View Full Version : 61 Orlok Bear

08-13-2013, 10:06 AM
I just made an orlok bear and I have 138 str/ rest dex. 6 everything except slashes (2 each). A lot of people have been telling me that orlok/dead with 60 mace is better than full orlok. Is this true? Also, my combo worked at 56, pull, debuff, slash, stomp. However I keep getting nuked when i attempt this. Any advice would be appreciated.

08-13-2013, 10:08 AM
dont debuff after u pull, i pull then stomp

08-13-2013, 10:12 AM
Lel 61 behrs be so op. I be wining tourneys end wat nawt wit dem.

08-13-2013, 03:30 PM
Nothing beats an orlok bear at 61. Your build is fine, personally I have less points in restore, crippling and vengeful slash and maxed sms for a stronger nuke. Tactics from 56 PvP mostly apply at 61 as well. Keep mages close, stunned and debuffed as they can nuke very hard (especially when they land their debuffs). Birds are kinda like the same as at 56 (beckon stomp = deadly) with the only difference that you have a whole lot more hit% at 61. Bear fights take ages but are also similar to 56 ones (pin them once you hit your debuffs).

Lel 61 behrs be so op. I be wining tourneys end wat nawt wit dem.

A 4-person tourney. Gj on that one! :encouragement:

08-13-2013, 03:47 PM
ok thanks all

08-14-2013, 03:44 AM
Nothing beats an orlok bear at 61. Your build is fine, personally I have less points in restore, crippling and vengeful slash and maxed sms for a stronger nuke. Tactics from 56 PvP mostly apply at 61 as well. Keep mages close, stunned and debuffed as they can nuke very hard (especially when they land their debuffs). Birds are kinda like the same as at 56 (beckon stomp = deadly) with the only difference that you have a whole lot more hit% at 61. Bear fights take ages but are also similar to 56 ones (pin them once you hit your debuffs).

A 4-person tourney. Gj on that one! :encouragement:

XD thank yew. Anyways, as you pointed out, 61 bears are very op ._.