View Full Version : Mage shield

07-28-2013, 09:02 PM
Most sorcs will thumbs down this post but a bug is a bug. It has been reported before too..

The mage shield is bugged. The skill description says on the last upgrade "charge shield gives 2second invincibility".

However you dont have to charge the shield to get the 2sec invincibility, it can be activated by also tapping the skill.

Please fix this Lojack!

07-28-2013, 10:23 PM
Yes please. And the stun immunity.....and the failed charge skills.....and tons more of bugs but I don't want to overwhelm you guys with these request ;D

07-28-2013, 10:58 PM
I'm alright with removing the shield bug, some sorcs abuse it.

07-28-2013, 11:12 PM
I'm alright with removing the shield bug, some sorcs abuse it.

Who me? :) Anyways I think a reasonable request. It is funny how this was a know bug since back in season 2, but no one has bothered to complain about it up until now when your average sorcerer can actually be competitive in PvP.

07-28-2013, 11:17 PM
i disagree, just leave it as is and change the skill info to "non-charging"
if they change shield to be as needed to charge for skill benefits thats so unfair for the smurfs
heal - charge - mana
fireball - charge - stun
shield - charge? - 2secs invulne

thats 3 out of 4 charging of skills.
now how many skills do rogues charge just to get the fullest of their skills?
just packs and spam arrows.. .... unfair.

07-28-2013, 11:25 PM
i disagree, just leave it as is and change the skill info to "non-charging"
if they change shield to be as needed to charge for skill benefits thats so unfair for the smurfs
heal - charge - mana
fireball - charge - stun
shield - charge? - 2secs invulne

thats 3 out of 4 charging of skills.
now how many skills do rogues charge just to get the fullest of their skills?
just packs and spam arrows.. .... unfair.

Actually, I charge Aimed and health packs. And the occasional Shadow Pierce. :)

07-29-2013, 12:46 AM
i disagree, just leave it as is and change the skill info to "non-charging"
if they change shield to be as needed to charge for skill benefits thats so unfair for the smurfs
heal - charge - mana
fireball - charge - stun
shield - charge? - 2secs invulne

thats 3 out of 4 charging of skills.
now how many skills do rogues charge just to get the fullest of their skills?
just packs and spam arrows.. .... unfair.

Agreed, just change it to uncharged. It's bad enough once the 2 second invuln is down, we're fair game to get 1-2-shot again. Charged skills are failing about 2/10 uses for me lately, not to mention that our heal will sometimes do nothing after a charged one goes off - but the cooldown still initiates. They seriously need to fix auto aim with fireballs and frost bolts. I haven't been able to Fraps this absurdity because my computer is too old to do it without my FPS dropping. Anyway, the devs know what I'm talking about.

07-29-2013, 12:59 AM
i disagree, just leave it as is and change the skill info to "non-charging"
if they change shield to be as needed to charge for skill benefits thats so unfair for the smurfs
heal - charge - mana
fireball - charge - stun
shield - charge? - 2secs invulne

thats 3 out of 4 charging of skills.
now how many skills do rogues charge just to get the fullest of their skills?
just packs and spam arrows.. .... unfair.

Actually, I charge Aimed and health packs. And the occasional Shadow Pierce. :)

you charge AS just to increase its dmg but the sorc skills must be charge to get special benefits... thats a huge difference about rogues and sorc skills.

07-29-2013, 01:11 AM
Who me? :) Anyways I think a reasonable request. It is funny how this was a know bug since back in season 2, but no one has bothered to complain about it up until now when your average sorcerer can actually be competitive in PvP.

Yes you! :D
Ikr, all the bug reports pop up once sorcs actually do something in PvP.

07-29-2013, 01:23 AM
I'm alright with removing the shield bug, some sorcs abuse it.

Who me? :) Anyways I think a reasonable request. It is funny how this was a know bug since back in season 2, but no one has bothered to complain about it up until now when your average sorcerer can actually be competitive in PvP.

lmao how could i miss this.
totaly agree.

Yuri Ramos
07-29-2013, 01:29 AM
Should have PM'd the devs for this bug than to broadcast for everyone else to abuse it.

07-29-2013, 02:41 AM
I think aimed shot reduce armor should also need charge.

07-29-2013, 03:21 AM
or for better(giving some rogues to charge atleast 2skills)

Charging AS would give them the Crit buff.

07-29-2013, 03:47 AM
I just walk with my 3500 hp,818 armor in the crypts of kraag without my shield on and the next moment i got one shot killed by a full mythic rogue. That would be worth a thought also how could this possible, dont you think?

Eh, nvm i quited pvp.

07-29-2013, 04:45 AM
I think the devs should change the description rather than nerfing the skill.
The rogue class is still imbalanced, a rogue 1 or 2-hitted my 5k hp warrior when I still had around 60% of my health.
This issue needs to be addressed.

07-29-2013, 01:25 PM
i disagree, just leave it as is and change the skill info to "non-charging"
if they change shield to be as needed to charge for skill benefits thats so unfair for the smurfs
heal - charge - mana
fireball - charge - stun
shield - charge? - 2secs invulne

thats 3 out of 4 charging of skills.
now how many skills do rogues charge just to get the fullest of their skills?
just packs and spam arrows.. .... unfair.

Can't agree more. Could be even worse: Imagine a sorcerer with fireball, ice or curse, heal and shield. 4 charges o.o

07-30-2013, 03:33 AM
That charging thing for rogues would be necessary, if only to make Aimed Shot less able to 1hit by just tapping.

07-30-2013, 04:35 AM
I think some people have short memory, or just started playing end game pvp. FYI: we played seasons long with an useless arcane shield, which can 500 dmg absord and disappeared immediately. Pls respect our past suffering and stop making the 'Geeeeez... i cant one shot him bc he puts da shield on!!4!!' threads.

07-30-2013, 05:27 PM
Mages have the lowest armor so it makes sense that they have a strong shield. Please don't change arcane shield. The fact now that rogues complain about mages while rogues can still one shot mages says things are balanced. Also rogues had their time right? Now its the mages turn, just like everyone said that we should wait.

07-30-2013, 05:31 PM
Mages have the lowest armor so it makes sense that they have a strong shield. Please don't change arcane shield. The fact now that rogues complain about mages while rogues can still one shot mages says things are balanced. Also rogues had their time right? Now its the mages turn, just like everyone said that we should wait.

Also reiterate the fact that just tapping shield to get 2 seconds of invulnerability helps us dodge a 1-shot death for just 2 seconds. It's not an overpowered ability - and that is evident from the results of the 2v2 contest, in my opinion. Not to mention that if the next arcane sorcerer weapon is a staff, we will definitely need a shield that activates as quick as possible, seeing as we'll be very up close and personal with our opponents.

08-03-2013, 07:04 AM
Im sorry, but a warrior has to charge heal to get 2sec invulnerability - I dont see why this should be different for a mage.

08-03-2013, 08:33 AM
Im sorry, but a warrior has to charge heal to get 2sec invulnerability - I dont see why this should be different for a mage.

But Warriors have better survival than a sorc even if theres a delay.

08-03-2013, 08:52 AM
They should just fic the bug in next update, smurf will be OP. their armor an hp raising. They'll survive with charging

08-03-2013, 08:58 AM
Im sorry, but a warrior has to charge heal to get 2sec invulnerability - I dont see why this should be different for a mage.

But Warriors have better survival than a sorc even if theres a delay. Cant compare warriors speciality with a mages hp, I can argue that a mage has easily 100+ dmg than a warrior. Cant get the best of both worlds!

08-03-2013, 09:19 AM
Im sorry, but a warrior has to charge heal to get 2sec invulnerability - I dont see why this should be different for a mage.

But Warriors have better survival than a sorc even if theres a delay. Cant compare warriors speciality with a mages hp, I can argue that a mage has easily 100+ dmg than a warrior. "Cant get the best of both worlds!"

they dont.

08-03-2013, 12:45 PM
They should just fic the bug in next update, smurf will be OP. their armor an hp raising. They'll survive with charging

If they were to become OP, it would have happened by now. The shield is fair and balanced the way it is now. Sorcs are not dominating in PvP because of this bug.

08-03-2013, 12:59 PM
Sorry to say that but this thread is ridiculous. Rogues complaining cause they can't 1 shot mages while shield is available?? Pff

08-03-2013, 01:22 PM
Sorry to say that but this thread is ridiculous. Rogues complaining cause they can't 1 shot mages while shield is available?? Pff You have absolutely minimal comprehensive skills, otherwise said as: can you read? No?

I simply reported a bug. The skill description is misleading and the bug should be fixed JUST like the warrior windmill glitch that was fixed.

08-03-2013, 01:26 PM
You have absolutely minimal comprehensive skills, otherwise said as: can you read? No?

I simply reported a bug. The skill description is misleading and the bug should be fixed JUST like the warrior windmill glitch that was fixed.

Can you explain what the windmill glitch was? I'm just curious; I didn't use it.

08-03-2013, 03:03 PM
You have absolutely minimal comprehensive skills, otherwise said as: can you read? No?

I simply reported a bug. The skill description is misleading and the bug should be fixed JUST like the warrior windmill glitch that was fixed.

Can you explain what the windmill glitch was? I'm just curious; I didn't use it. Few months ago, after an update the warrior windmill skill (you cant put any upgrades in it or it wouldnt work) did equal damage to a rogue and hit 2k crits per tick on L16. It was HUGE damage, most in my L16 bracket abused it.

08-03-2013, 04:39 PM
You have absolutely minimal comprehensive skills, otherwise said as: can you read? No?

I simply reported a bug. The skill description is misleading and the bug should be fixed JUST like the warrior windmill glitch that was fixed.

Why report now?, now that the sorc can compite with the other two class. too fishy from your intention.
Let's say you didn't know but since S2 many sorc switch class to rogues/warriors who got discourage
because of the weakness and knew about this.

08-03-2013, 04:44 PM
They should just fic the bug in next update, smurf will be OP. their armor an hp raising. They'll survive with charging

Mages hp are equal to rogues generally speaking. While rogues armor is over 1k and mages armor is like 750-800. Shield only lasts for 15 seconds with 15 second cool down. They should nerf rogues armor because every rogue now uses a bow and I don't see why rogues should have armor equal to warriors if rogues aren't melee fighters. And you are all complaining that we get 2 secs of invulnerability for not charging? If the fight lasts longer then 15 seconds you have 15 secons to one shot a mage so how is that fair? Wait 2 seconds before you fire your aimed shot, how hard is that?

08-03-2013, 06:22 PM
You have absolutely minimal comprehensive skills, otherwise said as: can you read? No?

I simply reported a bug. The skill description is misleading and the bug should be fixed JUST like the warrior windmill glitch that was fixed.

If reading between the lines is called "minimal comprehensive skills" then yes you are right.

08-03-2013, 06:41 PM
You have absolutely minimal comprehensive skills, otherwise said as: can you read? No?

I simply reported a bug. The skill description is misleading and the bug should be fixed JUST like the warrior windmill glitch that was fixed.

Why report now?, now that the sorc can compite with the other two class. too fishy from your intention.
Let's say you didn't know but since S2 many sorc switch class to rogues/warriors who got discourage
because of the weakness and knew about this. I didnt endgame then --"

You dont see many sorcs in L16/21

08-04-2013, 12:38 AM
blah I've said my part.....
I'll wait and see how devs will react to this rogue request.

08-04-2013, 05:08 AM
They should just fic the bug in next update, smurf will be OP. their armor an hp raising. They'll survive with charging

yes, fix the bug in the description.

08-04-2013, 05:30 AM
Just fix the description.
2 sec invulnerable if not charged. 4 sec if charged.

Rogue just can't wait for 2 sec wtf? After all their aim shot is 2 sec cooldown.

08-04-2013, 05:53 AM
Just fix the description.
2 sec invulnerable if not charged. 4 sec if charged.

Rogue just can't wait for 2 sec wtf? After all their aim shot is 2 sec cooldown. no....just no...thats horribly op

08-04-2013, 07:00 AM
no....just no...thats horribly op

OP enough to stand 2 aim shot lols. Then we're dead.

08-04-2013, 07:14 AM
no....just no...thats horribly op

OP enough to stand 2 aim shot lols. Then we're dead. And a mage doesnt just stand there when the shield is in 4sec invulnerability. The mage can easily nuke a rogue in 4 seconds - them being unharmed....Common sense isnt common anymore :/

08-04-2013, 11:40 AM
And a mage doesnt just stand there when the shield is in 4sec invulnerability. The mage can easily nuke a rogue in 4 seconds - them being unharmed....Common sense isnt common anymore :/

1) Shield invulnerability is 2 seconds and not 4
2) Aimed shot has a 2 second cool down vs lightning which has a 3 second cool down. So in 6 seconds, mage can only fire off 2 lightnings where rogue can fire 3. And rogues 2nd or 3rd aim shot will be a one shot kill because of stacking crit

Rogues have all of the advantages, and you can't kill a squishy mage? Maybe its not the mages shield thats the problem.

08-04-2013, 12:19 PM
Mages were severly underpowered in the past seasons and this is simply a chance for them to survive in pvp.

I don't think there were any rogues who complained that they were OP and wished to be nerfed. Everyone wants their class to be boosted, but at the slightest threat that they might be losing their effectiveness, they become very defensive.

Though it seems highly unfair that sorcs have to charge the majority of their skills to get their benefits...

08-04-2013, 12:36 PM
And a mage doesnt just stand there when the shield is in 4sec invulnerability. The mage can easily nuke a rogue in 4 seconds - them being unharmed....Common sense isnt common anymore :/

1) Shield invulnerability is 2 seconds and not 4 I quoted a post that said make charged shield 4sec, im giving a scenerio.
2) Aimed shot has a 2 second cool down vs lightning which has a 3 second cool down. So in 6 seconds, mage can only fire off 2 lightnings where rogue can fire 3. And rogues 2nd or 3rd aim shot will be a one shot kill because of stacking crit A mage will have 2 seconds of invulnerability - which can atleast get a rogues hp to 50%, then after 2 secs, the mage can finish the rogue off. There are lots of scenerios.

Rogues have all of the advantages, and you can't kill a squishy mage? Maybe its not the mages shield thats the problem. You have a wholly biased view, thats why it seems rogues have all advantages. Mages arent as Underpowered as thy were L21 cap. replies in bold :)

Im just reporting a bug, Im not complaining that I cant kill a mage - I absolutely can...

08-04-2013, 02:17 PM
replies in bold :)

Im just reporting a bug, Im not complaining that I cant kill a mage - I absolutely can...

Come on. A lot of us are intelligent adults here. You complain about features of mages being overpowered on other threads and then you come onto this thread and say that you have no problem killing a mage but are just reporting a bug? It is not hard to see why many mages question your motives and are getting defensive. It is not a huge stretch for one to get the impression that you are making an attack on the mage class, possibly trying to get it nerfed. No offense, but I am just trying to point out what I see as pretty obvious.

Nevertheless, you are absolutely right. There is a discrepancy between the skill description and the actual skill itself, and something needs to be fixed. There is no arguing this point! :)

08-04-2013, 02:27 PM
replies in bold :)

Im just reporting a bug, Im not complaining that I cant kill a mage - I absolutely can...

Come on. A lot of us are intelligent adults here. You complain about features of mages being overpowered on other threads and then you come onto this thread and say that you have no problem killing a mage but are just reporting a bug? It is not hard to see why many mages question your motives and are getting defensive. It is not a huge stretch for one to get the impression that you are making an attack on the mage class, possibly trying to get it nerfed. No offense, but I am just trying to point out what I see as pretty obvious.

Nevertheless, you are absolutely right. There is a discrepancy between the skill description and the actual skill itself, and something needs to be fixed. There is no arguing this point! :) Eh I do dont i? One thing that annoys me the most is that my packs 40% fail even if I drop after fireball

08-04-2013, 05:43 PM
Frost bolt does not freeze, just slows. time shift does not root just slows. gale force extra speed not workin while flag carrying.
I think too much attention was paid to avoid being mages op, that leads to an underpowered class.
Can anyone name at least one skill which not works as intented in the other 2 classes?

08-04-2013, 05:47 PM
Very good point Hali :-)

08-04-2013, 06:01 PM
Very good point Hali :-)

frost bolt description says "arctic explosion that freezes them in place", but in pvp just slows, should i report as bug what you think? :)

08-04-2013, 06:40 PM
Frost bolt does not freeze, just slows. time shift does not root just slows. gale force extra speed not workin while flag carrying.
I think too much attention was paid to avoid being mages op, that leads to an underpowered class.
Can anyone name at least one skill which not works as intented in the other 2 classes?

The reply I'm about to give is not very constructive to this thread, but answers your question, Hali:

Yes, Warrior's 15 second buff from the Juggernaut upgrade, Unstoppable (which is supposed to grant us invulnerability to all movement impairing effects), does not work consistently in PvP nor PvE. I still get stuns from Slag and fireballs, and slowed from frost bolts. I also still get snared/rooted in Nordr maps.

Disclaimer: I think Juggernaut is very powerful and not trying to argue that warriors need improvements. Just that this particular Warrior skill upgrade needs to be fine-tuned.

08-04-2013, 07:09 PM
The reply I'm about to give is not very constructive to this thread, but answers your question, Hali:

Yes, Warrior's 15 second buff from the Juggernaut upgrade, Unstoppable (which is supposed to grant us invulnerability to all movement impairing effects), does not work consistently in PvP nor PvE. I still get stuns from Slag and fireballs, and slowed from frost bolts. I also still get snared/rooted in Nordr maps.

Disclaimer: I think Juggernaut is very powerful and not trying to argue that warriors need improvements. Just that this particular Warrior skill upgrade needs to be fine-tuned.

i use juggernaut with that unstoppable upgrade and it works as intended in pvp.
idk about pve.

08-05-2013, 02:53 AM
The reply I'm about to give is not very constructive to this thread, but answers your question, Hali:

Yes, Warrior's 15 second buff from the Juggernaut upgrade, Unstoppable (which is supposed to grant us invulnerability to all movement impairing effects), does not work consistently in PvP nor PvE. I still get stuns from Slag and fireballs, and slowed from frost bolts. I also still get snared/rooted in Nordr maps.

Disclaimer: I think Juggernaut is very powerful and not trying to argue that warriors need improvements. Just that this particular Warrior skill upgrade needs to be fine-tuned.

Then something does not work well with your character, did you charge this skill?(description says it need to charge to this upgrade). Ive seen many times flagger warriors - like chiyuk, etc - just walking through 4 people.

08-05-2013, 03:04 AM
Then something does not work well with your character, did you charge this skill?(description says it need to charge to this upgrade). Ive seen many times flagger warriors - like chiyuk, etc - just walking through 4 people.

Eh, I'm pretty sure my toon is working just fine. Yes I charge it - I'm well aware of how it works. I guess I'll Fraps it to prove my point.

08-05-2013, 05:49 AM
frost bolt description says "arctic explosion that freezes them in place", but in pvp just slows, should i report as bug what you think? :)

It's working back in 26 cap . i was just freeze for a matter of seconds and cant use any skills or normal attack / can't even run too. I think its has just a small chance to freeze in place in pvp.

On Topic: Our aimed shot's bug stacking crit for 10 seconds was reported and few days later it was applied correctly as whats the description said. So let's see what will the Devs do on these kind of bug that lasted seasons same as our crit stack for 10 sec.

We love sorcs and they are the best ally for us in battles pve/pvp but still a bug is a bug. Still the dev's have the final words in this.

08-05-2013, 06:08 AM
It's working back in 26 cap . i was just freeze for a matter of seconds and cant use any skills or normal attack / can't even run too. I think its has just a small chance to freeze in place in pvp.

On Topic: Our aimed shot's bug stacking crit for 10 seconds was reported and few days later it was applied correctly as whats the description said. So let's see what will the Devs do on these kind of bug that lasted seasons same as our crit stack for 10 sec.

We love sorcs and they are the best ally for us in battles pve/pvp but still a bug is a bug. Still the dev's have the final words in this.

No, what you talking about is the ice patch upgrade of frost bolt. With that upgrade there is a 20% chance to leaving an ice patch when someone died under frost bolt effect. If you walk into that ice patch, then you can experience a real freeze. Thats a very low chance, nobody uses that upgrade, because not really useful and not worth that skill point.

"bug is a bug" and "whats the description said" then pls worry about frost bolt, time shift and gale force skills too.

08-05-2013, 06:26 AM
sorry because only mage shield is the topic here. There should be another thread that focus on Skills descriptions and doesnt applied correctly in each class so devs may debate about it even in there office just to show them what they should fix in skills balance.

08-05-2013, 06:48 AM
"bug is a bug" and "whats the description said" then pls worry about frost bolt, time shift and gale force skills too. Those were intentional and not bugs, they were called off way before in January BECAUSE that would be too OP in pvp...

On that note, samael has passive banishment which doesnt intentionally work in pvp because that woule be super OP.

08-05-2013, 06:57 AM
Those were intentional and not bugs, they were called off way before in January BECAUSE that would be too OP in pvp...

On that note, samael has passive banishment which doesnt intentionally work in pvp because that woule be super OP.

Ahm the highlighted one what did you point out there. the Aimed shot's bug? just confused

08-05-2013, 10:41 AM
This thread has gone far afield of it's original post, so it's getting closed. I'll look into the MS when I have time.