View Full Version : Feedback: Profanity Filter

08-09-2013, 11:25 PM
The profanity filter in its current form feels like you're playing a never-ending game of "guess the inappropriate word I had no intention of using".

Commonplace examples of this (in my opinion) absurdity:

"Got it" = "Go* **"
"This expansion" = "Thi* **pansion"

Anytime I see something filtered out I have to take a moment to reverse engineer the message chat by going through a list of profanities in my head in an attempt to decipher what is obviously a harmless message.

Just my two cents..

08-09-2013, 11:59 PM
I think there is an option to "filter chat" in the social options tab...


I don't seem to have an issue with chat filtering when the option is unchecked. Maybe thats the problem.

08-10-2013, 12:14 AM
He has his chat filtered so he doesn't see actual profanity. However, the issue he is describing is that the filter often combines characters of separate words and blocks them out as he described. He shouldn't have to turn off the filter, rather, the filter should be tweaked for better performance. A lot of days I wish I could turn on the filter to not see all the disgusting chat that goes on in the guild hub. However, if I did, my chat would be messed up and like Killingsworth said, have to reverse engineer the entire conversation to figure out what the person was trying to say.

08-10-2013, 07:42 AM
I have profanity filter unchecked Ebezaanec - I have since day one. This remains a relevant issue.