View Full Version : "Spies"

08-06-2013, 07:13 PM
I couldn't believe my eyes when I just witinessed an officer of my guild "Love Twinks" literally deleted all members possible from our guild, 69 to 7 members that fast...

His name is "Sniperpvp" and he was an supposed "spy" from "Elite Twinks"

This may or may not be true. But the facts are is that weather or not its guild rivalry or just an individual seeking to intentionaly ruin others hard work.

Stuff like this is why people turn away from such games. I myself will not just walk away and surrender. I will be a true friend and help rebuild from the ashes.

Guild masters please be very careful who you give resposibilties to because it can your downfall.

I wouldn't wish what happend to us even on my worst enemies...

Touchè, I hope your happy

08-06-2013, 07:27 PM
I would call that a big sign of immaturity on that guys part. Good luck in rebuilding thw guild

08-06-2013, 07:48 PM
That is called "mass booting" and is bannable.

08-06-2013, 08:57 PM
Only ones who are trustworthy to the guild master should be promoted officer.

He is elgible to be banned.

08-06-2013, 09:32 PM
Only ones who are trustworthy to the guild master should be promoted officer.

He is elgible to be banned.

I don't think so unless it's considered griefing by the devs.

08-06-2013, 09:32 PM
Thread closed. Please report this to support@spacetimestudios.com
