View Full Version : Seven Sisters - Daily quest - Rogue

08-02-2013, 10:44 AM
Hi SS.

I wonder what you have changed in ghost pirate world.

Suddently i can crit 800!!!! (Elite bosses take 3k+) But a normal ghost pirate can hit me harder and take less damage... I wonder why that is. and i dont find that fair in any way.
App their shield can absorb many 1000 dam? They app get a boost so they can do 1000+ dam to me...

2. Today, i have free'd 2/7 in 7 runs!??!
I can see them in the cage when i get there. when i kill the slave guy, the cage disapears and i dont free any..

Seriously.. Change it so the people like me that want to do all the dailies dont feel screwed!

08-02-2013, 11:07 AM
they buffed up all the normal maps without making us stronger

08-02-2013, 11:12 AM
Seems really unfair.

Almost full mythic rogue, and i cant do anything about the shielded ghost pirates.

08-02-2013, 01:31 PM
I feel the same, especially today while hunting krunch2, those ghosts r harder to kill and harder hit

12-04-2013, 05:44 AM
How to complete seven sisters daily rogue quest?
I've defeated the pirate slaver mini-boss on the "go to" map. But then it seems like I should wait a week before killing him again. That only gives 2 "rescues". I've trawled the other Kraken maps for "pirate slavers" they do show up occasionally and I had 1 "rescue" from killing one.
But then nothing, I search, and search all the maps with no results.

It all seems like a complete waste of time, (in an area that has enemies specifically engineered to be resistant to rogues)

Am I right? Or am I missing something? Anyone have any solutions?

I give up, for 600 gold, the pirates can keep the sisters.
I lose that in potions, trying to save them.

12-04-2013, 07:42 AM
TBH , I'm tired of saving them, if they are too dumb to not get caught they deserve to be locked up.