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10-27-2010, 10:05 AM
Well as 1.5 approaches prices will fall due to the auction house.

My reasons:

Since not all people spend there time town to sell there pinks the auction house will be available for people to sell when ever they want.

More people selling , lowers the value of items and items will be more common because more of those items will be sold.

That's my theory.

My adivce to sell you pinks that you have before this patch of you want to make the most profit.

Good luck!

10-27-2010, 10:20 AM
The auction house will tell us two things:
What actually IS rare and SHOULD be selling for high.
What is actually common, and only selling high because the buyers and sellers are not in the same place.

10-27-2010, 10:25 AM
Very true, but more items of the same kind will show up due to the opportunity of more people have the time to sell.

10-27-2010, 05:08 PM
Also because everyone will see the lowest price and all sellers will compete for the lowest price.

10-27-2010, 05:11 PM
Honestly I think the recently announced consignment shop pricing (1 free slot, 10p for each additional slot) will dramatically affect it's use. I suspect there will be very little change to the economy as most people will likely use their free slot and continue to shout in town or sell on the forums with the rest of their stuff. Maybe not, but just my guess...

10-27-2010, 05:12 PM
There will be those that will attempt to buy up select goods, I suspect they will fail in their attempt to monopolize a section of the market.

10-27-2010, 05:13 PM
You mean this market can get more messed up?!? o.O O.o

10-27-2010, 05:14 PM
Honestly I think the recently announced consignment shop pricing (1 free slot, 10p for each additional slot) will dramatically affect it's use. I suspect there will be very little change to the economy as most people will likely use their free slot and continue to shout in town or sell on the forums with the rest of their stuff. Maybe not, but just my guess...

I thought it was 3 slots...

edit: looks like justg changed it :(, probably my least favorite edit I have ever seen.......

10-27-2010, 05:17 PM
I thought it was 3 slots...

Justg announced the change of plans today. Check the in development thread.

10-27-2010, 06:15 PM
That I have to say is a really bad change. 3 spots would have been a great starting point, most people would still have purchased a lot more slots. Changing the amount of free slots will not change the minds of those who wouldn't buy the extra ones. If anything it might turn some players off of the idea. Only having 1 slot decreases the chance that one of your items sell. So if the player never feels the "rush" of logging in and finding out he is now a bit richer then there is less of a chance he will buy more slots at 10p a piece. I understand that Plat is how they get paid but only 1 free slot and 10P for each additional is a bit cheap of STS.

10-27-2010, 11:18 PM
All MMORPG markets are messed up. Look at runescape for example...

10-28-2010, 02:11 AM
That I have to say is a really bad change. 3 spots would have been a great starting point, most people would still have purchased a lot more slots. Changing the amount of free slots will not change the minds of those who wouldn't buy the extra ones. If anything it might turn some players off of the idea. Only having 1 slot decreases the chance that one of your items sell. So if the player never feels the "rush" of logging in and finding out he is now a bit richer then there is less of a chance he will buy more slots at 10p a piece. I understand that Plat is how they get paid but only 1 free slot and 10P for each additional is a bit cheap of STS.

STS needs to make money in order to keep updating and providing us free content :) so 1 free slot is better than Zero :p

10-28-2010, 04:39 PM
with only 1 free slot for selling, we wont see any major shifts in market prices. I dont see people wrapping a ton of real money into a venture that will eventually ruin their in-game profits for all the hours of farming.