View Full Version : Click to auto attack?

08-07-2013, 09:19 PM
Arcane Legends is a bit different than PL and SL. It has great skills (I love this new system) and familiars. One thing I had it very tiresome to use is repeatedly pressing space bar to attack.

Would it be possible to had it as an option such as "Click to auto attacK" (or space bar) like PL and SL?

What do you guys think?

Alfred Emmanuel Tanopo
08-07-2013, 09:51 PM
yep. /autoattack would be good but I guess it would mess up the "charged attack" set-up of this game. But I guess its possible.
/autoattack1 or /autoattack_on to turn on attack which automatically attacks whatever enemy or attackable item you click. Charging an attack would stop it but then you can just click it again to auto attack. then you could always attack manually and type /autoattack0 or /autoattack_off

08-08-2013, 01:38 AM
Arcane Legends is a bit different than PL and SL. It has great skills (I love this new system) and familiars. One thing I had it very tiresome to use is repeatedly pressing space bar to attack.

Would it be possible to had it as an option such as "Click to auto attacK" (or space bar) like PL and SL?

What do you guys think?

Problem with that is there is no targeting system in AL like there is in PL. So if you had this "auto attack" turned on and were just walking along where there was no enemy nearby, your toon would be continuously swinging/shooting his weapon anyway.

And STS has made it clear they did NOT want to make a targeting system in AL as they wanted this to be a more battle oriented game, and not have auto attacks and auto targeting.

Just stick with it for a while... I used to play PL too, and when I first came over to AL it took a while to get used to it. After you play it a while you will realize the AL battle system is way better than PL.