View Full Version : Mythic Pet Damage should be increased

08-08-2013, 05:13 AM
My lvl 30 Slag's dmg is same as my lvl 30 legendary pets. When Epic pet hits harder than a Rare pet and a Legendary pet hits harder than an Epic pet, why cant Mythic pet hit harder than a legendary pet????

08-08-2013, 06:13 AM
I was just going to post this ... lol
+1 for this...
Mythic pet damage should be more than legendary pets....
Max is 135 for legendary and Mythics pet...

08-08-2013, 06:31 AM
My guess is that it's like Energizeric said in another thread somewhere... Mythic pets are plat-only (while Arcane pets are tradable), so maybe they have the same dmg to not make it a pure pay-to-win game.

08-08-2013, 07:44 AM
My guess is that it's like Energizeric said in another thread somewhere... Mythic pets are plat-only (while Arcane pets are tradable), so maybe they have the same dmg to not make it a pure pay-to-win game.

That would be a cool feature^
Well I guess if you have a damn good arcane ability and happiness bonuses you need as much dmg as a legendary pet to balance stuff out and make it, like Jay said, available for non-platters as well.

P.S. Platters - Something I made up meaning plat users. meh why not :p

08-08-2013, 11:35 AM
Slight more dmg would be good to see though.. Come on, its Mythic!!!

08-08-2013, 03:09 PM
if you actually test it, you will see that mythic pets like slag do a little more dmg than legendary pets.

08-08-2013, 05:47 PM
Ribbit and Mali hit hardest amongst Legendary pets by far..

08-08-2013, 06:20 PM
My guess is that it's like Energizeric said in another thread somewhere... Mythic pets are plat-only (while Arcane pets are tradable), so maybe they have the same dmg to not make it a pure pay-to-win game.

Yeah, I'm guessing this is their reason. However, what I would like to see if a non-plat mythic pet, and then raise all the mythic pets damage slightly. I don't think it should be much higher than legendary, and not close to what the arcane pets have, but slightly more would be fine.

I posted a nice suggestion about maybe having a mythic pet you can get for a large amount of story tokens. Or maybe some other very difficult quest. Remember the ichor quest in PL? Something like that. But don't make it a requirement for players to do to get achievement points. Let it just be another way a player can get the mythic achievement and a mythic pet, without spending plat. I doubt it would affect mythic pet sales as those players who have plat will still buy those pets. But this would be a different pet. Also, make the egg tradable so a player completing the quest can then sell it if he/she chooses. It just gives one more way for a very dedicated player to farm to make money.