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View Full Version : Which is the better dagger?

08-12-2013, 10:08 PM
Hi fellow rogues,

I'm still confused as to what dagger is better? Mountain's Teeth of Brut OR Slicing Flintlocks of Brut?

I PVE only.

08-12-2013, 11:43 PM
Im only going on this based off of " Iluvataris " vids off of YouTube but he/she uses mountains teeth so id go with those

08-12-2013, 11:53 PM
Personally, I like the looks of the Mountain's Teeth better the Slicing Flint, but the next question is: Is it an effective weapon? Someone told me that each dagger are map-specific effective, I'm not sure if its true.

08-13-2013, 12:46 AM
Someone told me that each dagger are map-specific effective

How come? I thought what matters is damage and crits, which would surpass any map.

08-13-2013, 09:27 AM
Teeth are better.

08-13-2013, 11:39 AM
The mountain teeth of brutality are better and I would say mountain teeth of tactics are better as well. One thing you have to consider with daggers over a bow is that daggers can hit multiple enemies at once - when you look at both procs on each of the daggers one of the issues you will see is that the slicing flintlocs have a barrel proc explosion. If I remember correctly the barrel proc will disperse the enemies with damage similar to a mage's gale or vixen's aoe pushback. Is this something you want when you can hit multiple enemies at once? The answer is no of course - we work hard to bunch up enemies so we can use razor, hit enemies with traps and assist our team members with getting the most out of their aoe damage spells. There are cases where this is useful but in most cases it's not going to be beneficial. There are very few people I've meet who use aoe push backs effectively and those people can hit the push back on command as with gale and vixen. With a proc it's random and you never know when it will fire.

I absolutely love traps when used properly, the mob pull in is great but only works 20% of the time. How frustrated would you be if you pulled in all the mobs into a perfect little group then your weapon procs and you lose all that damage you worked hard on packing in tightly? It's similar to the entombed hammers before they were switched - they had a pushback and it was removed bc it just wasn't beneficial and was mostly just frustrating.

And... regardless of the proc - the teeth are just better. The proc is better imo and I believe the dps and damage is better as well. I used mountain teeth of tactics almost the entire season up until last week, if you don't have a lot of gold they are also nice daggers.

08-13-2013, 12:07 PM
I personally can't wait to see what daggers we will find in the depths of the extra dimension! :)

To add to what Jexetta mentioned about the Flintlocks - while I used them last season, I absolutely hated the barrel explosion proc.

My frustration with them was twofold:
First: As Jex indicated, the proc had no control over when it would actually occur, thus your proc could go off any second and hit all targets within range.
Second: You drew a lot more aggro from the enemy ranged attackers since your proc would hit them as well, thus causing them to focus their fire on you. To put that in perspective - every time the Flintlocks would proc, I started spamming health pots and braced for impact...

Although I did love the way they looked - I nevertheless stopped using them once I hit lv 30 and swapped them out for trash pinks until I could afford Mountain Teeth of Tactics. Eventually I was able to afford the higher damage Brutality version.

Hope that's more helpful than my first post :)

08-14-2013, 05:25 AM
Mountain teeth of brut.best so far.

Incandescent tactics for budget users.still workable.

I like slicing too but brut procs is way better.

The dimensional blade hmmm.the design is quite abstract.drops overall stats but increase dps somehow.
Hopefully the better version will come out real soon.cant wait to see how pink items r improves in next expansion.

08-15-2013, 10:20 AM
I like hooks, tbh, these daggers are good. I dont know if you all have noticed, but they are actually kind of good :/


EDIT#1 Omg i just realised we didn't have the option to pick hooks! D-A-Y-U-M!
Teeth are the best, but flintlocks looks better

08-15-2013, 11:15 AM
I like hooks, tbh, these daggers are good. I dont know if you all have noticed, but they are actually kind of good :/


EDIT#1 Omg i just realised we didn't have the option to pick hooks! D-A-Y-U-M!
Teeth are the best, but flintlocks looks better

Duh emma...lmao

08-17-2013, 10:20 PM
Mountain teeth is so far the best.

But slicing is very good as well. (Barrel explosion)