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View Full Version : Scammers ign List Dev please take a look on this issue

10-28-2010, 04:39 PM
Hello dev, i have been playing Pocket Legend for almost a month now and i enjoy the game very much. I realize gold in this game is the hardest thing to earn but since i been playing scammers have try scam me numerous amount of time, i hope dev will have punishment for these people if we provide proof.

Will i have made this thread to warn people of these people, here my list of scammers i have seen and if you know anymore please post on list thank you

10-28-2010, 04:41 PM

Post so list please for the good of the game

10-28-2010, 04:54 PM
TruePlayer, he totally scammed me out of a Void Wraith Armor, so if he doesn't give me his ... errrr, I mean the one he scammed from me, yeah that's it ... I am totally gonna add him to the list.

10-28-2010, 05:26 PM
I do not believe this thread kind of thread should be made.

Space time studios will deal with the scammers. It is not our job to list people that may or may not caused our gameplay experience to suffer.

But still we are not even to post these type of screen shots of scammers on the forums so there Is no way for the community to see what these "scammers" have done. This for the dev team to descide if they should be banned.

I do not like what scammers do but I do not want to accuse people who "may be" scammers.

(also what happens if the person listed did not even scam)

10-28-2010, 08:09 PM
lol ketz scammed me out of 50k....

10-28-2010, 08:58 PM
Better to get scammed virtually and lose fake money now so you learn and it doesn't happen to you in the real world. Biggest scam in the world is someone paying with a ten spot and the cashier does not repeat what was given to him, then the person says "I gave you a twenty", and the fight begins. Hundreds of others out there also, counterfeit bills, etc. It's a lesson learned and the devs probably feel the same way. Hence the short answer the other day about scamming.

10-28-2010, 09:07 PM
Lets make a list of reasons u boot,,

i feel so nooby in the presence of a non myna prod
Full, But theres 2 people
Ooh i dont like you having better gear then me

10-28-2010, 09:13 PM
Although I do feel that it is hard to prove that certain people are scammers, if we DO have proof then I feel this a worthy topic and thread. However, it is pretty difficult to prove someone guilty without pictures and/or videos. I feel it is better to make known potential scammers, so that people are made aware of the situation that is happening today.

Better to get scammed virtually and lose fake money now so you learn and it doesn't happen to you in the real world. Biggest scam in the world is someone paying with a ten spot and the cashier does not repeat what was given to him, then the person says "I gave you a twenty", and the fight begins. Hundreds of others out there also, counterfeit bills, etc. It's a lesson learned and the devs probably feel the same way. Hence the short answer the other day about scamming.

What I feel that you are implying, is that we SHOULD get scammed so we will get more experience and we are able to recognize scams in real life and the greed that ultimately changes people. I think it's a valid point, although I still disagree with one aspect.

There needs to be an enforced law, and the gamers need to abide by that law. By not enforcing any punishments, this would lead to a PL community of scammers. Although it will make everybody much more street smart and careful, for those that are new and are not hardcore gamers, it would be unfair for them.

However, if there are punishments and laws enforced, that will control the scamming situation as of now. It will not fully obliterate it, but it will be controlled

10-28-2010, 09:15 PM
Lets make a list of reasons u boot

Doesnt know how to blast shot OL armor off
Enters boss room like rambo
Gets killed too easily
Hates heal/res
Ignores the team
Just doesnt undestand
Kindly, sucks
Lightninglord is the name
Mynas Gen
Obviously, hes a noob
Pretty much sucks
Quits after a full group wipe
Rants abou how good he is when he actually sucks
Talks too much, not enough pewpewpew
Unlikely to succeed
Why are we rushing?
Youre terribad
Zombie outfit is so last week

my reasons to boot you.

10-28-2010, 09:49 PM
photoshop friday.


10-29-2010, 01:22 AM
Yeah, this Scammer's List is best sent to the devs at support@spacetimestudios.com

If there is a particular scam out there, fine, post the details of the scam in a thread but leave out the names. Let the Devs weigh any evidence.

10-29-2010, 02:15 AM
Yeah, this Scammer's List is best sent to the devs at support@spacetimestudios.com

If there is a particular scam out there, fine, post the details of the scam in a thread but leave out the names. Let the Devs weigh any evidence.

Sadly, "scamming" isn't bannable. From what the devs have said, once you check that mark you are agreeing to whatever the other person put up as an offer. Before secure trade, we'd have to gift each other items, and it was sad because a selfish noob would come along and yell "S> LIGHTNING SWORD OF SPARTA!"'and everyone would flip, he'd accept offers from other people, he'd say "you go first, this things really rare!" and they'd go first, and the guy would leave. Even then, I asked a dev because I got scammed, and they said it wasn't bannable since I technically gave him the item.

10-29-2010, 08:30 AM
Sadly, "scamming" isn't bannable. From what the devs have said, once you check that mark you are agreeing to whatever the other person put up as an offer. Before secure trade, we'd have to gift each other items, and it was sad because a selfish noob would come along and yell "S> LIGHTNING SWORD OF SPARTA!"'and everyone would flip, he'd accept offers from other people, he'd say "you go first, this things really rare!" and they'd go first, and the guy would leave. Even then, I asked a dev because I got scammed, and they said it wasn't bannable since I technically gave him the item.

AHAHAHA! this made me laugh out loud! LIGHTNING SWORD OF SPARTA!