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View Full Version : Hear Ye! Hear Ye! I need ideas for something! Read to find out!

[Lt] Shiny
10-25-2010, 07:14 PM

Hey all, I just had the best idea ever: I'm starting a story of Pocket Legends (the Life of an Avian, Bear and Elf) and I need your help!

Below, just list the all the possibilities of ideas you would like for me to put in the story. If I like it then I will add you in the credits (everyone in the credits section will get gold [haven't decided how much yet]) list.

**NOTE: Please make sure all the ideas you put are about characteristics of an Avian, Bear or Elf.
EX: Avians are excellent in battle because of their agile and lightning fast reflexes. (of something like that =D)

Also (if you're L50), I would like you to include a HD quality picture of one of the three classes gear-less.


[Lt] Shiny
10-25-2010, 07:16 PM
First post anyone???

10-25-2010, 07:29 PM
meh. so important you need an annoying title? meh2...

bear= survivor of 67'th regiment of Arterran armies against the dark forces of evil...

[Lt] Shiny
10-25-2010, 07:37 PM
meh. so important you need an annoying title? meh2...

bear= survivor of 67'th regiment of Arterran armies against the dark forces of evil...cool, now i just need awesome names to go with this!

10-25-2010, 09:06 PM
Bear: Noraus. Same definition as arterra
Elf: Dúrhir (elven for lord of dark). He was once the best soldier in the 67th regiments most elite soldiers.he was wounded badly in the head by an avian-elf combined shot and his mind got blank. He was rescued by noraus later that day, and he taught him the legendary moves in combat of a normal elf, and later took him to the elf academy. He had outstanding power from the beginning of his training, but will he recover from his temporary blank to destroy good as he once grew up? None will know till it happens...

Avian:thalion (elven for hero) he was bonked in the head as a chick when his family was killed by the 67th. He was luckily rescued by the elf queen who needed medical attention after having handled the baby bird. He had a darkness power deep inside and it had to be hidden from him. Of course, our elven Mage above was the parents slayer, and some of his power was the thing that thailon had inside, the only weapon capable of stopping him completely. It is unknown y the power was transferred, but also he drained some of thailon's power of dexterity

10-25-2010, 09:21 PM
The plot is that after many battles, dúrhir starts to recover his mind, and in an infiltration to the 67th's HQ, he kills Noraus, whojad already bugged him in past confrontments together about using worst of all armors. Then thailon gets enraged after killing the 67th's boss after dúrhir, and as he had a big friendship with him, he makes a darth vader vs luke fight, in the end losing most of his armor and getting almost all the power of the elf he had inside before being able to use it
Thailon marries a beautiful avian (Alallyra) and they have two children, while Dúrhir marries a general of the 589th legion, named Unithrawen, and they have a long descendence of 10 children

Then they have to fight again, but D was even more powerful, he had killed the elf queen. Thailon goes to visit him, when he's about to get killed by a darkbolt, a sudden light shines in all the room. Everything is silenced as that air would be a really big noise. Then, they r both launched towards each other, and a melee fight begins. Having a dagger, which is quicker, thailon weakens dúrhir a lot, but when he's about to die, he explodes along with thai and only their descendense survives.

Edit: I based dúrhir on me, thailon on arterra and I didn't base noraus on nobody

2nd edit: copyright grankledude & hahahahaman. Plz do not copy or sell this info to anyone else. Will write another to u sometime lt lol, got carried away

10-25-2010, 09:23 PM
Another? Lol. Just search it. There has been a good amount of threads telling a story like this. Read em for brain storming:)

10-30-2010, 04:54 PM
What about a avian who decides going to battle the 12947th battalion of pures with his friends, an elf named Hans, and the bear who survived (also mentioned by arterra) and they do the battle

10-30-2010, 04:57 PM
Elpheopus was waxing his ears.. when the elf scout appeared holding a dagger.. He shot the dagger out of his hand with a lightning bolt.. and said "Stay pure, Or smd"

10-30-2010, 06:14 PM
i think the bear should comming suicide in the end

10-30-2010, 06:15 PM
i think the bear should comming suicide in the end

Are you suicidal?

10-30-2010, 06:27 PM
im not no, but i think it would b the sudden twist in the story that would motivate the publishing of a... sequal

10-30-2010, 06:57 PM
im not no, but i think it would b the sudden twist in the story that would motivate the publishing of a... sequal

Why stop there? why not revive him, then make him live on in pain and suffering when forest haven zombies bite him, but he can never die....Hell, We could have a trilogy!

10-30-2010, 07:01 PM
true i forgot the mages can revive

10-31-2010, 02:25 AM
A civil war between pures and hybrids

10-31-2010, 08:23 AM
Sounds quite much like gahoole xd

10-31-2010, 08:25 AM
Why stop there? why not revive him, then make him live on in pain and suffering when forest haven zombies bite him, but he can never die....Hell, We could have a trilogy!

yeah, we could in fact. When I get some inspiration I'll sure start the sequel of my story xd

12-04-2010, 12:56 AM
2nd book summed up: The night of zombies.

As the battle finished between dúrhir and the avian, our bear had been through tough luck. After his death, he was taken to his tent and burried there. It was a sad ceremony. They were lucky dúrhir was fighting the elf queens forces. But he managed to know, so he sent a so called elite group of zombie mages to revive and transform him. It wasn't easy for this little army, but was enough to tire an ursan off, and the only zombie left that hadn't been too wounded, bit him in the neck. Then the once ursan hero, was turned into a mutant zombie. he shrieked in pain during the change, wishing they had just let him die and stay dead. He said as much curses there are and then some more. He cursed even himself, he was starting to just wish the most powerful spell hit him and he wasn't to be revived. He wished he had killed dúrhir on his only chance. At last, some time later, he was a giantic zombie with a zinch of a brain. He could bear a zombie to use as talon if he wanted to. He changed his name to meathead, for only thing he searched for was some food. After months
of working for the evilest creature in history, he turned up causing havoc in forest haven, along with some of the dark lords experiments, Skeller Krunch and Brom Dandy. Skeller's history was that of a smelly who was horned better than others, for he had been the skeleton of a quite famous warrior before. Skeller ate his skelly companions for a snack, and hunted some elfs for dinner. He was hired by the one who is darkest with his human body, Brom. He gave skeller a mace made of bonestone, and Brom a sword of fine platinum. Somehow, after the darkness died, they just went rogue to cause havoc in forest haven. They stole the orbs to try and bring the dark to life once again, but they were stopped by Sirin,zhara and Bait. They killed the zombies knights and skeletons easily,but they couldn't cut through the bosses as fast without dying a couple of times. Finally, they retrieved the orbs to their proper place. The darkness's spirit killed them when they were asleep, but their souls still are legends to new warriors, and are rumored to be in forest haven towne... ( I need to make a 3rd one)

12-04-2010, 01:04 AM
I see it now... Pocket Legends version of Edward and Jacob



Team pure vs team hybrid.... Get ready to scream like a bunch of little school girls!

12-04-2010, 01:09 AM
Make it a choose-your-own-adventure book!

Oh, wait, isn't that what the game is?