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07-29-2013, 04:20 AM
something i think would be nice to have as a GM would be a announcment option, where i can make a guild announcement to all in a different color that says like ATTENTION: or something.

also i think eva in guild hall who sells potions, some of that money spent should go to the gm of the guild,since it doesnt benefit sts none, gold just gets used, not saying all of it, but like 10% or something, i think most good gm's would use that to benefit more than themselves, atleast i would, i supply alot of lower lvls with few cheaper pets and stuff. most mmorpgs have some master privlages, we do alot to keep a good,clean,fun guild and to run a guild like i do it takes alot of extra time with pm's and helping others, recruiting, finding new trustworthy officers,etc.

also would be nice to see the last time user logged in to be able to remove inactive players and be able to see who recruited who, since u may kick someone and they have a friend who keeps inviting them back just to cause drama in the guild, these would really help a gm out alot

thanks for taking time to read and reply if you do, thanks

07-29-2013, 04:32 AM
Hi! The first paragraph is one of the most requested upgrades on GH functionalities and I agree on this. However, on your second point, you are one of a kind GM, and I believe your members are quite grateful to have you as their GM but these things tend to be abused in the long run.

07-29-2013, 05:24 AM
well i treat others as i want to be treated, love to help ppl, if u cant be willing to step up and be kind and helpful then why start a guild, LORDS OF WAR, though we lost few ranks past 2wks, which happens, we are usually in top 20, and we will be right bak there soon, we have 4k members, yes some are inactive, but at a good time and day we have upwards of 100ppl online at a time, and reason ppl stick around is cause how helpful and fun the guild has become, and someone will always abuse anything leeway they are given, doesnt matter if you give out a free lolipop some idiot will get back in line to get another to be greedy..

07-29-2013, 05:30 AM
I don't think a GM should have any more privileges than his/her members, but that might just be me.

07-29-2013, 05:35 AM
really? you must not be a gm, and get 1000000 msgs a day, dealing with tons of issues, showing patience, and if u have a good gm, they sacrafice alot just for the guild, as a member u just have to worry about you, as a gm u tend to worry about everyone, want everyone to be the best they can,

07-29-2013, 05:42 AM
but i guess all that i do for the guild has earned me tons of respect in the guild from the members, and that is good enough, i just really think should be functionalities, not saying must be benefits just for me as a gm,

07-29-2013, 05:57 AM
Mhm theese are all intresting points

07-29-2013, 06:00 AM
Loving the 3rd idea : The ability to check the last log in activity per member. However as for the second paragraph, it would be hard to implement. Imagine a pool of friends who hop on ea other's guild to boost a GM's purse and then remake a charter and do the same thing? Good ideas nevertheless!

07-29-2013, 06:28 AM
1. "announcment option, where i can make a guild announcement to all"
Agree. Additional: it should be first message for player that just start game and was inactive while announcing.

2. "also i think eva in guild hall who sells potions, some of that money spent should go to the gm of the guild"
Even 1% would make a good job here. Agree for a small %.

3. "would be nice to see the last time user logged in to be able to remove inactive players"
Agree. One of the most handy facilities in online systems like forums, games etc.

07-29-2013, 06:36 AM
and im not talking about enough to want to spend 50k remaking charters,lim your point on that is way off, no offense, but 10% or something aint going to be worth abusing it, my opinion, we all are entitled to our own

07-29-2013, 06:37 AM
I'm only an officer but I can see how all of the above would Contribute to a better guild for all.
Good points hope they get looked at and implemented

07-29-2013, 06:49 AM
Ofc activation logs r great. I think not only gm should see that logs. That should be done a few months ago.

Yes announcments r great thing too. I thing gm could add also "contest clock" which will be countin the time, which remains to contest

07-29-2013, 07:33 AM
I think this is a fine Idea, I would also add a guild storage area to the list.

07-29-2013, 12:47 PM
I remember thinking that the GM or guild got benefits like gold from the guild hall potion discount. I think that GMs do deserve some benefits. Otherwise they work their butts off to help their guilds without getting much back. Especially in a guild like LoW where there are a lot of newbies. The GM and officers often have to take away time from earning money on elites and such in order to help them out.

Also. The storage area is a good idea. I was thinking, if we could all put stuff that we don't want in a bin, and other guildies could look through it and pick out what they want, that would be pretty nifty. Then it could be cleared out every once and a while or something, like in Animal Crossing.

07-29-2013, 01:08 PM
Yes to thw ANNOUNCEMENT part.
But instead of going to the gm, why not put it in a guild piggy bank. So you could maybe save up ad buy a mythic weapon that everyone could use in a specific time frame then pass on so the next player could use it. Maybe even pay for lending it. Paymen being guild tokens that you could earn by doing daily quest with guildmates. The master could get maybe 10 tokens a week to give out to a player who helped just that little extra as an award.
Obviouly the master decides what item should be bought to the guildstash. (Ofc talkig to his members and officer about what is most sought after) purchased guild items should go directly to the stash, and not e tradable, so you have to return them to stash before the next player could come get it. Wow I'm getting out of the topic haha..

07-29-2013, 01:12 PM
So agree on 1 and 3

on 2 I disagree - Being a GM is not required of anyone. It's a volunteer position - don't believe me? Simply click Disband Guild or Click on someone else's picture in the guild listing and hand over leadership :) JK mate - but really, I don't think GMs deserve any more than any other officer, recruiter, or member of a guild. Recognition or otherwise.

I really love the idea of a common stash where anyone can put items in it as 'gifts' to guild members - it's where all my loftover Swirling amulets of Potency would go LOL :)

07-29-2013, 01:24 PM
make the 'disband guild'-button harder to press loool

07-29-2013, 01:38 PM
So agree on 1 and 3

on 2 I disagree - Being a GM is not required of anyone. It's a volunteer position - don't believe me? Simply click Disband Guild or Click on someone else's picture in the guild listing and hand over leadership :) JK mate - but really, I don't think GMs deserve any more than any other officer, recruiter, or member of a guild. Recognition or otherwise.

I really love the idea of a common stash where anyone can put items in it as 'gifts' to guild members - it's where all my loftover Swirling amulets of Potency would go LOL :)

I think that a well run guild takes quite a bit of time and effort and it would not hurt to have a small % on guild hall sales, considering that I can use more than 50 pots helping someone, it would go a long way to alleviate the financial burden of helping people constantly.

07-29-2013, 01:44 PM
Well, I love the announcement idea. Perhaps there should be a section in our guild profiles called "Guild Announements" and whenever you tap on that, a list of current and past announcements would be shown.

I'd really much appreciate it if STS improved the guild system or spice it up a bit so it's not just a "group". :)

07-29-2013, 04:32 PM
thumbs up

07-29-2013, 04:52 PM
I agree with all of them. I know, some of you have said that you disagree with the second suggestion, but think about it:
You spent either 50k gold or 20 plat to buy the guild charter and create a guild. Then, many GM hold contests for the people in the guild. So out of that, they're losing their own gold. So it would be nice if the GM of a guild could get back little of what they paid from something like potions. They spent gold/plat for us, and what do they get out of it? Nothing but an achievement. So yeah something like 10% of the gold from buying potions should go to GM.

07-29-2013, 05:36 PM
I think some gold should go to something like a guild storage that can give some sort of paycheck to recruiters, officers, and the master (in order of least to greatest pay.

Maybe 5% to recruiters, 10% for officers, and 15% goes to the master. The rest is put into a weekly guild lottery that you would buy tickets for. The more tickets sold, the larger the jackpot.

08-01-2013, 09:29 AM
also i think a great thing would be different guild ranks, a few more positions, to add atleast one position under master to allow someone to promote ppl to atleast recruiter. sometimes im not online at certain hrs, though i spend alot of time online, but ppl want to become recruiter and im not online at same time as them, i have trustworthy officers id like them to be able to do this,

08-09-2013, 05:28 PM
I think Guilds would benefit from being looked at in the next development cycle. Some good ideas in this thread and some no brainers like guild announcements that would be really simple to implement. If any of the Devs read this can you give us any hints if this sort of thing is being looked at?