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View Full Version : Suggestion: Elite Tokens

08-11-2013, 05:51 AM
Lately people just "abandoned" elites runs for km3 to farm locked crates.

Elite runs is far far far harder than km3
You wasted a lots of pots, deaths, and times to do elite runs.

and yet what does it give you?

Atleast you should get something that makes you paid off or worth it to do the elite runs.

The tokens itself should be gifted after the party/player(s) kill the boss.

And if its possible. The bosses from expansion give you different amount of tokens varies from it difficulities

Make it like 1000 or so for good items or pet.
100 or so for armor
And 10 or so for pets

Because imo, in endgame nothing is more exciting than PvE on elite and PvP


08-11-2013, 06:14 AM
Gopd idea :cool:

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08-11-2013, 09:33 AM
++; from me :)

08-11-2013, 09:40 AM
I like this idea.

08-11-2013, 02:33 PM
There is actually already a quest where if you kill 20 elite nordr bosses you get a free elite golden warchest.

08-11-2013, 02:46 PM
There is actually already a quest where if you kill 20 elite nordr bosses you get a free elite golden warchest.

I really like that they implemented this, even though I haven't done the quest since the release of Shuyal Arena. Hopefully they get creative and add more quests like it in the expansion. The Shuyal Arena could use a quest like this: complete the Arena battles 20 times for an Elite Dimensional Chest or whatever they are going to call them.

08-11-2013, 03:00 PM
I made this suggestion awhile back, hopefully it does get implemented into the game in some way shape or form ^_^

08-11-2013, 03:16 PM
U taught a lot over this idea? Cause i don't think u taught: What will chance this to the whole thing? Cuz u never will read this in ur guild chat: YES I GOT ENTOMBED WARFARE! But u will read: Pff, still 723 stroy tokens to go.... Be patient and u will get ur loot

08-11-2013, 03:20 PM
U taught a lot over this idea? Cause i don't think u taught: What will chance this to the whole thing? Cuz u never will read this in ur guild chat: YES I GOT ENTOMBED WARFARE! But u will read: Pff, still 723 stroy tokens to go.... Be patient and u will get ur loot

It's something better than doing 100 runs and getting absolutely nothing of any value, atleast this way you'd be sure that over time you'd be able to get a item youd want

08-11-2013, 05:56 PM
The Arena is too easy. If they had a quest for Arena, it would have to be to kill like 100 bosses. 20 would not be enough.

It's 20 for the elite nordr bosses in the elite dungeons because those are much harder.

08-11-2013, 05:58 PM
The Arena is too easy. If they had a quest for Arena, it would have to be to kill like 100 bosses. 20 would not be enough.

It's 20 for the elite nordr bosses in the elite dungeons because those are much harder.

No no, I meant 20 complete Arena matches, i.e. you'll be killing 80 bosses total (approximating around 8-12 minutes a match). It was just an example with a certain amount of 'casualness' in mind for the other players.

08-12-2013, 08:33 AM
There is actually already a quest where if you kill 20 elite nordr bosses you get a free elite golden warchest.

We know and we take advantage of this quest already.

But there's a difference between getting a chest you're going to just sell off for 50k or so, and getting some form of currency that could be used to acquire a piece of gear or pet that you want.

I ran story tokens until I got all three pets - now I don't, because I'd rather run an elite than spend 5 minutes killing lv 1 skeletons...

08-12-2013, 10:16 AM
They should have more then just one elite quest. So having elite tokens or more elite quests would be a great idea.

08-12-2013, 04:51 PM
Yeah, this will be like the story tokens, so easy to get. Good items dont will be rare anymore, because now u have to nolife for a good item instead of being happy if you loot him...

08-13-2013, 02:59 AM
The Arena is too easy. If they had a quest for Arena, it would have to be to kill like 100 bosses. 20 would not be enough.

It's 20 for the elite nordr bosses in the elite dungeons because those are much harder.

Arena too easy? Then whats the point of adding new mythic pet to story tokens. Yes it is fair for ALL players, but for Endgame? Whats the challenge?

20 elite nordr for boxes that sold for 50k or so. Means 2500 gold each runs
I dont think thats enough for pots, esp warrior classes.

And this Elite Token NOT for nordr only. It's for ALL elite. Isnt it suck to just see people doing JUST some of elite maps. Like Jarl for Loki, Bael for Mali, Stab for Kettle, Antee for Wrathjaw. I mean whats the others for? APs only?

08-13-2013, 03:34 PM
Arena too easy? Then whats the point of adding new mythic pet to story tokens

If you read my suggestion, then you would have read that part of my suggestion was that the bards quest should scale to level, meaning it should be harder for higher level players much the way hauntlet is.