View Full Version : Shuyal Arena Knockback Instant Death

08-10-2013, 12:06 AM
This bug doesn't happen very often, and may be difficult to reproduce. Sometimes when pumpkins or certain bosses with knock back (Glob and Bloodhammer most of the time) knock you into the lantern fence, your player receives a double-damage hit for 7,000, 10,000 and sometimes 14,000. Glob and Mother's windup attack, along with Bloodhammer's jumping attack will often do this as well. I am guessing it is a clip plane issue where part of the character migrates into the area between the lantern fences where you've programmed it to instantly kill people.

I don't think it's a bug that requires serious attention. I just thought I'd bring it up so that people read about it to avoid it. I died 3x tonight from it, so it made me a little frustrated.

If you end up fixing it, great! Thanks for reading.