View Full Version : Suspected Hacked Account

07-29-2013, 02:36 PM
One of my guild mates the other day asked if I could help him transfer gold and items to another account. Being a little suspicious of this if not simply due to my paranoid nature...

I asked him to answer a few questions - personal questions - that I believed only he could answer. While some of them he got right, most of them he did not and we're not really sure what to do or how to report this.

We didn't help him transfer anything because we suspected his account had been hacked / compromised - More than likely it's a false alarm and I'm just being crazy paranoid here, but nevertheless, I wanted to know if anyone had run into something like this before and what if anything they did about it.

Thanks in advance!

07-29-2013, 04:02 PM
If the person didn't get at least 75% of the questions right, it's most likely a hacker that wants to take your guild mates gold. :/

07-30-2013, 03:44 PM
Its pretty hard to b sure if the account has been compromised or not if you only know the person in game.
Even questions u ask personnally about stuffs he should know in game or irl could b know by other people in game.
If u have his mail, fb, phone,... ull directly know if his the right guy or not.

You could ask sts support maybe. They could check if the player played from known devices/ip as usual or theres been new one lately. But im not sure theyll do anything unless the player/owner
complain/mail to them about hacking problem or there are multiple report for scam/bad behavior,...

07-31-2013, 03:20 PM
I spoke with him yesterday when he was online and confirmed his brother had logged into his account... anyway - drama I don't want anything to do with, I'm glad we did the right thing.

08-01-2013, 02:42 PM
Well yea u did the right thing.
its never wrong to be cautious.

And yea... family like bro, sis or your kids are sometimes the first kind of problem lol... coz of autolog. They play without you, the owner, bein aware until its too late...
like wth my k/d ratio has been droppin or wheres my gears, my plat...
Classic eh.