View Full Version : PL not connecting?

08-06-2013, 04:20 PM
I didn't wanna put this in GD because I seemed it would just be crowding it, so I put it here. My wifi has been working fine, and now today, every time I replay Forest Fight, it completely disconnects me and doesn't "connect to server" for another five minutes. Now it's not even wanting to connect, I reinstalled PL, waited 20 minutes, and it finally started updating. Five more minutes on the game, it disconnects me and hasn't let me back on since. I've reinstalled PL, restarted my iPad Mini, and checked my wifi, and the wifi is fine. I just don't know what's happening, or if it's happening to other people, what can I do to help this out?

08-06-2013, 04:31 PM
We had this issue quite a while ago - i think shortly before or after Humania.

Sam said they had issues with the servers, no worry, I guess they work on a solution, yet. :)

P.S.: Good Fights yesterday. ;)