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View Full Version : Enchantress on lvl 18 not leveling up

10-26-2010, 03:41 PM
hi, just new to PL and i'm so addicted to it. I have a quick question, my character is on Level 18 and as I play to level up, i notice that that my level points are not increasing...i tried more kills and still i'm stuck with zero. is there a quest i need to take to level up further?

im just confused. thanks for the replies...

10-26-2010, 03:43 PM
after lv18 you actually need to buy level packs in order to continue leveling (5 level increments per area). don't worry, the good stuff starts now :D

10-26-2010, 04:39 PM
Cough I don't got camps and got lvl 19 coigh

10-26-2010, 04:48 PM
hey. ok if i have to buy, where do i buy it? i dont understand how and where to get this pack? can u be more specific? thanks.

10-26-2010, 04:51 PM
Cough ^ cough

10-26-2010, 04:52 PM
hey. ok if i have to buy, where do i buy it? i dont understand how and where to get this pack? can u be more specific? thanks. is it under the Upgrades, Items Pack, Enchantress? e.g. Enchantress' Smarts Pack - Level 5?

10-26-2010, 04:58 PM
its in the store u can access anywhere, a few tabs away from inventory
under upgrades
go left or right a number of times and ull get map packs
to buy these map packs, ull need platinum
to get platinum, click buy platiunum

10-26-2010, 05:03 PM
thanks. can u suggest one i can buy for sure? is it under the Content? Should I get the Campaign Bundle: Fathom and Frost? what do u think? thanks....

10-26-2010, 05:25 PM
Have you done Balefort? If not, the Four Campaign Bundle will get you Balefort (lvls 15-19), Fathom Crypt (lvls 20-24), Lost Expedition (lvls 25-30) and the Ancient Swamps (someone correct me, but I think it's about the same levels as Lost with some interesting pinks to be found). Either one you go with will save a bit of plat: 2 plat savings for buying the 2-campaign bundle over buying them individually and 4 plat for the 4-campaign ditto. If you're planning on continuing on, the 4-pack might be beter. If you're still unsure, the 2-pack will let you continue with a smaller investment. Whatever works for you. Enjoy!

10-26-2010, 05:29 PM
it depends how much plat u willing to spend on the game
if u spend Lots on this game (like me), i would..no...MUST BUY AO3!!! with ao3, u can get to max rite now, lvl 50
ao3 is alien oasis 3 btw, and it costs like 5 bucks i believe..
im sorry, cant recommend until i kno how much u wanna spend
i hesitated in buyin maps at first, but after playin a few, i bought em all
even the PVP ones cuz if i didnt buy them, i felt like i hadnt unlocked everything lol

10-26-2010, 07:38 PM
Hi, i bought the four-campaign and started playing with it but again, it seems that my character is not leveling up. what am i doing wrong?

help. thanks

Have you done Balefort? If not, the Four Campaign Bundle will get you Balefort (lvls 15-19), Fathom Crypt (lvls 20-24), Lost Expedition (lvls 25-30) and the Ancient Swamps (someone correct me, but I think it's about the same levels as Lost with some interesting pinks to be found). Either one you go with will save a bit of plat: 2 plat savings for buying the 2-campaign bundle over buying them individually and 4 plat for the 4-campaign ditto. If you're planning on continuing on, the 4-pack might be beter. If you're still unsure, the 2-pack will let you continue with a smaller investment. Whatever works for you. Enjoy!

10-26-2010, 07:39 PM
hey, thanks. u guys are the best.

i bought the four-campaign pack and started playing with it, but again it seems my character is not leveling up--not getting xp points...what am i doing wrong?


10-26-2010, 08:45 PM
Go into your character's avatar screen and hit "Menu", then hit "Options". Take a look at the right-hand column; third from the bottom is "Disable XP Gain". Make sure that box isn't checked. If it is, just tap on it to remove the checkmark. If that isn't it, take a look at your current XP level, go kill a few things and look at it again. There's a point where you and your enemies are fairly evenly matched and you're only getting one point per kill. Also, the higher the level, the more XP you'll need before leveling up again (ah, for those halcyon days of levelling up 5 times in a short time period!). You may be getting XP, it's just not as speedy as before.

10-27-2010, 01:47 AM
you won't level in dark forest. play in balefort.

10-27-2010, 01:58 AM
let the dude level up a bit first.. in my opinion.. life does not start till at least lvl 40 up.... i suggest you buy the 2 map pack and see if you like it... if you want to continue then buy the rest...

my opinion is NOT to buy the Item packs for your class because you will find better gear within the maps you play and its not worth the money.

If you want the best gear for your level, you can ask us here in the forums or look around on the Trader's section in this site.

I also suggest you to read through the section of your class and see how other players build their characters and what stats they use.

Good luck and enjoy... remmeber to be nice and make friends.. :)

10-27-2010, 03:39 AM
thank you. i all ready bought the four-campaign pack...and i dont level up in dark forest either. i went to balefort but it seemed not working as well but well i shall try again.

ur the best guys!