration. Rogue is the only class without a stun skill. The way we stun is the following: 1. Mythic Bow (If you can afford it) & 2. Pet

So, due to this, there is no current way to counteract stuns for our class or even have a way to stun ourselves. Now, I get that if rogue got a stun, yes, it'd be way OP but there should at least be methods to counteract the stun. As of right now, the only way I can is quick switching to slag and using its arcane in hope that it'll stun before smurfs kill me.

Also, mages do more damage & dps then rogues consistently as well as having equal health. Have you looked at the DPS and damage of a mythic gun Mage? Insane when compared to a rogue. Our only saving grace is aimed shot, which is only really useful if it crits (with the 250x damage on critical add-on).

Warriors, at least, have a way to counteract stun - Juggernaut. Mages, however, do not. Also, their arcane shield is glitched so even if we do stun them, they can one tap their arcane shield & be safe. So essentially, the advantage of our stun is useless.

07-28-2013, 08:01 PM
There's no exaggeration. Rogue is the only class without a stun skill. The way we stun is the following: 1. Mythic Bow (If you can afford it) & 2. Pet

So, due to this, there is no current way to counteract stuns for our class or even have a way to stun ourselves. Now, I get that if rogue got a stun, yes, it'd be way OP but there should at least be methods to counteract the stun. As of right now, the only way I can is quick switching to slag and using its arcane in hope that it'll stun before smurfs kill me.

Also, mages do more damage & dps then rogues consistently as well as having equal health. Have you looked at the DPS and damage of a mythic gun Mage? Insane when compared to a rogue. Our only saving grace is aimed shot, which is only really useful if it crits (with the 250x damage on critical add-on).

Warriors, at least, have a way to counteract stun - Juggernaut. Mages, however, do not. Also, their arcane shield is glitched so even if we do stun them, they can one tap their arcane shield & be safe. So essentially, the advantage of our stun is useless.

The reason rogues don't have a stun skill is because they have such high crit. Can u imagine how bad it wood be for the other two classes if rogues could stun, and then one hit while there is nothing u can do about it? I don't think that would bring much happy feedback lol. I think the classes are quite balanced at endgame, rogues can one hit anyone, mages can stun lock and kill, and warriors can stay alive and deal decent dmg as well.

07-28-2013, 08:03 PM
Hah! NOOBS! I STILL EAT SMURFS ON IMPROVE (except beatriixx,she is just PRO for a smurf).

07-28-2013, 08:05 PM
The reason rogues don't have a stun skill is because they have such high crit. Can u imagine how bad it wood be for the other two classes if rogues could stun, and then one hit while there is nothing u can do about it? I don't think that would bring much happy feedback lol. I think the classes are quite balanced at endgame, rogues can one hit anyone, mages can stun lock and kill, and warriors can stay alive and deal decent dmg as well.

The point is that aimed shot is the only skill. Also, that rarely one hits, lol. The only people I one hit are undergeared (& I do mean UNDER) rogues or mages (rarely). Note what I said what makes them OP, it's not just the stuns but they're glitched spells (arcane shield).

07-28-2013, 08:09 PM
There's no exaggeration. Rogue is the only class without a stun skill. The way we stun is the following: 1. Mythic Bow (If you can afford it) & 2. Pet

So, due to this, there is no current way to counteract stuns for our class or even have a way to stun ourselves. Now, I get that if rogue got a stun, yes, it'd be way OP but there should at least be methods to counteract the stun. As of right now, the only way I can is quick switching to slag and using its arcane in hope that it'll stun before smurfs kill me.

Also, mages do more damage & dps then rogues consistently as well as having equal health. Have you looked at the DPS and damage of a mythic gun Mage? Insane when compared to a rogue. Our only saving grace is aimed shot, which is only really useful if it crits (with the 250x damage on critical add-on).

Warriors, at least, have a way to counteract stun - Juggernaut. Mages, however, do not. Also, their arcane shield is glitched so even if we do stun them, they can one tap their arcane shield & be safe. So essentially, the advantage of our stun is useless.

The reason rogues don't have a stun skill is because they have such high crit. Can u imagine how bad it wood be for the other two classes if rogues could stun, and then one hit while there is nothing u can do about it? I don't think that would bring much happy feedback lol. I think the classes are quite balanced at endgame, rogues can one hit anyone, mages can stun lock and kill, and warriors can stay alive and deal decent dmg as well. False. Rogues CANT one hit at endgame*.

*A normal player has around 2.6 - 3k hp (mage or rogue). A rogue definately does not crit 3ks. Trust me as a semi-full mythic rogue I have tried, tried it on a friend still NO ohko. However the rogue is able to 2hit/3hit unshielded mages or unalert rogues, but this is a aimshot-pierce-nox combo not a ohko. It seems like they are bein one shot, but it is most likely 2 or more skills used rapidly.

Rarely we see players that are victims of 2k crit ohkos, they are undergeared or dont have the right build.

07-28-2013, 08:17 PM
I didn't think I'd ever see the day a thread would say "omg liek nerf sorcerer they op pls omg" I love this <3

07-28-2013, 08:18 PM
Stop the exaggeration and hyperbole. Just because you cannot instantly kill everything on the spot and have an excellent k/d, it does not mean that sorcerers are op. Yes it is much easier this season than the last TWO for sorcerers, but is this a bad thing? Btw, sorcerers are not the only ones who can stun, and I have been stunned to death by good rogues. It is just a skill that most rogues have ignored or chosen not to use because they are way to op with their stacking crit and as.

Please, you have to admit at least this much, if a sorcerer's psuedo-srtun lock fails, you will often win the match as a rogue, and the panic of slag and clyde is never guaranteed. Furthermore, the range of almost all the rogues skills is greater than that of fireball, so you should always he hitting first if your timing is good. Same thing can be said about mages. They have the ability (stun skill - warriors also do this) to make rogue packs fail, this is the most disgusting death of all. Heal fail, mage stunlock and lightning = Mort, the rogue has no heal to turn to as the skill is in CD and doesnt appear.

Also Apollos point has to be brought up, the Shield is bugged, the 2sec invulnerability is activated even if the skill isnt charged, which contrasts the skill description. Although rogues can spit arrows like rain, the mage has lots of counter abilities up its sleeve- stun, shield that gives them 2x as much surviability, crowd control with freeze and slag

07-28-2013, 08:29 PM
If rogues are killers, don't they have to be disadvantaged? The way I read PvP now, Warriors are better than mages, mages better than rogues, rogues better than warriors.
If you remove a mage's stun, what do you have left? A blue frog yelling "KILL ME PL0X"

07-28-2013, 08:38 PM
Yea sorry guys its time you face the wrath of the "smurfs." For 3 seasons we were so underpowered no one even cared now we get powered and everyone is mad. I switched over to warrio due to this and since i still cant compete with mythic gun sorcs i stay warrio with no problems unless im 1vs2 to the notts. To me the notts are just fine. Rogue have high dps/dmg(sometimes), and semi high armor so no stun needed if you want stun use a stun pet = big trouble for opponent. Warrios have high health, high armor, few with just enough dmg to hurt a little, and a stun with hammer......Wheres the issue with stun? Oh btw @miracle, there is one hitting rogues at end game. When sorcs dont have that shield BOOM

07-28-2013, 08:49 PM
1. I dont mind the mage stuns but have you noticed theyre always 3+ seconds? As opposed to rogues and warriors measly short stuns

2. Stunlocking is back in another form - pets. Why should pets be allowed to decide the fate of a fight? Pets shouldve never been able to stun...i say only snares. Most mages carry slag with them to keep the opponent stunlocked whole fight.

3. Teams. Mages are full on beasts in groups as they can crowd control. First mage stuns. Second mage slag stuns. Third mage snares. The rogue finishes off. The tank laughs. Tell me if that isnt op

Just my $0.02

07-28-2013, 08:50 PM
Yea sorry guys its time you face the wrath of the "smurfs." For 3 seasons we were so underpowered no one even cared now we get powered and everyone is mad. I switched over to warrio due to this and since i still cant compete with mythic gun sorcs i stay warrio with no problems unless im 1vs2 to the notts. To me the notts are just fine. Rogue have high dps/dmg(sometimes), and semi high armor so no stun needed if you want stun use a stun pet = big trouble for opponent. Warrios have high health, high armor, few with just enough dmg to hurt a little, and a stun with hammer......Wheres the issue with stun? Oh btw @miracle, there is one hitting rogues at end game. When sorcs dont have that shield BOOM I have never one hit a geared sorc...always one combo, not one hit

07-28-2013, 08:51 PM
So what? League of Legends i one of the most balanced games I've ever played and you can still be stunned for 10 seconds straight, but rarely. If you let yourself get stunned, it's your own fault.

07-28-2013, 08:56 PM
So what? League of Legends i one of the most balanced games I've ever played and you can still be stunned for 10 seconds straight, but rarely. If you let yourself get stunned, it's your own fault. not your fault, Because you cant AVOID being stunned...if there was a way I could avoid stuns other than dodge, im all for it

07-28-2013, 09:25 PM
So what? League of Legends i one of the most balanced games I've ever played and you can still be stunned for 10 seconds straight, but rarely. If you let yourself get stunned, it's your own fault.

Not really, as there's no way to avoid a stun.

Also, I've seen mages abuse the glitched 2 sec invulnerability to the max. It is widely known and any sorcerer who is halfway decent utilizes this. For a rogue, this completely destroys our "quick attack" set up.

Rogues are squishy, but can kill fast but with that shield up WITHOUT charging, it's useless. Don't get me wrong, I still kill mages but there are bugs in smurfs that should be removed.

If my bow stuns a rogue, I should be able to kill him (if the shield isn't glitched like it is right now). Therefore, mages did get buffed, yes, but they also have powerful glitches working in their favor.

07-28-2013, 09:26 PM
I didn't think I'd ever see the day a thread would say "omg liek nerf sorcerer they op pls omg" I love this <3

lol this is nothing compare to how sorc suffered after the immunity or even those AS-Pierce combo.

07-28-2013, 09:33 PM
We sorcerers have in general been at the bottom of the heap since back in season two when they nerfed our stun lock. Yes there have always been very successful sorcerers, but we have always had to be smart about our builds and our strategy to be successful. I am glad that my fellow smurfs have been catching on to the psuedo stun lock and paying back rogues for two seasons of their dominance. You not once heard me crying about the nerfs they made to our class. And yes rogues can be successful at stun, and i have experienced it from some of the smart top rogues. In fact before the stun lock nerf, rogues were just as good as sorcerers at the stun lock despite not having a skill that has stun built into it. If you can't beat it with your current build and strategy then maybe you have to change something. There are still plenty of successful rogues out there despite the claimed overpowerness of the surfs.

07-28-2013, 09:34 PM
not your fault, Because you cant AVOID being stunned...if there was a way I could avoid stuns other than dodge, im all for it

Walk out of range, use cover, stun them first, stay out of AEO. There are many ways to not get stunned, but you need to know how to use them and when.

07-28-2013, 09:35 PM
Not really, as there's no way to avoid a stun.

Also, I've seen mages abuse the glitched 2 sec invulnerability to the max. It is widely known and any sorcerer who is halfway decent utilizes this. For a rogue, this completely destroys our "quick attack" set up.

Rogues are squishy, but can kill fast but with that shield up WITHOUT charging, it's useless. Don't get me wrong, I still kill mages but there are bugs in smurfs that should be removed.

If my bow stuns a rogue, I should be able to kill him (if the shield isn't glitched like it is right now). Therefore, mages did get buffed, yes, but they also have powerful glitches working in their favor.

I was mostly talking about avoiding stun. The shield is kinda OP in my opinion, but without the shield, mages are next to useless against rogues.

07-28-2013, 09:36 PM
Walk out of range, use cover, stun them first, stay out of AEO. There are many ways to not get stunned, but you need to know how to use them and when.

It's not like PL where you can see the range because often times 16mm > camera view.

07-28-2013, 09:37 PM
We sorcerers have in general been at the bottom of the heap since back in season two when they nerfed our stun lock. Yes there have always been very successful sorcerers, but we have always had to be smart about our builds and our strategy to be successful. I am glad that my fellow smurfs have been catching on to the psuedo stun lock and paying back rogues for two seasons of their dominance. You not once heard me crying about the nerfs they made to our class. And yes rogues can be successful at stun, and i have experienced it from some of the smart top rogues. In fact before the stun lock nerf, rogues were just as good as sorcerers at the stun lock despite not having a skill that has stun built into it. If you can't beat it with your current build and strategy then maybe you have to change something. There are still plenty of successful rogues out there despite the claimed overpowerness of the surfs.

I think my old video of classic rogue PvP demonstrates how they used to have an extremely large stun lock.

07-28-2013, 09:37 PM
I think the most op in this season is tank groups with arcane weapon,
Mage almost do nothing against their windmill.
Just wait for die if attacked by arcane windmill.

07-28-2013, 09:37 PM
We sorcerers have in general been at the bottom of the heap since back in season two when they nerfed our stun lock. Yes there have always been very successful sorcerers, but we have always had to be smart about our builds and our strategy to be successful. I am glad that my fellow smurfs have been catching on to the psuedo stun lock and paying back rogues for two seasons of their dominance. You not once heard me crying about the nerfs they made to our class. And yes rogues can be successful at stun, and i have experienced it from some of the smart top rogues. In fact before the stun lock nerf, rogues were just as good as sorcerers at the stun lock despite not having a skill that has stun built into it. If you can't beat it with your current build and strategy then maybe you have to change something. There are still plenty of successful rogues out there despite the claimed overpowerness of the surfs.

Glitched shield is my problem, remove that as sorcs should not be benefiting from bugs.

07-28-2013, 09:42 PM
I think I have decent HP, around 2.8k if I want to lower my dmg to 245. My shield was cooling down and I was running from a rogue. One rogue, with bonechill bow and gear.
S/He pretended not to notice me and while I ran away, charged aimed shot.
You can guess what happened next.
Yup. "Your Hero has Fallen!" with the mage sticking out his, erm, finger on the floor.
Like I mentioned in my previous post, rogues need something to keep them down. They can't own warriors AND mages without dying!
That's where mage stuns come in.
Mages need to be stronger than one class. That's the only way PvP will ever remain balanced. Just because you're full mythic doesn't mean a mage can't defeat you, ever. It's happened and is still happening, just like with other classes.
PvP is balanced atm, if you remove mages stuns and shield...STS might as well yell out "SMURFS ARE DA WORST CLASS THEY SUCK"

07-28-2013, 09:48 PM
A charged shot from a Bonechill bow stuns a player.

Aimmmeedddd SHOT :)

07-28-2013, 09:50 PM
Glitched shield is my problem, remove that as sorcs should not be benefiting from bugs.

I don't abuse that bug, I charge my shield anyway because its the last thing I need if the 2 seconds invulnerability fails.

07-28-2013, 10:03 PM
Glitched shield is my problem, remove that as sorcs should not be benefiting from bugs.

Now I think that is a reasonable request and I can't argue against it :)

07-28-2013, 10:21 PM
So you're saying rogues need something to keep them down? This makes no sense! I'm not talking about stunning me and all....I'm talking about not getting a single hit in the entire match! 0 hits. Is that really fair? 0 hits. Robert, fireball goes through walls from my experience so no point in that, and aimed shot and fireball have the same range. And they have wayyyy more damage then a rogue. Some smurfs now have 370+ damage, and their lightning 1 hits me. Now, shield + stunlock + 1 hit lightning?

Please explain to me how this is fair. Btw a rogue's stun from mythic bow rarely ever happens as I have tested it, and it only worked 1/5 of the times I fully charged it and actually stunned. Slag is now gone so no point in trying to stun a sorcerer with that, abanddon doesn't have stun, and clyde costs 90 platinum which I can't afford. What do you propose I do now?

07-28-2013, 10:30 PM
not your fault, Because you cant AVOID being stunned...if there was a way I could avoid stuns other than dodge, im all for it

Razor shield has anti stun.

07-28-2013, 10:32 PM
I always start out with razor at distance, fully charge stun attack as soon as i get in range,
sometimes it stuns if not o well aimed/nox charged packs repeat. 7 seconds later try to get another stun in. repeat.
its always worked well but lately vs sorcs i die before i can get my packs down or grab 1

might have to conform to packs first : /

07-28-2013, 10:33 PM
I always start out with razor at distance, fully charge stun attack as soon as i get in range,
sometimes it stuns if not o well aimed/nox charged packs repeat. 7 seconds later try to get another stun in. repeat.
its always worked well but lately vs sorcs i die before i can get my packs down or grab 1

Their lightning is starting to 1 hit me, and before you get into range for aimed/nox they already got me stunned so I can't do anything.

07-28-2013, 10:38 PM
Razor shield has anti stun.
yes thats why no matter what i go razor first, get some of that shield down then charged packs while im waiting for aimed/nox
but some lightning sorcs just destroy me before i can finish now : / might have to work packs in earlier vs sorcs.

07-28-2013, 10:45 PM
So you're saying rogues need something to keep them down? This makes no sense! I'm not talking about stunning me and all....I'm talking about not getting a single hit in the entire match! 0 hits. Is that really fair? 0 hits. Robert, fireball goes through walls from my experience so no point in that, and aimed shot and fireball have the same range. And they have wayyyy more damage then a rogue. Some smurfs now have 370+ damage, and their lightning 1 hits me. Now, shield + stunlock + 1 hit lightning?

Please explain to me how this is fair. Btw a rogue's stun from mythic bow rarely ever happens as I have tested it, and it only worked 1/5 of the times I fully charged it and actually stunned. Slag is now gone so no point in trying to stun a sorcerer with that, abanddon doesn't have stun, and clyde costs 90 platinum which I can't afford. What do you propose I do now?

Fireballs do NOT go through walls, only lightning hits an enemy hiding around a corner, and that too only sometimes!

07-28-2013, 10:59 PM
Razor shield has anti stun.

I always start out with razor at distance, fully charge stun attack as soon as i get in range,
sometimes it stuns if not o well aimed/nox charged packs repeat. 7 seconds later try to get another stun in. repeat.
its always worked well but lately vs sorcs i die before i can get my packs down or grab 1

might have to conform to packs first : /

I have always marveled at how most rogues have forgotten about razor shield. Seems like it was pretty much a staple in PvP back in season 2 when true stun lock was still in effect. Perhaps rogues have not needed it much since the stun lock nerf up until now. Perhaps it is also due to the rise of the bow rogue and the fall of the dagger rogue. Yes, you may have to give up one of your offensive skills, but it may be a good trade off similar to how many sorcerers have learned to get by with only two offensive skills just to survive. Wouldn't this game get boring faster than it already does if dynamics in pvp never chanced and you never had to modify your strategy. I myself have always enjoyed the challenge of playing the sorcerer which most people have considered the underdog in this game, up to now apparently. Thanks for the insight iluvataris.

07-28-2013, 11:10 PM
I have always marveled at how most rogues have forgotten about razor shield. Seems like it was pretty much a staple in PvP back in season 2 when true stun lock was still in effect. Perhaps rogues have not needed it much since the stun lock nerf up until now. Perhaps it is also due to the rise of the bow rogue and the fall of the dagger rogue. Yes, you may have to give up one of your offensive skills, but it may be a good trade off similar to how many sorcerers have learned to get by with only two offensive skills just to survive. Wouldn't this game get boring faster than it already does if dynamics in pvp never chanced and you never had to modify your strategy. I myself have always enjoyed the challenge of playing the sorcerer which most people have considered the underdog in this game, up to now apparently. Thanks for the insight iluvataris.

razor shield is an deffensive offense type.
It has dodge benifits, ignore stun for few secs. down side is the mana and long CD.
I beleive they havent seen Iluvataris razor who can crit up to 1k it is still a good skill.
and also back in early pvp i saw many razor users.

07-28-2013, 11:16 PM
Alhunt, try it. Fireball does sometimes go through walls. All skills do.

07-28-2013, 11:23 PM
Alhunt, try it. Fireball does sometimes go through walls. All skills do.

Its only when ur lagging. When ur actually chasing an opponent around the halls, if the opponent moves around the corner the fireball shoots straight ahead. From wat ive seen.

07-28-2013, 11:50 PM
I suspect the OP is referring to encounters he had with me (correct me if I am wrong please). Yes, I've been pretty good the last week in TDM and have been pulling a 5:1 kdr during that time while I was practicing for the tournament. It obviously did not help as I was eliminated in the second round.....

But please keep something in mind... To begin with, I am full mythic (gun, helm, armor, ring, pendant). Second, I am often using Slag or Hammerjaw, both of which have great stuns, and both of which are leveled all the way up to 31 (yes, it took lots of time but I even capped my 2 favorite pets!).

More importantly, there are 2 rogues who can beat me 1-on-1 just about every single time we fight -- Love and Ipredator. So obviously I still have some weaknesses or else I would beat them all the time as well. For some reason, when I stun both of them with my fire/lightning combo, it doesn't finish them off and they do make it to their medpacks and then manage to finish me off rather quick. I suppose you would have to ask them what their build and skills are. But yes, there obviously is a build that can encounter the stuns of a full mythic mage....

But if you have lesser gear, I'm not sure there is that much you can do. But in that case, I'm sure a full mythic warrior or rogue would also quickly take you down. Yes, better gear does give an advantage. It's the reason some of us spend hours per day farming and merching in order to be able to afford it.

07-28-2013, 11:52 PM
Its only when ur lagging. When ur actually chasing an opponent around the halls, if the opponent moves around the corner the fireball shoots straight ahead. From wat ive seen.

If you shoot the fireball before the opponent rounds the corner, but then he turns the corner before he is hit, the fireball will follow him around the corner and hit him. The same exact thing happens with rogues shooting an arrow, or warriors with their axe throw. It matters where you are when the skill is released, not when you are hit.

As long as this is consistent for all ranged skills for all classes (which it appears to be), then I see no problem with it. It's just something you need to be aware of when fighting.

07-29-2013, 02:57 AM
Scenario: Mage one-shotted by a rogue.
Rogue: One shot,lol

Scenario: Rogue stunned by Mage skill and pet consecutively.
Mage: Stunning,lol

If you remove our stun, what's a Mage got to do in pvp? Data show that rogues dominates all kills from pvp, majority of levels.

07-29-2013, 03:09 AM
I'm good with mages now except for the ongoing bug (tapping shield would also activate the 2 sec invul). I'm pretty sure everyone wants an even playing field and we have witnessed game changing nerfs and buffs to ea class (crit stack for rogues nerfed, the introduction of cripple for warriors and so much more). Good day to all!

07-29-2013, 03:10 AM
Someone complaining about sorc being OP in pvp? well this is new =]

Im sorry that you find it hard to 1 shot kill some mages (you probably can most of them)
Now go look at the average rogue's kill count, saw it? ok now go look at the average mage -.-

Each class got its own special abilities, rogues get super easy fun kills, tanks get to survive long and now do lots of dmg thanks to their hammers/storm swords etc-
and mages.. have stun -.- yes there are 3-5 mages overall who get easy kills but as a whole, mages are extreamly under powered in pvp.

Honestly i still cant believe someone made a thread about mages being OP in pvp, no offense but srsly?

07-29-2013, 04:11 AM
Exactly! seriously? mages being OP in pvp? lol.. just check the last pvp tourney results to have a better picture. Shield bug? if I do not have shield up when encountering a good rogue I'm dead before I could do anything and if they get their medpacks usually I'm dead anyway.. I would say that with the shield (improved this season) and gun at least sorc have a chance in pvp now.

07-29-2013, 04:35 AM
Smh. Rogues can one hit mages, its like first one to hit wins.

Sent from my GT-S5830i using Tapatalk 2

07-29-2013, 05:05 AM
You seriously need to rethink your build if you get one hitted by a single lightning. They hit 1,2k at best on me,
whereas rogues onehit me when I still have around 50-60% of my 5k hp.
I`m actually happy how class balance turned out, these smurfs can finally give rogues/us warriors a run for their money.

My main concern are pets. They pretty much decide the outcome of any brawl, it`s basically the more stun pets you got, the higher chance of winning.

07-29-2013, 05:41 AM
You seriously need to rethink your build if you get one hitted by a single lightning. They hit 1,2k at best on me,
whereas rogues onehit me when I still have around 50-60% of my 5k hp.
I`m actually happy how class balance turned out, these smurfs can finally give rogues/us warriors a run for their money.

My main concern are pets. They pretty much decide the outcome of any brawl, it`s basically the more stun pets you got, the higher chance of winning. they hit 1.2k on you because you have 500 more armor than us, just putting that out there.

Im not complaining about the mages abilities atm because I can beat a mage, its their bugged shield - cant even nuke them, their ability to MAKE A ROGUES PACK fail that always gets the better of me.

07-29-2013, 06:12 AM
What a thread again. The players of the most overpowered class complain about not only the most weakest, but also the most pvp nerfed class. Its a bad joke.

07-29-2013, 06:52 AM
Idk what it is...maybe the pets, maybe the gear, maybe all luck?

But what I'm talking about is literally a 5 hour stun. Taking away a mage's stun would serve them useless in PvP so just make a small 3 second stun invulnerability or something like that. Maybe you guys don't understand but I'm talking about being stunned the ENTIRE MATCH. I don't get a single hit in. And guess what happens if I do? Bounces right off their shield.

Edit: Currently, my only mythic item is the bow but I have pretty much maxed out elite pink gear.

07-29-2013, 06:59 AM
Skull i understand your frustration but it cant be a mage thing, its group of mages+samaels+slag+some stun luck

Everyone is realizing now that stun pets work best in pvp, they should never ever touch the mage stun but maybe reduce stun from pets?

For an example, a group of top rogues with samael and slag pets can quite easily fast kill any team, its really not about classes imo.

07-29-2013, 07:03 AM
Skull i understand your frustration but it cant be a mage thing, its group of mages+samaels+slag+some stun luck

Everyone is realizing now that stun pets work best in pvp, they should never ever touch the mage stun but maybe reduce stun from pets?

For an example, a group of top rogues with samael and slag pets can quite easily fast kill any team, its really not about classes imo.

Hmm, this could be. Happens a lot in 5v5's in which first mage stuns, warrior skyward smash stuns, slag stuns, then rogue finishes me off if the tank on my team isn't good, which is why I am proposing the stun immunity thing...

I'm not really "THAT" frustrated lol, it's not a rant/rage or anything. I am not saying any class should be buffed or nerf.
Where did you guys get these words from? O.o Lol jk :D But really, I'm not mad. Just sayin' xD.

07-29-2013, 07:10 AM
So from what i hear with all the Samuels in game i guess arcane is the new mythic

07-29-2013, 07:12 AM
So from what i hear with all the Samuels in game i guess arcane is the new mythic

Not only samael ( only like 15 with them anyways. ) But any pet that can stun:

There are just soooo many lol

07-29-2013, 07:17 AM
Its easy to avoid the pets stuns, just use the superior rogue pet malison and the 100% dodge.

07-29-2013, 07:19 AM
Its easy to avoid the pets stuns, just use the superior rogue pet malison and the 100% dodge.

I have only dodged a stun twice in my entire AL PvP experience.

07-29-2013, 07:26 AM
I have only dodged a stun twice in my entire AL PvP experience.

cookie and aze dodged always my slag stun and the next moment i was dead.

07-29-2013, 07:59 AM
Its easy to avoid the pets stuns, just use the superior rogue pet malison and the 100% dodge.
Not quite. 68.40% Dodge 5 seconds. Then Down to 54% for 3 more seconds. This is for me anyway. Would love to know a hit rating of somekind so we actually know if that much Dodge is even relevent I mean it works but defenetly not at almost a 70% rate.

Btw I've always used razor since the second week of pvp. I Tried so skill mashing combos with shadow Pierce but in ctf 5v5 razor shield is more valuable for me. but just not my play style I'm more of the mana conservation type.

07-29-2013, 08:40 AM
Not quite. 68.40% Dodge 5 seconds. Then Down to 54% for 3 more seconds. This is for me anyway. Would love to know a hit rating of somekind so we actually know if that much Dodge is even relevent I mean it works but defenetly not at almost a 70% rate.

Btw I've always used razor since the second week of pvp. I Tried so skill mashing combos with shadow Pierce but in ctf 5v5 razor shield is more valuable for me. but just not my play style I'm more of the mana conservation type.

Honestly, I'm starting to think about removing a skill for razor? How valuable is it in PvP? Do you find you survive a lot with it considering you have high dodge. Do you spam aimed and nox? Tips and tricks? I have so many questions on it lol xD What are your usual crits on it?

07-29-2013, 08:52 AM
All i can say is that its balanced how it is right now.
mage stunning with fireball is not sure. Many times i Hit a rogue then are stunned for 3 sec but if i cant kill them in this time i almost lost the fight...coz wether i Do fireball again it fails sometimes so no stun...im not a rich mage so i dont have any mythic gear. But pvp is Full of mythic players so i have no chance....

07-29-2013, 09:17 AM
I fought a rogue in PvP 1v1 today n she totally owned! Until her razor shield failed I couldn't stun her at all (I don't use stun pets). Its incredibly useful, maybe not worth sacrificing aa skill but definitely works well.

P.S. iluvatar knows what's best. Believe me. Best razor User ever.

07-29-2013, 09:20 AM
Gayyyyy, jus because rogues crit hard mean they have to lost 2 sec inv? And a stun skill. And a mana heal. Id sacrifice a a lot of crit for 2 sec inv. or stun skill.

07-29-2013, 09:21 AM
Ataris wont win rogue vs rogue fights with a razor.. Iv vsed him/her.

07-29-2013, 09:24 AM
All the mage forumers are defending themselves xD

07-29-2013, 09:36 AM
All the mage forumers are defending themselves xD


07-29-2013, 09:41 AM
Gayyyyy, jus because rogues crit hard mean they have to lost 2 sec inv? And a stun skill. And a mana heal. Id sacrifice a a lot of crit for 2 sec inv. or stun skill.

If you wanna sacrifice your crit for 2 sec invu, then start playing with sorc. Show me how to kill full mythic rogues with the '5 hour stun' and the 3k hit kills with lightning.

07-29-2013, 09:55 AM
Other than the bugged shield and dumb fail packs, I have no problem with mages. Thing that makes them really hard is the stun pets.

Btw, to all that suggest using razer shield. Pvp isn't like PL, where you can unlock ALL given class skills. There are only 4 skills and rogues have to adjust fighting 3 classes. A razer rogue would get annihilated in 1v1s if their razer is in CD. They would run out of mana vs warriors. Although its beastly against stuns and snares, it's a defensive skill mainly, not able to deal 600+ damage like Shadow pierce and a fellow rogue would finish the razer user within 10 secs max

07-29-2013, 10:20 AM
Ataris wont win rogue vs rogue fights with a razor.. Iv vsed him/her.

Other than the bugged shield and dumb fail packs, I have no problem with mages. Thing that makes them really hard is the stun pets.

Btw, to all that suggest using razer shield. Pvp isn't like PL, where you can unlock ALL given class skills. There are only 4 skills and rogues have to adjust fighting 3 classes. A razer rogue would get annihilated in 1v1s if their razer is in CD. They would run out of mana vs warriors. Although its beastly against stuns and snares, it's a defensive skill mainly, not able to deal 600+ damage like Shadow pierce and a fellow rogue would finish the razer user within 10 secs max

Yep unfortunately there is never one optimal build for all situations. This is a pain, but it is also one thing I like about this game rather than PL. You got to make choices about your build and you got to modify yourplaying style based on the situation. I think this brings a healthy amount of variety to the game with not all people running around with the same boring build. The only downside is the resultant frequent need to respec if you want your build to be optimized for your current needs. I cannot say how much plat I have had to waste on respecing my build :(

07-29-2013, 10:57 AM
I agree there's a lot of stun, but lets be honest, we still survive (rouges). I still one shoot smurfs, so it's hardly unfair if we can be stunlocked for maybe 2sec.
I do, however, agree there shouldn be such a powerful pet that it can determind the outcome of a game.
Other classes can use them too. Success and a rouge can make a warrs heal fail.
Like when rouge shoot aimed shot, then charges pack and gets hit by fireball your packs fail. But that's something you have to experience.

07-29-2013, 11:01 AM
I agree there's a lot of stun, but lets be honest, we still survive (rouges). I still one shoot smurfs, so it's hardly unfair if we can be stunlocked for maybe 2sec.
I do, however, agree there shouldn be such a powerful pet that it can determind the outcome of a game.
Other classes can use them too. Success and a rouge can make a warrs heal fail.
Like when rouge shoot aimed shot, then charges pack and gets hit by fireball your packs fail. But that's something you have to experience.


07-29-2013, 11:22 AM
Ataris wont win rogue vs rogue fights with a razor.. Iv vsed him/her.

If your that sorc from the other day, remember I wasn't able to pick up 1 pack. My combo I drop packs to late vs sorcery I should drop packs earlier. What's ur ign? sorc's killed me before I got 1 pack those 3 Match's. If I was able to get any packs I don't think you would have won. I will practice my 1v1 vs sorc's, cause things have changed and we will see.

I've gotten rocked by a few sorcs the last few days. I think things are pretty balanced.

Edit: prost who are you?? i just read your post and relized your rogue not sorc. the only official 321 1v1 fights were i Couldn't win overall. Was bless got me everytime : /
and ipred he got me twice i got him once. i really cant think of any other rogues who get me 321 1v1 style.
i also have only done about 50 1v1's. im sure there are plenty of amazing 1v1 rogues. but I'm not one of them.
i don't have all the active attack skills for 1v1 fights vs pro rogues.

07-29-2013, 11:40 AM
Idk what it is...maybe the pets, maybe the gear, maybe all luck?

But what I'm talking about is literally a 5 hour stun. Taking away a mage's stun would serve them useless in PvP so just make a small 3 second stun invulnerability or something like that. Maybe you guys don't understand but I'm talking about being stunned the ENTIRE MATCH. I don't get a single hit in. And guess what happens if I do? Bounces right off their shield.

Edit: Currently, my only mythic item is the bow but I have pretty much maxed out elite pink gear.

Exactly...idc abt one o ones..i can take dem down..but in 5v5 or 4v4 a team who has a pro mage(s) or a maxed out mage(s).Doesnt matter if warrior or rogue is pro or not...d pro MAGE team will win if other team doesnt hav dat cute looking beast...i can jus see 'YOUR HERO HAS FALLEN' .I m not saying to remove stun..just reduce it..and these days im having a lot of 5v5 n dat too wid pro mage(s) team

07-29-2013, 11:42 AM
Its easy to avoid the pets stuns, just use the superior rogue pet malison and the 100% dodge.

What should warriors do?..dodge?how?we hav to tank

07-29-2013, 11:47 AM

No it doesn't, read between the lines.
You throw packs. You're mid-throw and get fired at, you drop (drop as in fall put of your hand) the packs idnt put down right, they down heal.

07-29-2013, 11:47 AM
Other than the bugged shield and dumb fail packs, I have no problem with mages. Thing that makes them really hard is the stun pets.

Btw, to all that suggest using razer shield. Pvp isn't like PL, where you can unlock ALL given class skills. There are only 4 skills and rogues have to adjust fighting 3 classes. A razer rogue would get annihilated in 1v1s if their razer is in CD. They would run out of mana vs warriors. Although its beastly against stuns and snares, it's a defensive skill mainly, not able to deal 600+ damage like Shadow pierce and a fellow rogue would finish the razer user within 10 secs max
Idk. If you get the 8 ticks of razor to hit with crit built I've seen it critical 1 tick over 200 damage. Hey noisy or cero lets test my razor today and see how much damage it can do I'm guessing upwards towards 1-1.5k but that of course is if your in ranged those 8 seconds most of the time you don't wanna be that close haha.

But yes bless as you saw vs me.............razor vs rogues is not a good 1v1 skill

07-29-2013, 11:53 AM
I felt this was appropriate. Shows survivability with razor, Many stuns But no sorcs in battles : / mainly why i was able to run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Not a huge kill feed at all because i was vs gear/arcane warriors. also had uicheusa with me, hard to lose a game when me and that guy get together. idk him wish i did, but we sure can kill together : )

ps. sorry calmedfear to post this video on your thread : / but in CTF i just have 32k kills of experience and almost all mythic.
but calmedfear you are a really good player and i admire you i hope you continue : )

an just to put it out there we didnt have a consistent team and one flagging for contest. he still saved me : )


07-29-2013, 11:56 AM
Idk. If you get the 8 ticks of razor to hit with crit built I've seen it critical 1 tick over 200 damage. Hey noisy or cero lets test my razor today and see how much damage it can do I'm guessing upwards towards 1-1.5k but that of course is if your in ranged those 8 seconds most of the time you don't wanna be that close haha.

But yes bless as you saw vs me.............razor vs rogues is not a good 1v1 skill

Meh it'll have to be tomorrow. Anyways you got me 1v1 ;) sure ikl talk to Cero

07-29-2013, 11:56 AM
Al though in the beginning this was mainly directed against sorcerers, it isn't anymore.

We are talking about stun locking in general, which brings up the suggestion; Stun Immunity.
Even a 1 second stun immunity to get at least 1 or 2 hits in each time would be fine. I literally can't fire a single shot now a days with slag + fireball + rogue stun + warrior skyward smash.

07-29-2013, 12:04 PM

Yes it doesnt but i hav experienced a lot of heal fails trying to heal n den get stunned n heal goes to cool down but i cant see hp regen...

07-29-2013, 12:05 PM

No it doesn't, read between the lines.
You throw packs. You're mid-throw and get fired at, you drop (drop as in fall put of your hand) the packs idnt put down right, they down heal. packs shouldnt be in CD if you get stunned whilst you chage them/throw them at same time.

07-29-2013, 12:07 PM
It is called a lag?

07-29-2013, 12:09 PM
They aren't?
That's not what i said -_-
I mean you shoot aimed shot. You charge packs, release, you get stunned as you release the button and they fail to appear.

07-29-2013, 12:17 PM
Al though in the beginning this was mainly directed against sorcerers, it isn't anymore.

We are talking about stun locking in general, which brings up the suggestion; Stun Immunity.
Even a 1 second stun immunity to get at least 1 or 2 hits in each time would be fine. I literally can't fire a single shot now a days with slag + fireball + rogue stun + warrior skyward smash. give razor a try : ) there are instances were its 5v5 enemy sorc fires first fireball to hit group i watch all my ally's drop to there knees And i run through then and stun sorc/aimed/nox dead then that sorc is out of the fight and its 5v4 at that point. Happens often but ofc doesn't always work. i always am charging razor first as soon as i see mage run forward and release fireball razor pops up faster then fireball travels. ofc doesn't always work

07-29-2013, 01:15 PM
packs shouldnt be in CD if you get stunned whilst you chage them/throw them at same time.

They aren't?
That's not what i said -_-
I mean you shoot aimed shot. You charge packs, release, you get stunned as you release the button and they fail to appear.

Then heal or shield or other mages' skills shouldn't be cancelled too when stunned, by the same logic

07-29-2013, 01:19 PM
Then heal or shield or other mages' skills shouldn't be cancelled too when stunned, by the same logic

I still don't bet it glykos lol

07-29-2013, 01:20 PM
Then heal or shield or other mages' skills shouldn't be cancelled too when stunned, by the same logic

I still don't get it glykos lol

07-29-2013, 05:16 PM
I felt this was appropriate. Shows survivability with razor, Many stuns But no sorcs in battles : / mainly why i was able to run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Not a huge kill feed at all because i was vs gear/arcane warriors. also had uicheusa with me, hard to lose a game when me and that guy get together. idk him wish i did, but we sure can kill together : )

ps. sorry calmedfear to post this video on your thread : / but in CTF i just have 32k kills of experience and almost all mythic.
but calmedfear you are a really good player and i admire you i hope you continue : )

an just to put it out there we didnt have a consistent team and one flagging for contest. he still saved me : )




every PvPers know that stun has high possibility to cancel any heals.
so play better, if i havent stunned yet im always carefull not to get my horn canceled.

07-29-2013, 05:20 PM
Listen to him.

07-29-2013, 05:32 PM
packs shouldnt be in CD if you get stunned whilst you chage them/throw them at same time.

They aren't?
That's not what i said -_-
I mean you shoot aimed shot. You charge packs, release, you get stunned as you release the button and they fail to appear.

Then heal or shield or other mages' skills shouldn't be cancelled too when stunned, by the same logic ofc they shouldnt...

It is called a lag? nope

07-30-2013, 01:02 AM
End game PvP is overwhelming to say the least, as a twink battles may last for ages and both sides gain ground slowly. However, in end game PvP many rouges and mages die instantly, or get stunned to death. I'm not sure how to change this (please don't quote me and call me a fool because you disagree, this is my opinion) but I have a few ideas.
1) scale overall damage in PvP (all classes) down slightly.
2) scale stun (all classes, obviously mages need longest stun) to be a little shorter in PvP.
3) make slag take a little longer to recharge, I can't move when opposing side has 5.
4) (the one that all of you with this pet will be shouting at me for) make Samuel less powerful. This pet returns what to much HP and mana, warriors (sometimes all classes) are immortal and no one runs out of mana. I did an elite oltgar run with 1mages, 1warrior: no one used any potions because of Samuel (kind of ruins the game to be honest, no challenge :/ ).

07-30-2013, 01:22 AM
End game PvP is overwhelming to say the least, as a twink battles may last for ages and both sides gain ground slowly. However, in end game PvP many rouges and mages die instantly, or get stunned to death. I'm not sure how to change this (please don't quote me and call me a fool because you disagree, this is my opinion) but I have a few ideas.
1) scale overall damage in PvP (all classes) down slightly.
2) scale stun (all classes, obviously mages need longest stun) to be a little shorter in PvP.
3) make slag take a little longer to recharge, I can't move when opposing side has 5.
4) (the one that all of you with this pet will be shouting at me for) make Samuel less powerful. This pet returns what to much HP and mana, warriors (sometimes all classes) are immortal and no one runs out of mana. I did an elite oltgar run with 1mages, 1warrior: no one used any potions because of Samuel (kind of ruins the game to be honest, no challenge :/ ).

Good ideas, i didnt twink yet so i have no actual idea how long lasting the life of a mage and rogue are in pvp-
but i feel like dmg/dps is a lil too high, if all weapons scaled down it might make pvp fights last longer and require more skill rather than pushin buttons like playing eddy on tekken3.

07-30-2013, 05:21 AM
2) scale stun (all classes, obviously mages need longest stun) to be a little shorter in PvP.
3) make slag take a little longer to recharge, I can't move when opposing side has 5.

There are ways to debuff stun or avoid it. Use one of them.
Also slug's arcane is already a long cool down ability.

08-02-2013, 07:53 PM
confirming dodge does avoid skills fireballs stun also.

08-02-2013, 08:16 PM
Yes it does. Also all pet stuns can be dodged. Soundlesskill knows xD

08-02-2013, 10:51 PM
Yes it does. Also all pet stuns can be dodged. Soundlesskill knows xD

Hehehhe *-*
GOOD FIGHT. Glykos ;]

08-03-2013, 06:35 AM
This is why I hate PvP. It's not fair on how Low Level Players face High level Players.

08-03-2013, 06:54 AM
rogues just want to own every char in game...
if your a strong rogue..try to dodge till his sheild is off..then u can 2 hits max kill any mage...
i dont see any top rogues ex: ipredator whine about mages.....
its balanced..
1 vs 1 top players..mage kills rogues,,rogues tanks , and tanks mages,....
i practically never lost to a mage...even full myth...but sometimes to rogues ))))
dont be too greedy,. mages r useless without there sheild, and stun..!!!there not OP., its fair
they need defence which is stun and sheild...

08-03-2013, 10:08 AM
rogues just want to own every char in game...

That is a serious accusation. Not all Rogues want to 'Own every character in the game'. The way Rogues have been programmed are quite accurate and I have no problem with them. All classes are for you to make improvement not to become strong all of a sudden. this is the reason why you level up, to become stronger. Yes! Rogues are strong but so are Warriors & Sorcerers. You just got to have time to make them stronger.

08-05-2013, 07:24 PM
plz read post more carefully...try to understand my words lol..
im talking about the openned topic rogues r saying mage stun.... is op