View Full Version : How do you solve a rogue's voracious mana consumption?

08-06-2013, 10:39 PM
I have a lvl 7 rogue which I plan to level up until 30. I like rogues better than warriors but the downside with rogues is that it consumes mana a lot (correct me if I'm mistaken). I'm cheap on potions, with mage and warrior as both efficient in terms of mana consumption, how do you guys deal with this?

Question addressed to main rogue players. Thanks in advance.

08-06-2013, 10:44 PM
Befriend a smurf. Problem solved... That or grab the mana packs in ctf. Whatever floats your boat. I prefer befriend a smurf, cause the mana follows you around.

08-06-2013, 10:45 PM
MY Passives are intelligence, strength and agility.

Int gives me some dmg and dps, as well as an increase in mana.

If thats not enough, use a pet with mana regeneration buff or int stat bonus

08-06-2013, 10:46 PM
Befriend a smurf. Problem solved... That or grab the mana packs in ctf. Whatever floats your boat. I prefer befriend a smurf, cause the mana follows you around.

Or that. Agreed.

08-06-2013, 10:49 PM
Lol ^

08-06-2013, 10:57 PM
I use blight and the Mana Regen comes in useful at most times.

08-06-2013, 11:01 PM
1. Find a mage at the same level.

2. Try to converse with him

3. Start with friendly talk, getting to know each other

4. When you become friends, ask if he would like to pvp with you

5. Gradually get closer, and develop relationship,

6. Break the "mana barrier". When times are appropriate, ask for "mana"

7. Next is to be allies for life in pvp (you got his back, he's got yours)

8. After being allies for a while, take him somewhere private

9. A moving speech before-hand is recommended, but then propose:

10. Say "Will you be my mana-healer?"

11. If he says yes: No more mana problems.

08-06-2013, 11:12 PM
Pardon for the confusion. Im building a rogue for PVE only, not pvp. My main is a mage and a twink in a mage, I pvp better with mage than rogue. So I just need to party with a mage or a warrior to get my mana.

08-06-2013, 11:45 PM
Pardon for the confusion. Im building a rogue for PVE only, not pvp. My main is a mage and a twink in a mage, I pvp better with mage than rogue. So I just need to party with a mage or a warrior to get my mana.

Warrio wont help your mana none. A good regen pet for mana would be.flap jack though

08-06-2013, 11:45 PM
If it helps.i dont 100prcnt rely on smurfs for healing nowadays since most have the capacity to kill and eager to kill.cant blame em they want to add the kds too.

Quickly switch pet to nexus or mccraws in battle to refill mana.

Make use of the mana packs at the flag base.so have to be agile and constantly on the move.tho i do feel annoyed to be killed right after the chase to get the packs.

Stay at hidden corners to wait for it to recharge.assuming your opponents are not eager to seek blood.

Tweak your build not to go for all dex.add some points on int.use int skewed gears.


08-06-2013, 11:50 PM
pets would be a great solution to your mana problems. Jack i think would be the best and cheapest mana pet to use, blight is good a one too with a good boost to stats also.