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View Full Version : 10 types of annoying people you'll find in AL

08-06-2013, 09:08 PM
All meant to be satirical. Don't be mad if you are one of these kinds of people.

In my few days of playing AL I experience these people about every 10 minutes. Without further ado...

1. The mage who specs gale but doesn't charge it. When he does charge it he blows enemies out of your aoe.

2. The warrior who waits for the sorc (oh did you know that's also the squishiest class?) to aggro all the enemies so he doesn't have to take damage when the sorc is at 10% hp.

3. The rogue who sits back to spam arrows, thinks he does damage, but really only half shots one enemy out of 20.

4. The person who has to invite you no matter what to get that extra xp that probably doesn't even exist.

5. The guy who joins a dungeon, sits there for 5 minutes, then leaves. Like why join?!?!?

6. The guy who complains about broken mechanics when he doesn't really understand the game. "omg y gang me in pvp" "omg dis b0ss 1shot me i better leav partie"

7. The guy who trades you unsolicitedly and asks for 26k for his helm of the watch because he sees that you have a malison.

8. The guy who asks "Alguien habla espanol" because looking for his countrymen is the first quest in this game.

9. The guy who spams trade offers in chat except spells like a 5 year old. "Mithic hulmut 4 sal"

10. The guy who is selling his gun for 10k but you don't really know what gun he's using.

What people do you find everyday? :)

08-06-2013, 09:28 PM
Do you even know what "Alguien habla Espaņol" means? It's Spanish for "Does anyone speak Spanish?"

08-06-2013, 09:35 PM
that's why it's funny. from where i come from i don't walk on the street asking people if they can speak spanish or chinese, for example.

08-06-2013, 09:41 PM
1. New peeps leave the guild because my guildies don't buy their stuff

2. Players that plows through a farming map and making the people behind him/her kill them

3. Wind gale during elite

4. Cheapskates

5. People who randomly insult me or my guildies

6. Scammers

7. Low levels asking for gold

8. Low levels that party you without asking

9. People leveling in areas that tries to party me. When I decline, they keep trying to party you

10. (This is just me) people who friend you randomly and then immediately asking for gold and help

08-06-2013, 09:45 PM
Hey yesterday someone PMd me "Please give me 10m" lol beggars are now lvling up they want millions now.

08-06-2013, 10:16 PM
1. Smurfs that grops clocks too early
2. Smurfs that doesn't know how to simply flippin stun the daaaaaaaamn crab at elite palm.
3. The rouge that keeps charging nox
4. The rouges that does not have aimed shot.
5. The warrior who waits 10sec before healing beause he has to makes sure everyone is in range. Then i die and see bubble around me.
6. Basically every tank that does not push back in clash.
7. The smurf using gale in pvp.
8. The player who does not use potions.
9. The player who constantly parties you.
10. The player who randomly asks "12k sir pls sir"
11. The rouges that kill steals.
12. The player who talks sh!t about me in other langauges. Just fyi, i can curse in several languages. Ask anyone.
13. This list will not stop.
14. The rouge that charges aimed shot in huge pulls.
15. The rouge who uses dagers + pierce
16. The rouge who pierce into huge clashes in pvp
I'm not finished, but I'll stop

08-06-2013, 10:22 PM
whoa noisy...stealing all my ideas

08-06-2013, 10:29 PM
Do you even know what "Alguien habla Espaņol" means? It's Spanish for "Does anyone speak Spanish?"

I'm not Spanish nor I speak Spanish but I don't see this one as annoying.

No.2 on Temarichan's list really annoys me. I always called them "Stupid Runners". Clean your mess, don't let others do it.

08-06-2013, 10:30 PM
17. People who's english is so bad, I just wanna smack them.
18. People who asks me to teach them to pvp. Listen, I'll tell you all the mainstream full dex str int. I'll tell you my build, but get your own strategy, thanks.
19. People that pms me a question, and does not respond.
20. Stalkers
21. People that i loan items to who then keeps asking to loan.
22. People that tells me how to do my shooting.
23. Warrs without mana heal in pvp.
24. Smurfs without heal
25. Flaggers that does not stop flagging when I ask them to take one for the team.
26. People that asks me if i speak malay. I mean wtf, why would you ask me that..
27. Criers
28. Babies
29. Sore losers (yea that's myself took)
30. Sore winners.
31. Ribbit users
32. Slag abusers
33. Twinks taking over lb
34. Kill farmers
35. Scammers
36. Hackers
37. Twinks
38. People assuming I'm rich because I have mythics. No, i won it, ty.
39. When I accidentally remove someone from my ignore list. Hot damn
40. When i reach so many complains it's stupid

08-06-2013, 10:38 PM
No.2 on Temarichan's list ... that sounds like me lmao ^^

08-06-2013, 10:52 PM

31. Ribbit users

In pvp? I only use him for pve (i dun liek pvp) and my ribbit is somewhat "challenged" he gets stuck in corners and stands there:/

08-06-2013, 10:54 PM
that's why it's funny. from where i come from i don't walk on the street asking people if they can speak spanish or chinese, for example.

In a game that has a majority of English speakers, it's not so funny.

08-06-2013, 10:57 PM
In pvp? I only use him for pve (i dun liek pvp) and my ribbit is somewhat "challenged" he gets stuck in corners and stands there:/

In pvp, aye

08-06-2013, 11:38 PM
This sounds fun.it might be more than 10 but ill try to keep it within the quota.

1.people who does random trade
2.smurf who is eager to kill than support the team
3.rogue who cant kill and ask for 1v1
4.rogue who cant kill and ask for 1v1.and still lose and blame the lag,mhytic almost everything.
5.people who steal packs
6.tanks who who charge after rogue and smurfs
7.actors,conspirators,scammers,scammers wannabes
8.quimby for spamming public chats
9.negative influencers
10.senior forum adepts who eaen their titles for many crappy and negative posts and hijack others.less talk and more play.

Thats my list.cheers.

08-06-2013, 11:42 PM
In pvp, aye

Im guessing you havent seen a good sorc or warrio that can use that quick 5 secs of crit properly?

08-06-2013, 11:55 PM
1) Instead of asking me in a PM, people just start a trade window, then don't say anything and put an item there. My reaction is to press "accept" assuming it is a gift.

2) People who open a trade window, then do nothing. And when you ask what they want, they beg for money. If you are going to beg, why not just send me a PM. Or did you think if you got me into a trade window, I would just feel compelled to give a total stranger my hard earned gold?

3) In PvP, players who charge into a crowd of 4 enemies and when they are destroyed, complain that they were ganged. Dude, if you don't want to be ganged, try not charging into the entire enemy team by yourself. Wait for your team.

4) In PvP in a fair 4-on-4 battle, when one team kills 3 of the 4 players on the other team, that last guy standing always complains he was ganged. You weren't ganged, we just killed your whole team and you managed to stay alive longer than they did. So yes, it was 4 on 1 at that point, but still not ganging.

5) Players who run past the mobs, then wait by the boss spawn area for someone else to kill the mobs. Then if someone else does kill enough mobs for the boss to spawn, that player kills the boss before the others get there. My reaction is to just wait. They always end up leaving and then I finish killing the mobs.

6) Warriors who are afraid. You have the highest armor and highest health. You are a tank. You are supposed to lead the way, not wait for a mage or rogue to lead the way.

7) Players who stand by the auction and spam that they are selling an item, and their price is higher than the auction. Do yourself a favor and check the auction price before you decide what price to sell at. Might as well stand on the sidewalk in front of the dollar store selling the same items for $2. You won't get many sales.

8) Players who refuse to sell their 50k precious item to a merchant at 20% off, but will stand in front of the auction for 6 hours trying to sell it to get that extra 10k. Either pay the listing fee for the auction, or sell to a merchant. In those 6 hours you could have farmed and made up for the 10k lost plus quite a bit more. Time = money.

9) Players who think the auction is a price guide. So there were no more mythic bows in the auction yesterday, and today someone lists one for 4m? I guess that means the price of mythic bows has tripled in 2 days? NOT!!! So your bargain price of 3.5m is not such a bargain after all. In 2 more days they will be selling for 1.5m again. Lesson is, unless your item is some kind of rare collectors item that was suddenly discontinued, or it was an item that had its stats suddenly buffed, it doesn't just triple in price because some dope decided to list one for triple its value and 2 more sheep decided to follow suit.

10) In CTF, players on the other team who say "I'm just flagging" and then get angry when I kill them. My response is I say "I'm just killing".

08-07-2013, 12:09 AM
Only 1 ... when someone gives his views " Nice Tournament was :)"

08-07-2013, 12:24 AM
1. People who claim to be girls pming me being nice then asking to be my gf so ill buy them stuff cause they see i have mythic gear

08-07-2013, 12:29 AM
People who ask me to lv them..
Lending gold
Lending items

Well its mmorpg at all

08-07-2013, 12:35 AM
1. People who pot, cause then my heals are useless

2. In PvP, teammates who run away from me, when they have low hp/mp. How can i heal you if you keep moving?

3. People who run from boss, leading him to de-spawn, because they are low health. If you let me heal you, you wouldnt need to run!

4. People who heal, right when i heal. Save it when I'm on CD!

5. People who dash when they flag, i cant keep up with you to heal you!

6. People who run into a fight and fall behind me to force me to tank, Im going to have to waste a heal on myself then!

7. People who kill me. How can i heal when im dead?

8. People who call me noob for not getting kills. Im giving heals!

9. People who tell me to get shield, I'm using heal!

10. People who hate getting healed. But who does anyway

08-07-2013, 03:22 AM
1. the mana beggars in elite maps
2. the mana beggars in elite maps
3. the mana beggars in elite maps
4. the mana beggars in elite maps
5. the mana beggars in elite maps
6. the mana beggars in elite maps
7. the mana beggars in elite maps
8. the mana beggars in elite maps
9. the mana beggars in elite maps
10. the mana beggars in elite maps

08-07-2013, 03:23 AM
Loool...Soundlesskill r u male or female?

08-07-2013, 03:37 AM
nicely written vholt :)!

08-07-2013, 03:41 AM
1.ppl who randomly inv u to party
2.ppl who look down on others, thinking they r best
3. Ppl who complain about ribbit users (its like complaining when someone dodge ur attack because mali gives extra dodge)
4. Ppl who finish pvp game when they r asked not to finish because its 1v1 room or something like that
5.ppl that randomly trade u in towns
6. Ppl that leave elite!!!!

That would be it.

08-07-2013, 03:44 AM
In pvp? I only use him for pve (i dun liek pvp) and my ribbit is somewhat "challenged" he gets stuck in corners and stands there:/

I feel you, "The Man, uh, The Ribbit who can't be moved"

08-07-2013, 05:13 AM
In a game that has a majority of English speakers, it's not so funny.

you know the game is an english speaking game, yet they come looking for spanish speakers. last time i checked if i wanted to find spanish speakers i go into a spanish guild or look for a game that provides spanish support. or i go on tuenti or something. easy peasy.

it's almost always the spanish or the BR who are major offenders of this in any game with all chat. it makes no sense to go into an english game and look for spanish. comprendes?

08-07-2013, 06:27 AM
My pet peeve is when im standing in town with a USA banner on and ssomone says.. are you from indonesia???

08-07-2013, 06:47 AM
The game may be English but that don't mean nothing you have English ,Indonesian ,Spanish all types playing so there is no problem asking if they speak Spanish or whatever looking for someone else speaking there language. Maybe there new and need help??

08-07-2013, 06:58 AM
1. Smurfs that grops clocks too early
2. Smurfs that doesn't know how to simply flippin stun the daaaaaaaamn crab at elite palm.
3. The rouge that keeps charging nox
4. The rouges that does not have aimed shot.
5. The warrior who waits 10sec before healing beause he has to makes sure everyone is in range. Then i die and see bubble around me.
6. Basically every tank that does not push back in clash.
7. The smurf using gale in pvp.
8. The player who does not use potions.
9. The player who constantly parties you.
10. The player who randomly asks "12k sir pls sir"
11. The rouges that kill steals.
12. The player who talks sh!t about me in other langauges. Just fyi, i can curse in several languages. Ask anyone.
13. This list will not stop.
14. The rouge that charges aimed shot in huge pulls.
15. The rouge who uses dagers + pierce
16. The rouge who pierce into huge clashes in pvp
I'm not finished, but I'll stop

17. People who's english is so bad, I just wanna smack them.
18. People who asks me to teach them to pvp. Listen, I'll tell you all the mainstream full dex str int. I'll tell you my build, but get your own strategy, thanks.
19. People that pms me a question, and does not respond.
20. Stalkers
21. People that i loan items to who then keeps asking to loan.
22. People that tells me how to do my shooting.
23. Warrs without mana heal in pvp.
24. Smurfs without heal
25. Flaggers that does not stop flagging when I ask them to take one for the team.
26. People that asks me if i speak malay. I mean wtf, why would you ask me that..
27. Criers
28. Babies
29. Sore losers (yea that's myself took)
30. Sore winners.
31. Ribbit users
32. Slag abusers
33. Twinks taking over lb
34. Kill farmers
35. Scammers
36. Hackers
37. Twinks
38. People assuming I'm rich because I have mythics. No, i won it, ty.
39. When I accidentally remove someone from my ignore list. Hot damn
40. When i reach so many complains it's stupid

I guess u should stop to play. I even wonder how can u even log in with so many negative things awaiting u there....

08-07-2013, 07:01 AM

08-07-2013, 07:02 AM
1. the mana beggars in elite maps
2. the mana beggars in elite maps
3. the mana beggars in elite maps
4. the mana beggars in elite maps
5. the mana beggars in elite maps
6. the mana beggars in elite maps
7. the mana beggars in elite maps
8. the mana beggars in elite maps
9. the mana beggars in elite maps
10. the mana beggars in elite maps

Yes I hate especially that 7th ones.

08-07-2013, 07:05 AM
I guess u should stop to play. I even wonder how can u even log in with so many negative things awaiting u there....

She let it out by killing.fast.

08-07-2013, 07:18 AM
Too many negative things! I have some but listing them would make me more annoyed about them.

08-07-2013, 07:24 AM
Warrior in elite that stop and not being the first to encounter mobs.

08-07-2013, 07:49 AM
The game may be English but that don't mean nothing you have English ,Indonesian ,Spanish all types playing so there is no problem asking if they speak Spanish or whatever looking for someone else speaking there language. Maybe there new and need help??
you see, most other ethnicities / races / nations / whatever politically correct term you want to use don't really do that in chat. it's always the spanish / BR who are major offenders of this. that's why it's memorable to me. it happens everyday, and in almost every social game i've ever played.

i don't really have any explanation for it other than it might be a cultural thing where hispanics want to congregate wherever they are.

I guess u should stop to play. I even wonder how can u even log in with so many negative things awaiting u there....
and you don't agree that some of these are negative? plenty of these are awfully annoying

08-07-2013, 09:33 AM
1. Players who afk during pvp, "lay dead"
2. Players who don't know how to reset Brackenbridge correctly
3. Players who spam chat saying "selling deary for 26k!"
4. Players who use the word "noob" incorrectly (mostly insults)
5. Players who guild-hop
6. Players who leave a guild because no one was helping them, even though they didn't ask.
7. Players who consistently beg for promotions in guilds
8. Scammers
9. Beggars
10. People who are "too mana-conservative"

Thats all I have for now :)

08-07-2013, 09:56 AM
Im guessing you havent seen a good sorc or warrio that can use that quick 5 secs of crit properly?

I mean rouges-_-

Loool...Soundlesskill r u male or female?


I guess u should stop to play. I even wonder how can u even log in with so many negative things awaiting u there....


Wht alf said

08-07-2013, 11:39 AM
mute. nuff said

08-07-2013, 11:44 AM
Well yea I see what you mean now. Mainly the Spanish people are the one that talk smack in chat? I think that's what you mean . And yea I see your point

08-07-2013, 11:46 AM
I guess u should stop to play. I even wonder how can u even log in with so many negative things awaiting u there....


Mine: High and mighty people that think they are better than everyone annoy the heck out of me.

08-07-2013, 11:57 AM

Mine: High and mighty people that think they are better than everyone annoy the heck out of me.

Couldn't agreee more:)

08-07-2013, 11:58 AM
Lol there is many languages in this world and there is nothing to complain about it.yeah maybe english is main language of this game but it doesnt matter when someone speak their mother language.but i really annoyed with someone who suddenly pm me using other language that i dont understand.plus when i hangout with my guildmate in paradise pier or kraag.we will pm or guild chat if we using our mother language

08-07-2013, 02:27 PM
i love the war telling the mage to heal them when they have heal.

08-07-2013, 06:13 PM
Here are some more:
1. Rogues who cant control their shadow piercer in elite, charging in on last mob and Call the others
2. Noobs who ask for help on boss and keep dieing AND keep respawning although you told them 100 times not to respawn if the boss is almost dead and so you waste hundred of pots for an easy dead city boss...
3. Noobs who run away from boss so he keep healing
4. Ppl who ask for help and if you join them they leave
5. Guildleavers if its 5 min no chatting in guild coz everyone stucks in elite
6. Xxx has joind the guild! Welcome! Xxx has left the guild! Omg why the hell they join then???
7. Xxx has joined the guild! Give me money pls. Dont beg! Xxx has left the guild! -.-
8. "pls Sir me is soo noob can i "become" money? No! Pls. Pls . Pls . Ignored! Usually that are the german noobies :D "bekommen" is the german word for "to get"
9. Trade...i open the trade...10k pls...trade closed....omg i Report you you have to help me or else i hack your Account
10. Tanks or mages without heal
11.any players who dont want to die so they just stay there and watch you fightinh (and wasting pots ) and if you die they run so boss heals but its almost the same point like 3.

So annoying...

08-07-2013, 06:50 PM
I think what I hate most is the cocky player who thinks his/her is the only way to play. We have different classes, builds, etc.for a reason and we all have different play styles. If we are effectively killing, not aggro'ing random mobs and not resetting bosses, don't deign to tell me which skills to use, tyvm.

Other than that, I kind of enjoy more about the game and community than I dislike. If someone is rude and in my guild they get a warning before a boot. If someone on my friend list is rude, they get removed. Rudeness is my pet peeve.

What I do enjoy are all the really amazing people I have met in this game.

08-07-2013, 08:29 PM
Players who sell promocodes in towns.


Players who kill me on PVP arena and Trulle's Forest.

I'm more annoyed on the 2nd one. :banana:

08-07-2013, 08:48 PM
People who get pissed off because I dont have heal.. -.-
Like dayum dont be cheap and use some damn pots..

08-07-2013, 10:12 PM
1. New peeps leave the guild because my guildies don't buy their stuff

2. Players that plows through a farming map and making the people behind him/her kill them

3. Wind gale during elite

4. Cheapskates

5. People who randomly insult me or my guildies

6. Scammers

7. Low levels asking for gold

8. Low levels that party you without asking

9. People leveling in areas that tries to party me. When I decline, they keep trying to party you

10. (This is just me) people who friend you randomly and then immediately asking for gold and help
Last one happens to everyone, not just you. Trust me.

08-08-2013, 12:18 AM
6. Xxx has joind the guild! Welcome! Xxx has left the guild! Omg why the hell they join then???

Too funny! Happens at least a couple of times every day.

08-08-2013, 02:56 AM
Here's my list...
1. The LOL Abuse.
Annoying that many people use the phrase LOL at the end of every sentence...I confess I've done it a few times myself, nonetheless annoying.
"Hey lol" "Wanna run elite? lol" "WTF lol" "Cmon lol" "Enter trade lol"
Cmon. NO ONE is that cheery.

2. Guild Hoppers.
Toads hop. Guild hoppers hop--over guilds. Sure, run through a hundred guilds in an hour, but STICK with one, dammit!

3. Noob Tanks.
My pet peeve. These dolts dress up in common swords and rusty mail and tank solo #yolo #likeabawsss. If you don't afford gear, let your effin' group catch up with ya!

4. Boss Pullers.
When the boss is almost dead, guess what happens? Yes, that rogue with 1k hp runs away because they're too cheap to use pots and can't afford to die. Mhm. Boss reset.

5. People who leave in the mid of elite runs.
Dyou think it's funny leaving bang in the middle of runs?! HUH?!! After a 20+ elite grimnr run, this dude said "taking too long, i have to check cs" and teleported.

6. Beggars.
We earned our 1ks. We sure as hell ain't gonna give you that.

I flag myself. But only when my team is winning/has an advantage over the other team, like a 5v3. I don't hang around the corner of CTF carrying my lil sphere around the map, avoiding the fighting. GET A LIFE.

8. Leechers.
I've had the experience of encountering a few in wt4. They just sit waiting for u to kill.

Can't think of more. But I will.

08-08-2013, 05:20 AM
Here's my list...
1. The LOL Abuse.
Annoying that many people use the phrase LOL at the end of every sentence...I confess I've done it a few times myself, nonetheless annoying.
"Hey lol" "Wanna run elite? lol" "WTF lol" "Cmon lol" "Enter trade lol"
Cmon. NO ONE is that cheery.

2. Guild Hoppers.
Toads hop. Guild hoppers hop--over guilds. Sure, run through a hundred guilds in an hour, but STICK with one, dammit!

3. Noob Tanks.
My pet peeve. These dolts dress up in common swords and rusty mail and tank solo #yolo #likeabawsss. If you don't afford gear, let your effin' group catch up with ya!

4. Boss Pullers.
When the boss is almost dead, guess what happens? Yes, that rogue with 1k hp runs away because they're too cheap to use pots and can't afford to die. Mhm. Boss reset.

5. People who leave in the mid of elite runs.
Dyou think it's funny leaving bang in the middle of runs?! HUH?!! After a 20+ elite grimnr run, this dude said "taking too long, i have to check cs" and teleported.

6. Beggars.
We earned our 1ks. We sure as hell ain't gonna give you that.

I flag myself. But only when my team is winning/has an advantage over the other team, like a 5v3. I don't hang around the corner of CTF carrying my lil sphere around the map, avoiding the fighting. GET A LIFE.

8. Leechers.
I've had the experience of encountering a few in wt4. They just sit waiting for u to kill.

Can't think of more. But I will.

All that and more

9. Players who are jelaous of your char, guild, ect. (hate them)

10. Players who wanna revenge on You cuz they have many complex (That i won't hate, they are soo cute when they tryin to do something XD)

11. Players who beg for mana on elites

12. Palyayers woh hvae dab engulish XD

13. Players who try to scam You, i am sure one of them is still in game... -.-

14. Players who can't accept their lose in pvp and starts trashtalk to you, it's preety funny, but not to the recipient...

15. Players who didn't read guild rules and after they do something bad, they says "I didn't know that!"

The last one.. is worst,

16. Players who are psyho on Your point... bleh that is truly scary.

08-08-2013, 06:22 AM
Well .. You don't need 10 kinds of people to annoy u ..
Just Pm me or Alhun in game lol

08-08-2013, 07:39 AM
If you meet a beggar:
-sir can i have 10k?
- pls i really need a new wep :'(
- pls Sir pls
You want 10k? Really desprate?
-yes yes yes pls give me
Go to tavern!
Yea talk to lady diana she will give you a quest.
-really? What i have to do?
Just speek to her and kill 3 dead city mobs, return back and get your gold.
-oh cool thanks :) [sending friend request]
[Accept friend request and remove asap]
Then they leave checking out the quest and after they realize you told him trash they try to pm you but they dont find you in your friend list haha
Sometimes really funny xD

08-08-2013, 08:43 AM
If you meet a beggar:
-sir can i have 10k?
- pls i really need a new wep :'(
- pls Sir pls
You want 10k? Really desprate?
-yes yes yes pls give me
Go to tavern!
Yea talk to lady diana she will give you a quest.
-really? What i have to do?
Just speek to her and kill 3 dead city mobs, return back and get your gold.
-oh cool thanks :) [sending friend request]
[Accept friend request and remove asap]
Then they leave checking out the quest and after they realize you told him trash they try to pm you but they dont find you in your friend list haha
Sometimes really funny xD

Hmm I'll add dat to my list of beggar trolls. Thanks!

08-08-2013, 11:17 AM
Hmm I'll add dat to my list of beggar trolls. Thanks!

Haha no problem :D

08-08-2013, 02:19 PM
People who i kill in pvp and they call me noob for using shield -.-

I know im not the only one that happens to

08-08-2013, 02:28 PM

08-08-2013, 04:10 PM
here's my list...
1. The lol abuse.


08-08-2013, 06:16 PM
People who i kill in pvp and they call me noob for using shield -.-

I know im not the only one that happens to

Rogues get angry and tell me I should fight them without shield. I tell them I'll agree to that if they agree to not use aimed shot. Haha

08-08-2013, 09:10 PM
All meant to be satirical. Don't be mad if you are one of these kinds of people.

In my few days of playing AL I experience these people about every 10 minutes. Without further ado...

1. The mage who specs gale but doesn't charge it. When he does charge it he blows enemies out of your aoe.

2. The warrior who waits for the sorc (oh did you know that's also the squishiest class?) to aggro all the enemies so he doesn't have to take damage when the sorc is at 10% hp.

3. The rogue who sits back to spam arrows, thinks he does damage, but really only half shots one enemy out of 20.

4. The person who has to invite you no matter what to get that extra xp that probably doesn't even exist.

5. The guy who joins a dungeon, sits there for 5 minutes, then leaves. Like why join?!?!?

6. The guy who complains about broken mechanics when he doesn't really understand the game. "omg y gang me in pvp" "omg dis b0ss 1shot me i better leav partie"

7. The guy who trades you unsolicitedly and asks for 26k for his helm of the watch because he sees that you have a malison.

8. The guy who asks "Alguien habla espanol" because looking for his countrymen is the first quest in this game.

9. The guy who spams trade offers in chat except spells like a 5 year old. "Mithic hulmut 4 sal"

10. The guy who is selling his gun for 10k but you don't really know what gun he's using.

What people do you find everyday? :)
Lol' What else can people do when recruiting people to spanish only guilds?
Btw: Yo digo eso, y no hay nada malo :P

08-08-2013, 09:41 PM
Lol true.

08-09-2013, 06:18 AM
Here are some more:
1. Rogues who cant control their shadow piercer in elite, charging in on last mob and Call the others
2. Noobs who ask for help on boss and keep dieing AND keep respawning although you told them 100 times not to respawn if the boss is almost dead and so you waste hundred of pots for an easy dead city boss...
3. Noobs who run away from boss so he keep healing
4. Ppl who ask for help and if you join them they leave
5. Guildleavers if its 5 min no chatting in guild coz everyone stucks in elite
6. Xxx has joind the guild! Welcome! Xxx has left the guild! Omg why the hell they join then???
7. Xxx has joined the guild! Give me money pls. Dont beg! Xxx has left the guild! -.-
8. "pls Sir me is soo noob can i "become" money? No! Pls. Pls . Pls . Ignored! Usually that are the german noobies :D "bekommen" is the german word for "to get"
9. Trade...i open the trade...10k pls...trade closed....omg i Report you you have to help me or else i hack your Account
10. Tanks or mages without heal
11.any players who dont want to die so they just stay there and watch you fightinh (and wasting pots ) and if you die they run so boss heals but its almost the same point like 3.

So annoying...

the third one makes me wanna throw my phone away

08-09-2013, 07:06 AM
the third one makes me wanna throw my phone away

>:[] >:[] >:[] youre not the only one xD but the worst is if you tell them 3 times and they keep doing it again and again >:[]

08-09-2013, 09:49 AM
1. The smurfs that you one hit k.o.in pvp and complain saying "your a hacker I'm gonna report you!"
2. The rogue that one hits me in pvp says I'm a noob, Then we have a 1v1 I win and then he/she leaves.
3. The person thar says he will hack you if you don't help him.
4. The warrior who makes the rogue/smurf lead the party.
5. The people who complain in pvp saying "your lucky that I'm lagging"
6. The people who troll guldies saying "HAMMERJAW EGG FOR SALE 10K ONLY!" Then leave the guild instantly.
7. People who sell deary eggs for 5k.
8. Beggars.
9. Scammers.
And thats all :)

08-09-2013, 10:07 AM
HahahahhahHH this thread made my day brighter :)))))

08-09-2013, 11:37 AM
My 10 reasons for hate
1) I get irritated by ppl who hide behind me CTF.
2) I get irritated by ppl who call me cheater just bc i have more kills than him.
3) I get irritated by ppl who call me noob. I play AL almost 10 months. OFC I'M A NOOB!
4) I get irritated by ppl who ask how i got this banner, pet, armor etc.
5) Annoying players who die quickly in Arena, and i do all the dirty work.
7) I get irritated by ppl who thinks they r the best players of AL. In ur dreams aha
8) Beggars
9) Scammers
10) I get irritated by ppl who think that i'm a tank bc i have mythic. No, i'm not.

08-09-2013, 12:40 PM
1. nothing because i simply brush it off and move on like an adult is supposed to do, man so many useless complaints. (not all, some are valid points)

08-09-2013, 01:11 PM
1. nothing because i simply brush it off and move on like an adult is supposed to do, man so many useless complaints. (not all, some are valid points)

This is the right state of mind tho our imperfections make it a bit unrealistic to maintain.
.being human opens u up to rage and insanity when bumping into negative people which insecurity makes em undermining you and dressing the scene with complaints rather than useful thoughts or constructive feedback that benefiting others not just themselves.being old doesnt make you bold coz you can still be told.

These kind of people filled my list regardless how big anytime.

08-09-2013, 03:01 PM
>:[] >:[] >:[] youre not the only one xD but the worst is if you tell them 3 times and they keep doing it again and again >:[]

ARGH!!! then it makes me wanna crush my phone lol .

08-09-2013, 04:01 PM
Soandso tells you: selling daggers
You tell Soandso: I have the best daggers in the game, not interested.
Soandso tells you: cheap you want?
You tell Soandso: Dude - stop random PMing - I don't want your daggers.
Soandso tells you: 10k only
You tell Soandso: What daggers? (maybe he has teeth?)
Soandso tells you: Incandescant
/ignore soandso

08-09-2013, 06:18 PM
I'm adding a #11 to my post.....

11) People who constantly complain they got lousy items in locked crates or chests. If you don't like the odds, then don't open them and sell them instead. Yes I understand you want to get lucky. That's why people gamble. But the odds say you will lose when you gamble. Just accept it and stop the complaining!

08-09-2013, 07:26 PM
1. nothing because i simply brush it off and move on like an adult is supposed to do, man so many useless complaints. (not all, some are valid points)

This is the right state of mind tho our imperfections make it a bit unrealistic to maintain.
.being human opens u up to rage and insanity when bumping into negative people which insecurity makes em undermining you and dressing the scene with complaints rather than useful thoughts or constructive feedback that benefiting others not just themselves.being old doesnt make you bold coz you can still be told.

These kind of people filled my list regardless how big anytime.

Speak for yourself, it seems as if every part of the game they are going to be constantly annoyed by other people. This is just another complaint thread filled with hate and biggetry. My god its just game as to why I said I just brush it off. Maybe in real life, where none of these things happen, or in game making friends, and enjoying every sec of my experience, oh isn't that human emotions?, to let those nats flying around ruin my experience. To your other point if you thought about the statement a sec you would see it is constructive because the things complained about are going to be there to annoy you so why waste you time with the negative energy? Babe being old DOES make you BOLD because knowledge and experience can do that to a person, which I'm guessing you haven't reached it yet based on your given reply. You might have used different words but you just did same thing you complained about. I guess your #1 on your list ;)

08-09-2013, 07:53 PM
#1 on alhuntrazeck's list.

Haha lmao
Oops again XD

Seriously LOL @.@

08-09-2013, 10:26 PM
Speak for yourself, it seems as if every part of the game they are going to be constantly annoyed by other people. This is just another complaint thread filled with hate and biggetry. My god its just game as to why I said I just brush it off. Maybe in real life, where none of these things happen, or in game making friends, and enjoying every sec of my experience, oh isn't that human emotions?, to let those nats flying around ruin my experience. To your other point if you thought about the statement a sec you would see it is constructive because the things complained about are going to be there to annoy you so why waste you time with the negative energy? Babe being old DOES make you BOLD because knowledge and experience can do that to a person, which I'm guessing you haven't reached it yet based on your given reply. You might have used different words but you just did same thing you complained about. I guess your #1 on your list ;)

Wtf...i was agreeing to your point


08-10-2013, 12:39 AM
Nice list. :) my current peeves, in no particular order,

1. Noisy people who say a lot, create drama, but DO NOTHING TO MAKE THINGS BETTER.
2. Hypocrites, people who are not honest about who they are. eg, people who point fingers at me, but actively farm themselves! ;) Fortunately, name-to-shame is not how I roll, most players already know who they r anyway.
3. Scammers - ie People who lie to try and profit off someone else's hard work without giving back fair.
4. Players who will tell you what they won but never what they lost. And vice versa.
5. Players who are surprised/shocked to see you do well. "Omg.. how did you get that good?! I never thought..." Yeah? F u. :)
6. People who'll "just run with anybody to win."
7. Players who'll brag about killing famous players, but conveniently exclude the fact that it was 5v1 etc
8. Players who act like they know you, try to associate themselves with u.... and worse still - that you must give them something for it.
9. "Friends" who mysteriously appear when you're not doing too well, but seem to disappear when you do well...

08-10-2013, 02:55 AM
People who dont give me 50k when i ask them

08-10-2013, 07:13 AM
#1 on alhuntrazeck's list.

Haha lmao
Oops again XD

Seriously LOL @.@
Really lol I never knew you're the lol'ing type lol XD
yeah there I go again :(

08-10-2013, 07:17 AM
My 10 reasons for hate
1) I get irritated by ppl who hide behind me CTF.
2) I get irritated by ppl who call me cheater just bc i have more kills than him.
3) I get irritated by ppl who call me noob. I play AL almost 10 months. OFC I'M A NOOB!
4) I get irritated by ppl who ask how i got this banner, pet, armor etc.
5) Annoying players who die quickly in Arena, and i do all the dirty work.
7) I get irritated by ppl who thinks they r the best players of AL. In ur dreams aha
8) Beggars
9) Scammers
10) I get irritated by ppl who think that i'm a tank bc i have mythic. No, i'm not.

Hey u noob XD

08-10-2013, 09:49 AM
People who dont give me 50k when i ask them

Lets make a deal you give me 100k and i give you the 50k ;D

08-10-2013, 01:23 PM
If you were agreeing with me my bad but I read again and there were a lot of comments with "u" in it like it was directed at me negatively and it seemed like you were saying I'm the kinda person you would put on list based on my comment. Maybe its worded wrong or I'm reading it wrong but again if there was no ill will behind reply I apologize. It just sucks to see so many complaints on such trivial things.:)

08-10-2013, 07:15 PM
This thread is too funny lmao

08-10-2013, 08:31 PM
3= So true, even full mythic rogues do this... So annoying

08-11-2013, 04:31 PM
17. People who's english is so bad, I just wanna smack them.


08-12-2013, 12:45 AM
1. People who pot, cause then my heals are useless

2. In PvP, teammates who run away from me, when they have low hp/mp. How can i heal you if you keep moving?

3. People who run from boss, leading him to de-spawn, because they are low health. If you let me heal you, you wouldnt need to run!

4. People who heal, right when i heal. Save it when I'm on CD!

5. People who dash when they flag, i cant keep up with you to heal you!

6. People who run into a fight and fall behind me to force me to tank, Im going to have to waste a heal on myself then!

7. People who kill me. How can i heal when im dead?

8. People who call me noob for not getting kills. Im giving heals!

9. People who tell me to get shield, I'm using heal!

10. People who hate getting healed. But who does anyway

Wowp! 8,9,and 10,i think? Are some good reasons.but #7 is too much of an exaggeration,you know..cuz theres a bit no problem if you got killed.And for your #s 1-6,i gotta go against it,because your party/people who is in your zone sometimes does'nt know that you have a heal skill,right? But your reasons are still pretty good :)

08-12-2013, 09:26 AM
This thread it's hilarious and true so here I go
1. beggars who pm you seventy times saying " please, please" go farming beggar
2. those who say" don't kill me I'm flagging" like really no one let me flag for free so earn them
3. PvP whiners complaining all the time that they were ganged, when they charged in, and these people are the first to gang every time btw, or they complain that they don't have mythic.
4. this one is great I just died so let me cry out LAG instead of just accepting that you SUCK
5. people who spam the screen full of what they are selling so no one else can chat.
6. PvP maul noobs, they have no real skill so they invite every maul player they know to join the game. yeah that's "real" skilled lol
7. scammers who intentionally rip people off they make the game sad for the rest of us and they typically can't play I.e."kill...."
8. coat tail riders who come into a zone and can't play, don't fight, and expect to get drops
9. people who ask me for my build. go find one of your own this one is mine and I took time to experiment so it's my hard work
10 . haters, those people who hate the fact that I am a lb player so they cry noob ( which btw is the lamest bust in mmorpg show some originality) which typically means they are noob and just accept that I'm a great player that earned my place on the lb don't hate instead try to better yourself

that's my list and I could go on and on

oh one more people who swear in open chat. kids play this game show some respect please sts ban these players

08-12-2013, 09:35 AM


08-12-2013, 10:15 AM
1. Rouges who run into boss fights alone and die (I.e, me)
2. Rouges who run into boss fights alone and don't die
3. People who invite me well I'm running a map
4. People who invite me when I'm not running a map (just pm me lol, I hate party invites .-.)
5. People who spam emoticons
6. This conversation-
"Can i plz join ur guild"
"No, sorry, I'm not a recruiter"
"Plz Im nice"
"I can't invite you because Im not a recruiter"
And so on....
7. People I don't know asking me stupid questions
8. Rouges killstealing my killstealing
9. Dumb Jarl farmers
10. Excessively positive people
11. Pro pvpers beating me in 1vs1's
12. People who think that they're funny but aren't
13. Excessively negative people
14. People who go of topic when creating lists

This is bramer - signing out

08-18-2013, 12:59 AM
1.Warior who doesnt learn shield skill
3.Noob who has samael
4.A guy who leaves the area when lv up. ITS ANNOY ME SO MUCH
5.people who selling platinum promo codes
6.Player in elite doenst use potion
7.Smurf who doesnt learn mana heal
8.people who calling me a noob
9.people who runs from kraken and nordr boss
10.people in brackendridge

08-18-2013, 03:51 AM
My list:
1. Annoying kids whos beginning for gold/gears or whatever they need.
2. Same as the 1st one but this time they'll beg you to buy a trash gears/item for a price that's for way higher price than auction. Like "selling deary egg 5k pls buy" or "selling locked for 50k". Like who will buy that crap.
3. Annoying kids thats doesn't understand what a "no!" is and instead keep spamming about giving/lending them gold/items.
4. Scammers whos being so stupid and so noticeable. Like "selling promo codes 10k each" you ask them how they'll do it they'll tell you "give me money first and I'll activate the code" and then he gives a promo codes thats for free like "androidcentral152232" or whatever.
4. Kids on forum crying about no mythic/arcane items after opened like 15+ crates and call that much.
5. Lvl 31 that knows less than a lvl 3-10 player.
6. Lvl 31 asking to give them a free mythic item or enough gold to buy them one. You either ignore them or tell them "no!". They'll start raging and telling you they'll find you irl and kill you with there dad.
7. Nubs/stupid kids who recently join a guild and start begging to get promoted to officer/recruiter and say they're trustable etc. They get a "no" and leave the guild and tell they were officer for one of the top guilds etc.
8. Kids who try to act like adults and think they're super smart or have been a long time member etc and brag about it.
9. Nubs that randomly send a friend request and a party invite or a guild invitation.
10. Nub warriors whos afraid to "ruin" there kdr or just afraid to die/ go first.
11. Stupid nubs that just watching you attack the boss or mobs etc without helping.
12. Kids and nubs that's running away from the boss/mobs only cuz they start getting low hp and makes them resets.
13. Nubs that doesn't use pots and diying 24/7.
14. Stalkers that following you only cuz you wear/have a special item.
15. Pvp nubs that stalking you where ever you go and ks you.
16. Kids that randomly starts insulting you for no reasons.
17. Pvp nub twinkers that tell you "peace pls no kill me" cuz they're afraid to ruin there nubish/farmed kdr.
18. Nubs that rage quited as soon as they see you join enemies team in pvp.
19. Pvp flaggers that crying about being killed while flagging for like 30 mins.
20. Buyers that offers a lower price than you asks for.
21. Nubs that begs for guilds. And tell you they're pro etc.
22. Super nubs who cant even join guild hall, use map, tells you "lets adventure".
23. Stupid kids/nubs that cant speak proper english and tells you like "what mean?" or "me no speak english" or "sorry no english" last but not least kids answering you "why" 24/7 or "so?".
24. Nubs who use wrong skills or never use them.

Would take years to write more so I'll stop here.

08-21-2013, 08:42 PM
As a rogue:

1. Party Leavers / quitters
2. Party snobs leaving immediately after a good run without at least saying 'thanks', social courtesy anyone? We just shed blood and pots together! Lol
3. Rogues who casts SV after I have just cast SV
4. Rogues who normal attacks bosses (AS please?)
5. Warriors who doesn't want to take aggro
6. Warriors who don't heal :)
7. Wizards who don't heal/mana :)
8. Dudes whom I just met, asking if I'm a girl
9. Dudes who befriends me and asks if I'm a girl
10. Dudes who says they 'need' a friend like me - thinking that I'm a girl

09-18-2013, 10:39 AM

09-18-2013, 11:36 AM
Lol I'm the guy that stays in Stronghold spamming beatles lyrics to piss people off

09-18-2013, 12:10 PM
hahahaha!!! super laughed at this post!!!

1. People who pot, cause then my heals are useless

2. In PvP, teammates who run away from me, when they have low hp/mp. How can i heal you if you keep moving?

3. People who run from boss, leading him to de-spawn, because they are low health. If you let me heal you, you wouldnt need to run!

4. People who heal, right when i heal. Save it when I'm on CD!

5. People who dash when they flag, i cant keep up with you to heal you!

6. People who run into a fight and fall behind me to force me to tank, Im going to have to waste a heal on myself then!

7. People who kill me. How can i heal when im dead?

8. People who call me noob for not getting kills. Im giving heals!

9. People who tell me to get shield, I'm using heal!

10. People who hate getting healed. But who does anyway

09-18-2013, 01:09 PM
#1 the guy who invites 2 lvl 36s to the map and they sit there making it hard for everone else

The rest been said already

09-18-2013, 02:26 PM

I.. i can explain D:

My finger slipped o.o

09-18-2013, 03:58 PM
Not all mages are setup to give mana and heal. I think its more annoying when a noob player is yelling mana/heal at me when I'm doing all the "tanking" work and damage with my mage.

Get over it noobs. Lurn2buypots!!!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 4

09-18-2013, 04:09 PM
1) people who send random friend requests.

2) people who send random party requests.

3) people who send random trade requests.

4) people who send random pms such as: "give me gold" "buy my locked" "defeat boss for me" "any spare items" etc.

5) plat players who call you a noob because they have better gear but have been playing less than a month (these ably me the most).

6) guildies who spam chat (for selling, help in dungeons, or ask questions I already sneered for them).

7) people who claim "you are all noobs" when in PvP.

8) players who always claimed to be ganged in PvP (even when their team has more players).

9) people who merch in a lying manner. Such as (in not putting bane, but fyi I am never selling to you for asuming I am so foolish) claiming you have a seller miraculously selling 100k under my price and you will buy from me if I can match their offer -.- (If you like their price why would you buy from me? Do I look stupid?)

10) players who call their arcane guild members to PvP the first time they die claiming that they were ganged.

11) players like #10 who then gang on a daily basis.

13) people who take my jokes literally.

13) people who take this game too seriously. ITS A GAME. If you die or are unhappy don't throw it on me. I play to have a good time and become better; I'm not your therapist. Ps: if you rant in PvP over it being unfair...leave the match! Honestly I don't care, and I will make it my pleasure to harras you for harrasing me over something so unessential to life as a video game. If you are not having fun don't play.

14) people that never help guildies. We all needed some help at one point. I try to return more than I take.

15) people who make rage threads/posts because they had a bad day (yes I'm a hypocrit ;) )

16) people that run out of ideas but keep talking (I'm just bored tbh)

17) people that took my #15-16s as the big picture (only read my last post/pm) and refuse to scroll up to read something like #13 to understand context.

18) people who think open chat is E-Harmony and ask for gfs or bfs.

19) guildies who think that officers should respond to pms immediately even when I'm in an elite run. (people on my friends list can also apply here)

20) people who assume I have time to help right when I log on and only wanted to check my cs.

21) anyone who insults players who make money through running elite (why is it bad?).

22) people who always ask for something from you, but never agree to your requests.

23) people who get jealous/angry at others success.

09-18-2013, 04:15 PM
Lol I'm the guy that stays in Stronghold spamming beatles lyrics to piss people off

It was you! Lol

Not sure how that anoys people, they were a fairly popular band.

09-18-2013, 04:23 PM
1) Selfish flaggers in PvP
2) Rogues always asking for mana in PvP
3) People who use the word "noob"
4) People begging for items/gold
5) People who don't understand "NOT FOR SELL" or "NO"
6) People who lie or exaggerate what happened in PvP
7) People spamming the chat box

09-18-2013, 04:26 PM
1) people who send random friend requests.

2) people who send random party requests.

3) people who send random trade requests.

4) people who send random pms such as: "give me gold" "buy my locked" "defeat boss for me" "any spare items" etc.

5) plat players who call you a noob because they have better gear but have been playing less than a month (these ably me the most).

6) guildies who spam chat (for selling, help in dungeons, or ask questions I already sneered for them).

7) people who claim "you are all noobs" when in PvP.

8) players who always claimed to be ganged in PvP (even when their team has more players).

9) people who merch in a lying manner. Such as (in not putting bane, but fyi I am never selling to you for asuming I am so foolish) claiming you have a seller miraculously selling 100k under my price and you will buy from me if I can match their offer -.- (If you like their price why would you buy from me? Do I look stupid?)

10) players who call their arcane guild members to PvP the first time they die claiming that they were ganged.

11) players like #10 who then gang on a daily basis.

13) people who take my jokes literally.

13) people who take this game too seriously. ITS A GAME. If you die or are unhappy don't throw it on me. I play to have a good time and become better; I'm not your therapist. Ps: if you rant in PvP over it being unfair...leave the match! Honestly I don't care, and I will make it my pleasure to harras you for harrasing me over something so unessential to life as a video game. If you are not having fun don't play.

14) people that never help guildies. We all needed some help at one point. I try to return more than I take.

15) people who make rage threads/posts because they had a bad day (yes I'm a hypocrit ;) )

16) people that run out of ideas but keep talking (I'm just bored tbh)

17) people that took my #15-16s as the big picture (only read my last post/pm) and refuse to scroll up to read something like #13 to understand context.

18) people who think open chat is E-Harmony and ask for gfs or bfs.

19) guildies who think that officers should respond to pms immediately even when I'm in an elite run. (people on my friends list can also apply here)

20) people who assume I have time to help right when I log on and only wanted to check my cs.

21) anyone who insults players who make money through running elite (why is it bad?).

22) people who always ask for something from you, but never agree to your requests.

23) people who get jealous/angry at others success.
Notice how you skipped 12? ;)

09-18-2013, 06:25 PM
I am 2 and 4

09-18-2013, 11:35 PM
I really dont care about any of those, except one sort:

Chars, full myth/arcane, never to be seen in pvp before trolling other players with sneering comments like "hahaha u r so noob", or "I'll farm you"

Disrespect at its best.

09-19-2013, 02:41 AM
People who cure their poor ego and libido in real life by this game, buying arcane stuff and calling everyone around them "noob", thinking that couple of pixels makes them real life machos.

'nuff said :)

09-19-2013, 02:44 AM
1) Pvp twinks whos scared to ruin their kdr and start insulting you after they've died.
2) People who just watch you get ganged and runs away to avoid getting killed.
3) People who get killed and calls their guildmates to gang -.-
4) Twink guild that brag and trash talks.
5) Weak twinks that telling they'll call friends if they get killed.
6) Pvp farmers.

09-19-2013, 03:01 AM
1. People who pot, cause then my heals are useless

2. In PvP, teammates who run away from me, when they have low hp/mp. How can i heal you if you keep moving?

3. People who run from boss, leading him to de-spawn, because they are low health. If you let me heal you, you wouldnt need to run!

4. People who heal, right when i heal. Save it when I'm on CD!

5. People who dash when they flag, i cant keep up with you to heal you!

6. People who run into a fight and fall behind me to force me to tank, Im going to have to waste a heal on myself then!

7. People who kill me. How can i heal when im dead?

8. People who call me noob for not getting kills. Im giving heals!

9. People who tell me to get shield, I'm using heal!

10. People who hate getting healed. But who does anyway

Cute XD

09-19-2013, 05:07 AM
I hav one:
Ppl who say "lagg" when he die... This is really annoying. Who cares why u die, get up and fight on or leave if u really have big lagg.

09-20-2013, 03:07 AM
I hav one:
Ppl who say "lagg" when he die... This is really annoying. Who cares why u die, get up and fight on or leave if u really have big lagg.

Ahahahahah how true

09-20-2013, 04:11 AM
I hav one:
Ppl who say "lagg" when he die... This is really annoying. Who cares why u die, get up and fight on or leave if u really have big lagg.

I think STS might consider new KLR, or kill/lag ratio. 'cos many people never die. They just lag.


09-20-2013, 04:31 AM
1. Beggers
2. Whiners
3. People who cry too much about dying or even stand there & watch while you fight elite boss cause their scared to harm their K/D
4. People constantly spam party invites, the first 4 declines should be a big hint
5. Also people who randomly trade you, no mention of what their selling or even a spoken word to you, just a random trade up, seriously it's like fudge off
6. People begging for help, I reply politely saying wait a few minutes just doing elite run but nope they'll still say shiz like "Plz help me, plz I got to go so plz"
7. Random people you don't know begging for stuff, one even asked (Can I have your armor so I can be stronger than you) seriously what the fudge, why do we get these weirdos on the game.
the next 3 things can just be plain noobs, not normal noobs like myself but real noobie noobaholics who are noob in every single damn aspect of the word noob with a super side order of noobness.

09-20-2013, 09:16 AM
All of those are annoying but one group isn't here. People who whine that they got scammed but just didnt count 0s.

09-20-2013, 01:07 PM
Crate hunters in normal brackenridge who doesn't wait for the others and those who don't kill the last mob to spawn.

09-20-2013, 03:11 PM
Crate hunters in normal brackenridge who doesn't wait for the others and those who don't kill the last mob to spawn.
That's why you can solo it ;)

My list:
1. Scammers
2. People that think they're the king/queen of the world because of their gear and gold, yet they don't realize it's all just pixels and digits.
3. People that send random friend requests. I tell them "don't ask me for gold". *Next day later* "Can I have 10,000 gold please?"
4. People that just don't stop sending out random party invites
5. People that rip-off (i.e., selling copper chest for 1k!)
6. People that speak in foreign languages
7. People that complain about opening hundreds of crates but getting nothing valuable
8. The Rogue that always uses Shadow Storm Shot in PvP, but doesn't use Aimed Shot
9. That selfish Warrior that only heals when they are low on health
10. That selfish Warrior that has heal but no shield
11. That selfish Warrior that doesn't have heal because he's in a party of one Rogue and two Sorcerers, all with heal
12. The Sorcerer that scatters mobs
13. The idiot that starts the Hauntlet when there are only one or two people there
14. The one that starts a contest but doesn't end it
15. The people that run away from bosses to regain health, letting the boss reset
16. The "friends" that ask for help in Skull Cove when they're lvl 14
17. Beggars
18. The swearers in PvP
19. The one that complains they got ganged when they came to us
20. The one that leaves spawn and gets chased back in, then complains they were spawn rushed

Could add more, but it's long enough....

09-21-2013, 04:27 AM
Where u hav written that english is official lang in game ? I speak here as i want

09-21-2013, 07:30 AM
Where u hav written that english is official lang in game ? I speak here as i want
If it doesn't annoy you, then I can't make it annoy you. This thread is for annoying people to US, not you.

02-03-2014, 03:28 PM
how about the most annoying type of person in al which are the dummy farmers in this game. people who pay people for free kills or farm alternate account they created. we all know a couple of these. I figured I'd add this since I have a previous list but after being gone a long time I have found so many people dummy farming to artificially inflate their PvP kill counts. this is just as dumb as those twink guild that will fill one team in PvP and add two pin the other so they can 5v3 the other side. both types of players have no skill and sts should do something about this like banning dummy farmers and permanently deleting their accounts. had to get this out cause I hate cheaters.

02-03-2014, 03:51 PM
smurfs that try to be my friend just because im a mage

getting random party invites

a stranger trying to having a random convo with me

ppl who post stupid threads

ppl who add xxxx to their names because they could not think of a original name

ppl who try to be my friend when i have no relation to them what so ever

02-03-2014, 04:41 PM
1 = a warior healing himself when he need it, not careing team..

2 = hight lvl players who not useing pot when theys heal %40 , %20 , %5 i can watch theys heal keep going down slowly they just waiting to die for not use pot. i like to play with use less pot but must be use when you going to die.

3 = mages when they not useing mana on pve

4 = mages not useing mana on right time.

5 = ppls who not useing PM when they are talking only 2 person. keep talking theys irl staffs in town.

6 = the sellers in town who keep spamm every 2-3 second

7 = who get scamm and keep spamm it ( 99999 topic about how to becarefull, if you trust sameone its mean you accepting to be laught when you get scamm )

8 = the players who try scamm and keep bad talks when they cant scamm you..

9 = who join map and just waiting on the begin of map... and who keep follow you enought for gain exp without fight..

10 = if i am alone on shuyal on lvl 30 a lvl 32 / 34 / 35-36 when join map mobs geting harder for low lvls in team...

11 = on bracken farms sametimes 5-6+++ time rmking for find a mob spawned map

12 = speed bless rogues who just runing and killing boss when you are wery near him and not waiting only 0.5 sec ( i am ok if they not wait if i am far )

13 = mages in bracken just runing without kill mobs they killing boss ( speed wing ). but mobs on way blocking wariors fast run...

14 = checking auc 1-2 day for buy a expensive item. than buting it coz thinking it will not cheaper.. 15-20 min after than buy you seeing %40 cheaper one..

15 = 100-500 gold beggers, just waste your beg time on runs you will find it sure.. bracken run drop like 100 gold ( mobs + chests + items + boss ) total 1 run they can get 100g cash but keep beging it...

16 = the liers who keep say imposible numbers about drop rates.. example " my awarage 15 locked 20 locked in 30 min with only lepre "
offcourse lucky is lucky and you can get maybe 30 locked in 30 min or 40 locked maybe hmmm that lucky everything can be happen.. but on avarage its just a lie with unknown reason...

17 = ppls who just siting on begining of hauntlet and all the time same players doing it, you are going out but next join player still there. funy to read this topic.. on 3 rd page now and keep reading...

18 = naked players trying run hard maps ( mostly hauntlet ). hight lvl players who trying run with 15-25 lvl low items " if you are poor or scammed, just buy lvl 36 cheap set. full 36 legend set under than 1 k"

NOT : my mesages long coz english block.. if you dont know right simple words for tell your mind you choiceing different words with explain.

02-03-2014, 04:47 PM
1. Keikali x 10

02-03-2014, 05:11 PM
1) People who spell the class "Rouge" - rouge is a kind of makeup to make your cheeks pink, rogue is a stabby dagger person.

2) People who say "need a mage for elite" because they're too cheap to drink pots.

3) People who insist you need 4 people of specific classes to go on any hunt (We NEED 1 Warrior, 1 mage, 2 rogues or we can't do any runs)

4) People who have not learned that lag only counts as a valid reason for death if you call it at least 15 seconds before you die.

5) People who think KDR actually means anything other than a way to see who's been dummy farming.

6) End game players who sit in gold mine all day waiting for the three one-hittable bosses to spawn...

7) Warriors in full mythics with sam and maul....who have 25,000 pvE kills and die in Hauntlet. Gear does not make you good.

8) PVP whiners

7) Mages with gale and those who prematurely clock

8) People who run elites with hungry pets

02-03-2014, 05:20 PM
forget to say... really really i hate that soo much...

2 warior 1 rogue and my mage, wariors never healing and i am starting catch rogue alone for only mana rogue... and wariors just runing without use pot and keep playing without skills ( coz they no mana no pot )... happened so much time and really really hateing that... ( but funy to try catch rogue alone for only mana rogue )

02-03-2014, 05:25 PM
Bullies. I really hate people who bully others. I hate when someone gets rude and snotty but people kiss their butt because they're 1337. You could be the worst player ever but if you're kind and genuine I am going to respect you more than the one who's got every pet, every item but is snotty and rude.

02-03-2014, 07:05 PM
8. The guy who asks "Alguien habla espanol" because looking for his countrymen is the first quest in this game.

what happend with that? are u racist with spanish people?? i see many people asking for theys country. italian, spanish, russian, and many times english people too, asking for people to play.

i understand ur post but i really don't understand whats is the problem with people asking for people to play. bcus if u are english and u CAN't talk spanish u are going to play with english people no??

anyway i have see many of these people too (the top 10 u post)

02-03-2014, 07:19 PM
I hate hashtags.....just sayin

02-03-2014, 07:36 PM
I'm the first one. Can't even lie lmao.. But those people who invite you to a party and then say "egg"... Like wtf do u mean u selling or buying. But when you ask they simply say "egg"... Then you realize they're casually begging and you make this face. -_-

02-03-2014, 07:42 PM
I hate hashtags.....just sayin #Hashtagshateyou

02-03-2014, 08:00 PM
If I could thank this right now, I wouldn't.


02-03-2014, 08:07 PM
If I could thank this right now, I wouldn't.

;) :-(

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk

02-03-2014, 08:09 PM
Bullies. I really hate people who bully others. I hate when someone gets rude and snotty but people kiss their butt because they're 1337. You could be the worst player ever but if you're kind and genuine I am going to respect you more than the one who's got every pet, every item but is snotty and rude.

GoodSyntax is an example of this. He may not have the best gear or pets, but dammit, I've never seen him disrespect a player!

Btw, bro, mad props on your name. Now that I computer program, I appreciate the value of your name ever more!

02-03-2014, 08:19 PM
Btw, bro, mad props on your name.

Panda's a lady :p

02-03-2014, 09:24 PM
Panda's a lady :p

Pandamoni sounds like a Aion City is Pandaemonium lol xD

02-03-2014, 09:28 PM
Find most irritating.....

- People who believe a foreign language should not be spoken in game though the game is sold internationally on google play and iStore in many non English speaking countries.
- Begging, I just get 1 line and then they they on the automatic ignore list
- Random party invites
- Random Rogue who says they are a girl and need help with money or to borrow stuff when they are probably some random fat hairy guy with a beard.
- People who thinks mages are support
- People who join a party but are too busy chatting with someone else to actually bother killing something in party so just tag along without killing
- Wars who follow
- Mages with Gale
- Wars who don't heal but expect mana replenish
- People who use lag as an excuse when they die in pve, its not like I care but still why tell me about lag in capitals
- People who know they lag but still join a party and lag the whole party and tell omg I have 10,000 ping... -.-
- Rogues who think their packs are theirs only to use but everyone else should heal them
- Pvp people who call someone noob after kill stealing and then act like their achievement points of 5-6 kills is phenomenal and that they have the right to put everyone down.
- Devs who ignore complaints and feedbacks and never bother even to write that they acknowledge that the thread or problem exists and that they are looking into it.

02-03-2014, 09:47 PM
Find most irritating.....

- People who believe a foreign language should not be spoken in game though the game is sold internationally on google play and iStore in many non English speaking countries.
- Begging, I just get 1 line and then they they on the automatic ignore list
- Random party invites
- Random Rogue who says they are a girl and need help with money or to borrow stuff when they are probably some random fat hairy guy with a beard.
- People who thinks mages are support
- People who join a party but are too busy chatting with someone else to actually bother killing something in party so just tag along without killing
- Wars who follow
- Mages with Gale
- Wars who don't heal but expect mana replenish
- People who use lag as an excuse when they die in pve, its not like I care but still why tell me about lag in capitals
- People who know they lag but still join a party and lag the whole party and tell omg I have 10,000 ping... -.-
- Rogues who think their packs are theirs only to use but everyone else should heal them
- Pvp people who call someone noob after kill stealing and then act like their achievement points of 5-6 kills is phenomenal and that they have the right to put everyone down.
- Devs who ignore complaints and feedbacks and never bother even to write that they acknowledge that the thread or problem exists and that they are looking into it.

This just got way too serious.. And about mages with gale -_-

02-03-2014, 10:23 PM
Find most irritating.....

- People who believe a foreign language should not be spoken in game though the game is sold internationally on google play and iStore in many non English speaking countries.
- Begging, I just get 1 line and then they they on the automatic ignore list
- Random party invites
- Random Rogue who says they are a girl and need help with money or to borrow stuff when they are probably some random fat hairy guy with a beard.
- People who thinks mages are support
- People who join a party but are too busy chatting with someone else to actually bother killing something in party so just tag along without killing
- Wars who follow
- Mages with Gale
- Wars who don't heal but expect mana replenish
- People who use lag as an excuse when they die in pve, its not like I care but still why tell me about lag in capitals
- People who know they lag but still join a party and lag the whole party and tell omg I have 10,000 ping... -.-
- Rogues who think their packs are theirs only to use but everyone else should heal them
- Pvp people who call someone noob after kill stealing and then act like their achievement points of 5-6 kills is phenomenal and that they have the right to put everyone down.
- Devs who ignore complaints and feedbacks and never bother even to write that they acknowledge that the thread or problem exists and that they are looking into it.

only 1 think. if someone is lagged he/she don't make u lag too. if another person is lag this don't control ur connection maybe u can get lag too for ur internet connection can be to many busy in ur country or can be a bad connection to the hosting game in that moment. anyone can put u lagged only if ur connection is on use for another person in ur house (another guy downloading with ur wifi or using facebook, twitter, youtube...)

02-03-2014, 10:37 PM
Good to know xXx21. Always thought that maybe their lag would not only affect their playing but parties as well.

@Jhawkeye, Gale is a good skill to farm Brackenridge and maybe rush to boss after dying and respawing at the beginning. But as a skill use to crowd mobs together is kinda inefficient when a FB after stun resolves will aggro them to you or heal bug lol. Many cases gale rather than just stun it spreads them out of harms way and is counter-intuitive to a mages mob killing power who wants them as close as possible

02-03-2014, 10:58 PM

Then me and hash tags have a understanding relationship

If I could thank this right now, I wouldn't.



02-03-2014, 11:15 PM
Bit annoyed by the lower lvl guildmates who ask for help, I say sure/inv, get out of my km3 team, they nvr send or say anything..

beggers/scammers/drama, I avoid

02-03-2014, 11:18 PM
Pointless topic

02-03-2014, 11:21 PM
Bit annoyed by the lower lvl guildmates who ask for help, I say sure/inv, get out of my km3 team, they nvr send or say anything..

beggers/scammers/drama, I avoid

But the satisfaction you get from helping another person makes up for it right? :)

02-04-2014, 05:36 AM
1. Scammers
2.beggers asking for gold
3.warriors who say they are selling sheilds but actually selling a low lvl dimensional targe of grace
4.spammers that sell high priced garbage
5.random trades
6.people who kill me 3 times in a row just because i'm typing in pvp
7.spam sellers
8.low levels that say "trade (says legendary weapon) for ordinary sword
9.people who trade me randomly and talks a diffrent language
10.people who buy my legendary stuff for a cheap amount

02-04-2014, 05:42 AM
Lol Kei

02-04-2014, 05:47 AM
I hate hashtags.....just sayin


02-04-2014, 06:11 AM
It was immense fun reading all this!
1. Mages that use gale and spreads the mobs all out in elite
2. Trolls on my team using common gear in tdm
3. Scammers
4. Beggars
5.mages on my team not using shield in tdm
5.the tank who afk/hides behind and makes me (a rogue) tank, resulting in the whole party wiped out
6. The ppl who runs away to heal, making the boss reset
7. Irritating ppl
8. Ppl who try to rip me off thinking I'm an idiot
9. Trolls
10.ppl who leaves in elite
11 ppl afk in elite
12 noobs

Ppl I love = ppl from A-Z who don't scam, don't troll, helpful players, nice players, players with manners, ppl with respectful Manners, smart players, good players.

About all I'm gonna say

02-04-2014, 07:22 AM
Lol number 13

02-04-2014, 07:23 AM
Curse u unworking replies

Daniel Banuelos
02-04-2014, 07:39 AM
A person who asks for your help then you accidentally done something wrong then calls you stupid

Milan Lame Man
02-04-2014, 11:21 AM
I really really hate people who ask "Buy your lepre for this sword" or "Buy your vanity 20k (it's 120k+)".
I just ignore them but thinking of newbies who might actually accept makes me so mad.

02-04-2014, 12:43 PM
1. People who think we're going to read their wall-post lists here. Seriously, 20 lines? Noooope.

2. Anyone who doesn't touch his/her potions for no damn reason whatsoever. When the boss sets for four and you die in the first seconds, guess who has to use a truckload of pots now.

Ending up feeling like paying the driver to run your newb butt over a few times since he's there already.

3. Warriors refusing to tank in PvP. Well guess what's going to happen after they kill your team's damage dealer, genius.

4-10. People who join the side with the more players on PvP games (eg 1v2 -> 1v3 -> 1v4, 2v3 -> 2v4 -> 2v5). Also the ones who cry over a death or loss and then invite the whole guild to gang you.

I know you just wanted to make the game challenging for us but NO. This is mostly annoying when the player is ARCANE geared. And then having the nerve to compare profiles when they basically gang farmed their way there. Congratulations "dignified" LB players.


02-04-2014, 02:39 PM
Calm damn Madnex. CALM DOWN! It's a fun thread! So here's my list (most of which might have been mentioned earlier)

1) Players who want my vanity. "Hey trade vanity". "Trade vanity pls" "can I have your vanity?". -.- . Just get your own set, I love mine way too much.

2) Those people who type the same thing- "Selling dreary egg 500." 200 times -.- we heard you, we don't want it, deal with it.

3) When I'm this close to Jarl when I'm on elixir and they kill him -.-

4) Dem gangers in PvP -.-

5) No I'm not interested in how your school day was or what you ate for your lunch or where you made out. Please use PM -.-
(Applies to guild chat too)

6) People who loot an arcane and do not gift me one -.-

7) People who get an an elite golden puzzlebox and do not gift me one -.-

8) People who gift me common/rare crap.

9) That guy who resets the boss just because he can't handle it! Can't handle it? Don't do it!

10) People who won't thank me for this post :3

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

02-04-2014, 02:54 PM
5) No I'm not interested in how your school day was or what you ate for your lunch or where you made out. Please use PM -.-


02-04-2014, 08:34 PM
1. People who send me a friend request and ask me for my vanity. Or money...
2. Xxx Has joined the guild! Me: Welcome!! two seconds later... Xxx has left the guild e.e Why?! Why?!
3. Warriors with less than 5k hp running elites
4. Rogues that say that Shadow Veil isn't a useful skill
5. Those people who reset a hard boss A THOUSAND TIMES! And they don't even help killing it...
6. People that ask me why I rename my pets. It's not your problem -.-
7. Xxx Has joined the guild! Xxx: Help me in Elite (Insert hard map here). Two seconds later... Xxx: You don't help anyone! etc... starts insulting... Xxx has left the guild I usually kick them before they leave xD
I'll add the others later...

02-04-2014, 08:55 PM
Guess I should make my own :3

1: warriors in pvp
2: rogues that use aimed shot
3: people that kill me in pvp
4: mobs that kill me in pve
5: constantly being asked 'mana please' in elites PUG
6: bael II
7: as said before sore losers
8: sore winners
9: people that don't buy my stuff in the auction
10: people that undercut me in the auction
11: warriors that do not know their limit (they draw too much mob and can't handles it and the whole party suffers)
12: mages that use curse except for me obviously xD
13: warriors
14: warriors with horn
15: warriors with juggernaut
16: warriors that stun more than mages
17: beggars that are too lazy to fire kraag cannons
18: those people that leave halfway during an elite run
19: those people that gang you and then say your a noob because you can't win a 2v1
20: those people that will not play chivalrously and accept a duel when then know they play unfairly

I realised at number 18 that the thread was '10' types of people but I couldn't be bothered to erase it :3
You can guess the genuine ones and the not so genuine ones :P

02-04-2014, 10:29 PM


Chaim Nail
02-04-2014, 11:57 PM
Lazy people who use excessive 'txt spk'.


02-05-2014, 02:18 AM
1. WARRIORS who stack up in tdm/ctf because theyre scared to die.

2. WARRIORS who heals only himself, then expect another warrior or mage to heal him.

3. WARRIORS who think theyre so PRO because they get so many kills.. but cant tank for sht. (pro ks)

4. WARRIORS who ask me for 1v1.. no heal no pet. no thats just a weak move. Idc if we take an hour fighting, youre lazy and i will kill you.

5. WARRIORS, ROGUES, MAGES, who join ctf/tdm ... when theyre only lvl 35. go level up pls!!!

6. WARRIORS who thinks theyre ROGUES..

7. WARRIORS who asks me if they can borrow my maul.. are u kidding me?

8. WARRIORS who doesnt have HOR (yes i have seen some. are u kidding me?)



02-05-2014, 11:02 AM
2. Xxx Has joined the guild! Me: Welcome!! two seconds later... Xxx has left the guild e.e Why?! Why?!

hahaha when its hapen i am typeing " /g goodbye "

02-05-2014, 06:11 PM
But the satisfaction you get from helping another person makes up for it right? :)

It goes unfulfilled because they nvr end up inviting me to team.

02-05-2014, 06:52 PM
lets all remember that everyone does something someone else doesn't like. but to add to the list idd say my worst 2 are 1. people that cant wait a second for someone to catch up in blackenridge.
2. and people that expect a mage to heal/mana. think about it. any mage that removes heal wont go back its very usless especialy right now. mostly over heals anyways. ( heal is good for pvp)

and this is important but you shouldent expect another player to change his skills or way of playing. if your not happy with it dont play with them cause you cant stop them from where you are right haha. we all have free will on this game you cant force anything onto anyone. in saying that like all of you i have my opinions and it is good to have this thread as it helps people realies things they didnt and it might help people play better and make the game better.

02-06-2014, 03:49 AM
and this is important but you shouldent expect another player to change his skills or way of playing.


You can ask politely but then you should either leave or get over it when the answer is No.

I had a few times in elite that people told me 'Lepre off'. I like my lepre and I want to get rerols from mobs so I leave it on most of the time. Only remove it with difficult mobs/bosses. If they would say please.. I might have done it. One time I was even called a 'noob' (omg what an insult... lol) and then I was told to 'fck off' (whatever that may mean... :p ).

So yeah those kinds of people I don't like very much.

mala salerosa
02-08-2014, 03:03 PM
Despite your apparent perceptive genius, you fail to understand that someone who would be asking if anyone speaks their language is not merely "looking for his countrymen." Being unable to speak English, consider that they find benefit and even comfort in being able to communicate with other players. It is apparent that Spanish speakers annoy you in particular. The Brazilian players ask if anyone speaks Portuguese and I often hear the French and the German asking if anyone speaks their respective languages, but I don't find it threatening to the dominance of the English language in an American based game. I hope that you travel abroad some day in an attempt to see the world or perhaps broaden your understanding and appreciation of the earth's inhabiting cultures. When you find that you can't get help or services from anyone as they do not understand what you are saying, perhaps you will call out, "does anyone speak English?"

02-09-2014, 12:56 AM
1. Players who post at forum about what is annoying about other people in game (like what i'm doing now).
2. People who hates mages using gale.
3. People who hates warriors delayed healing when they have option to use potions.
4. People who hate accepting party invites, when they can accept it and leave after wards.
5. People who hate bow rogues, when they kill/farm faster than any other toon (notice who tops the leaderboard on farming?)
6. People who hates beggars, when they can just ignore them.
7. People who hates ribbit users.
8. People who hates spam traders with wrong spelling (not all players can speak/write english very well)
9. People who hates slag abusers (because they don't have one to abuse with)
10. STS for making this amazing game. :)

02-09-2014, 08:59 PM
Had a level 35 ask me for 3k today...

02-09-2014, 09:13 PM
1. Players who post at forum about what is annoying about other people in game (like what i'm doing now).
2. People who hates mages using gale.
3. People who hates warriors delayed healing when they have option to use potions.
4. People who hate accepting party invites, when they can accept it and leave after wards.
5. People who hate bow rogues, when they kill/farm faster than any other toon (notice who tops the leaderboard on farming?)
6. People who hates beggars, when they can just ignore them.
7. People who hates ribbit users.
8. People who hates spam traders with wrong spelling (not all players can speak/write english very well)
9. People who hates slag abusers (because they don't have one to abuse with)
10. STS for making this amazing game. :)

02-09-2014, 09:18 PM
For me its the random party invites, pms, and friend requests. Even though I just ignore them so its not that big of a deal

02-10-2014, 05:34 AM
Dont forget the "sir"

02-10-2014, 08:14 AM
1. people who got killed and said gang bang
2. people who making a story line
3. people who begging not to kill in pvp
4. people who don't leave game(cuz reserved game) and keep saying gang bang.
5. people who only talk with mouth
6. people who make new strategy for cheating
7. people who block spot in pvp
8. people who said "flag" when new game(free flag)
9. people who used 5 warriors/4warriors to beat opponent

02-12-2014, 12:41 AM

^ This.... next 9 are coming soon.. >:

02-12-2014, 02:02 AM
I reconsidered and my ten most annoying types of people are summed in the people who don't know how to farm Jarl; either stay in the game too late and ruin the map refresh or don't wait two more seconds for everyone to be in boss's loot range.

Makes me want to beat them. With a cactus.

02-12-2014, 02:50 AM
I reconsidered and my ten most annoying types of people are summed in the people who don't know how to farm Jarl; either stay in the game too late and ruin the map refresh or don't wait two more seconds for everyone to be in boss's loot range.

Makes me want to beat them. With a cactus.


02-12-2014, 06:30 AM
Beside the stealer, scammer, screamer, spammer, stupid people, irrespectful one, liar, racist,...

I mostly hate LAZY people... of all age and kind.
That include all the beggars, all people who think that wealth itg comes in 1 day, all people who doesnt take time or want to learn to understand a simple game which is free and doesnt necessarily need platinum to be succesful.

02-12-2014, 06:53 AM
1. people who join guild just to buy cheap pots
2. People who talk and use vulgar language while being dead in PvP
3. tanks who call 4 more tanks in Ctf and tank who calls 3 more tanks in tdm
4. people who like to joke but cannot handle one
5. people who start to trash after being killed fairly
6. people who keep spamming about their sales...guys we all have eyes
7. people who kill u while u are in ur friend (other team) spawn...doing 1v1s
8. people who do not wait in line when flagging
9. Little kids in guild castles trying to show off and acting like 25 years old
10. people who think that the place where they come from is better or superior than the others

05-17-2017, 06:23 AM
HAHAHA these comments are all true. LOL

05-17-2017, 07:02 AM
Mithic hulmut for sal.

How u find this thread to necro? You must've dug deep into that abyss.