View Full Version : Death count upon dc/crash?

08-10-2013, 03:44 PM
Hi AL community I'd like know if your death count raises if you get a sudden dc during fights?

I had 2 scenarios myself so far.

During a wt3 run on my sorc I've had a disconnection than I've closed the game and came back and had 1 death (0 death toon it sucks).

2nd time I was agian doing a wt3 run had a disconnection but this time i didn't close the game.. i simply waited until i could login agian. I was still inside Wt3 but at the entrance and had no deaths.

Now my question is was this pure luck or is there a protection build in nowadays?

Thanks in advance for whoever can enlighten me.

08-10-2013, 04:22 PM
I honestly dont know about pve, im sure others have checked it and will tell you

but in pvp in you get dc DURING battle you will be added +1 death, but if you got dc while your toon is in rest stance you will not recieve +1 death

08-10-2013, 04:35 PM
Maybe a mob was fast enough to kill you before you dc'ed?
I am 100% sure you don't get deaths in PvE when you dc or I would already have over 90k deaths then.

08-10-2013, 04:46 PM
Since this is a moble game and meant to be played on a cellular connection, the server waits 120 seconds before disconnecting you in the hope that your device will reestablish connection. If you die during that time, the server can't tell whether your device was dc or you were just idle and got killed.

08-10-2013, 09:18 PM
Since this is a moble game and meant to be played on a cellular connection, the server waits 120 seconds before disconnecting you in the hope that your device will reestablish connection. If you die during that time, the server can't tell whether your device was dc or you were just idle and got killed.

Exactly! So if you die in those 120 sec or so then you will get a death. If DOT is working and it in combination with your pet kills all the mobs attacking you when you dc, or if the mobs are not strong enough to kill you in that time, you will not die