View Full Version : Just an Idea

08-14-2013, 11:54 AM
Ok, so we have all read about the free Mythic Pet idea Energi had, well I feel the need to build off of it, because I do like the sound of the idea, but want to take a different approach.

First off, STS should make a spinoff Hauntlet type of dungeon, that rewards you with a certain Token after every single run. Then you'll have to farm this dungeon X amount of times to earn this Mythic pet, whether it is able to be traded or not shall be a great debate. I personally feel that it should be able to be put up at auction. Another debate is, whether or not the pet grants the Banner and Achievement, once again, I am in favor of it doing so since we have spent lots of time on this, in order to get the pet.

But, then again, to be on STS' side, maybe they should make the dungeon cost a bit bit of plat to even run, maybe 2 plat for three runs. The cap limitation per day would of course be three, so it can take 100 days to earn the pet. STS will benefit off of this, and so would we, but to be fair, if it does cost plat to run, then we should be able to loot stuff out of this dungeon, maybe locked crates, golden chests, pink armor/weapons, etc.

Comment below what you guys think about this? :)

08-14-2013, 05:34 PM
There should be a limit of how many times you can run the dungeon in one day. It should not be possible to earn this pet in a couple of days of playing. That is far too easy and the result will be that the hardcore players will all have this pet pretty quick. Isn't the whole purpose of such a pet to be that it is for the non-hardcore players who have no plat available to them? If the pet is too easy to earn, it will hurt plat sales for STS since people will go for this pet instead of the plat mythic pets. Instead, make it so hard to earn this pet that people with plat would just rather buy a plat mythic pet and avoid such a hassle, and only those who cannot buy plat will put in the time to get this pet.

08-14-2013, 05:43 PM
That totally works. Maybe it can only be farmed 3 times a day, and take 300 tokens to earn, sounds like a decent rate, I'd totally run this new dungeon. And for the ppl who can't afford the plat, do some offers, they have that tab there for a reason. 2-5 plat is cheap, especially if you want some good loot off of a new dungeon. And the PvE there should be the equivalent of Elite enemies, to make it challenging.

08-14-2013, 05:54 PM
I have no issues with plat-exclusive dungeons, as long as their loot tables don't put plat spenders at a significant advantage over non plat spenders. The balance set forth with the release of Mines of Nordia was done extremely well - keeping in mind they don't want to transform AL into a "pay-to-win" game. The people who ran that dungeon may have obtained their gear quicker or simply made a lot of gold, but everyone else could still obtain the same gear (just in a more laborious manner).

Particularly speaking in regards to running this dungeon for the mythic pet:

300 tokens x 2 plat = 600 plat, plus taking 100 days to complete.

^ With that being apparent, I'm not sure how the mythic pet idea would fit into the scheme of the new dungeon unless the cost was only 125 tokens (that equates to 250 plat and roughly 42 days). I'm sure most people would agree that if they had the ability to accumulate 600 plat, it would be better spent just buying Abaddon, Slag or Ripmaw. Then again, if the exclusive loot is an additional bonus to earning a token each run (such as in Hauntlet the Fallen Warrior could drop a chest), then I can see this as be a reasonable addition to the game.

08-14-2013, 07:11 PM
Ah you're right. What if it's 2 plat for three runs? That'll be 200 plat, 50 plat cheaper than the regular Mythic pet. I, once again vouch for this idea. 2 plat for 3 runs, in 100 days, seems perfect to me. :D

08-14-2013, 07:19 PM
The entire idea of my idea was to have a mythic pet that did not cost any plat, but instead was super hard to obtain (yet did not require gambling with chests/crates). When I read player rants in this forum, the two most common complaints are that plat spenders have all the advantages, and that people hate all the gambling required to do well in this game. This was an example of an idea that had neither and just rewarded hard work over the long haul.

I really did think more people would have liked the idea, but I'm starting to come to the conclusion that those who complain are just plain lazy and don't want to work for anything and just want everything to fall on their lap. Unfortunately there is no solution to please those people. Essentially they want everything to be easy for them, but hard for other players (although they usually do not realize that is what they are asking for).

08-14-2013, 07:36 PM
I really did think more people would have liked the idea, but I'm starting to come to the conclusion that those who complain are just plain lazy and don't want to work for anything and just want everything to fall on their lap. Unfortunately there is no solution to please those people. Essentially they want everything to be easy for them, but hard for other players (although they usually do not realize that is what they are asking for).

Just because people don't agree with you doesn't give you any right to call them 'plain lazy'. As for your idea, so long as they don't use story or hauntlet tokens that's fine with me. But this is just a gift to people who merch because anything that requires this many tokens will be rarer then arcane pets in the beginning. So I see people who merch taking advantage of poorer players. Have another legendary pet with some other token that people can go for. That has some decent stats. Otherwise I don't really see the point of this. Also they should make the egg untradable/unsellable if its mythic.

08-14-2013, 07:44 PM
The entire idea of my idea was to have a mythic pet that did not cost any plat, but instead was super hard to obtain (yet did not require gambling with chests/crates). When I read player rants in this forum, the two most common complaints are that plat spenders have all the advantages, and that people hate all the gambling required to do well in this game. This was an example of an idea that had neither and just rewarded hard work over the long haul.

I really did think more people would have liked the idea, but I'm starting to come to the conclusion that those who complain are just plain lazy and don't want to work for anything and just want everything to fall on their lap. Unfortunately there is no solution to please those people. Essentially they want everything to be easy for them, but hard for other players (although they usually do not realize that is what they are asking for).
You see, you're the problem here, and blame others. Maybe you're just too damn cheap spend plat for Mythic pets and want a free one with story tokens because you most likely already have a decent amount. I made this simply to be in favor with both sides, the vets and the ppl who can't afford much plat for a mythic pet. It makes it cheaper to get by simply doing offers on the daily, and over time you'll get a pet that would cost a "fortune" for some players. You want to act like an A-Hole, fine by me, I'm pretty sure this idea is much better than getting a Mythic pet for daily tokens that you already have. My idea here would benefit everyone. The poor, the rich, and STS. Got anything better?

08-14-2013, 10:56 PM
As I pointed out, your idea may be a fine one but STS would never implement it because it will cost them plat sales. Come up with an idea for a non-plat mythic pet that will NOT hurt plat sales for STS and then you may have a chance of getting it implemented.

The easier it is to get such a pet, the more plat sales STS will lose. The only way to be sure they would not lose any significant amount of sales is to make the pet extremely time consuming to get -- so time consuming that anyone who can get plat would rather buy a mythic pet than spend the time doing the quests.

08-14-2013, 11:00 PM
Is 3 months and a few days not time consuming? And STS still makes money off of the offers. We both come out winning in the long run. Like I said, you are just disagreeing for the sake of arguing.

08-15-2013, 08:06 AM
Why plat at all? Some players out there who can not afford to purchase plat want a mythic pet too. It should be a loyalty reward.. Maybe non tradeable mythic pet, earned thru daily quests.. Farm x number of tokens every day. Should take around 4-5 months to get a mythic pet if worked upon daily. That ways its a reward for being active and loyal. Since its non tradeable, players with multiple toons wont have an unfair advantage.

08-15-2013, 11:27 AM
Why plat at all? Some players out there who can not afford to purchase plat want a mythic pet too. It should be a loyalty reward.. Maybe non tradeable mythic pet, earned thru daily quests.. Farm x number of tokens every day. Should take around 4-5 months to get a mythic pet if worked upon daily. That ways its a reward for being active and loyal. Since its non tradeable, players with multiple toons wont have an unfair advantage.
Ok, that also works, but why daily tokens? I'm sure most of us would like to see new dungeons no?

08-15-2013, 12:24 PM
Ok, that also works, but why daily tokens? I'm sure most of us would like to see new dungeons no?

I don't think he means specifically the Story Tokens, just a token in general. It has to be a form of 'currency' which can't be traded and, most importantly, isn't gold.

08-16-2013, 01:33 PM
Bump* Want ppl to see this :)

08-16-2013, 05:15 PM
If the dungeon were actually difficult to complete it would make a difference. Running the hauntlet and the story token quests is gruellingly boring in my opinion and rather than run the daily bard quests I solo Elite Brak forest twice. This is the same amount of time it takes for me to do 4 bard quests.

I get 1 kettle about every 10 days (like 1 in 20 runs) without using a plat luck lixer and without using a klaas or Shaz lixer (Amulet only).

Admitedly there are times when I don't do my 'dailies' because I'd rather do something else - but for me, 3 kettles in 30 days is a much better investment of my 9 minutes daily than doing bard quests.

That being said - I would LOVE to have a daily quest that was challenging, that perhaps required a team effort (Nordr Elite Boss is a good example), and that rewarded tokens or currency of some sort. Part of the idea for daily quests is to keep a player playing - they say it takes 30 days to form a habit and if you think it's coincidental that running almost 30 days worth of daily quests yields a Colton think again. Smart psychologists have helped to develop the mechanisms that keep us playing games like this... Just saying :)

I for one am all for those mechanisms - I actually believe that you sort of have to have them in place if you don't have an environment large enough to keep everyone busy all the time...