View Full Version : Bored out my mind

08-04-2013, 07:28 PM
I started playing this game about 18 months ago. 3 months straight, quit and come back every 2 months or so looking for new challenging content. Raised my max lvl each time out of boredum with elixirs helping a lot. But I get so bored... Each time I come back, there's new vanity to make your character pretty but the equipment you pay for still sucks. If the free equipment stats are better than the equipment you pay for in most categories, then I have no reason to spend. At max lvl I can't get stronger. I'm left with helping noobs and guild members level up out of boredum. Then quit an hour later for another 2 months lol. I just noticed you have even more new games now, is that where all the competitive content is being sent? This game was fun, stop making us look pretty and give me something to do! Finally here's my suggestions, apologies for sharing my disappointment btw.

1. Stat point achievements or purchases. If you're giving us max levels, then let us further develop our strengths while we're waiting on max lvl raises. Either let us purchase stat points to get stronger or earn them through special dungeons/quests/achievements daily, maybe 1-3 stat points a day?

2. Give me a reason to spend my money. If you create weapons that are stronger than the best free weapons, people will buy them with real money.

3. Whats the point of a guild? Helping new people how to be challenged to max their lvl and get bored and leave? We need guild competition. Who has more max lvls, who cares? There needs to be guild content to keep people interested and challenged while they're not farming stat points each day(if you actually let us earn stat points). Guild Masters have been making up challenges on their own, with prizes, really? Help them out!! That must be exhausting!

If you give us a way to earn/purchase stat points daily, then I'll be back daily to be more competitive. Without competition, the game turns into max lvl characters dressing up to chat in a virtual chatroom while selling their less desired pretty gear..... So lame. Do something with this game.

08-07-2013, 08:52 PM
Suggestion 2 is : "please make OP weapons which cost MUCH plats so that ONLY players who pay are good"

That's it?

Ban that idea plox :@

08-07-2013, 09:20 PM
Suggestion 2 is : "please make OP weapons which cost MUCH plats so that ONLY players who pay are good"

That's it?

Ban that idea plox :@

To op, What's the point of playing if ONLY people who pay will get the best gear making the game less fun for other players?

Its your choice to spend money for plat for not.

08-08-2013, 02:09 PM
I would like some type of guild war system in game.