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View Full Version : Vain attempts to clear Victory Lap

10-25-2010, 09:39 AM
With apologies to those whom I had to boot... But I told them it was clearing and they ran anyway.

Well, first, Plot Holes is in a realm with 119 mob mummies and all you have to do is clear in a counter clockwise direction to get to him, which still leaves about 100 mummies after Plot Holes is dead. I can understand why people would just go through the gate that is right next to him instead.

Second, the Gurgox hallway mobs are killers. We died so many times trying to clear that I came to the realization: it's not ONLY because it is faster, it is because clearing is hard. All it takes to rush it is a damage pot that you were going to use anyway, right? This is where I had to boot because people finally got frustrated with my saying no and ran for Gurgix anyway. I image I got removed from a few peoples' freinds lists yesterday.

Speaking of friends, thank you Arterra and Banned for helping out.

Mynas was easy, firstly, to clear, nobody died, and then to defeat.

Leaving that one portal that the rushers skip. We fount our way to Keeper and it was as difficult there as it was for Gurgox. Banned got a good pink. I will say, it is easier for a Mage to respawn and run back though cleared hallways. But we did not all remain together for the other boss in this level.

Anyway, I see why people run. It is easier!!! The path of least resistance is completely natural, so one should expect it.

I will continue to host clearing games, however. Add me if you are willing to help.

10-25-2010, 10:03 AM
in our group (Lesrider, Reyu, Titansong and me) we allways clear the middle of VL. so when u come back from portal u dont get kill by sniper and co...
in desert before attack boss, we kill all mobs around boss, so we have a little peace there.
in other places we kill every sniper, lorekeeper and berserker, and some yellow so even when some dies he could rush alone to boss.
when someon dies in rushing, tanks goes back and helps him.
most ppl arent listen an do theyr own thing (rushs alone, attacks boss alone, take all orbs at gurox, etc...) and then most times someone dies, ppl leave and game was ****.
communication is very important in game, if u are in a new group some pro should lead it and all players should do what he planed..

10-25-2010, 10:36 AM
When the Android client is released I'll be looking for clearing groups only right after I run a few solo to get use to the controls and game mechanics. So I'll keep you in mind. Maybe you can come back to some lower levels to help out the newbs that'll be running around for the first time.

10-25-2010, 11:04 AM
With apologies to those whom I had to boot... But I told them it was clearing and they ran anyway.

Well, first, Plot Holes is in a realm with 119 mob mummies and all you have to do is clear in a counter clockwise direction to get to him, which still leaves about 100 mummies after Plot Holes is dead. I can understand why people would just go through the gate that is right next to him instead.

For this, not sure why the other boss from level one is not at the top of the map. Would give people a reason to clear up to there. Maybe this was oversight and he should have been there.

Second, the Gurgox hallway mobs are killers. We died so many times trying to clear that I came to the realization: it's not ONLY because it is faster, it is because clearing is hard. All it takes to rush it is a damage pot that you were going to use anyway, right? This is where I had to boot because people finally got frustrated with my saying no and ran for Gurgix anyway. I image I got removed from a few peoples' freinds lists yesterday.

It is much easier and A LOT safer to rush to gurgox then to try to fight all the way there. With a decent group, you can pull out the sniper and gang him to make it safer. The fire power on the yellow guys seems to encourage the rush, as it is has become the best way to deal with them.

Anyway, sorry yesterday when I joined you. I joined through the friends and not the game menu, so I did not know you were the host. That is why when people said rush, I thought it was someone else's game and went along with the ~host~. I am good with rushing or clearing, and I ALWAYS respect the host's decision.

10-25-2010, 11:26 AM
I'd say all it takes to get a clear is a strong leader. I hosted one of my first VL games today and everybody listened to me. We cleared Keeper, Executioner, King and half of Gurgox together and only 1 left throughout the game.
Snakespear did you tell them to clear before they started rushing or were you screaming like Fuuck u were gonan clesr this ****!!! Stop rushkng!!!! after they started rushing?

Btw i uploaded a sig picture but it didnt show up, why? Pls help!

10-25-2010, 01:10 PM
i honestly think clearing VL isnt hard, just complicated for some people. Many people wipe on the yellow mobs, and im one of them. Usually its because there is no actual tank. All you have is warriors with maxed damage skills, thus making them a dps warrior. Ive noticed that the Alien Sniper can 1 shot you, so what do people do? Kill him last after youved wiped 4 times. So get a real tank and tank.

They key to AO3 is people playing their roles. Tanks, Healer, and DPS. You cant tank with 30% dodge, and Taunt at 0 skill points. Also, you need debuffs as a bear. (theres a skill that weakens the opponents attack) People dont get these skills because they; suck, are useless, etc. When in reality they are the best for a Tank.

Also, healing is important in AO3, so a Pure Int Mage will heal so much more than a Hybrid Mage. Making Mages more valuable on the long run.

And heres were it all goes down hill, and i learned the hard way...


If a tank can get aggro, then the DPS wont be dying. But usually we have mages, like me, that buff up and go full blown assault mode on the mobs, and cause the group to wipe. Oh, but for a warrior to hold aggro, you need taunt, sucks i know (sarcasm). Its very simple when you understand that a warrior is needed in EVERY map of AO3. For tanking, aggro, and crowd control (which, as Kavanah said, is a lost art).

It seems that people need to learn how to play their roles. Youd be surprised how easy it gets.

10-25-2010, 01:50 PM
I always wanted to clear the victory lap, let me know if you going to do it again.


10-25-2010, 02:28 PM

just call me, saying "clearing for the sake of the game!"... im either looking for low level pink gear (swamps/frozen) or willing to do something other than rush mynas lol

btw I will not join a clearing game when someone pm's me saying "omg pls halp we get pwned" as that usually means sucky team, and I cannot help that.

10-25-2010, 02:40 PM
FluffN I had no idea that you were one of them. I know that you are pro-clearing, so that was just a misunderstanding. No hard feelings, here. Hopefully, the same for you.

Yes, I made an effort to say, every time someone joined, that we are clearing. I put it on my auto-text and tapped it each time, so I am pretty sure I told all. But that's not really a problem. The Mage and I just had to start inviting friends. See, the Mage didn't run. Thanked me, and said, running is hard on the mages...

Great points, as always, CDC. If you had been on, I would have invited you.

And others, thanks. I will remake, so beware my invites. :)

10-25-2010, 03:24 PM
I'd like to clear VL with any of you - I play the game to play the game, not to be a salesman and collect the most gold... I have to try to do that in real life and play games to take a break from real life...

Add me, please. IGNs: UtahUtes (lvl50 pure mage), GoUtes (Lvl49 archer)

10-25-2010, 04:15 PM
Screw the myna gen, lets clear!

10-25-2010, 05:46 PM
I always wanted to clear the victory lap, let me know if you going to do it again.


(AOL) Me, too! (/AOL) I think I've got you on my mage's friends list, Snake, but just in case--Yosinabe. And Gyoza after I get him up to 50 (goes back to grinding from 47 up).

10-25-2010, 06:03 PM
You guys should do clearing runs of keeper lol. I am running into tonns of people that want to do boss. Normally I would clear boss- but I have 3 50s already and I just want to be DONE with the level(on 49.5 for archer) so I can make my bowbear.

10-25-2010, 06:45 PM
I'm happy to clear (and like clearing) VL ign 'teerex' lvl 50 pally (atm).

10-25-2010, 08:20 PM
For most players, rushing is easier. I've seen teams TRY to clear and wipe instead. Hell, I've seen them try to rush and wipe. Try to tell the bears or even the birds to stun the sniper/berserker and see if they do it. The answer, mostly, is NO. Amazing, no?

For good players, it's faster to clear. Wiping gathered+stunned mobs is pretty simple and it protects the team should anyone die later or accidentally steps through a portal when it appears.

I need to note down all the clearers. Haven't really played in almost a week so I'm not even sure who's on anymore.

10-25-2010, 08:21 PM
As a geared bird, I'm often invited for the ol' potrushlordrushgurgremake, which I do enjoy doing, but I like to pace a map and clear it, too (Holy run-on sentence...). Feel free to add me if you would like some birdy assistance.