View Full Version : need l71 mage build

08-02-2013, 06:05 PM
i would like to know a couple 71 mage Int/Dex builds for pvp


08-02-2013, 07:53 PM
Your best bet would be to go with pally becuz you can get nuked/ one shotted easy by birds and bears. Bears op beastly set can just beckon and stomp and u be dead, birds can just root shatter blast and u be also dead

But if you are going with int and sharp set then good luck on that, here's a build I used before:

9 drain
7 frostbite
9 fire
9 BOTH blessings
9 Heal
8 light
9 weakness
1 mana shield

When going against beastly bears, their biggest weakness would be hit percent so having weakness would lower their hit percent by 60 which is a lot. U could try:

Don't use ms early or they will completely diminish your mana, try to use mana right when bears use beckon. So you could try switching up the combo.

When going against birds, they usually would use phantom or flying set which is like a total one shot kill kind of thing so you want to use ms right at the start,
Try kiting them with this combo

Mana,Drain,fire,ice. Wait for your mana to fill up then use ice,light,fire.

This build is not flawless and may have mistakes.

- Swords

08-02-2013, 11:07 PM
That build above is correct, the only change you can do is lower heal from 9 to 7 (from rank 7 and up, high-end heal lowers by 10) and put the extra points into lighting and frostbite. Another tip would be to use Sand Goddess wand set instead of Sharp set since goddess carries more armor, dodge, and critical.

08-03-2013, 05:34 AM
birds can just root shatter blast and u be also dead

- Swords


08-03-2013, 06:59 AM
That build above is correct, the only change you can do is lower heal from 9 to 7 (from rank 7 and up, high-end heal lowers by 10) and put the extra points into lighting and frostbite. Another tip would be to use Sand Goddess wand set instead of Sharp set since goddess carries more armor, dodge, and critical.

Wyatt said it's good to have both Goddess and Sharp.