View Full Version : Raising Funds for Onade?

08-04-2013, 01:50 PM
No clear motives such as why.but i admit it is disheartening when i see hes being ganged or people enjoy farming him.tho i would think twice or even 3 times before i decided to aid.

The communitu might have different views on onade"s gameplay.some may say hes selfish,boorish etc.some feel conpletely the opposite.and this thread aims to those who have positive views towards him.

I never say he deserves special attention.maybe hes jusy lazy..but one thing we all can agree is how iconic he is in AL.and pvp to be specific.

So heres what i intend to do.planning to help him to prepare himself with the best gears (since most of us are complaining bout boredom).the aim is to hold a session with him nearing expansion and giving him sets of gears as a token of appreciation how he has such an impact to the community.perhaos high end pink,mhytics even better.

Hang on.here how it goes.
I will update this thread with the names and their donations.you may provide gears or golds.
Anything below lvl 31 i will help to sell (not in cs) to help me keep track.the names will be featured here.
I will update the gold collection.anyone who wants to sell or trade high end gears can check this thread.
I never intend to give him gold but gears in fact so we can see he equips it and play.

Cheers.may start posting or pm me in game onade "fans".

entombed hammer of fatality lvl 30

Champions helm of security lvl 31

100k + 50k


-Internal suffering of assault (lvl 30)
-Mighty trollbane of potency (lvl 30)
-champions helm of security lvl 31)
-noble helm of security (lvl 31)
-noble plate of stability (lvl 31)
-weaved chain of stability (lvl 26)
-glowstone necklace of will (lvl 26)
-purple flounders plate (vanity)
-purple flounders helmet (vanity)





current gold:440k

08-04-2013, 02:04 PM
Ill check my inventory so I can help

08-04-2013, 03:12 PM
Ill check my inventory so I can help

Thanks bro.appreciate it :)

08-04-2013, 05:11 PM
I shall help when i regain my gold, i think itll be soon, in a meanwhile i offer you a locked crate containing 100% arcane (its from elite bloodhammer)

08-04-2013, 05:18 PM
Why does this exist?

I guess these sort of threads happen when there's nothing else to do

08-04-2013, 05:33 PM
Why does this exist?

I guess these sort of threads happen when there's nothing else to do

To lighten up the forums with fun of course! ;)

08-04-2013, 05:42 PM
I dont understand such negativity.told ya this aint for those who disagree.

And why not?is forum not to discuss anything that is related to the community?

08-04-2013, 05:43 PM
I shall help when i regain my gold, i think itll be soon, in a meanwhile i offer you a locked crate containing 100% arcane (its from elite bloodhammer)

Hmmphh i trust u lol

08-04-2013, 05:46 PM
Why does this exist?

I guess these sort of threads happen when there's nothing else to do

Certainly you have much time to spent by questioning the rationale of this thread.thanks for visiting

08-04-2013, 08:44 PM
I have like 50k to donate. Maybe we can raise money to buy him mythic too. Ign Ebarahy and Anifeuziv. Will rarely be online this week.

I know Onade is a sweet guy and I heard he was good in season 2. I want him in that spirit back now.

We should have a trustfund or something for him. People can donate as low as 10k. Who knows we can get him if not full, just mythic weapon.
I'm sure 10k is nothing for most of us.

08-04-2013, 08:49 PM
I guess I should spend all my living hours in AL PvP swinging at nothingness and so on. Maybe y'all will kindly donate me a mythic then.

But gl, keep on donating! Im far from rich atm (around 10k) but yeah hope u guys raise enuff money to get him a champions set :)

08-04-2013, 08:55 PM
I guess I should spend all my living hours in AL PvP swinging at nothingness and so on. Maybe y'all will kindly donate me a mythic then.

But gl, keep on donating! Im far from rich atm (around 10k) but yeah hope u guys raise enuff money to get him a champions set :)
You pvp too much. Go farm elite map lols. I never saw you in other place other than crypt ctf.

Alfred Emmanuel Tanopo
08-04-2013, 09:13 PM
This is some good read. A proof that charity also happens in game. I'm not that rich but I pledge 5k gold. :)
Tell me how I could get in touch with you.

08-04-2013, 09:52 PM
ohh i love onade... (although he has never said a word to me) ive actually joined onades team and owned several times. ofc when it is the right time, "when" he's tanking and when vs a bunch of N(New)O(Opponents)O(Often)B(Beginners)

but I've been seeing Onade since the beginning and agree he is iconic.
and it would be fun to see him all decked out, talk to him as i never have.
see what he needs ill gladly donate.

08-04-2013, 10:06 PM
Onade is my idol ... even though i m weak player in pvp, whoever ganged or farmed him ,, i honestly swear that i will hunt them and become their nightmares.

08-04-2013, 10:14 PM
This is some good read. A proof that charity also happens in game. I'm not that rich but I pledge 5k gold. :)
Tell me how I could get in touch with you.

Pm me.ign alfai


08-04-2013, 10:22 PM
I'm a bit confused as I'm not really an AL player that much but now im just curious, what to "onade"? I feel so stupid XD

08-04-2013, 10:25 PM
I have like 50k to donate. Maybe we can raise money to buy him mythic too. Ign Ebarahy and Anifeuziv. Will rarely be online this week.

I know Onade is a sweet guy and I heard he was good in season 2. I want him in that spirit back now.

We should have a trustfund or something for him. People can donate as low as 10k. Who knows we can get him if not full, just mythic weapon.
I'm sure 10k is nothing for most of us.

Tried pming you in game seems offline.pm me ign alfai.thanks

08-04-2013, 10:31 PM
I'm a bit confused as I'm not really an AL player that much but now im just curious, what to "onade"? I feel so stupid XD

I may not be the best person to describe onade.you may check limsyokers post on onade-mystery resolved.

To put it simple,onade is a one of a kind warrior known for:
The most negative kdr by far in pvp 33k deaths i think
Being non responsive to any of your pms.keeping his lips zipped
Having is own style in pvp.not much help but unique.

Thats about it.what moved me when people used him to kill farm knowing him with such low gears n such.but he is persistent.

08-04-2013, 11:04 PM
He wears champion set with entombed lethality (red one) I guess. I support this kind of threads 100%. My doubt is if he'll accept this, has past a long time, he always wears the same set. In any case I will donate too.

08-04-2013, 11:28 PM
You could always buy a set with the money raised and gift it.

So if he doesn't accept the gold[trade] it'd be easier.

Alfred Emmanuel Tanopo
08-05-2013, 12:29 AM
1 like = 1 prayer

08-05-2013, 02:49 AM
You pvp too much. Go farm elite map lols. I never saw you in other place other than crypt ctf.

I run elite maps...not so often because when I spend an hour farming I get only crap. With the ratio of pots I use and time I use to the gear I get...not worth it at all.

08-05-2013, 06:56 AM
i think this thread is so helpful... at the same time we accompany him with maximum love, I've seen him many times, mostly quiet and striving hard to charge through a gang just to prove that he's that brave and he doesn't care that his death record increase. Truly one magnificent player, I just want him to improve, thus, I'll donate sooner or later, feel bad for him. HUGS FOR THE GUY! <3

08-05-2013, 07:37 AM
isn't onade 7 years old? I used to rage on him for not helping until I heard he was a little kid. Now I join his games and stand beside him and use random skills too.

08-05-2013, 08:38 AM
To the majority of people who don't know Onade, can we at least see his stats, character info, a screenshot would greatly help. I personally don't pvp at end game, I twink so I don't know Onade.

08-05-2013, 09:45 AM
I love onade...he stands and guards flag....he has grudges, he hates jiotader lol...he listens to hopesolo the still never says a word to anybody..I wanna give him a maul...lmao hilarious

08-05-2013, 09:49 AM
I love onade...he stands and guards flag....he has grudges, he hates jiotader lol...he listens to hopesolo the still never says a word to anybody..I wanna give him a maul...lmao hilarious

Nice one dark..ill see you in game to collect hahahaha..

Btw hows the vacation?

08-05-2013, 02:25 PM
Ill buy onade a set/gift 20k.. Add unknownsource

08-05-2013, 04:52 PM
im proud with such support and generosity :) thank you

08-05-2013, 08:29 PM
as i said it before.. im not a pro/good/rich or even tough mage in pvp but i will try my best to protect/ support him because he is only person i admire.... and i feel honorable that he listens to me ..

08-05-2013, 09:25 PM
To the majority of people who don't know Onade, can we at least see his stats, character info, a screenshot would greatly help. I personally don't pvp at end game, I twink so I don't know Onade.



Alfred Emmanuel Tanopo
08-06-2013, 01:27 AM
like a true warrior.... Kudos

08-07-2013, 05:36 AM
Hi imma leave it till sunday.then will get dev to close the thread.

Whatever we can gather till sunday will be used to fund him with what we can afford.

Anything pm me in game.thanks and cheers

08-07-2013, 11:22 AM
[QUOTE=Alhuntrazeck;1210353]I guess I should spend all my living hours in AL PvP swinging at nothingness and so on. Maybe y'all will kindly donate me a mythic then.

I agree with this definetly why should we donate to onade just cause he sucks? I suck too! Donate to me lol besides why would anyone donate to someone just so that he can kick your butt? This is dumb in my opinion. Anyway who says alfai wont justvtake the gold and gear for himself?

08-07-2013, 11:26 AM
Sorry for my rudness if onade is a nice guy then fine donate. Id
Ike to take back what i said that onade sucks cause he doasnt im sorry :(

08-07-2013, 12:08 PM
Seeing that pic of him,makes me wanna cry, seriously..... i feel so bad for him... ill pm u in 6 HRS WHEN I FINALLY GET UNBANNED to give u money for him:((

Thank u alfai, next to this negative things on forums, u decided to start something so good and sweet, makes me appreciate u and respect u even more:)

08-07-2013, 01:45 PM
lol, anyone noticed all the 6 and 9s in his kills?

I dont think a 7 year old would that on purpose, just saying.

08-07-2013, 02:39 PM
Or maybe its coincidence? To be honest, similar things happen to me all the time:)

08-07-2013, 03:45 PM
lol 69's

To me Onade isn't that "holy" in my view.
He's an annoyance sometimes b/c he just afks there. He's not a true noob who actually tries to play but can't b/c of monetary difficulties.
So much praise for him but most of you here avoid joining his side in games...

* and the rumours of him being 7 years old is probably false
any parent with the right mind will not let their children be so indulged in a game at such a young age

08-07-2013, 03:47 PM
Or maybe its coincidence? To be honest, similar things happen to me all the time:)
7 year olds should be miles away from understanding the meaning of 69

you guys need to overthink this one

08-07-2013, 05:14 PM
lol 69's

To me Onade isn't that "holy" in my view.
He's an annoyance sometimes b/c he just afks there. He's not a true noob who actually tries to play but can't b/c of monetary difficulties.
So much praise for him but most of you here avoid joining his side in games...

* and the rumours of him being 7 years old is probably false
any parent with the right mind will not let their children be so indulged in a game at such a young age

No holy is not the word...not even an example to follow..simply admiration from a different "perspective"..his decision not to leave even when ganged can betranslated as plain stupid or courage.thats all.

My personal pov is his perseverance which happens to impress some of us not all especially those who have bbeen playing long and not known (no pun intended) either hes a kid or noob or geek or whtever idc and im not bothered.buy his presenxe does have an impact on few of us.thats it.

For example.if i admire you love i might suggest the same thing should you a were in his shoes.but no and since i admire u still and with uour current sotuation i dont do it.cpz u r filthy rich haha.

Speaking to the thread title.are you planning on contributing?if yes i will update the list.thanks

08-07-2013, 05:39 PM
i heard hes 6 years old.

Alfred Emmanuel Tanopo
08-07-2013, 10:43 PM
haven't got a chance to see you online. added you as a friend though. kindly PM me if you get ingame and you see me. Im AFK most of the time. thanks!

08-08-2013, 12:15 AM
@Alfai, thanks for posting the screenshot of the famous Onade.

He seems to like the number 69,lol and gundamsome has a point about him being 7 years old? If he is a treasure to the community, how come there's no one adopting him in to a guild?

08-08-2013, 12:39 AM
Go go go with this fund! Great initiative!

Alfred Emmanuel Tanopo
08-08-2013, 12:54 AM
maybe he doesn't want to join any guild and keep his existence mysterious. :)
He doesn't even seem to want any companion (pet) around.

08-08-2013, 12:59 AM
haven't got a chance to see you online. added you as a friend though. kindly PM me if you get ingame and you see me. Im AFK most of the time. thanks!

Sorry i have pending requests too many atm.will look for u in game.thx

08-08-2013, 01:07 AM
@Alfai, thanks for posting the screenshot of the famous Onade.

He seems to like the number 69,lol and gundamsome has a point about him being 7 years old? If he is a treasure to the community, how come there's no one adopting him in to a guild?

1.whos take that he is a treasure?is that your personal pov
2.how does being a treasure associated with guild affliation?do u need to be in guild to be a treasure?
3.how do we invite someone when hes not responding with clickable action including pt inv
4.tbh i dont get your point.so are you contributing or interrogating?since ive mentioned he is mysterious yet adorable imho how would i have answers to all these?theres no way to validate or verify any assumptions coz doesnt speak.

Sorry not being rude her.i appreciate your feedback but do digest my posts.i try to keep this thread as simple and right to my point or objective.sorry if i mislead or confuse anyone.

08-08-2013, 01:41 AM
First and foremost, you are not rude but you are defensive of Onade. Not being hostile here, to reply on your points:

1.whos take that he is a treasure?is that your personal pov

it's not my pov but yours, I highlighted the things that you said about Onade and how he is so special, that's why I call him treasure (maybe the word is inappropriate).

No clear motives such as why.but i admit it is disheartening when i see hes being ganged or people enjoy farming him.tho i would think twice or even 3 times before i decided to aid.

The communitu might have different views on onade"s gameplay.some may say hes selfish,boorish etc.some feel conpletely the opposite.and this thread aims to those who have positive views towards him.

I never say he deserves special attention.maybe hes jusy lazy..but one thing we all can agree is how iconic he is in AL.and pvp to be specific.

So heres what i intend to do.planning to help him to prepare himself with the best gears (since most of us are complaining bout boredom).the aim is to hold a session with him nearing expansion and giving him sets of gears as a token of appreciation how he has such an impact to the community.perhaos high end pink,mhytics even better.

2.how does being a treasure associated with guild affliation?do u need to be in guild to be a treasure?

Let's put it this way, for example, Limsyoker, Lim is a good rogue and a player, many people like to have her in guild. So this is what I mean, if Onade is so special how come, he is not part of any guild?

3.how do we invite someone when hes not responding with clickable action including pt inv

This is the answer to no. 2 which I don't know because I don't know Onade.

4.tbh i dont get your point.so are you contributing or interrogating?

I'm merely asking questions, that's all, isn't that what a forum is used to? I have the right to ask because this is an open forum and my question is not offensive.

08-08-2013, 02:46 AM
TBH, I don't get the Onade hype. IMO he wastes a slot--thereby almost guaranteeing the loss of your team, esp. with pros on the other end. I don't get his resolve either. Standing either in a spawn room, flag room or the middle and hitting random skills...WHAT'S DA FLIPPIN' POINT?

Not to condemn your initiative though. Lovely idea. Only it would be more productive on a real player...like a certain Al...>.>

08-08-2013, 10:25 AM
Gonna close this one up.
