View Full Version : Greetings + Questions

08-01-2013, 03:29 AM
Hey there! I'm Grant (Thoemar in game). I have played Pocket Legends and Star Legends off and on for about two years now, but I realized I wanted to get back into the STS universe for good this time, so I made a gmail account for that very purpose (find Thoemar in all four Legends games :3). I have questions though, if somebody or somebodies can answer. It would be much appreciated.

1. What is the max level? I see 71 and 76 everywhere. Is 76 coming out? Do you have to buy the raise from 71-76?
2. Do you get 5 attribute points for every level? All the way up to the max level?
3. Do you get 1 skill point for every level? I see something about skill points up to 30. Then starting at 60 again? What is the max rank for skills? I see 6 and 9 over the forums.
4. What is with the "Elite" zones? The ones that say like 50-50. What is up with those? Are there zones you have to buy?
5. With the gear at max level, what is the stat requirement on that? Say I wanted to have a Dex/Str bird, but I wanted to use Dex gear at max level, what would my Dex have to be at? Or any Dex/Str/Int gear for that matter?

If you can answer any/all of these I would be very thankful, and hopefully I will see you in game. :)

08-01-2013, 08:42 AM
Hey, welcome back to PL!

1. 76, all campaigns are free nowadays.
2. Yes.
3. Yes, 1 skill point per level until level cap. Max level for skills is 6 for level 1-64 characters, level 65+ characters can rank their skills up to level 9.
4. Frozen nightmares and shadow caves are first elite campaigns. They are a lot harder than normal maps of their level, but they either give super good loot (shadow caves) or give cool non-tradeable weapons from difficult quests (frozen nightmares). When lvl 71 was elite level cap, those who were 71 were able to farm humanian elite dungeon, which dropped super rare, super cool weapons. When 76 cap was released, that dungeon was discontinued, and so were those weapons. Now there's elite dungeon similar to that for those who are lvl 76.
5. For normal gear 157, but for elites 300. Elites are only useful for dex birds & bears though.

08-01-2013, 09:22 AM
Welcome back!:)

Hey, welcome back to PL!

1. 76, all campaigns are free nowadays.
2. Yes.
3. Yes, 1 skill point per level until level cap. Max level for skills is 6 for level 1-64 characters, level 65+ characters can rank their skills up to level 9.
4. Frozen nightmares and shadow caves are first elite campaigns. They are a lot harder than normal maps of their level, but they either give super good loot (shadow caves) or give cool non-tradeable weapons from difficult quests (frozen nightmares). When lvl 71 was elite level cap, those who were 71 were able to farm humanian elite dungeon, which dropped super rare, super cool weapons. When 76 cap was released, that dungeon was discontinued, and so were those weapons. Now there's elite dungeon similar to that for those who are lvl 76.
5. For normal gear 157, but for elites 300. Elites are only useful for dex birds & bears though.

^^ that pretty mcuh answers everything thoroughly..

08-02-2013, 01:05 AM
Is that Dex Birds AND dex bears? Or dex birds and str bears? And what about int players?

08-03-2013, 03:38 PM
Is that Dex Birds AND dex bears? Or dex birds and str bears? What about int? And is 300 all points into the one "spec"