View Full Version : Ok this has gone to far

07-31-2013, 09:34 AM
Almost every war irbiz corp has had against mac, spot blocking occurs like WTF!Is 4v2 fair!? Not really!Can somebody do something please to stop spot blocking.Anything its so fudgin annoying.

07-31-2013, 09:36 AM
I even have a picture of one of them.

07-31-2013, 10:05 AM
But its a 3v3. no need for more players so spot blocking wouldn't even affect the 3v3

07-31-2013, 01:34 PM
i heard pellan was also complaining about mac and latinos blocking the game before.

07-31-2013, 01:43 PM
What is spot blocking?

07-31-2013, 01:51 PM
Spot blocking is when one team is calling friends to join the rival team and take spots but not fight

Thats how they make sure the fight is unfair like 5v3 5v2 and so on.

In the picture you can see brutal left so it clearly wasnt 3v3.

07-31-2013, 02:07 PM
Spot blocking is when one team is calling friends to join the rival team and take spots but not fight

Thats how they make sure the fight is unfair like 5v3 5v2 and so on.

In the picture you can see brutal left so it clearly wasnt 3v3.

So they invite them through the friends / guilds menu, and the player joins the opposing side to double stack? BURN EM I SAY! BURN EM ALL!!!!

07-31-2013, 02:10 PM
or leave the game in question? it not like you're playing for flags anyway

07-31-2013, 02:14 PM
So they invite them through the friends / guilds menu, and the player joins the opposing side to double stack? BURN EM I SAY! BURN EM ALL!!!!

I pvp at this level and it's really a huge problem. The other day they were doing this and the people on my team were also stealing medic packs and the mana packs. So I'm standing there w 4 on me, trying my damnedest to stay alive, and bam, my teammate steals my medic packs. It's so dirty. There are a few guilds, mvpvp, Mac and Latinos twinks, who are really bad about doing this.

Also, if you're good and you're not ganging but you're getting fair kills in, they'll call higher level guildies (18, I'm 16) in and they'll just steam roll...usually it'll be like 2-3 tanks. The amount of people jumping 4 or 5 on one is embarrassing. My kill death rate isn't amazing, but it reflects a sense of sportsmanship. When my team is just ganging, I run flags in. If I'm fighting 1:1 with someone and a teammate jumps in the fray, I walk off and let them have at it. I may die a bit more but at least I don't play like a no skill jerk.

07-31-2013, 02:16 PM
or leave the game in question? it not like you're playing for flags anyway

I'll leave the game but once your name is in /g, you get followed from game to game. I just will stop pvp for the night and run elites some nights bc hoards of players from one of the three worst twink (at 14-18 level) guilds will just follow me from game to game, targeting me.

07-31-2013, 02:22 PM
or leave the game in question? it not like you're playing for flags anyway

I'll leave the game but once your name is in /g, you get followed from game to game. I just will stop pvp for the night and run elites some nights bc hoards of players from one of the three worst twink (at 14-18 level) guilds will just follow me from game to game, targeting me.

Would help if that kraze clown was more effective at providing backup

07-31-2013, 02:27 PM
But its a 3v3. no need for more players so spot blocking wouldn't even affect the 3v3

They all left after we killed them but it was 5v4 us being the 4

07-31-2013, 02:28 PM
or leave the game in question? it not like you're playing for flags anyway
No I don't wan't to leave and be called a noob/leaver.

07-31-2013, 02:29 PM
I pvp at this level and it's really a huge problem. The other day they were doing this and the people on my team were also stealing medic packs and the mana packs. So I'm standing there w 4 on me, trying my damnedest to stay alive, and bam, my teammate steals my medic packs. It's so dirty. There are a few guilds, mvpvp, Mac and Latinos twinks, who are really bad about doing this.

Also, if you're good and you're not ganging but you're getting fair kills in, they'll call higher level guildies (18, I'm 16) in and they'll just steam roll...usually it'll be like 2-3 tanks. The amount of people jumping 4 or 5 on one is embarrassing. My kill death rate isn't amazing, but it reflects a sense of sportsmanship. When my team is just ganging, I run flags in. If I'm fighting 1:1 with someone and a teammate jumps in the fray, I walk off and let them have at it. I may die a bit more but at least I don't play like a no skill jerk.
So....they call guildies to join your team and steal your health and mana packs so their guild can kill you?
That's pretty dirty.

Edit: Y o l o, your suggestion is that the join button is removed from friends/guild lists?

07-31-2013, 02:34 PM
This happens in level 10. I guess it's anything to get a kill from you're enemy. It's playing dirty and it causes people not to play pvp.

07-31-2013, 02:37 PM
So....they call guildies to join your team and steal your health and mana packs so their guild can kill you?
That's pretty dirty.

Edit: Y o l o, your suggestion is that the join button is removed from friends/guild lists?
When did I say that? I said I want SOMETHING,ANYTHING to at least stop this.It's uncool and it is annoying.

07-31-2013, 02:44 PM
When did I say that? I said I want SOMETHING,ANYTHING to at least stop this.It's uncool and it is annoying.
Well what I said is something :p Other people have said that too.

07-31-2013, 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pandamoni
I pvp at this level and it's really a huge problem. The other day they were doing this and the people on my team were also stealing medic packs and the mana packs. So I'm standing there w 4 on me, trying my damnedest to stay alive, and bam, my teammate steals my medic packs. It's so dirty. There are a few guilds, mvpvp, Mac and Latinos twinks, who are really bad about doing this.

Also, if you're good and you're not ganging but you're getting fair kills in, they'll call higher level guildies (18, I'm 16) in and they'll just steam roll...usually it'll be like 2-3 tanks. The amount of people jumping 4 or 5 on one is embarrassing. My kill death rate isn't amazing, but it reflects a sense of sportsmanship. When my team is just ganging, I run flags in. If I'm fighting 1:1 with someone and a teammate jumps in the fray, I walk off and let them have at it. I may die a bit more but at least I don't play like a no skill jerk.
So....they call guildies to join your team and steal your health and mana packs so their guild can kill you?
That's pretty dirty.

Edit: Y o l o, your suggestion is that the join button is removed from friends/guild lists?Umm whats this?

07-31-2013, 02:50 PM
When did I say that? I said I want SOMETHING,ANYTHING to at least stop this.It's uncool and it is annoying.

Agreed, from description this is unacceptable. While removing friends/ guildies join in PvP/CtF would solve a lot of problems, it could destroy the concept and wreck the game. So what ~CAN~ be done?

07-31-2013, 02:52 PM
Biggest thing that would help IMO is make smaller rooms 1v1 or 2v2 or remove names and titles and display "level xxx rouge"

07-31-2013, 02:53 PM
Agreed, from description this is unacceptable. While removing friends/ guildies join in PvP/CtF would solve a lot of problems, it could destroy the concept and wreck the game. So what ~CAN~ be done?

I don't know what can be done, which is why I just go pve when it gets particularly ugly

07-31-2013, 02:54 PM
Biggest thing that would help IMO is make smaller rooms 1v1 or 2v2 or remove names and titles and display "level xxx rouge"

I definitely think levels should be displayed. I want to know if I'm facing a team of 3 level 18 tanks and two level 17 rogues while I'm in a team with 3 level 14 and a level 15 lol

07-31-2013, 02:58 PM
Another fix could be to just not allow entry in to spawn the bubble is nice because it allows you to quit when the entire team is standing there waiting for it to pop before they can kill you but really does nothing else

07-31-2013, 04:08 PM
Mvpvp is highly infamous for such 5-warrior and spot-blocking "strategies". Generally I leave the game when I stand no chance, but I definitely return the favor in another game. Tit for tat, no mercy.

Unfortunately I can't think of an easy fix for this.

08-01-2013, 12:45 PM
Mvpvp is highly infamous for such 5-warrior and spot-blocking "strategies". Generally I leave the game when I stand no chance, but I definitely return the favor in another game. Tit for tat, no mercy.

Unfortunately I can't think of an easy fix for this.
Mvpvp is one my hated guild list because they gang, play dirty and unfair, they suck 1v1, and plainly they should just die.

08-01-2013, 01:36 PM
TRue i hav lvl 10 rouge clipped and if i kill some1 they call the whole guild which has all lvl 12 and starts farming me

08-01-2013, 01:52 PM
This is the reason why I don't do PvP. Players who are Level 10 + have to face off against level 30+ which is not fair at all. I stopped PvP because Spot Blocking and the unfairness of Level's that Players face against. I'll just stick to PvE.

08-01-2013, 08:41 PM
This is the reason why I don't do PvP. Players who are Level 10 + have to face off against level 30+ which is not fair at all. I stopped PvP because Spot Blocking and the unfairness of Level's that Players face against. I'll just stick to PvE.

Same here, lol. PvP here never really interested me, only the SL one.

08-02-2013, 03:22 AM
Biggest thing that would help IMO is make smaller rooms 1v1 or 2v2 or remove names and titles and display "level xxx rouge"

That's a good idea but what about guilds?

08-02-2013, 03:34 AM
Same here, lol. PvP here never really interested me, only the SL one.

Lol SL. I remember the first time I pvp there. Only 3 sec to enjoy my first walk and die.

08-06-2013, 01:29 AM
would a report player option work if clicked on? Enough reports like a vote could kick the player from the game instead of holding spots? Obvious that could be exploited so it would have to be a 1 or 2 minute cool down on players or for players (defensively to keep from getting kicked by a guild over and over)

08-06-2013, 02:09 AM
Aw. :|
This really the worst problem ever in twinks war.
I suggested to make a special room for a guild war and choose the amount of players who want to participate.
Or maybe, devs would make a new PvP arena. :D Just suggestion, have fun peeps! :)