View Full Version : New way to pvp that will appeal to a large audience. duels

08-14-2013, 01:11 AM
Im new to the whole making a post but hear me out. I propose that duels be added in a way were player A asks player B if they would like to engage in a duel player B can choose to engage or cancel while player A awaits response they have the option ro cancel aswell. Should Player B decide to engage player A a countdown timer will begin. The dual is strictle between A and B and either player can forfietr once thetimer has begun. These duals should be playable in any city maps so surrounding players can watch or perhaps bet other player on who might prevail in the duel. This has been used to a much greater extent in other games and it fulfill a purpose of providing pvp in which a player knows exactly who there going agianst and that it wont be interupted by others. Oand make it to were during duels npc's arnt able to be accidently engaged. Please fellow players leave as much feedback as u can as to wether u agree or disagree or things that mught be included.
thanks for reading,
Blueseraphim w/deviant misfits